Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 9

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WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, TH URSDAY, JAN UARY 11, 1973, PAGE 9 Whitby Arts Station features photographv The ntany faicets of photo- graphy today will be the Janu-. ary feature at the Whitby Arts Station. Fromi January 6 to 28 the photographic works of' several of the more well known phiotographers will be on dis- play. The work of Richard Chomiko fromn Joe Bloc Photo, Oshawa, Murray White, Ajax, Dennis Jukes and Terence Sims, bothi of Whitby will bc on display. A special meet the piotographers n ighit will also be featured Friday, January 12, at 8 pi.nî In keeping withi photo- graphic nionth, a weekiy workshiop wili aiso be niade available beginning Monday, January 22 fromn 8 touI1O p.m. The cost is $20 for i10 weeks -witli instructor phiotographer Murray White. Ail interested are invited to telephione Mariene Hlilton at 668-5988. The statîtins phiotographic work shiops in 1972 were very successful. Whiitby couincil Monday nighit moved to support and endorse unaniniously Travel- ways of Canada Limited who %vill be appeàring at a public hiearing in Toronto, February 2 for permission to operate charter buses in Whitby. If successfui. Travelways would receive permission to transport charter groups fromi Whitby to various points in North Amierica. Charter groups are usually composed of ser- vice clubs, school and churchi groups requiring transporta- tion simultaneously. At present the firi's clos- est storage operation is in Port Perry,.buIt if it gets theC green lighit to charter Whiitby._ NO MILK t-oliuihiedIrflI Iruflit page emiploymcent of' a more per- mnanent nature with more pay. A check by the WHITBY FREE PRESS proved that bie did keep that appoîintienlt and that the job was stili pending at press tîmie. And su a battie is being waged witb the local weltare departnient un bebiait' of the Walkers by the NDP Regional Office ini Oshawa. On Tuesday. January9 the WHITBY FREE PRESS editorial staff', with permnission f'romi the coutple, contactcd the Whitby branchi of' the Sal- vation Armiy. Witbin hlli an hour tbey biad a f'ood voucher f'or S20. But how long wiil that Toronto job bc pending. and ioxv long wiii the groceries and Janiie's mnilk last'? Witb any luck at al. the NDP regionai office will effect somie action iromi cither. or botb, the local M.P. or M.P.P. tbey cuntacted about the Wal- ker f'amiily. Su far the office bias been hamipered by the social service dcpartinent's closcd door poiicy. The policy sets out that ail enquiries to the departmient must be ban- dled by the mayor or any miember of council and that the department bead is an- swerablc tu only themi as bis cm ployers. Prcferring expedient action they have been trying tu con- tact Mayor Newman. Tbey tried ail day Tuesday tu no avail. But even witb Iuck, the Walkers wiIl need more than financial assistance. Like any average Canadian couple forccd to acccpt pre- cociuus responsibilities at a young age, thc Walkers are naive. On the advice of a wciI- nîeaning, older friend, young Walker has quit at ieast two known jobs now; uone because his employer made nu effort to pay him during a nine-week period of employment and another because hc barely made cnough to keep up to his budget, which, besides re- it is more than likeiy a Whitby office would be set up as its service is extended, vice presi- dent B. R. O'Connor informed Mayor Newman. Whien questioned by the mnayor regarding a possible public transit systcmi for the town, Mr. O'Connor replied lie felt this would make cause for a very interestirîg study by his company. It was a generai counicil concensus that the Town of Whitby lias more buis lnes with less service thian any other municipaiity and the Travelway's overture, made in a competitive situation, was subsequen tly wariy wci- coined by the council. quiring imii to look after bis wifc and baby. requires him to keep abrcast of bis bis. inciuding iarnîies crib. 1 or wbich tbey arc being pressured t'or payment. The employer hiad just been paying himi the exact minimuim wage. Walkcr's friend and adviser. a union man. tuld im b le shioldnit have to wvork for this amnoun t of mioney. So whcen the caîl for work camne fromi the welfare de- partmnent lie opted for more pay and was off to Toronto. The weifare departmient of course, gues by the book. ldeaiisticaily. Mien young Grace Walker was first told of the 3-day street cleaning job availabie lor lier lbusband, she asked the informing social wurker, "Would you like your hiusband to dlean streets for S2 an hour?" There is nu rooni for ideais. however. at the Whiitby wei- f'are departmient. and uniess the Vakers change tlieir atlti- tudes, the dcpartmient says there will be no assistance for thcmi. If Walker had acccpted the street clcaning job instead of kecping the Toronto appoint- ment "we mnay hiave offered tbemi somie financial assis- tance," explained a social worker fromi the wclfare office. But sadiy, along with the flat refusai on cmergctîcy as- sistance, the couple rcceivcd absolutely no couunselling or advice besides, and that ap- pears to us what thcy nced mos t. They wcrc not toid by the dcpartmcnt that the local branch of the Salvation Army mighit bc more lenient wîth them regarding emergency as- sistance. lnstead the welfare departmcnnt appears to hiave assumed their food and milk problcmn was flot su serious. A social worker, Mrs. Brown, who. worked on the Walker case, agrecd with the FREE PRESS that perhaps what the Walkers need miost is good counselling. In claborat- îng, however, shc further ex- plained tîtat since the vacancy left by Dr. Ralph Cardillo last year, the oniy avenue open for people needing coun- seiling is the outpatient unit of the Wbitby Psychiatric Hospital. But there is certainly a stigmna attacbied to this mneans which somnetimies offers a neg- ative rather than positive as- pect in encouragifig people to use it, shie said. In lher own stated view, the position left by Dr. Cardillo is sadly issed by bier de- partnent. Dr. Cardillo left to take emipioymient for the City of Oshawa, and the town whichi subsidized a substantiai portion ut the couinsclors salary, hias neyer seen frit to hiave im iirepiaced. Wiie the welfare depart- ment insists it is screammirg for the sort of services offered by a taînily counsellur. the town counicil is not certain the service is warranted. "Somietïimes when one can accept bis responsibili tics as hecad of hîs home in the first place." says Mrs. Brown. "lie is willing to accept work more readily, and thcy (welfare cases) sceem to find it casier to discuss their problemis with a counsellor than with a repre- sentative of the departmient," she added. Mrs. Brown also admitted The new executive of the Whitby area Heart Association was named earlier this week. They are: Nigel Schilling, chairman; Haroid Eaton, vice chairman; Mrs. Jessie Gart- shore, secretary; Gord Mifflin, treasurer and Judy Durkee, publicity. The new executive is busy preparing for Ileart Month which takes place during the rnonth of February- that in1 many cases young people who are antagonistic toward the departrnent seemi more able to co-operate and to cope period after coun-1 seliîng. In other cases the couniselling is very effective after a period of financial assistance, shie said. In the case of the Walkers shie admnits nio advice or ini- structions where to turn next were ever volunteered by hier departmnent. "Their attitude seenis to bc that they wîli accept no 'iow-class' jobs and we have our regulations to go by," she said. Despite the righits and wrongs of the situation, we feel that the mother and i- fant shouldn't have been made Heart Sunday falîs this year on Sunday, February 11, and once again the executive witl request that the town proclaini the interim between Monday, February 12 and Saturday, February 17 as Heart Week. Upon reccipt of their litera- turc, the executîve asks you to carefully con sider the heart slogan, 'Give so more can live.' to suffer by the department's outright refusai on financial assistance. Admittediy, we miay not know ail of the circumnstances, but we are hoping that if the welfare departmient had had a counisel 'ling service to which to refer tliern, the Waikers would hiave been referred, at least, for counsel. The Walkers are naive but nice young people and they're just two in a population of 25,000. If you care about social problemns in your municipali- ty, write your councilior and tell himi your concern that Whitby is without this vital aspect of social services- Please. 1973 VOLKSWAGINS $2198 24 Months or 24,000 mile Warrenty IMMEDI&T DILIYIRY SEE AIL THE NEW MODELS lus muiy V><W Ro-condit- Ion.d Trade-ins and other Usnd Cars. PICKERING CAR Baseline Rd. 'A mile east of Harwood Ave, AJAX 942-108 Authorized V-W Sales &Servce Seeus f irst about youu estate Estate planning for the living as well as protection for successors go together. That's why we suggest you cail us right now to help you develo your living estate plan-then get your lawyer to draw up your Will. Generation after generation, Vrictoria and Grey has specia- lized in helping to plan for estate developmnent for today as well as protecting the inte- rests of tomnorrow's heirs. You make your will; we make it work. GT00ORf4 and GREY RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W.. WHITBY M6-9324 Council endorses bld to establish bus line Winners of "Lady and the Tramp' colouring contest were announced at the Brock Theatre fast Sat- urday afternoon. There were thirty-five entries submitted to the theatre, and pro prietors Bill and Tessie Brant assure us some vvere quite amusing, most especially some of the charmîng colouring efforts of the younger entrants. Above are first, second, third, fourth and consolation winners (left ta riglit): Michael Cain, Donna Bayles, Janice Shaw, Shelly Flemming, Donna Lee Henrietta Berker and Mikhel Harilaid, ail of Whitby. Heurt Fund executive

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