WHITBY FREE PRESS THURSDAY, JANU/ARY 4,19 PAGE 7 BIRD')leS, EYE by Ji. Oucil Missed it ag ain 1Irnîissed miy deadine for this coiumin. When the editor and 1 talked about what 1 would Write about this week she causticaily suggested 1 Write about the deadliiîes 1 always mniss. That's what the niewspaper gaine is A about. Dead- hines are aiways hianging over youir hcad. Either youi make theni or you don't. lt's Mien you doift make thenli that you gelt 10 meet thle editor. 1I meet mny editor qutite a lot these davs. Whi realize 1 ain goiing to miss Li deadîjuie I try to hiide bu t sue seeks nie mit every' time. Suce is get t itg stîcakier these davs. Suie tik-es Lai averaige Liid ligu res mit by how imuchi1 miss mv deadline Liand then sue add s lier grand- mo aîrstge. suibîracts ilirce Liid Ldds thle cu riî i volu niie liimber ol tIlie paiper. Ilt LiWays coiiiCS OUmtt Ile saitie. Slîe waîts sIli coli unii n Xi lit tle' eai n ier tiiis week . Fan jer istiLIl i iniLii5aLtday eLilier. Tue problemns iren 't juist con tiiied io cedeLi hes wlieuî writiîîg co Iluîîî s. Reportecrs have tIlie 5 r ic test deadlIi îles oft ail. If t'a colluii is too la te a il gelts iii issed tIlie pape r \woîi su lier tuucl i but il' tlle reporter miiisses a ileLd inhe omi a major niews story it iakes tlle paper look bad 1kw i*not cairyving uIle story. WritilictIl~e editorialil teailis xviitîlg iWjst hefnle t paper gîtes ti) press bcctinse tlle edt(I or iai cold chialie drast icaliv iin a thav or twvi. aiid il' il's xvrit tei îoo eaiîy pe r ress tlimîe il ilig iit thaLve tii bc revised or coinpie tely rexvrit ten as thle press lime gets close. The sa lesmien t lia t sel I tlle adve rt isinig space a I so h ave deadimes a id l'or t lientii il eails work iit al Ileast a xveek aliea1d xvhlei tlev seliLiadvei tisîne. THE HOUSE 0'F SCANDINA VIAN HOME FURNISHINGS I MPORTED OR CUSTOM MADE Whitby)Ma.ill Hwy. 2 <It Thickson Rd, 576-1880 hans ieipner See us f irst about your estate Estate planning for the living as weli as protection for successors go together. That's why we suggest you cail us ight now to heip you develop your living estate plan-then get your lawyer to draw Uip your wiil. Generation aftcr generation, Victoria and Grey has specia- lized in helping to plan for estate deveiopnient for today as weli as protecting the inte- ests of tornorrow's heirs. You make your wili; we make it work. GREY RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WVHITBY 668»9324 Selling the advertising is just the beginning of the story. After the space is sold the ad rnust be made up. That means a suitabie pIcCC of artwork mnust be selected and the copy inusi be written. After the copy is written it mnust be typeset. Once the copy is typeset it is again rnatched with the artwork and the ad niust bc 'pastcd down' to sec how it looks frorn an aesthetic point of view. lt's pretty hard for a salesmnan to be wrapping up the details for an ad this week whiie trying to get out and seil advertising space for the next issue. Sometimes our star salesman cracks under the strain. He wanders around the office, bleary eyed and mumibling to himnself about bcingý 80 inches short. Whienever 1 sec hîi in this condition 1 always try to cheer him up. 1 usually say soneting like, "Cheer up Ron, unemiploymient benefits are getting better every week." I like to cheer up the staff whienever 1 can. One week I had our star salesmian so chieered up hie chain smoked a whoie pack of cigarets in two hiours. The oniy one 1 notice whio neyer cracks under the strairi of deadiines is our resident Scottish secrctary and me- ceptionist. In fact lateiy 1I have this nagging suspicion that shie doesii't have the same deadîjues tie rest of the staff lias. By admnit ting this rny life won't be wortlh living around the pap)er for a mion tii. In fact 1 know she'il bc gunning for mie aIs sool as this issue hit s the strcets. The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 'We buy and seil anythi ng" 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA e "EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MANI# and so better able to meet those terrible dcadlines. Maybe that's the part that rcally rubs me the worst. 1 just hate to sec anybody so damn organized. As for the rest of us we just survive from one deadline to the next. It ail cornes to a head by Wednesdlay niglit when the paper goes to press and it ail starts on Monday of the next week as that fearful deadline gets dloser and dloser. One of these weeks 1 might just make a deadline and get in good favour with my editor. This week 1 didn't and I'm nlo t. SAVE ON<j 1DXý ULfè COU Us Todoy for Prmpt, C«u ~me Suvle DX FUEL OIL 66438 Durham College Retraining Diîvision If you are unemployed or currentiy thinking of returning to the labour force, why flot upgrade your education or take advantage of our commercial training to improve your employment possibilities. These programmes are organized on a continuous intake basis to accommodate new entrants through- out the year. ACADEMIC UPGRADING Elementary school completion: Although we try to accommodate ail appticants we are organized to accommodate those applicants with grade six and higher. GRADE LEVELS 9 to 12 Each level normally takes 16 weeks to complete but if you are willing to work hard enough with our concept of individual learning you can complete a level in less time. COMMERCIAL TRAIN ING Our commercial departmeflt offers training in typing, bookkeeping and shorthand. You can enrol for 12 weeks or longer depending on the time re- quired to reach a level of prof iciency to enable you to obtain employment. If you are not eligible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enroil in a 12 week course for $36, 16 weeks for $48 and 40 weeks for $120. For further information contact: MR. R. MALONE' THE RETRAINING DIVISION DUR HAM COLLEGE 0F APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOG3Y OSHAWA, ONTARIO TE LEPHON E: 576-0210, EXTENSIONS 227, 228, 231. DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAIN ING ALLOWANCES? FOR DETAI LS CONSULT VOUR LOCAL CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE I "i <4 0 i