PAGE 6, TI-URSDAY,.DECEMBER 28, 1972, WHITBY FREiE PRESS in his colouring, but also his antics, does ho add ddornment to your home but even for small audiences can put on a delightful show. - A Parakeet's affection and confidence can -easily be won by both children and aduits. Within a few days of getting to know your littie ounce and one-haîf, perhaps a feather more, you will have found the perfect companion. Taming, talking and tricks can be accomplished in the samne identical order. Stop by his cage at fre- quen t intervals during yourhousehold chores, and ~ perchi on a thin wooden stick held in your hand while ho is still confined to his cage. Next, try coax- ing him to perch on your y finger. Once ho accepts your finger, gently with- draw your hand from the cage, speaking quietly and gently stroking his- breast. With this accomplishment maké sure that an extra special troat is ready for this momien tous occasion. Act One, Two or Th ree- your littie budgie's reper- toire is unlimnited when OTTUNRIi S, MEN'IS WA 103A DUNOAS W. 668-3261 "EVERYTHING FOR THE* e :WELL DRESSED MAN'ý, IPLUMBING DISCOUN ~ FIXTURES à SUPPLIES 701 Brock st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU I-ours: 9 *.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sot. 9 a.m. to 5 p.'m. 668u6601 NO0TI1C E TOWN 0F WH ITBY INAUGURAL MEETING Take notice that the Inaugural Meeting of the newîy eîected Council of the Town of Whitby will be held on Saturday, January 6th, 1973 at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. The general public is invited to attend. Dated at Whitby this 22nd day of December, A.D., 1972. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. Ont hce's in thc mood to performn tricks. Froîîî acrobaties to feet and beak tricks hc'Il continue to entertain you for hours. Even when left atone, hc'll pcrforni these sanie tricks just to amuse himiself. An intelligent bird, lie can be trained to ride, clinîb, pull and push toys with his beak, but your firstjoyous mo- ment will bc when hie masters his first word. Alrnost everyone agrees that most budgies can bc tauglit to talk. Sex makes no différence, both male and fe- maie wiIl talk. A keet (youngster) will learn quicker and and even more so if you only have one bird. With patience and persistence, repeilt one word, and only one word, his name will be a perfect choice, un til hielhas mastercd it. After hie catches on, he'll even surprise you with words.acquired froni your daily conversations with him. Enquire at your local pet shop about recordings you may buy to help this training. Or better stili miake a recording of your own voice that he can listen to and even talk back to. If you are conternplating purchasing a budgie, you have the colours of the rainbow to choose froin. The basic colours are: greens, yellows, blues, fallows, whites, violets, graywings, mauves, lutinos, cobalts and cinnamons. Make sure you choose a young bird with the colour bars still re- maining on his head. If the bars are rnissing, even an expert wilI be unable to determine his age. These bars will disappear around ten to twelve weeks old. The "cere", found over the upper part of the beak, will be your guide in deternining the sex. The "cere" of the male is deep blue; the female's is a whitish tan, brown or ight blue. These distinct colour changes occur at about eight to ten weeks of age. For the budgie owner here are soîne very important "DO'S" and "DON'TS" in caring for your feathered pet. Make sure the cage is of proper size to allow for plenty of exorcise, placed in a spot away fromi direct sun- light and drafts. The basic accessories are perches, at least one with a sanded tube slipped over it, and seed and water cups. Keep fresh gravel paper on the bottomi of the cage for sanitary and absorption reasons; it also aids in his digestion. Cuttlebone con tains calcium ,and lelps, hone his beak, Keep hîs cage dlean and fresh at al tuimes. Washi the seed and water cups daily. Always throw out the seed. Remiember, your budgie is careless, he nibbles aIl through the day, even tossing the hulîs of the seed back ini his cup -givinig you the illusion lie has plenty to eat. The keys to your pet's health are proper diet and exorcise. Whien you take him to your veterinarian for toc niail clipping ask hirn what you slîould do when hie reaches the niolting stage. Remienîber tlîis little ounce and onie-hiaîf is subject to colds, constipation. diarrhea, mnites and pnieumionia. Also, make it a weekly habit to check for mites and lice. At the base of his tail is a littie reservoir of oil, which lie sticks his beak in to preen his feathers. If. this should ever becomne dark in colour take imii to youir veterinarian. On his first flight out in your home, miake suire all large windows have 'their drapes closed. Large niîirrors are also a hazard, as is your stove hurner left 0on higli. Confine your little pet to one room for the first couple of timies of freedom-on-the-wing. Knowni his native country of Australia as a Bet- cherrygah, in '1748 hie was re-namied in England as the lit tIc Budgeregar. Meanwhile, in France, this little fellow who resembles the parrot was called the paroquette. lence today, in the Amiericas, lie is knowni as the Budgie or Paraqueet. 0111-8nà ing D)ancing mothballs - by Sid Morris YoV igtbehvigtruls epigth hide What does WHOSE WHO do for you? Anything you want if fo! Yeou no longer neèd to travel 35 miles to find lether and suede ýHAND- -.- MADE PLATFORM BO0OTS / SHOES. "- ' We carry a good selection of "Whose » Boots" and custom order your size ~ and colour. You moy PARK FREE, behind 35 King St., W., off Athol, or Whose Who will pay customner parkin~g ot the' municipal lot behind the Boutique Centre. WHOýSE WHO Boutioque 13 KING ST. W., OSHAWA - 579-2401 YMCA schedu.Ie YOUTH PROGRAM SATURDAYSWIM INSTRUCTION: Vanier & Centennial Pool in Oshawa. Instruction in 5th Star Graded swim tests plus sixtlî star, senior Red Cross and Synclîronized swirn. Bus service from Whîtby & Irooklin. Course starts Jan. 6th to March 3 lst. $9.00 per 12 wcck session. $6.00 for Y members. G YMNASTI C C LUB8: Saturdays, Henry St. High School from 6:30 - 11: 30 a.m. Learn tumbling, basic apparatus, pyram id s, etc. Register Jan. 8th. $4.00 for 8 wceks - $3.00 for Y miembers. SENIOR GYMNASTICS: Coaching in the more advanced elements of gymnasties and apparatus work. Saturdays at H-enry St. High School 11:00 - 12:30 noon. Starts Jan. 6th. 8 weeks for $5.50 - $4.00 for Y menibers. SATURDAY GIR L'S PROGRAM: A variety programi at Dr. Robert Thornton School 10:30 - 12:00 noon. Includes floor hockey teams, (Cosom), voleybali, and other special interests. $ 3.00 for 8 weeks - $2.00 for Y memnbers. INTERMEDIATE BADMINTON: At Meadowcrest school in Brook- lin 10:30 - 12:00 Saturday mornîng-s. $3,00 for 8 weeks - $2.00 for Y members. FLOOR HOCKEY: Y Floor Hockey league held at Henry St. Highi School, Dr. Robt. Thorn ton and Meadowvcrcst School gyrnns. Teami play 9:15 a.rn. at cach school. Y tournarnents evcry second Saturday afternoon at HeInry St. High School. Resumes January 6th. $4.00 for 8 wecks - $3.00 for Y members. JUNIOR BADMINTON: Henry St. High School gymi. Saturday mornings froin 10:30 - 12:00 noon. Top coaching for ail students uip to 15 years. Sponsored by Whitby Y Badminton Club. Staris Jan. 6th to Fcb. 241h. $3.00 for 8 wveeks. $2.00 for Y members. MEADOWCR EST SCHOOL JUNIOR BADMINTON: After school I'ridays to 5:00 p.rn. Starts ian. Sth. $3.00 for 8 weeks. $2.00 for Y rnerbers. INTERMEDIATE BADMINTON: Meadowcrcst School in Brooktin 10:.30 - 12:00 noon Saturday mornings. $3.00 for 8 wceks. $2.00 for Y meînbers. BASKETBALL COACHING FOR BOYS: Henry St. Highi School gym. Starts Jan. 9tli. Junior - grades 7 - 8 - 9, 6:45 - 8:15 p.m. Senior - Highi School and Adults - 8:15 p.m. - 9:30 p.mi. $3.00 for 8 weeks. $2.00 for Y menibers. VOLLEYBALL: Y inter-school tournaments. Grade 7 - 8 and high school. Starts ian. lOth. l-eld at Henry St. Highi Scîiool gymi on Wednesday evenings. JUNIOR FOLK SINGERS: Learn the art of harmiony and receive voice training. Cent. BIdg. - Stan iJan. 11lth - 1:00 - 3:00 pa. Saturday atternoons. $4.00 for 8 weeks. $3.00 for Y mnembers. GUITAR INSTRUCTION: 3 classes - 6:45, 7:30 & 8:15 p.nm. Tues- day nights ai IHenry St. Higli Scliool for beginners and advanced be- ginners. Starts Jan. 9tlî. $8.00 for 8 weeks. $6.00 for Y mienbers. Y DAY CAMP: I-leber l)own Conservation Park. 4-2 day week camp sessions in July and August. Phone Y for folder. BABY SITTING COURSE: 9 w'eck course. Ages 1 2 yrs. up. Tucsday nliglits 7:00 - 9:00 p.nî. Starts Jan. 23rd. Basic Y memibership only. Y 4H HOMEMAKER'S CLUB: Girls ages 12 up. a 10 week course starts IFeb. 6tlh. Tuesday niglits, Henry St. Higli School. Basic Y mcmnbership plus club fees. 11 WOODCRAFT: 3:45 to 5:00 pan. Palmrerston Sclool. Meadow- crest School, Dundas St. School, Westminster Chiurch. $3.00) for 8 weeks - $2.00 f'or Y mnembers. NEEDLECRAFT: For girls age 10 up. 3:45 - 5:00 p.i. Palmierston School, EFA. Fairmian, Meado\wcrest,. l)r. R. Tliornton School. St. John's, Dundas St., St. Paul's, $3.00 for 8 wceks. S2.00 for Y mcmi- bers. MODEL AIRPIANE CLUB: Tuesday nights - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.- Centennial Building, Starts Jan. lôth. $4.00 for 10 weeks. $3.00 for Y memibers. STAMP CLUB: After school club for children wvlio like 10 ollect aind trade stamps i CHESS CLUB: For hliglh school students and adults - Henry St. Highi School Thursday niglits 7:00 - 9:00 Resuniies Jan. 1l th. Adults $5.00 for 10 weeks, $3.00 for Y miembers. Students - $3.50 for 10 wvecks, $2.00 for Y-mcmbers. LEADERS' CORPS: Training sessions on the art of' group leader- siîp, workmng w îth people, skill sessions under excellent leadershîip. Be a Y leader. Y JUNIOR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: A representative council ot students planning group activities for you 1h. ADULT PROGRAMS BADMINTON: Hlenry St. l-li School new gyi. lPlay Monidays, Thursdays and Sundays. Active, wvell organized club f'or aIl levels of players. Resuines Jan. 8th. BASKETBALL: Men's Industrial League Basketball. I12 teami league COROLLA 1200 SEDAN o Front Disc Brakes o White Weil Tires o Reer Window Defoggor o Four Sp..d Synchrormsh Transmission o And Many Othors IESTWAY MOTURS DUNDAS ST. W. WmIToV 668m4792 The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET -We buy and seli anything" 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA OpnEveninp Tuesday &Md Thundqay IVAN'S DUUSST. L WHTD "'If you want to look your best" <4161~B-3214410 4»Mll 7 7-7