Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Dec 1972, p. 5

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WFIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1972, PAG BIRD'S EVE view by Jim Quaoil. Leftover turkey Thiat's the biggest problin inow. What do you do withi 10O pounds of Ieftover turkey? Having been alimost addicted to bicarbonate of sodas this week 1 really can'î face ail that leftover turkey. Thie Christmas mneal was great. Turkey with ail the dressing and pudding and so miany goodies rnly stoinachi was screainîig for mnercy. Eveni the turkey sandwiches the next way weren't bad but it's getting to be too miuch of a good thing. One Egad. The festive table ai. mnost did mne in. And just think we have a whole three days 10 rest up before il starts ail over again. The peculiar weather over the holiday did littie to con- tribute to the festive spirit but 1 guess we were better off than many. Up 10 four inches of ramn in B.C. and, on Wed- nesday, the mnercury stood at 40 degrees in Fort Lauder- dale, Fia. At the prices in effect there over the Christ- mas and New Year's week. ends that's hardiy what one would caîl a warm welcome. As the end of another year approaches one cari't heip but retiect on the past 12 mion ths as they afïected the County Town and uts residents. An interesting fed- eral election took place with local representation un- changcd but a rather stagger- ing reversai in overali results. The municipal elec tion saw a healthy turnou t at the poils with a predictable resuit as far as the imayoral ty camipaignl went. There are new faces on counicil and perhaps we'Il see somie spirited confrontations before the next vote, which probably will cor-ne in Sep- temnber. But perhaps the big- gest event wvas the proposed plans of' Queen's Park for re- .inigovernmnent. lt is stili Much to() early to know just how we will be affected by the plan but affected we wil be, and you can bet on thaI. Our town's core area may be in for a new lease on life if the announced intention of reviving the merchant's asso- ciation cornes about. il seems ineredibie that a town the size of Whitby can't generate enough interest among its merchaints to brincy abouit uni- m a n's vioW By Bill Williams fication for the gond of re- tailers and customers ai-ke. Let's hope something will corne out of this iatest at- tempt to bring our retailers together. 1 guess it's back to the drawing board for the oid Whitby Arena property. On- tario Housing Corporation says projected plans for low rentai housing units above a commercial block just woni't compiy MIh the housing agency's regulations. Perhiaps one or the other of' the re- maining proposais wili now be adopted. lî's a valuable site and one that surely cani be put to good Lise by somne developer who lias the ini- terests of' the communi ty at heart. Low rentai housing is badly needed here and we liope some way' cani be founid bo bring ir about on this con- veniient parcel of land. CIan't resist giving ourselves a pat on the back for our Xrnas issue last week. We perused our competition's is- sues and decided that ours was the best by far. It took a lot of thought and a little extra effort but we 110W feel it was well worth it. After thc traditional Chrisîma,,,s imeal rny refrigerator is always bulging with lcftovers and ail that turkey sure isni't helping the situation any. it's about ime somcebody came ouit with a cook book that lias i101 recipes for left. ovcr Christmnas turkey. Of. course the turkey would have to be disguised so your stoniacli wouldn't know iL was about to be besicged with another deluge of turkey. Turkey isnt t he only problern. If you'rc like the the average Christmnas reveller you not only overindulge with turkcy but with booze and ail kinds of rich foods as weli. lt's cither feast or famine. A rnonth before Christmas I'd give an armi and a leg for a good home cooked meal but at Christnuas 1 geL so rnany I consider fasting for ail of January. The governmnent should consider making Christmas a înonth. Instead of celebrating the whole shot in one or two days we should have a National Christmas Month so. we could spread ail those good meals over the period of a month. Hopefully we couid spread the glad tidings and kindness 10 fellow man over the rnonth as well. And for ail the joys of Christmnas 1 hate to think how many diets are îotally shattered over the holiday period. The work of spending two m-onfths losing a lousy 10 pounds goes down the drain in two days with ail the rich holiday food. Food is one of my favourite sins so at Christmas mny fiesh is just to0 weak 10 turn down any goodies that are o ffe red. Worst of ail, now that Christmas is barely out of the way and still a recent and pleasant mernory, we are faced with a new challenge. Fast approaching is New Year's and a possible cirrhosis of the liver. It doesn't make sense does it? Over Christmas you pile on the pounds and over New Year you niake a good attemnpt at being an alcolieî. Spin ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST BOWLING LEAGUE Scores froni Deceînber 18: H-IGFITRIPLES: Bill Schroer 738, Allan Oerton 694, Father John 683, Roland Chiasson 640, Joe Frendo Cumibo 658, Greta Rieger 623, Dave Smith 621, Mary Mul- cahy 608. HIGII SINGLES: Agnes Schroer 235, 201, Mary Donahue 232, Tina Bokkers 23 1, Joe Jeffrey 225, Cathy Arbour 223, Mat Koisteren 221, 208, Lloyd Kami- eka 216, 209, Jerry Oueîlette 2 16. XINNERS O01:l'TlE'TURKI-Y ROLL: Bill Schroer,' Matt Kol- steren, Joe Mulcahy, Allan Ocrton, Chris [-rendo Curnbo, Gisela K rau se I. WIIITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE-- SEL(TION PINI"ALL: Aiksorts 18,366; Guidrops 18,642; hlum- bugs 18,661; JchIy F3ans 19.526; Life Savers 18,463-, Maple Buds 18,686; 1epperînin tsI18,664 and Sniarties I19,07 3. T"RII>LL:S OVER 600: F. Ltt 698; E.. Avison 693; B. Cîiilds 689; D. Kehuoe 684; M. Lintner 655; S. Spencer 630-; J. Cox 626; L. Walker 621, A. Bradley 620 and A. Anderson 615. SINGLE'S OVtI-R 225: S. Pencer 266: D). Kehioc 264; 1-. Avison, 253, 241, B. Childs 248; M. Lin tner 246; J. (C ox 243; F. Lot 241, 236, L. Walker 24 1; S. Goldrick 241-; A. Barker 23 1; P. K ,ICHELIN steelabelted radial Allersley Tire ServiCe Davie 229; J. King 228; M. Me- Laughlin 229 and V. Brear 226. TURKEY ROLL WINNERS E. Avison, D. Kchoe, D. Moore, A. Bradley, I. Uarndale, A. Ander- son, S. Nicholson and F. Parsons. The lucky draw winners wvere: L. Walker, A. Scheli and M. Juby. Ncw Year's day is supposcd tb bc the first day of a sparkling new year. A d 'ay whien you sit in meditation and make resolutions that you know darnied well you won't keep and a day you decide to forge ahead with bigger and bettcr things for a new yeai. As it turns out one part usually cornes true. If you're like me you'Il wind up with an even biggcr hangover than the one yoL, loudly eursed last New Ycar's day. As New Year's eve approaches husbands ail over the country make a solemn promise to their wives that they won't get cute with the young girls. Sure. . . . And every New Year's day the hubbies wake up trying to figure out if they're alive or just feeling dead. And the wives tactfully-at about 100 decibles-re-- mmnd them of ail the previous day's promises they broke on New Year's eve. So fore warned if forearmed. That means if 1 remind you about last New Year's you might flot make the same mistakes this year .... maybe. I've already decîded on one New Year's promise. 1've decided to give up overindulging with booze and making a fool of myself chasing around after the opposite sex when I'mn three parts t0 the wind. Yep!, I've decided t0 do just that. . . . right after New Year's ....... TOWN 0F WHITBY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby will be holding a Public Meeting in each of the four wards in co-operation with the Whitby Chamber of Commerce to outline the proposai by the Province of Ontario for Local Government Reform in the area east of Metropolitan Toronto. The citizens of Whitby are invited to attend and parttcipate in the meetings which will be held at 8:30 p.m. on the fol lowing dates and locations: January lfith, 1973 January 23rd, 1973 January 3Oth, 1913 February 6th, 1973 Town of Whitby Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby E.A. Fairman School, Palace Street, Whitby Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East, Brooklin Dr. Robert Thornton School, Scott Street & Hazelwoad Drive, Whitby. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby c..IiO 1390 AJAX SPO'RTS' PERSON TO PERSON' ràýà:,;COMMUN ITY RADIO CHOO 13 90 * LOCAL* NEWS the C,,OUNTRY

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