PAGE 6 HUeSDAY,_DECEMBER 21_ 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD'S EV'E VIE.W Âby Jim Ouail Thiat magie day is fast appruý-tJuîîig. Shoppet's are scurryig aromnd for las i minute prescrits amîd cverywhere you look thiere is a gay Christmas attiiosphiere. The s110w whichi was a curse a week ago suddetîly nmakes Christmîas seemî more ike a Walt Disnîey sceiie. A greei hloliday seasoui jusî Iacks that extra special somiething to niake Christmas a metiiorabie tinie. Clhristmas meanis maniy tings 1to îaîîy peuple. For a lot of liard working laborers. ilnieans a chanîce to sit down and resl thecir feet t'or a few days atiîd catch up 011 nîothcr's homie cookiîg. To a bLîsy executive it mîeaiîs a chiance lu stop globe hupping, and cutue homie- 1 gel re-acquainted ith Ihis farnîiy withiout hiaving to listeti lu the annoying jangle of phiomes. To a salesman it tîeatîs tio more driving iii ail kinds utf weather for a week and a chance to gel away fromi restauîratnt cookimîg. For thie storeowners it is a ime Mhen ai last die store cari be closeci and thee hordes of busy shoppers hiave fiîîally stopped. Amnd with a little luick tlhere wiIl be110o5flow uon Chiristnias day su the mii whlo spend ail witîter gel timîg rici ut' tlîe wlite stuff cati take a rest. Chiristmias imeatns tlîat for thie staff of thie FREE PRESS tie news wilI have tu happen without us because the utîly news. thiat shiulid happen on Chiristnmas Day is love, goodwiii and celebratiomîs of the birîhi of Chirist. Tiiere are a lot of peuple who will be tinkîing or us on1 Christnmas Day and miakiîg iL possible l'or us tu enjoy ourselves. 1To prolect our homes anîd property tliere wilI be policemeni working andi firenien on duty. For soniîeut', theni there is nuo holiday on Chiristîas or New Year's Day. Su that we mighit eîijoy mîusic or television specials there wiIl be radio announicers and television staff wurking on1 Christmas Day. Althuuigli thecir liearts will bc wîih tlîeir t'amufies and iuved unes thecy are wiîling (u give uip tieîir lîie su thiat we vighit have a bet ber holiday. Withlout tlle mieti 0n duity aItue lîyd ru getierating stations our homes wouid bc without hcat and- liglîtland l'or thuose of' us wlîo want to take a drive on Chiristnias Duiy there is usually one or two gas stations open for drivers whio get cauglht short. Wien we want Io wish a distant relative or fricnd a mcerry Chiris.timas we hiave only to pick up the telepliune and dial, thanks to a lut of people whu w6re,wil.ling to spare sumne of their tirne on that special daY. And in hundrecis of hiospitak sailluver the coùnitry there will be a dedicated groupof nurses, doctors and staff who will give an extra effort to niake Christmas a ilicer day for ail the patients. When yuu start tinkinig about aill he services t.hat' are available Lu niake uur holiday pleïasant yuu will realize that there aré mure peuple giving you gifts and special ttioughts thian thle narnes on your cards and presents. On Christmas Day i hiope each ut' y'uu wiil reîîîember ail those people as well as the elderly and shut-ins andc sick peuple confined Iu thîcir bcds. To those people i think we shu d aIllinakc an effort to let theni know how inucli we shotuld do a lit tIc someîhing extra to make thecir day special t ou. Aîîd Mhcn titat spccial day arr-ives I hope youill re- member thart Ile good wishies uf' aIl the staff at the FREE PRESS arc withyou. Sohave a Merry Christmas! vt ý-z ýI letters to the edit-or box 206, w h i tb sale as ot' December 1 at 285 i icense issu iîg offjices throiîgliout the province. They are expected Iol last Ltp tu 5 y/Cars anîd ftLtLre retîewal wili be f'acilitaîcci by îîeatîs ot' a sticker lu be attacliec Iol thie lower riglît-haîid corner lu thie plate. Registrationillviibe pay- able on a yeariy basis wiuli thîe animLal 'ee 10v ani 8-cyiin- decr auitomiobile bcitîg S40; a 6-cylimîder velîicle 5?:aad S23 fo0r a 4-cyliaider car. ~, licences TORONTO Premier Williamî Davis prevîewed the inew style Q ood cheer ta our s I 1973 muitlti-year license plIates wonderful friends and mionthe eve 'f thecir goîig un patrns. e'v enjyedsale Io the genieral puiblic, being of service. Twhen 1w as riisud (i0se1 b iLatiunis Min ister Cordoni Car- .~ ~ ton tloday. " "'FlicOnîtario --Keep It BeaUitUil slogan, e o u fitrst rimie will bc a coniiit- F - tg reinider Io itue Ieuple utf Ot arjo lfor thelie eec for piîb- t 1h. co-opera tionin iicon t roliiig litt er anid pirolectî ing theCil- vionii tîi this iva pr o- IICC 0o! OUI S-aici thle Pre- Mir. ('avIon siessed i tatIli >.' V osi over SI -ilîîiliouî Iu clear. Ilit ter an cd t va sh tvroiii 011t ario s ~ ar~ .. lîgliways eac ~ ~ , ' '-hi S 11V Simîcere hiope thiat Ilile 1nIo)Itors ut' Ontarjo vill lîceci thle slogaii ai( help) LIS S/ keep On tario haittLi. i Elivii rua mcii t Miiîister JameS ALîld stateci. 'We cai lcgisiatte igaziinst air, wa uer atîid S a n d w i c h K i n q i t develip lis per. soniai colîccra ii iiiiakitîg 0O1- 1 25 B r o c k S t . So uth uaio a beller place t live." I veu lccîs pltecs weîît onl Som ething for her... for Christmas. KFECHENAD® DISHWAH ERS Buit better Not cheaper Whichever KitchenAid dishwashor. you buy, you'II get outstanding performance and reliability. That's what's buît aur reputatian ever since KitchenAid dishwashers were introduced over 21 years ago. We make even aur Iowest priced models ta he as reliable as the highest pricedi models of other brands. And to make sure yaur KitchenAid will wark properly from the first day yau get it, every one is hooked up and tested before it leaves aur factory. Built-Ins Enjoy the convenience of a KitcheniAid under-counter dishwasher. It's always ready ta do your dishes. lt's easy ta load and unioad. Simple to use;' Needs a space just 24" wide. I manguum BRfIHNT CHIRISTMAS WISHBES Hope your holiday gleams with good cheer and is filed with happy times. Schiatzr-nann Real Estate, 215 Duildas Street East