Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 12

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PAGE 12, TH JRSDAV, DECEMBER 21. 1972, WHITBY FR EE PRESS FOR CHRISTMAS Hope your Christmas is looking great. Mary Our wishes and thanks be with you ail season long.. . reflectîng our friendship. Merry Christmas to ail our patrons. IWhitly OGlas 8Mirro'r 210 Irock St. So u ti with Mike Burgess As 1 sit here pen to paper, reminiscing about the past year, I feel very, very tired. You don't realize as you d10 things how often you do themn, except when you sit dowri and start couniting. Believe it or not, ini the past year 1 have covered (wlîen this is publislîed) one hundred 'events' related to miotoring or moturspurt. Breaking it down, mnect- ings I have lield or atteîîded, exceeded 30 ini nuniber. I've competed ini 16 events between here and Detroit (clown from the. 30 I c ompeted in iast year) urganized or hieiped organîze various happenings (Autofes, Can-Ami garage, Can-Ani Crippled Chiîdrens' rnoney raising etc.), and an endless list of activities I have reported on througlhoutîhe year (somietinmes covering thre': events in une diay!). And that's why 1 feel tired! 1 didn't feel tired when 1 was doing it, becauise 1 enjoy it. And I hiope thiat by trying and working liard, to cuver a variety of topics and events I have nîanaged to miake this columin a littie more interesting with local appeai ut a per- sonal level. 1 haven't had very many complaints, so 1 trust my readers who aren't compiaining are happy with wliat they are reading-if îlot let nie know. In any case, 1 guess wlîat l'ni trying to say is "thanks for the support you have given t-e,"' because your support is wiîat niakes it ail worthwhile. And wîtlîout wanting to sound antiestablishmient (aflhough I probably uni) or imi- materiaîistic (because l'ni not), it's not the nioney, because there isn't any. -a a d t Su this abbreviated coiumin is my Chîristia adt those nameless, faceless readers whiom I would scnd a card to if I knew who they were. My sincerest wishies to you, your famnilies, and loved ones for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And keep things happy by remembe ring that old cliche "if you drink don't drive!" 'Tii next year, Happy Motoring! Dear Santa (cLon Inucd fom page 1<)) "I3eginners, ini ternîcdiatc, and advanced. Siînilariy ini dres- sage and jumipinig." Courses include, flot only the actuai miechanics of rid- ing, bu t an emiphasis on ail the 'whiys' for doing things a certain way. 'Horsenlanship,' as well as instruction in the care of horses, groointg, and tacking. Senior lnstructress at Colonial Stables is Parnela MacDonald whose credentials include lier Certificate of Horsernanship from- the Poto- ma1c Horse -Centre, U.S.A. (whiclî is the North Amnerican coun terpart to the prestigious BritisliîB.H.S.A.1.) To ail the students and frequents of' Colonial tlîis sliglit, energetic, out-spoken, straw-blonde lady equestrian is affectionateiy, respec tfully known as 'Pam.' Thiere are tirnes when ail lier students, kids and adults alike, are con- vinced thiat no niiit ia 5cr- gean t major cou Id ou t-vocal- ize lier in the ring during a lesson. But always in die lessons there's instruction and guidance, cîcar and firi; con- stan t explanations gene rously laced with demionstrations, breezy ban ter and some fun, with the odd verbal strips tomn off deservingý students and as horse and rider trot and canter around the arena ringing shouts of 'Keep your knees in-tight! Heels down, tocs in. What are you doing... conducting a symphony with that swvingîng lower leg? Sit down in your saddlce keep your seat down. Sit up' straigh-don't flu forward- relax your Iower back- thiat's it! Goud!" There have becn occasions when stuldents have failed to keep it ail together right at the crucial moment, which invariabiy t'inds the horse pro- ceeding correctly on tlie right lead ini one direction white the student sails smoothly out of the saddle and down past the animal's shoulder into an enîbarassing sprawl in the thick sand-shavings of the arena floor. (For just such reason ail students are re- quircd to wear the black, satèéty riding cap). lt's the sort of experience any rider will, indeed imust, have. lt's great for lcveling the ego and improving concentration. "The miajority of our stu- dents are children and teen- agers, alhough about twenty- flive percent of themn are adults . . . people who uscd to ride a lot, years ago then got away froîîî it. Now they're getting back into it, brushing- uip on their riding and going on to learn new things." Mrs. Ash ton watches a young rider in the ring riding ut the can- ter with crossed stirrups (this îs. crossîng the stirrups up over the saddle and riding without theni). I think the greatest pleasure I,- get any- wuy--is watching the begin- ners--wutching themn beconie more con fiden t, be tter riders, and the tremiendous joy they get out of their accomipiish- men ts.' On the subject of why riding varies directly with the seriousnless and dedication with wlîichit is foliowed -like almost uny ollier sport. What is it about horses and riding that to riders is so great, makes it-like nothing cisc? Two of'Coloial Stables senior studenit riders and juin- pers-young teenagers, Holly White anid Denise Solcey put it this xvay : Holiy: "lî's excitiing. A reuI challenige. There's ulwuys soinethinig new and differenit. I like the people you meet- the other riders. 1 reully cani't expluini it. 1 jUst kinow i don't wanit to stop. i1 vant to go (co Il.id npge13 (con Iinzwd on i>a~c 13) ButRad ios eAplacs 118 Brock St. Sou thj there seem to be more girls invoived in riding than boys, Punii MacDonald lias som-e very def'iite ideas. "Thiere're more outlets, actîvities for thec boys, like hockey. Parents with a son who plays hockey think nothing of taking him to a 6:00'u.mi. practice, nor do they coniplaîn too loudly about tlie annual costs iii- voived. But if duughiter wunts to get out to thec stable at 5:00 a.m. to groom lier hiorse f'or a show usuaily slie'il get sonie static. lt's coming tiîough. We're ge tting tliere." eXpense-wisc, upari f roin buyîing a liorse righî off. flie aiIoiOît 0f iiioncy iiivoived in Y'ý 0, Holy Night. Let us honor and give praise .. . for it's the birthday of our Savior. Tony's Men's Hairstyling 106 Lupin Dr. W)e're wishing everyone a mountain of Christmas cheer. Many thanks for Ietting us serve you. Brock Theatre 129 Brock St. North

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