PAGE 6, tl SIA )l AKË -6-7 OUT DOORSMAM WITH PAUL WICHER What is your son going to do with the pellet gun that you bought hîrn for Christmas? Nine chances out of ten he's going ta become a nuisance to himself, and everyone else in the comrnunity. He will start out with tin cans, a bad inove to begin with, and will end up cold bloodedly killing anything that happens to corne across his path. e weeîî tirnes ho wîlI have ample opportunity to put some holes in a few windows, use a few automobiles to improve his lead, and bounce a few pellets off the passing trains. Would your boy do these things? You had better be- lieve he would because what else can he do with a weapon if ho is too young to appreciate the terrible consequences which a weapon can infliet. Would you allow him to drive a car without proper training and testing? Would society allow it? Dôn't think for a moment that a pellet or BB gun 1j R 14, 19721 WIlITI3Y FREE PRLESS is a tay. it i lI kilt and injure nîost animnais that 1 know of anîd t(ie 110VS medii hias brougit Lis -ail to() maîîy storios of cliild rcn wttlh weapons. I)on't, uinder îany circuistanccs illow your child ta recoive a wceapouîl'or C(1hristnmas. I ts use wti Iead ta criinali'1 charges betnig laid. Insteadl, huy a peliet gu,î tor yoursct f, zand i ake tthe youngstcr a acer youîr dlirec't con trot and lcacl i fi the re- sponlsibit ity dui wtt rest on Ilits stoulders once hoe is lcgatly able ta carry a weapoîî, ai tlhe age of si xtccn , ini the field. Tcach i i h low ta shoot, using the pellet gîta, rtghit ini the basemient ot your own homo. Koep this wcapon under tock and koy, just as you do wtth youî h igli powercd stu IT, and only ailow access to the guîî wien yoîi are tn inîmiediate supervision. As the youngstcr progresses, tako him to a range and let hlmi learn tb shoot anîd contrai the hieavier artiltery, gel im iita join ail organizcd shooting club; you should jota too as it will hielp his progross. If you follow tiiese guide linies by the tinie your son is roady ta take the tests for lits huîîîing licence ho witt be a responsible in- dividuai whio wiil do nothing but good for thle image of the hunter. Dog Owner Responsibility Dogs can oasily be brokea down into two types, those which work and those that don't. No inatter whtch type you mîay own it is Up ta you to mîako thts animal fit into your pattern of life and flot allow htra to becomo a tawnl pest. This sinîpty means thiat thie animal has to be kopt under coat rot and îlot altowed to do as lie pleases. If you permit your dog Io runî base to "get lits exorcise" than you simply shouldn't own the animal because you really don't give a damn about hiîn. Wliat is more heartbreaktng than ta- see miai's best friend run dowa by a car or paisoaed? If thiis doosn'î rnove you to a rosolutton nover to allow this ta happen ta your "best frtend" than you hiave a lîcart of granite. MI l îunting dogs shîauld be kept in a locked outside konnel Miîen flot ia the house or with you; thîts applies to most dogs. Chatntag a dog ta a dog hîouse ta mue seemîîs cruel as docs subjecting the canine to the merciless care of a youngster. Obodience training is a must as il paîiîlssly lots theo dog know Ilits place in lifo and roducos the chanîces aif litaii bocomning an unrulable citizen. Tlîe foregoiîîg plu 's a propor diet, the odd visit ta the vol aîîd plenty of love will emsuro that your hest buddy lives a long aad happy lifo. CHRISTMAS - A TIME FOR GIVING The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET "We buy and seli anything" ________ 23 PRINCE ST. 725-9783~ OSHAWA He11 Rnlýé-mber9 The Tîme Machine! A LONGINES-WITTNAUER PROCUCI *Tells the VEAR the MONTH the WEEK the DAY t he* HOUR -rthe MINUTE. - the SECOND-AUTOMATICALLYi And computes, with simple finger-tip adjusiment. ail Days and Dates int the Year 2015 *Seif-winding e Water-Resistant e Anti-Magnetic *Distinc- tive Midnight Blue dial. Matchinq bracelet, s 79.50 ewith strap, $ 6*9.50 ýP NGINES - Cosen to Time the 1972 Olympic Gaines - Munich. Herwkh I.w*elrs Ltd. 20SimeeSt S. 723-7133 Oshswm 7258443 Christmas Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 -9 Sat. 9 -6 Auihoized LONG INES-WITTNAUER Jeweier "%Lam posto' a standa'rd by Fleather Bradley Oîîe's first impressionî of a store carrytng the namne "Lamipost" mighit be ta label it as ai place 'ini which to pur- chaso light fixtures. But the Lanîpost whiclî is 110W accupying Jirn Btslop's sporting goods ini Oshawa, is stmpty the'nanîo for a store foaturing îaad nmade articles. The naine blonds in with the rLsttc bartîboard iîîtorior and brick firepiace. The simple outlay croates an atnîosphore, where one foots froc ta browse without bciag under heavy surveilance. To add ta this, hot coffee is avatlable ta customers who wislî to hetp thonîselvos. When asking proprietors, Muriel TrulI and Mary Smith what moved thcm ta open a store of unique- hand made articles, the rnajority of which are Canadian, Mrs. Truit an- swcred, "WVelh it started with wantiîig soamcthing a little dif- forent even if it mneamît having ta open your awii store." Aftor browsing, tlrough ware, an array of can- dlos and some inarble carvings anc mnight spot a section of ceranîics from Whitby's 0V/n Clay Pi t! Saine of the gaods arc ab- vious imports like the Koala boars and the Ilama fur poncho. As people continue to' stream ta, the ctiag-clang of thc brass and copper belîs may be heard overhead. Mrs. TrulI remarked "Sa many people said a store like ours couldn't make it, but it did."V Those of you who may' came searching for light bulbs gain the knowledgo of kaow- ing there are some Canadian handicrafts in the area; and who knows, you mighit even fiad that light bulb. WHITBY-Police are pressing tlîir investigation into an in- cident last weok when an automiobile had its rear wia- daw sui out andthe trunk penetrated by up ta I1I bulles. Thec car, owaod by an Oshi- awa mîain, as parkod autside thie Irookiin Arena Miecn the incident tiappenied. Police are treating the case as an act of vamdalisi but are conccrmîed bocause of' thie sor- tous niature of thie offenco. Inspector Fred Baker said incident s imvolviiag the dis- charge af tirearnîs reiaimi im open fltes until they are solved. Ho exptainied that a previaus shiootimig, imn which a girl was iajured white leaving the Spruce Villa Hotel nearly a year ago, is in this categary. "We stitl check periodic reports froiîu people bolieving t hey know somothing af imi- partance in this case," lie said, "but ta date aur investi- gations have beoni un- successtui." lI tiat incident a local girl was sliot wlîile leaviîg the Ilotel, by a slîatguîî blast framn a passiîîg car. Iavesti- galion reveated thue injured girl was an innocen t bystamîder ia whiat police beliove was an act of vandatismi of a parti- cularly dangerous aad viciaus sort. PORTRAITS CAND1OS MURRAY WHITE SLIDES PHOTQGRAPHY MOVIES WEroDiNQ a& BAR miTrZVAH BPEC I ALIB 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX. ONTARIO 1-942-4519 OPnEwenftqp TUUday aMWTbuiy 1A NS ""If you want to look your besty' Valmy Sr - iru i4161~S4321 (44341 'Your com--fort is our concern"9 . APA.RTMENT Geared to your.budget NORTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH- 579-1626 s m- 57&-6956 Shooting probed 728:.3139r - Evenings - 728-§297 l i 9)ai~ pd