Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 8

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P>AGE~ 8, THUILRSDAY, DECEMIIER 7, 1972, WI-IITBY FREE P>RESS MOTORING with Mike Burgess Dear Mike: I have a 390 Ford, di-ive oit the street atnd would like to nuake it 'go' a littIe faster. Cati you re- coîuunicnd cani or otiier nmodifications? Sigtîed 'canut afford a 428 (or 429) Cobraiet.' Dear '390', goinug fast (or faster) is dependent o1n how nîuch muoney You warît [o speuud. ln other words you cari spend a litde and go a lubIle faster, or spend a lutanid go a lot faster. 1 would assume froîîî your letter tluat you doîî't warut [o go 'Whiole Hog', but want a fairly presentable street marchine. If this is the case, elîanging your cmiii shaft isn't the way [o start uîless you're prepared to add lucaders and increase your carburation also. l'd start by doing the little tlîings first. Chîeck your compression and oil pressure to see if you've guI a licaîîhy motor-thiere isr't amy scîîse lu hioppinig up a milîl tlîat's going tu blow the first i iîe you step uni it. If everytiig checks out 'O.K.' you're ready bu beginu. Check the wreckers anîd sec if you can locate a 735 cftn Holley 4V carburetor, the sanie as thaI used on the 428 Cobraiet engitues. Dont' think that by getbing a larger one you will go faster still- ' cause you won't! Next if you want to get rid of about 50 lbs., you can swap your old cast irun intake nmanifold for.an aluninum une. Adding tlîis earb, and mian ifold will give you about 1 7 hiorsepower. - Now ilf your butdget is willing, you can add a 428 Ci cam anid valve train. If your 390 is a UT l' ot't bother--you alrcady have the 428 Ci clam and valve train pieces itiside. The addition of this lîydraulic cýam and leavier valve springs will give you aniotlier 35 hiorsepower. By ruow your old dist ribu [or prohably lias play ini the shaft anîd witlu aIl this new addcd muscle really îîceds lu be replaeed. Cet a 427 dual point dist0ibutor, and fid a me- cluatuic who lias a miachineelie cain put it on to set thie ad- vance curve. (Or t1ake out the hcavy spritig anîd set your timing for a muaximium total of 38-40 degrees). At this [mie 1 should mention dit if you don't nind a ittle static in your radio, replace your radio resistance spark plug wires witlu steel core wires. Next, if you want another 20 or 30 horsepower, boIt on a go(>d set of lueaders. After you've donc this you will fitud Ilat licaders lean down your air fuel mixture su that you will have tu increase the carb jets by two or tlîree sizes. Well this 70 or 80 horsepower increase should miake people sit up and take notice, unless you unfortunately hiappen [o have a really econoniical rear-end (low revving- low acceleration). If su you cati usually pick up a uscd pot (crown and pinion asseînbly) around 3/9.1 or 4/Il wlich should give your nmachine enough torque t(> pull out tree stumps! If your budget can't afford doing evcrything at once, reverse the -order I suggested anid do one thing at a time. Any miore questiops (or furthcr details) Write iC ah R.R. No. 4 Oshawa, or caîl 723-7090. By tlîe way, you can't go wrong by making frieîîds witlî a good parts mi. 'TII next week, Happy Mowring! a Ajax, Plckerlnq taxpavers eliet New fêtes te AJAX-Ajax electors decided tluey wo@d try a new face - new bu [lie nayor's chair--in mnricipal elections un Monday. Clark Mason, a veberan of eighit years oui courucil but bidding for [tue top post for the ftrst [mue, was named mayor succeeding Bill LeGros who reîired. He easily defeated his oppotient, furmier nîayor, Harry M. Stîuith. Plurality in the vote was approximately 500 with a fi- nal counb showing Masun with 1,997 and Scnith, 1,465. In the race for reeve, K. David Trebilcock won re-elec- thon by a 985-vote margin over Phiîip 1Levy and Deputy- Reeve Mary Reid won re-clec- bioti over challeniger, Mrs. Carol Joncs, by ani approxi- miate 600-vote muargirî. Successful council candi- dates included two incti- berîts. Thuey were: Juu Srnitlu (2,109); Colin Mackie (2,02,0); Brian Sturgeori (2,147); Owern Ashlcy (2,327)-,[-ibugli lrwine (I1,685) anîd lim Forbes (1,561). Iri the Regional Goverri- muenit plebisci te voters ap- proved by a 1 9-1I nargin thue statnd 0onregionial guvernuen h adupted by tlîe previous cotin- cil. Thuat stand was tliat Ajax retain municipal stabus anîd idetitity whîer regional gov- ernuient is establishîcd. Voter turnout ini Ajax was 43.6 per cent of the îowiî's eligible list of 7,92-2 vuters. ln Pickering Towuislip [lie race for the recveslîip was was the closest possible. For- nier deputy-rceve Vic Diugley defeated furmier couricillor Williauîî McLcan by one vote --32010o319. Successful catîdidates for village counicil wcre: David conermii Newell (601); Johin Mackin- tosh (540); Allan Willcocks (433). Mr. McLcan lias already indicated lie wiIl ask l'or a judicial recounit. lie said lie lias 14 days ini which b m nake such a request. "I (s up to the Coun ty Court Judge [o decide when and wlîere it wiII take place before the riew year," lie said. Fie explaincd that ini re- questing [lhc recount lie nmust post a $100 deposit witli the court. If* a judge decides lus reque.st is valid lie can order thic fée returned and thîe mu- nicipality iust bear the cost. As a parting sliot Mr. Mc. Lean said lie fhad wishces (lie weathier liad been better. *'If' it liad been this-whole tîrîg iiiiglit tto t have been neccs- sary," lie saîd, WvmAT U4 TIM WOALD 88 OXFAM? Trav.I Aga%"y? Baby ood? ___ Airihe? ___ OXFAM 87 Euffl<onAn., £ Tolob 315, Omwrl1 Town flot. grant sour to, bond The Whitby Brass Band, recognized as the first place band in the national brass band field, lias for the ftrst ime in its history, had bu solicit dues fron its miembers ('or thîe repair and replacemnen t of* instrumients. Tlîc $8,697 grant from the town, says band secretary, Cindy Battle, only allows for routine operating expen ses. "The band actively seeks paid engagenments outside the town in order to supplemnent its instrument fund,- and wc would like bo stress that no individual mieîîber beneits inancially fromilutese paid engagemen ts," wrote Mrs. Bat- dle in a report recently re- quested by council. "We have also organized concerts witli tlîe Kiwatîis and Lions Club to try to raise fuîîds, but have received very little support f'rouîî the peopile of' Wliby, wlîo only seenu interested ini criticizing us." At tlue prescit limie [lucre are thrce bands active in tlîe group, thc bcgiîîners witiu1I3 iemubers, [tie juniors with 20 nuenîbers and diîe seniors witlî 39 ruîerubers. 'Wîth thie [hure groups, it is luoped thuat [lue Wliiîby band cari keep a cornstanut flow of* players trained ini tle brass band *traditioti fron wlîom bhe main band cati draw, so that a full senior band crin always becrnaintained. The band has advertised several imies but cantiot find mature brass players who are willing to devote su nuch of their tinue and energy ho a volun- tary band. Along witlî îîîeîuber short- age and financial problenis, a sour note has been. struck be- twcen band and couiîcil, whiclî lias been suniîiicd up by Mrs. Batile ini tlis fashion: "We hiave brouglit credit to the tuwn by our efforts in conipetition anîd Oie fact tliat we stand first in tlie brass band field îîatiorîally is due crit irely ho ciiiliusiasîii anîd plain liard work. We Ilid it incredible [liat wMienu aiy probleni occurs between us, we sluould be corideîuîned publicly ini tie press witliout a chance to defeîîd ourselves." Thie band lias been cribi- cized by councillors at an openi ice tiîîg ufcoutîcil whieî the Wliitby Legioti coin- plained tiue band would îlot be able bu play ini tîe Re- nieniubraîice Day Parade tlîis year. Tlue report prepared ah the requesh of council by Mrs. Battle was received and I-iled Iîy the council. Mmlli gne under f ire It is Illie opinioniou' tlue Towni Public Works DéPart- ment ti lia the niuIt ipl ici [y ut siglis o11 lle Wlitby Mail is ver>' rapidly det ract ing f roni tic appearanîce of the Malil, anîd thle departiuuîri t's opinion alsu [liat the towui should iiiîiîîcdiately discou rage Ilie cectloti of ary more signs on1 Illc walls oft tlie Shopping cein t rc. Thie blazirîg report on siglis by (lie departnucuit appeared lu have been triggcrcd toff with an applicatiotilfor thîe emect loti of' a Catiadiatu Inti- re rial Ban k of Comminermce sigul a( thue Wliitbiy Mali. '*'Flic sigiu is ailready erec ted 'WitilOieu a permhi t anîd the quest ionu now is wlie [ler or nt we Shlild autiorize a pri it or ask tIlîe omvier of' Ile sigul lu reticve il," Dir-etur of' Public Womks Walter Evatîs i-eîorted lu counucil. Thîe sîgn inluquestiotn, lic said, os(ver Ille îîîaiuî entrarîce ~.n venlp Tuuday.sdTbu'uda I AN Is -~140 DW4DAS ST. L'- %IITI "If you want to look your bs" v143fl iffl 4394M on the west side of' die îîîall and îlot located on1 the bank's place of' business silice die baîîk is located inside Hie nmail. Mr. Evans Iiii rOuer reported tiatI there liave been many discussions witli Ite owner of [lic shopping cciiter con- cerning [lie neccssity lu apply f*or building and sign permnits before the bank sign was erected. "B3ut in spite of thiis, tlie owner of' the shopping centre allowed the sign to be cected witliout a permlit," lie said. $y: Steve Hansoni IT'S TIME TO TAKE INVENTORY Slow long is it since you stopped ta consider your pres- ent Life Insurance in relation ta Your familY Protection and reirement incorne needs? Family and business circum- stances change every year. A, Life Insurance program set up five y.ars @go may be quite inadequate today. The Manufacturers Life Finanftiat PtaadWnngService WilI' show -you. hnw fur -.'-r pres- ent Life Urr--rance and sth.gr assets wiII gemi meeting these needs., To: S.K. (Steve) Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower Oshawa Centre Oshiawa, Ontario 728-7391 Mabn uPl The Manufacturers Life L Insurance Comp any MIDWAY DATSUNý foerly ZOLTAN -& NiKS NwLoccat.d ce 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-m6828

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