Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 7

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~~~j3 Fkl RFiSTIÏURSDÀY,'DECEMBER 7, 1972, PAGE 7" 'THU OUTDOORSMAN' WIlrTH PAUL WICHER No miatter liew yen look aiut thie peried bctwcen January and April is just about the nmost depressing tfinie ot' the vear l'or t he sportsmian. Try as lie niay, lie cannet get his mind off the stlnutlu t ing evenIs oeth te past seaiseiilour arc the wildcst d reamns oethte cemning season impossible te visuialize. However. thiere is a heope thiat hce will livc iii rcalèty . ai Ieasti se ofet'lthelime, as salvation eue be leunid in books. Th-, interest showîî, ini the last lew years. in ou tdoor beeks has been phenoenîal aîd the qulity ef' lijîrature lias beeni more thaîî up Iteftie ask. The scepe cevered by thiese books is sui ted te every eutdoersmna,'s taste. iii ene area or anothier. St range- as i(t nay seem hie problenli is net lhaving books te read. but it k gel ting te know where te tind themii as you vili rarely sec tliein sit iîîg ii the usual boek sheop. Tliese dIepriess.ieni-speilerýs are fer special p)eeple se yeu lhave te gel ther in iiiseclial laces. I ere are IWe tlîut I have tound te be excellent. Field and Sîrcuni Bock Club. 5 1 1 Federul Street, Marion . Ohile-4.130-2. and its equally f'ine ceui ter- part; Speriiug Book Ser-vice. Box 181I, Raiicecas. New Jersey 08073. Nlost ilix' yers have fl'enîd that tlr suppliers are cairryîninere anîd more ou tdeer iiitercst books cerv yeu r. 1I1h01pe i lic ee kccpil upa s ne1h ing iS Ce/iirth aute hiave a sli et ofl)d l'riends ready un d willing te gîve advice and ente rta in i ata ni onien t's rnet icc Christrnas Idea Rarely do 1 lïind ihiai 1 arn siislïied ih i any gti ef outd cor cci n)i eicii mless 1 pick ii eut . and iesi eo' Lis 1l'eel thle sainieway.Thie retere. îiiav 1 suggcsit[liait von terge t buing vursperisiîan orfweiiiliWl"I (i-F ilylilie l'or hi is or lier 'sp)i ii iîîg reelI and i tivest iii sta rt ing a I ibra ry. liere are sonîie boek s Iihave pesta yread anîd fid le be etica reulIality. Ff t itling -~The Upland Shooting Life- hy George Bird Evans T'his hoe(k cives gea Ii isiglu t int) greLuse. \weodct>ck, and plie.asanii ltinîîegi as %vell as, v,'înablle in lerination on sliotguîils anîd 'iîglisli setters. t'Duck Decoys anid Ho,, lut Rig Then*' by Raîf Coykeildall Anveiîc lie shoeots ()ver decoys sholîod study the book closely anîd I t hînkhhe\ il I id t lia t texl seaseli less dui.ks w II tlare ai thec spread- Sea cadets wanted WFIITBY--Boys aged I13 te I 8 .whc are ini tercsted iii sail- ing, the sea. SCUba diving. and good fellowshlp are inviîcd te join the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Whitby, sponsered by the Navy League et'Canada. The Wlitby Sea Cadet Corps. under the ccmu'uaud et' Capt. Joe Frende-Cunibe CD is looking f'or new re- cruits in the Whitby-Ajax arca te signu p and juin. Training nighits are held ut (Cîlberne Street Seiool frin 6:45 p.rn. te 9 p.rn. evcry Wednesday. Any youieg man whc is interested is invited te report 'te the conrnanding officer. Parents are asked te sign their son's application form, and a full uniform is provided free cf charge by the corps. Courses are offered in sca- manship. sailing, communica- tions and scuba diving. The classes are held ut the Ajax pool every Sunday from 6 p.m. te 7 p.m. A well-trained staff cf ex- naval personnel and civilian officers is on hand to instruet the cadets. iim Vandcrend, the training officer has ex- perience with air cadets, and Lt. David Hoare, the execu- tive efficer, has served with the Royal Navy and Naval Cadets in England. AIlfred Lees, the supply off icer teaches seamanship and takes part in the scuba diving course, and Bill Hold- ing, an ex-member cf' the Royal Navy. teaches thie cein- municat ions course. "Thlim ne te joie is iiew because il will give us a geod thiree menthis before our an- nual inspection," said Capt. Frenido-Cuniibo. "Our lead ing seanian course is going very well and tliese lads will be quahil'ied and will receive tlîeir rank semnetime before the animal ilispection next suîiie r." Durîng thie sinimner mon ths courses ut Cortnwallis, Nova Scotia aed ether naval estab- lisliîîeets are provided, and the boys have aul opportuîîity te serve ou the HMCS Haida ut. Ontario Place. A sail-sal'e course at King- ston is offered ho the cadets, in addition 'te saiing classes [roi the Whitby Saiing School and Yacht Club. Parents arc encouraged to meet Capt. Frejîdo-Cumnbo personally te discuss the corps, the prog 'ress of their sens, and te ask any questions about RCSCC Whitby. The training will flot inter- fered with the boys' educa- lion at. school, said CapI. Frendo-Cumnbo. "As a miat ter of fact, we encourage thiese boys te, study. We aIse have a sports night and hopefully we'll aIse go on the ranges and [ire the Ross Rifle." Dec. 14 the cadets will have their arînual Christmnas dinner at the ('anadian Legion Hall. This is eue of the big events of the ycar for the corps. Dog Tmaltuilng "Huniting Dog Know-How" by David Michael Duffey "The Practical Huntcr's Dog Book" by John R. Falk "Training Your Retriever" by James Lamb Free Any cf these îhrce foregoing bocks, or a combinatien, and lots etf tiîne and patience should give you a respectable gun dog by next faîl. FIy Tying "Fly Tyiîig" by Helen Shaw Thiis is anl excellent pictorial guide for any beginner in the art of fly tying. ""Selective Trout" by Doug Swisher and Carl Richardson No better book coutd have been written about nyr-nph and dry fly flishing and fly tying. ""Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing" by Joseph D. Bates Jr. Withiout a doubt, this is the finest book written te date about, "the long lys". '"Tactics on Trout" by Ray Ovington next year. General Reading "This Wonderful World of Trout" by Charles K. Fox Magnificent! "A Modern Dry FIy Code" by Vincent Minaro The reader is witness to 269 pages of fishing history in the making. "The Philosophical Fisherman" by Harold F. Blaisdell If you would like te see a lot of fishing rules thrown out the window and enjoy yourself while carrying on a mental struggle with the author, this is your meat. "The Seasonable Angler" by Nick Lyons It would be hard te find a better portrait of the average angler. "Stories of The Old Duck Hunters and Other Drivel"' by Gordon Macquarrie The whole book is based on the kinship between fishing and hunting friends; it is excellent, but te tell the truth, it's a difficuit book te describe preperly. Al ter a wiiîîter is spenilu studyîig thlis book, (tlt ILKe m 3ways to mke it bige Èl STATION WAGON: Frankly, our sta- ton wagon is colossal. inside, there's almost twice the cargo «'space of average wagons, and plenty of horsepower. Even the outside is tremendous-be- -ca use it's small. So it lits where average wagons can't. ln less thon average parking spots. VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK: Some wouldn't have o Sqcorebock. Althocgh it hos about 5Oý'~ more luggage room thon the biggest sedon, boasts elecîronic fuel injection and front disc brakes, there's one drawback. It doesn't cost very much. With many luxury wagons extras Not so with the 412 luxury wagon. Radial tires, front disc brakes, eiectronic fuel injection-ail standard equipment. And how many wagons con you think of that are this big on quality, but this smo11 on prîce. We con only think of îhree. Few things in life work as weII as a Volkswagen. VOLKWAGE LTs M VVITBY 142 5 Dundas St. IL WHfITSYr, omiario 668-93Ï3. 668-9384. oeOSHAWA <2 E c>W I olc BASE-LINE ROAD AUT.HORIZED VW PICKERING CAR, AJAX SALES,& SIE.RVICE CENTRE LTD. 942-1401 A Ci- .. - , j

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