Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 3

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WîIITrBY FREL ILPRSS,TIIURSI)AY. DEC(iMBIiR 7. 1972, >G UNDER FIRE the inliiiister lhad giveil bis con- sent t lat appî'uach. Accord iîîg t o Mi,. Soultter, a tlîree-nîan tean, headcd by Frank Millar, Par11lialmenîalry Assistant to the iinister, hiad gplie Iotohee hospital and ton red it depart îîeîît by de- part mien t, before the report was released. H-e said the iniister is nlow viewinig the report as Olie whicli breaks in to Iwo dis- tinct ar*eas-- additionial input required by thie niiniistry and secoîîdly, actioni to be taken al the hiospital level. Mr. Sotttter said the nlîilî- ster believes corrective action is being iniplemien ted iii scvcî ot' 10 categoies under stndy a t the tlimne the culii itite mnade its stanld ini July. Mr. A. Fishier, hiospital ad- iiiiiistirator wouhd niake i10 coin ii tt on t lie r-eporit. He saîd lie had been i iîeriviewed bythe task frebit ttha t aîîy statemien tinîust conie 1 tÎriîi the imtniister or hits advisor-s. Staff coîîcerrî Despite protcsts last May. thie reoro'anizat ion a(thte lhos- pital wen aliead. but because of' con tinuied 5stafflconceril. thie task fborce \vas appoinîcd. Thecir te-nus of rief*eretîce cire to hook in to the iiipa)ct ot t le rcoraiîi/at ioiî ouil pa- let eis. tllie st a tii g ufpaitientî nmits. det-icieîicies of plysiCAl taicili tles, Stal î m i-ahe. tllie i'eoi~aîî la t i on o Iftle ni i iîi service of'fice. the îîeed toi1 hiospitul pohicies. dultics ut' ward secr-etaies ind iiicieased expeiiditu re.especiahlv (oI tiese iîirobhieuîis. cure \vas obt aîuied lÏmoi n1e- co l.whi chi led Itlecon liiiitee w u ccLtde i lI-ia tlle i cuids ai e co liîpeie. pa.- tient cur1e hC sl tae quate 1iîd itlt*Iecu r ie l( ml iiIe te. Il V cic, la t tIlle Ccmd Js sel ieeds ile- \ siii ii111 , l ui t i ulili Jieiiîc u Ili aîd i ie 1how ppit)uliO1on u Zt uteitts lie- ceiVti litîîeîtsiithîi oiie 0or1111-eore u tliered t catjv I urlistu tlerwis ont tiflhe ilîitosi coîileiiî- 1)111ary ltlîiiikiiîli t ut sy'clîi- ai ic iuîraîCI ice. îîar-ked to sliOývthîvhii uiit) prtcdor ut ut liii pi t uvcd coiîiiieiîded evels. wile hsclai risi s ave beeii iii- Kvolved witlî imore paiiciîts ut ierwotesituius scît as - syhti tui i . occupl 1a1 o ita h t lie rapt StS. nîu rses anîd stucîl wotwkers aue iiideq uaielv utsed in treaillienil Disclia rges Thle rclori i ieveuls iliat soille jiatleli s arei eluit beu'ii dischiarge d wlieiî eih l'flx-ie lt'ceiit aie ctni- sidce iziudx tfolit oni-lospitah cai caunit-41 per cciii lu be tiuJ, toi îiiîîuîed laie place- îîîeîîtIlui iesideiliai: handtinh tîs- (bnzell>,pagre iuîg homies. '*Ye t, "Itlie repo r t 'evea Is, "lriolii J-aiuary h1,I1972, to Sep)teitîber 20,I1972. only two patients were d ischlarged ilio liomies ltor special Cure.', Appa'eiît ly tiiis mas i t ogh t to be becatîse the Miuistry of' Health bhas put a ceillig on thîe îîîmber of' placemnen ts tllat îîîay bec made iîîto thle Hornes t'oi' Special Care Prograiîi. 'T'lîccost ofit'iîain taiîîiîîg 285 patients iiihiospital ru- ther thiaîîiinmor'c appropriate comîini ni ty fa&-cilit les is about $5,000 a day or 51I.8 millioni a year. l ii ma n teiii sý,"tllec î'- Port states. "la ticents and stat't sec tliel r zîiîhultions bcîin,g t'rus- tratcd by a policy originating ut Quenee's Park, wh icli nocs 110t sec ii atttiîed I l ic in tiieds." Stu T'miorahe dccl iîîed dutr- ing thelic corgi lai ion bu t seenis to have revivcd îîow I o its urevionis level -wliicli wvas îlot Ilighi.' Tie repoirt says pîtysical l'tici lit ics lC Il short ut',iccp)t cd sr umdards and t'iue su le iy inica- sures areiidcqutc. Wliiiby Vire Cliiet'. B*d Croicli . whose depa n ii t is charged witli Iie irespliisi- bih ty of' provtd iig l'*ire Pro- îect iîi a t Ille hospi taI vhîii ii is iieeded. tltuhie BRU PR ISS lie 11ias itever hîccu cuIistiiheLl tnii these inatteus by l ihieltspitail anîd lias îîevcî, hicen asked t'oi luis udvice. "W"e bave Inls 1resptmnsl', bilîty.- Sliec suid, but il sceitis oui. Services are oinly walnted by tlle hospital when anl eniîergcncy a-Crises, The tatx- payers of' Whit by have Io puy f'or thlis ser-vice thioLigil,' lie said, "'and il is abouit tiîne soie lorni of,' reîiibtii"selien t was received f'rom Itle province. Overhaul 'Fli report inidica.tes Ithe staff st ructutre inIllte hospital requires overiaitl. The teur- gan izat ion is îlot responlsible f'or its curreni state bu t it lias suffet*red l'rom a 'long-stand- ing communication problem witin thIle hospital.' The report conclrtded that many problemns preceded re- organ iza tion, wh ichi lias been ut' value in arousing a nlew ,iaurenessolut theîî. Treatnmii t was inadequta te bel'orei- and it is i nadecna te 1)0w. The commnit tee recoin- mclnds tforma t ion ut', a watcli- dog cotiiiit tee of* theOn tario associa tions of* psychiat risis, psyclîoloitisis, nurses, social wor kers. occupa t ionati l iera- pist s an d cliaplalus tIo ensure that changes are miade quickly anid -'in Ight ut' Itle state of* knlowhedge Illte pro- Reorgan i/at ion, I lle report stresses. bas oinly just begunl. %Viîtby'-A conteèrence Lu) disetuss te Wliby Psycliiîmc Hlospital wîilltic ield itod ay Jt tllie ll()ioil aI ses resi- detice. Drî. Lh:lli tAvedon out [lie Un ivc su, o(W\Wa telhoo wi.lh lie oneiCof tIllie gtest speakcî s. No protsst (,îzdfrom zpage I BillI rwin who led tlle Cen tre Waý,rd with 1,580 ballots. The man1y sulpp)orters of*tthe p)opular iininloi Sports sponsor clecced Art Dcsjýardiiîc inIi te West Ward wîth incumîben t Dr'. K.C. Flobbs, and Bill Liv- ingstoîîc joins iicuiiibent Bob Wlite iniiWîthy's East Ward. Ani encottragîig word Io defeated candidates mnay bc fbound in the words ut' Gerry Cox wlîo sinîply said tlie day af'ter his defeat, "Thicrc'1l bc another day." Below follows a list of* retUrns to datc l'or Witby: Mayor Newman 5,473; Bruno Harilaid 1,.443, Muriel Marks 537; Tom Edwards 4,544, Gord 1lanna 2,244: Johin Gôodwiin 4,687. Don Read 1.688. (NORTHI WA RD): Don Lovelock 770, Gerry Emmn 618, Bob Heron 5l18, Bd Mac- donald 538. (WEST WARD) Ken Hiobbs 673, Art Desjar- dine 651), Ralphi St rat ford 5 12, Blair Johinstonl 477, Vernion MacCarl 347. Johin MeNutt 1-11. (CENTRE WARD): Bill Irwin 1,586, Jimi Gartshore 1,160, Gerry ('ox 1,062, Vic Perroni 330.(AS WARD): Bill Livingstone 964, Bob Wlie 944, ioy Thioiiipsoni 577. Bobb Gibbs 343, Bd ('auchi 1 75. 3li Durkee 222. (1>U( ') : LaI Jzake"Bryan t 3.809). Bob)('awker .3,861h. Drî. John Mcliiiiey 3,475. Ah- bert Randaîl 3.1I55. George Brooks. 3, 133. FHarry I nkpen 2.95 la ry(ckburu2.0M9. B3OARD 0F FEDUCATION: Marjorie Mclutyre 3,781,. Mar-- ion 0'YIXiiiîell 325. ogan 1,379, Rev, Jamnes 2.519, Mar-91 , Fitzgerald 354. Millar teiis 634, Rochie 567, Brady 951). Peo ple po@wer Cnine/fotpage th is tuîîderstuod tua t ('on- sei'va t ive aind N DP miiinbers uft'hie coliîîii ttee t'el tovet'- whîelnîingly tiat tlie 0MB slîorld keep its p(iwers. Thie înaiiî objectorns ithe coiliîif teie caine t'romi formîer Toronto îîîayur Plîilip Givens (Liberal) York-Forest Null. Thie comîmit tee wascelîaired by Jolin McBetî, t'uriner reeve cf Etobicoke anîd MPP for York West. It iîeld mîeetinîgs dcross ilite Provinice. 'l'ite tutti- cial r'cport is scicduled lu ie i'eleased luter ioday. Muiiicipalitles iiow îîeed ajîproval t'roîî the 0MBtfoi' aIl. capital bori'owiiîgs. The commînit tee wiIl recoini- îîîeîîd îîîuiîicipalities to be giv- enî bulk allocationîs tlîey can draw îîoîîey l'roîîîwitliout guing specifically to thîe 0MB -but allilithir loauîs wiIl be subject ru 0MB review. Corridor gots youth contre Mauîy youtîg peuple froru thie Corridor Area find tran- sportationi ho social activities to bc a big probîeii; so uîow a youtii act lvi ty cenitrne opcned Sarurday, Deceinber 2. "Middle Eartbi Cat'e" camne into beiuîg bçcause interested youthî, clîurctî îîeîîbers auîd thie Wlîitby YMCA saw a uîeed iii tlîis area. The cenitre is locatcd in thîe base:îîen t o f Westmiinster Unîited Clîurch on Mannîinîg Roadjusi otf'Garrand Road. Fohk eutertaiuiiient, Talent Niglîrs. miovîcs, records un auîytlîiîg youîîg peuple would like to sec wiJh bc ot'f'ened ut a reasouiable admiissionî tee. Oui Deceniber 2, Middle EarrlitCat'e prcscnted hive t'ohIk ciitetcniiin t ltorn auad- mîissionîlte ot'50 cciits. The doors open i t 8:00 pi.mî. aiid chose ut I11 :30 p.îî. Ret'reslîncnts anc served. mîore inftormaitioni pIease tue Whiîtby YM('A 668-6868. THE HOUSE 0F Fr cal I at SCAN DINAVIAN HOME FURNISHIINGSI I M PRTE O CUSTOM MADE Vvhitby Malt Hiwy. 2 ai Thickson 576-1880 hans-Ieipner Io"/I Woman as wife, woman as mother, and woman in society - - - basis for a dynamic new series called, WOMAN! On Wednesdays at 10:30 p.m., hostess Samantha Dean 'examines with you the roles that wornen play and problems women suifer. See WOMAN! WNIED Ch. Channel 13 on your Cable Dial. >)> cablIe 170 tv WHITBY 143 BROCK STREET SOUTH 668-9331

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