Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, TH~URSDAY, DECEMBIZR 7, 1972, PAGE 15 NOTICE TO NEXT 0F KIN IN THE ESTATE 0F SIMON FREDERIC HILL, late of the City of Toronto, deceased - AIl persons having knowledge of aily descendant of SIMON HILL and MARY HIILL, includ- îng the descendants of' any of fhic five HILL chiidnen namied MARY. SARALI, JOHIN, WILLIAM and JOHNATHAN, ail of whionî are beiieved to have resided ini Dar- ington Township, ini Durhami County, in or about the y'ear 1853, are hereby notilied te send particulars of saine to flic under- signed on or before the' 29th day of Decemnber. 1972, aller wvhich date tfliclistat' iill be dîstribu ted with regard oiîly lu the' claîis of wliîeh da te tflice state vill ibc dis- tribu ted with regard only to the' cdainms of whlieh the undersigned shail theîi have notice. and tlic undersigned \vill ot be iabL-,,to am yperson ofl whose cdaim lthey shal ot tîen have notice. TOAD E NE 0FRKIN solSicioNREDEILH ILLN Taeo u iy0 oronto, Otro deeeased. AIl persons haviiîgkowdg of' any descendant of VALTELR STE PIENS (or STI*'- NS) and 1: MIA STI-EPlIINS, including the' descendants of aiîy of thic five STEPHENS ciltdren nanied WI'L- LIA',tv, ISAAC, DAVID, CORA, and THOMNAS H. STEPIIENS, al of whom are beiieved te have re- sided in East Whitby Township, in Ontario County. ini or about the' year 187 I, are liereby notified te send paticulars of saine te tht' undersigned on or before tlie 29î1î day of Decemiber, 1972, after whiclî date the Estate will bc distributed with regard oilly to ftie daimis 0fwhich the under- signed shail then have notice, and the undersigrned wiIl net be fiable to any person of wvhose dlaim they shall net then have notice. DATED a! Toronto this 28th day of November, 197 2. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMIPA NY, ExecLîtons by thleir solicitors KINGSNIILL, JENN- INGS, 111 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. NOTICE TO NEXT 0F KIN IN THE ESTATE 0F SIMON FREDERIC HILL, laie of the City of Toronto, deccc se d AIl pensons having knowledge of any descendant of WALTE,-R STIiPILENS (or STEVENS) and FANNY (HILL) STEVENS, in- cluding the' descendants cf any of the six STEPHIENS chîidren nam- ed MAIAAH, RICHARD 1'. JULY A., LORA J., WILLIAM F. and ISAAC aIl of whom are believed te have resided in East Whitby Township, in Ontarie County, in on about tht' year 186 1, are here- by notified te send panticulars cf same te the undersigned on or before the 29th day of Deceinber, 1 972, aften which date the' Estate will bc distributed with regard only te the cdaîis cf wvlich the' undensigned shaîl then have no- tice, and the' undensigned will net bc hiable te any person of whose dlaiim they shah not then have notice. DATELD at Toronto this 28th day cf Noveniber, 1972. CANADA 1>RMANI:NT TRUST COMPA NY, Executens by thein solicitors KINGSMILL, JlENN- 1INGS, III R ichnîond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. HELP VANTED in home. Two mornings a week. 421 Dundas E. CALL 668-8435 WANTED: Group Home for aduits (approved). If interested please contact C. Carrington at 668-5881, Extension 362-3, be- tween hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. PART TI ME sales help vear round' outdoor products and marine. Suit retired or semni retired per- son. Commission. Caîl Pickering Marine 942-3571. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Dressmnaking and alterations ex-' pertly and quickly done. Phone 942-0688. Wanted teacher for ladies' day- time excercise class. Caîl Betty Gardiner 655-3187. Services DRESSMAKING AVAILABLE, FAST SERVICE. CALL 668-2597 Abe's Motorcycle Shop Ltd. - Competitive Prices - Two Stores To Serve You 114 Stevenson Rd. S., -728-7780 Taunton ViIIaie -576-3150 PRIVATE DRESSMAKING of Ladies' and Children's Wear. Very reasonably priced. South-East Oshawa. Linda 579-2219. Business vpportunifes HOME BUSINESS DPPDRTUNITY Eden -MINK 011-" Products have a limited number of openings for enterprising ladies who would like to show our lovely cosmetics and pantihose to their friends and neighbors. Highest commissions. Caîl MRS. BLYTH. 655-3679. CLASSIFIE' Legal Help Watnted NEW & USED DISCOUNT PRICES, NEWAN'S OFFICE EMIPMENT 668-3738 WHITBY, ONT. Guitar and banjo instruc- tion. Cali Bill Payne 668- 9472 between 4: 00 - -6:00 p.m. weekdays. E.G. TAYLOR CUSTOM SUI IDERS Ho uses-Cottages- Garages Re model11îng- Renovat ions Rec-Roomns-Additions Roofing - Painting FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY SERVICE 579-0195 General Repair Work. Special attention given to small jobs. A division of Superior Construc- tion - 579-2355. Ajax Floor and Rug Service'* Specialists in Rug Cleaning Ail types of rugs and carpets, expertly cleaned. Cali for free estimates -942-5590 CALCS - CASH REGISTERS AD DE RS BOWLING, Cbnîinucc! from page 10 LADIES: Josie Reid 574- 211, Bey Madigan 479 - 174, Phyllis Watt 486 - 176, TEAM STANDING: Unbelicv- ables 24, Ding Dongs 20, This Year? 19, Canucks 18, Five Easy Pieces 18, Lucky Numbers 18, Swingers 171/, Tcam Canada 17, Blue Salis 15, U.F.O.'s 141/2 In- Laws Plus 14, The Opposition 13, Undecided 12, Rout-A-Bicks 12. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST BOWLING LEAGUE Scores from November 27 HIGH TRIPLES: Lina McComb 713, Agnes Sehroer 649, Greta Ricger 649, Father John 645, Dorothy LeBlanc 639, Joe Mul- cahy 628, Dave Smith 628, Phyllis Galagher 626. 11161 SINGLES: Leonard Myette 284, Alfred Krauseî 279, Roland Cl2iasson 251, Lawrence Myette 21, Matt Koîsteren 248, Allan Oerton 235, Bill Schiroer 229, Paul Frendo Cumbo Jr. 227. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST BOWLING LEAGUL SCORES FROM NOV. 20 Sl-1-1 0ON Î TE AM 4 CA NUCKS: Rie Arbour. 111611I TRI PLEi: Lloyd Kamneka 672, ioe Frendo ('umbo 634, Rie Arbouir 624, Dave Smnith 621, Dorothy LeIllanc 615. [11611 SINGLEI: Terri Parro 240, Tlillie Kirby 238, Gelina Aucoin 219, Lawrence Aucoin 218, 215, Mike lingel 217. LATE HOCKEY SCORES BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR BANTAMS Lions 4: Brian Roberts 1, Greg Baun 2, Ken Graham 1. Kinsmen 3: Willy Stirphîis 2, Doug MeTeague I. Rotary 6: Blair Gibson 4, Len Couperthwaite 1, Enzo Rinaldi 1. Police 3: Gary Cosgrove 2, Dotig Remipel 1I PRINTING1 High Quality CAPRICORN - Dée. 22 to Jan. 19 You cannot fully appreciate the social activities and joy of the season because you are busy seeking a way out of your maze of paper work, mail, daily routine and unfinished business. Energy is high during this seven-day period. Expen ses of an unexpected sort filter ini during the carly part of the week. Momentarily, finances appear strained, but the overaîl picture looks quite good. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Get set to push your private aims on the 1lOth and 1ilth. Your energy is up. Catch up on loose ends. Get record keeping and written or verbal agreements out of the way by the end of the week. Your former interests in group participations, unions and corporations should be renewed to be of special benefît to you. The excellent trend for forming new partnerships in corporations will soon end. Take full advantage of it now. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Guard against becoming too visionary, hypersensitive, impractical and indecisive around the lSth. Somnefir decisions rnay have to bc made and Decemnber l6th is an excellent day to make them. Gear your future in1 the, new year toward stability in the' home and your duty to elderly people in your charge as weil as dependent youngcr ones. Assume your strcngth from the rock-base of home and family. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 You can best realize your potential during this provocative week by being as warm and friendly as possible to those with wvhom you corne in contact, both professionally and personally. Your most significant days will be F .riday the ISth and Saturday the l6th, Mien an unusual sense of well being overtakes you. TAURUS- April 20 to May 20 You are finally able to capture a bit of holiday spirit. The last few weeks have been filled with so many emotional factors that have needed a coînmon sense approach, that you have net had time to react ini a festive manner. AIl tensions do flot disappear during this seven-day pcriod, but you seeni more able te handle areas of unrest. You wisely appear resigned to conditions over which you have little centrol. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Keep abreast of what is happening, yct refrain fromn making un- neccssary commients. Take solace in the fact that you will be able to operate on a more productive level next wveek. Significant days are Sunday the 1lOth and Monday the 11lth when you belatedly begîn to feel the festivity of the coming hioliday. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 Ilie pace of this week is turbulent, yet rewarding. The end is in sighît for the comnpletion of a long complicated project. Your in- tuition is hieighitened midweek, when you are inclined to play hunches. Your perception is very keen and instinct pays off hand- somely. Significant days of the week are Wednesday the l3th and Tlhursday the 14th whien plans for a long trip may be formuîated. The weekend promises an upturf in career mnatters. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 With many outside intenests, concentration is difficuli. Social en- gagements, personal entanglements and the hiectic holiday season take valuable timie away from plans. Midweek your thoughits turn to those no longer with you and the past and aIl il hoids. This is not an interval of sad ref1ection, but rather ajoyful period. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 WVe are coming into the homne stretch. Wind up whatever il is you want to get completed before 1973 da\vns. This period continues pretty, much along the lines laid down carier. Homie atters, youn mnate, or others become the focus of attention for you from the 1l th to the end of the year. The l2th and I3th are lowv days. Deter to others or your partner ai this timie. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 You start the week in hlighi good hiumor. I t is probably best to wvork beinid the scenes quictly on projeets that need attention. The holiday mnood accelenates actions of yotur associates. You feel very much a part of their current endeavotirs. Midweek is auspicious for ironing out various labour problemns. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 You may feel restricted, or one' of your superiers at wvork may be rather negative. Thiîs is a vibration that oniy' lasts a day or two. By the' Il th and for the rest of the year your whole mental attitude changes. You, are optiistie and cheenful again. On the l3th an unexpected break occurs in your job, or you meet someone very in teresting. Arlis Sales Ltd. The MAazda 808 Coupe $2669. 2ZOlDundas St. W-. Whity668-9397 WIlth JoyeFlood For Period December 10 to 16 I e 15 WORDS FOR $1 UN ADVANCE SEND rr IN OR BRING IT IN TO OUR OFFICE AND WE WILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD *UNTIL SOLD' or maximum of 5 weeks. PLEASE PRINT WORD ti.> 12.) (3.) no comnueii o wrtlwerg MAIL T'O; WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206o WHITBY Acknowl.dgrnnts or recoipts are not sent in respetc to cheque or money orders. Cash sent througoh the mail is et the advertiser's risk. NAME ................................. ADDRESS .............................. P.0O...................................... PHONE NO.............................. SOUTHI 668-6111I

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