Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 12

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PAGEL 12, Tl-ItURSDAY, LWCEMI3ER 7,1072, WHITI3Y FREE PRE~SS Aronhocky ro Tiremen Win z more BRy Doug Weales The Brooklin-Whitby Tire- nien registered two big wins in a 24-hour period la st week, as they defeated the flirst place' Peterborough Lions 8-2 in a gaine played in Brooklin on Nov. 30, then went to Mark- hiani the following evening and upset the second place Markhamn Waxers 8-5. I the first gaine, the Tire- nien got outstanding goalterîd- ing from Kimi Crouch as the Lions outshot themn 50 to 4 1. The Tiremnen led 1-0 ut the end of the firs t period on a goal by Brian Miller. The Lions were outplayed by the local club in every depurtnîent throughout the entire gamie. -The visiting Lions tied the score ut 1-1 ut 6:11 of the second period, only to see the Tiremen take a 2-1 lead just 25 seconds later as AI Bathe scored his first of 2 goals. Don Nicholson scored ut 13:27 t0 give the locals a 3-1 lead, but the Peterborough club came back as Gord Dun- can scored ut 16:40. Fromi that point on it was the Tire- men ail the way as Brian Millar and AI Bathe scored their second goals of the cuti- test to give the Tiremnen a 5-2 lead going into the final period. The third period saw Brooklin-Whitby score three goals, while holding the Lions off the score' sheet. Doug Wood notched two goals and Tom McLeish added the single. The second big win of the week for thc Tiremen was' an 8-5 affair in Markham, where Don Nicholson led the club with 3 goals. Mike Harper had 2 goals, and single markers were added by Les Spanger, Brian Millur and Mike Perrv. Tuie Tirenien were ouîshiol again iii this gaine with Mark- hum tuking 4-1 shots and the locals 35. Next homne gaine l'or the Tiremnen is Dec. 7 whien thiey host Branaia Blues. Camue timie is 7:45 p.mn. in the Brooklin Arena. Crowds in the Brooklin Areîîa seem ruo be getting larger euchi week, but the club can always use mure support. ** * Bob Heron Farmi Equip. Minor Novice hockey club en- joyed the past week, winiîng two and losing one. Although their frst game was a 4-2 loss to Ajax, the club came right back and de- feated Bowmanville 4-2 and Port Hope 6-0. Daryl Blacquire scored both boals for the Herun club in the loss ro Ajax. In the win over Bow- manville, Blacquire, Mark Un- derwood, lue Van Der Linde anld Art Johnstone scored f'or the locals. The 6-0 win over the Port 'Hope Novice teami saw Bobby Middleton lead the way for the Bob Heron team as lie scored three goals. The Brooklin-Whutby Me'- Cormack Blades major ban- tams had a good weekend as well, as they won twu and lost one. Their loss was a 5-4 aft'air against Bowmianviiic. Mark Millar and Danny Gallo- gley scured two goals euch iii tlîe loss. The fîirst wiiîofuthei weck was a 9-0 slîutout uver Co- bonurg. M ike Woli'f' recorded hie shutout, while teaniates Jeff Baun, Robin l3arncsg, ioe Hlowe scored two goals apicce. Single inarkers werc added by Duane Ailison, Mark Millar and Harold Lynuburner. The second win of' the week wvas a 15-2 romp over Port Holpe. lu this gamne, the big shooter was Robin Barries witlî 3 goals. Mark Miliar and Jeff Baun scored 2 eaclh, anîd singles were added by Gien) Johnston, Jue Howe, Richard Pigcuu, Wade Roberts, Danny Caliogley, Barry Miliier, Brian Ward and Harold Lymburner. he Brooklin-Whitby Big Mac's dropped a 2-1 decision 10 the Oshawa Lions in a gaine played ut the Oshawa Chil- dren's Arena. The Oshawa tearn led 2-0 in the tluird period befure Terry Wlîytc blasted a sliot past the Oshîa- wa netiminder. Tcrry Wîîyte appeared to have scored in tlîe first period as wcli,but te goal was disallowcd. Tfhe second gainelfor thie Big Mac's was a I12-I win over Uxbridge. The Uxbridge club took an carly' I-0 lead bef'orc the Big Macs gounu- îracked and fircd I12 sliot-s îiast the Uxbridge goaltenider. The Uxbridgc Club îîianaged only 7 sliots on goal af'ter titeir first goal. Thle big gun iniithle win f*or the Brooklin-Wliît by club \vas He shoots - he scores! Ric Kranc (9) does another of his heroics as he tucks away a pretty goali to the Dixie Beehives ini Ajax by a 9-3 score. I)ave Williîamisn, as lie 1'ired fou r goals. Dave Seymon r scored twice l'or the winiers, while sinîgles werît lu Dan Kemp, Terry Why le, Joei Gan- gemi, Marty Gallas, Dave Stocks and Doug Shecarer. The Brookiin-Whitby Lasco Steel major pec-wees played two gaines during ic ewcek- end, wiiining hoth. Thre first win was 3-I over thie Kirk's Sp tir Canadians. Janîje Roachi scorcd twice l'or the wiiiners with the other marker going tu Grcg Tuslinghiani. Thcïr second win was 5-1I over Bay Ridges, with Creg Tushinghiain lcading the way wiîh -2 goals, wilce singles wenît o iei'f Buismnan, Scoît Ravary and Johin Waddell. The Brooklin-Wliitby ('on- solidated Building Corp. nia- jor iniidgets upset tuie Peter- borough nîiidgcts 7-ý3 recen tly with Terry larper. Dave Sori- chiertti and Ken C'larke scoring a pair of goals ecdi, wviice Harry IForbes noiched thie single marker. The ('onsolidated iniidgets aisu chalked LII a 7-0 win over I fie Peterhoroughi iner midgets. Terrv H arper set thle pace li I îis une, as lie scorcd t hree timies. Sinmgles \vent Io l)ave Soriclie ti, Pauni Mc[Lel- Ian. Steve Stindl'(rd anîd Duve Parishi. Dr. W. Conley NOW OPENING GENERAL PRACTICE FOR APPOîNIMENTS CALL 668-9337 519 Dundas St. East Whitby e'Your comfort is our concern"9 APA-RTMENT Geared to your budget NORTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH 579-1626 s m 576-6956 728-.3139' - Evenings - 728-5297 Q)»alwJi )ropeehj Brookîin Coiîcrcte Juveni- iles woni two gailles iliIlthe hast weck, beating Bay Ridges 3-1I on Nov. -18 anîd 7-4 on Dec. 2. The lirsî wiîî was ithe re- suit of' single guals by Bill Lockyer, Ken Vipoiîd, anîd iiic Moore. Thîe seconid win ovcr Itle Bay Ridges club camle abou t as Brian Harrison scorcd tlîree tiimies for 1 lie winniers. as sini- gles weîît lu Louis Grenier, Ted Liîîtnier, Clînck Lepitie anîd Greg Cartwrightî. 1j: * * Thec Brukliin-Wlhitbiy mi- nor îîîîdgets liad a ver>' good week. as the>' beat Port Perry Il-I un Nov. 21) and A.jax 10-3 on Dec. 2. The II-1I wiii was tllie re- suIt of* lotiriienlibfers ult[lie teani scoring îtwice cadi, Eddie Sc Di. Dve Allenî. Tomi Fos- ter anîd Tii Brown. Sinîgle goals werc added by Larry Grahiaiiî. Bi-et t Love. anîd Dani Jordan. Bryce Jordani îucked up i lirece assis s ilii tlie gaille. The l 0-3 wîin over ilie Ajax clubi saw Ji iîîîDemîille score fuOur oals 1fbr tIlle wiiicrs. witlî Tutu Fosier addiiîg Iwo. Ot lic r goailsco rers lforthie Br-ookl iii-Wlii t îy clu b ere Dave Alleni. Gieii Kinzie. Timi B~rown ianid Iariy G raiaii 1* q *ý Tile 1Bioo(kluî-W>Viit)y NMît- skated to a 3-3 tic wit i t[lic Pot i I hope îîee-\vees ()n lec. 2. as îiîe Nliddlettuî. Gil- bert Nieuwenidyk anîd )avid Flenîiiiie scored 1,01 tule l'le secoild gaille uol Ie \vcekeiid 'or i lie Luiiîibeiîieti \V;1 J 2-I h(Ss tli Bowniialiville in Knob Hill Farms losing effort __Murray White Photography Cil Nieuwenldyk scored tic oniy goal lor the losers. House League Resttits: Rotary 6, Police 3. Blair Gib- son scored 4 goals l'or Rot ary. Lions 4, Kinsmnei 3. Grog Bauin scored twice for tic Lion s. Note to Readers: 1ILinder- stand thiat a lot of people are wondering why tlle Free Press ducs nul pubi isli scores lfor ail Ille House League Teanîs. The aliswer is cîu ite sinîiple. If' t hese scores are not t nrned inii thy natutrai iy w iliInut aplpear ini (lie Imper. il'you w~ant lu sec gaine resulits inIllte Frece Press, il you have lu do is bring' r heni iin tu tlle office onl Brock St. S. op)posite tIlle lire hiall or mail it hem lu The Whlby Fi-ce Press. P.O. Box '06. Wliýit[by.,On t. Please m a r k ail letters Io Ille at tenltion ofl Ille Sports Depit. Ail scores îiiust leien by Friday of*eachi wcek. MICHELIN steel-belteci radial Allersley Tire Service 6833 The snowmobile that weoet t. the Arctic t. prove iks depcndabiity!. JONNSON SkEE-IIORSE FORMERLY SNOW-CRUISER PICKERING MARINE arnd SPORTS 942-3571 2eâ44>785 1644 BÀYLY ST., PICKEI.RNG O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR trB"9 BRAMALEA BLUES at WHITBY CTC TIREMEN 'rooklin Community Arena THURS. DEC. 7, 7:45 P.M. -Ë. gc.iiC7acJ9>z cA~a z <Q()I ÇDental' c/I i-iciaztei- (-, ,-te- /al' rtitril -900JIU UOJcIL'lccAt/ OFFIC-21 FOURS UES TO '-1PHONE 9427Sq4l 10OAM% 10 6 P M AFTER HOURS APPQINTNIENTS AVAILABLE m

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