Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 6

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elected..a. Just in tiie l'or Clîrisînias! A tîew ganie. It's called The Election Promise Gaine. And it's available A over towîî. Witib Deceunber the tourthi fast approachiing, die pro- mises, pledges, chiarges and counter chiarges are really slarb- ing te lly. AUl over town tlie soapboxes are being dragged out arnd used to, te best advantage by just about aIl of the 45 candidates running in the municipal elections iii Whitby. Take Tomi Edwards for instance. He pictures imiiselt' as a Heber Down and even went so far as te tell people le wants to, bc like Heber Down then there nîust bc somnething about Tomn Edwards le doesn't like and perhaps lie doesn't want the voters to find eut wbiat thiat is. And thl here's the great Rossland Road debate be- tween the Mayor and Brune Harilaid. lu response to a ques- BIRD'S Sec and hear election resuits Monday Dec. 4th Mieni CAB LECAST 8 and radio station CKLB (1350) join hands to bring you up to the minute resuits. Anchornien Ian Sutton and Ross Gibson head a staff of 10 reporters circulating and reporting from ail the polis. Monday Dec. 4th, 8:00 p.m. on CABLECAST 8 and CKLB radio (Dial 1350). G»>a cablecast . . . . . . . .I PARENTS - Your Son or Daughtercan EARN BETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Achievemnent in Reading lncorporated now being offered exclusiveîy at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes wiiI be held on Mondays and Wednes- days f rom 4:00 p. m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays f rom 10: 30 to 11: 30 a. m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Better Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking SkilIs. Phone or write for complete details. Dicl 728-0052 ELECT ____ COUNCIL WEST WARD 0 BORN AND EDUCATED IN WHITBY 0 MARRIED - 2 CHILDEN e MEMBER LOCAL SERVICE CLUB *CONCERNED WITH FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 0F WHITBY IN RESPECT TO THE BEST INTERESTS 0F ALL THE CITIZENS YOUTHFUL DEDICATED CONCERNED EVE tion trin a citizen abotthîe cosb et' servicing the Rossiand Road complex tlie Mayor clainîed a service price et $8000 bo $ 12,000. That sb rock ine as tunny, but nett iunny-,hla, lha, because the Town told ine lb would cost $4000 to service eachi lot near mny bouse and the lobs arc a hieck ot* a lot smnaller ini total thanilie munficipal complex site! flic Town engincer dlaimis lb would cosi $-34,000. i sure hope thîey don 't seîd mnite cbill becatise if that 's wbat the t rue cost is, l'ini willing te weave niy way t Lureugb the rabbi t-warren couiditions at tie olcI îown hiall l'or a whilc yet. 1 do thînk we should geb the police eut et' bhe old building because tîîcy give the place a bad naille. il'ini afraîd tb go down and de- inand Iower taxes because of' A those big burly cops standing around. And mocre funny business is the t'acb that Gord Hanna t'igures theiniayor will need ielp wMien rcgioîial governmcent coînes te the area. If* Gord Haniîa can advise the inayor lien nîaybe Gord Hania shold be tbceoîayor and I)es Newmîan can advisc hlm! How aboub our lovable BiIl Durkee running l'or corun- cillor ln tbc East Ward. Bill is goiîîg 10 give conisiderat ion le the needs and the wants of the taxpayers and be williing te listen bo their demnands. I even told Bill te give nie somne signis for îîîy Iawîî because I live in1 the cast ward and I figure I should be pabriotic te the boss. ...Besides, I'mi trying to butter hlmii up l'or a raise. Even young fellas like John McNutt are gctting on the bandwagon and hiustling votes. Wbiy uît? John works ut the Psychiatric Hospital and if le niakes it te counicil and cracks up under the sîrain hce'II be able 10 gel treatlments even cheaper than Doctor Hobbs would charge iîîî. Doctor Hobbs is running again. I suspect toiniake sître the miedical profession is represented at ceunicil îîîeetiiigs. The way soine couticil meetings go I tlîink there sbeuld be a MAike Burgess Bits and pieces hiave already started rolling in via the grapevine about changes ltor '73. Apparently die Sports Car Club of America (S.C.C.A.) is going to be ail allowing group 2 and 4 cars te runl in the Trans-Ain series. This rule chiange wili permit a potential 287 F.l.A.-approved additional makes to bc added to the usual lisi of pony cars presently coin- peting. S.C.C.A. hepes ithat by allowing a greater variety of' entrants, tlhe series wiIl be more competitive. Group 2 , generally speaking. includes the importi unes-- DatLun, Fiat, Toyota etc. Trans-Arn race porIses will be aroUInd S-30.000 per event. \vithi plans for a possible 14-event series. Canadians ai the Interna tion ai Form ula Ford Cham- pionship race at Brands Hatch., England. included Bob Beyea (Milliken, Ont.) and l3rian Stewart (Pickering). Brian. tie Canadian Formula Ford Chiamlpion. driving a Titan. started the race in ?Ûtili place mnd worked his way Lup te 1I-'th at the 1 inish . Thie t'elleývîig week. Stewart was givenl a tactery ride in thie race at 'ThruIXton, and finished a very respectable third. Respectable enouigh b c arn a tactery ride iM a Titan f'or nexi seasenin Mthe British and Etiropean Formula Ford ('hampionshîii. Talking abou t racers. Bill Brack ( racer. owner et SCU etc.) wilI bc the guest speaker this Tuesday (Dec. -5th) ut die Osh awa Mo rer Sport CIlu b mon 1thly meeting uithîe iHol iday hI n (Oshiawa ) st arting ait 8 p.nî. -Al guests welconie. For the snowvmobilers. word is in thiat a new banked eue-mile oval t rack will be bull t ut Mosport Park for die third Atnnoai Bo(.sch i Ivi tatienal snowvnobile race te be held ianluarV 12- 14 nlext year. this race will ati trct the t'actery teaMS incioding Bombardier ( Ski-Doo) and Sue Jet. like racer 'Yvon du Illamnel wvill be driving l'or thie Ski-Dee teami and cemipeting l'or seme etftdie S 1 5.000 pu r-Se. BecauIse et' the large number et' local ent ranis in thîls event last Januar. i1 reported en it lu tilis coloInn. and ani planning on keepic' 1yen posted on the hpe i uîgs th k J an o arSt range ulîings are biappen ing in the Can-Ani field. Rumeur lhaS Î that thie Reger Penske Per-sclie-Aidi Cani-Anî cars hiave b-.een seld te Rinuier Racing. Thiis Atlanta-based consortium hiaso 'i givenl any indication et' who will be driving thiese turbo chiarged winners, but whoever is lucky enougb te wind up in the drivers' seats wilI have a pretty good chance et' cieaning up next season. Dunlop Radial Ply Tire H EADQUARTE.RS ATTERSLEY TIRE SERDUVICE 103 Diandas St. -East, Whitby 668-3356 111110 ,:m', Monday, Decem ber 4, 1972 VOTE WILLIAM IRWIN (o uncili or Centre Ward Whitby Telephone 668-4339 for Information or transportation on Election Day. DA Y, NU VVýMRJt1.K Ju, vvril A oi rmcaý r à% výaj with VIEW by Jim Quail If I'm VOTE JOHNSTON COUNCILLOR JOHNSTO.N Blair][X WEST WARD 1 ... -l' 1 *1,111 10 1()7') Wllll'IIY FREF, PRI-SS doctor in at tenidancc. Miimd you I think Doctor Hobbs started the eccasiorial fracas bu t 1I ope it wasn't witli the intenit ol'driiîng LII)businiess. Vern MacCari is running againsi Doctor Hobbs but it's 1101 iikely there is any bad blood bctween thc good, Doctor and Mickey. Lots of people will tell you that whien- ever the docter saîd somclthing in counicil Mickey MacCarl didni't like lie would just close bis eyes atid pretend the doc- tor vasn't flhere. Mickey used 10, do it so wcllI that a couple of' (ies 1 thought wc would hiave to run over and check his pulse to inake sure hce was stili alive. Election f'ever hias spurnced the inayor ioto miaking charges against the Frce Press and sonicbody told nciei thiniks tlhe mayor would like to0 close the paper. Now lrn flot sure if' I should vote for hlmii. If lie closes the paper l'Il bc down to0 the Town Hall iooking for a position in the writing departuiient. I could write for the tax deparîment under the heading, 'Truth is St ranger Than Fiction.' Que thing we know for sure is that ail 45 candidates areni't going te gel elected. That's boo bad but 1 sure wisli eacbi and every one of' tlîem good luck and I hiope ail miy readers get out and cast a vote. This colur-nn is dcdicated to Joyce Read who always said 1 should write a political columon. So 1 did. MOTORING CONCERNED DEDICATED YOUTHFUL

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