Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 2

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P>AGE ,"iSA, NOVI,"MlE-R 30, 1972, wiIlTi3Y l Ui iSS editorial, In rebuttal.,. "lliie whili F ree Press is, aind aiway s wu tiieh, a11 i- clcpeiidciit veice inIl lee (Iiîlliiti. lils ahi îs ie provicie i îcws andcIviews tf 1111e rc 5 t) peop le xv itlin tIllie ceilii iit y anîd nneuccessa n ly (eni Iitlic ca iiy p rcss or oe lier i cci a, tiexovever., il lias an e tbei i aie one iimorc dcliiau ci ig aid every bit as imipoirtant . '[halilrote is tociniit crp re iauncire por t onmiciinCpal happeings xitlin lite to\vai. ibis îiciades preseiîtiîîg au expressiouniof' opinîioni l'enudecioneic ue isis et' krtîwi tlacts iîaiiv i possessioni cil(lie iîewvspapci at iw itt ieces- aily' availabie Icitii/eilin lgueicral. Fa irccli toci ai Comeni l rnglttof' cve rvhbrandci of' the media anili is a riîgl t xve w ii cie t'elid teciaoui ast brea tii. iii recea t weeks NMayor i)esioid Newiaî lias secît fi t to critici/ze thle Fice Press toi wfîa it lie fias dlesci'ih)eci as '.(opp ressia. i i gi iîgand)it i iî oezi g" fi iii. Nt)spec i 'ic iîîcideîî îs. muid VOa, jnîst broaci anîd verN geacral ternis i e- l'utii' to coverage et* bis actionîs andct cci ttrial Coummiîenit onî hissewrsip [lis Worship eveni went st) Car as t e tireaten the paîipei iy iiidi Ca tiig lie wil I inake polit ica i tay. ot t ef oartUCti1011 a t eve ry opporti ani ty righ t (up Itheethc ciin on Dcciibelr4, Now, WC lhave ne uarrtliiel witli aiîy wly hIceMayor vvîslîes lu c'eidclct lus calitpaîgli. 1tic, like titis iiCwspapcr. is eniittlc l Iils oiionii ildIîllai opinion liîcedcl 11(1 pi',1l thecounrse of coirs. W'C dit'Ccl, Iîîîxver., tuai i is iîaipclitic tc use tlîrcats acgainîsi aniîy a iv id a i >ot)businîess conie m anid , i n tc ai tic coleiriglu t diigcroas, Iloecvcr, il a 0w ap sM ayoiriNcwmian i ihas 1< îand ait llv iniei u ic to a aconîipcit vc fleWspapei lhbcit eîic trcîin ut u otfet'toexwi, îainely l'his Wcck, ain Oslii wa -ba.scd 'FThi s a iu bibulsivc au id, iii o i v icxv, inisigli iic au I îpab- licat ion, lias appnircit uiy saccuibed t eItle Ncwnî an ctaini, clini bcd on whal ie bcyliievc is thec banidwagon, and ceinc out i oiqaefor enir exal ted ('lief Maigist raîc. Ncuw again , wc say t hcy arc i l Icci te i lropinlionl aind xve xvildc t'cid i o thlcdca thfitfîci r rigliti t ecxpress tl I tecvc r, a Word of' caation. To labcl articles anmd commenîiit iin a rival iicwspaper as ibel , slaîîdcr anîd dowiî- rigliti cou tcîîîipi. is to skate perniloasiy close fIoia tern ofW disa sicr. Sacil charges arc uîoitît ie tictkcîî 1gh ty. 1,la tct il is au iy ouai-seîsc cilf' fair pilay , cvciiIciflic iad iy iii isge lideci, tiia t per nI Is ais t e sietigli thtii iiie fi s î]Coic)i Cfticil liai. tt nevel ceaxses t e aiîîai. thia t a ceompicote ot)t sideri aiwaiys secis tIt)knîow wiia t is hest iii aiîy gi veit si triatieoni New, il ik trae titat tule pbict icîi qu estionIimys lip service tt wba t itlciescrihes as a 'Wliiîy ELiitien.' Ilow- ever, il. csiî't takeniiachim iiaginîationli [(isec Ifial tthiis onet- IY an, excuîse , ne t a rcaseii,t Io sen lits tt vert isi îîg ainlioens ici tlie ('c itlily 'f'WIinii iiopeseo' p ryi g a lth [fie t'reîîicr- chiant s anid hisiuîessiiieiiwiîe wiii r-eceive c, ucsti)iîahtlc benle- 'il tîi 'iilte e xpetid i tare', no iiia 11cr wîa t ciar a flirtent îieiglhcîr repr»ceitis. Ne, wc dco net accuse M ayor Newmiian ot' iaviîig a direct lbaud i tèrîIIti fa thiîg ifîir vicws. Wc de lîttfiave ti kîîowlectge. Aîîd. eveî it' lie did, il weald helbisirigli ttc)dc)St). It is ti' vicw t haït This Wcck ti-ied anad t'a ilied. fi Ixiii take îîîcîre tuait the siîc t il)iiieiIS bleat inlgS cOf'i t)i iiiiy- cciiie-i ai eiy Icisbakc t ic 'a ithin iithe Firce Presstua t nimcre and iimtocre ad c îs are cxihiit iig w itii caci i i ssIc. We staind ciii(tit-rrigclilt S. WC viii ciiitiîîuIc I t t lle irriespcîîî silhîfuly ini gcîvc rîîîîîeîî t wbcevc r il rears ils bicad. '[c tiiose WIIci teedthe jiincii we par-aph rase 'cîrîîîr U.S. lîresideuit, H arry S Trcumîani, wiie said drinîg h is tcanure, 1"Oi ycîrî t st andcithelieîa t. thiii gel ou t ii' the k i tCliin.' readers The Editcîr: Agaiui 1seek sutppcort fori L tern LIs t public sciîcîchtrtustec. '[lie iList twt'i\,cars haLve becuî a tiiue tif' cuuîscîiidLîtili a Item thîeiîi t iLl rd La/L xlieu thie Oui tLlnit cmruluîty BoLard rot' Fclticiii w xa s t'crmîed iiujn urîLur 1 . t )d'l'lie t rrstees iîînîst ciitinue to ri iu the use rît' ailstaf'lî aid 'ser- vices tci Lcliieve thue reaiest b)euîefit îo the sîrudeils vlîo are the reLsl'or 1c cîr sxstemi. \Vtb the feveliiug tiff cil'ent- rcîlhuîîeut anud coutiiiriiig es- CLtlLtiig tif- cuiss îuaii prcib- leiý ils xiihave tcî hc sculxeci becanîse oar iintcial baLse is deteriniuîed Land fiiîîîîed k' provincial legisiat ion atud flic torah eirolluîîeîîî cf suudetîts. 1 believe thie kîîcxvidge anid expericuice i biave gaincd iii tue hast îxvo years Catliecf'- iecctive iii your service, hchlp- ing to salve ccir preins anîd hieiping 10 pliuîthe besitLise our rescarces bitb lier- scinci auîd ptîysicai plantî. Hcpefuihy, reason anîd ce- operatioti in ail secîcmrs tif oar sysrern wiii achiieve saccess. Sincereiy. Marjcrie Mclntyre write "le Fchitri As Pnbiiîlv )rcîu n tire Boîli-uiih'J Ti'rellueiilckx teLuui - il is lii\ jrolîiwl'iit(Iip ture i 1'1 . 14 >4-" -cstrci s tri)a luie r t ise i citC>lI e i".S MOs t pilceCs Ltaie (tite xuiui c to elti. (tit thic au 'ie(tie> s xx ic.>ayixit us aLilislthueultorec oCrlunieru- ctiaîil t 's assciaLt in > i Scîîuîc e theilceLCs arue: 'l'lie WlXiutrty îMLILt '1ilickscîîîRd. anud tangixax ?-Lud Ltctuit- raLte -as stcîre Lin i cdlas St. E. Ili wliithx. l'lite Wttithix MLI ail uierciiLaits sec iiite lc de)iuîg Luagoocci, huusîtiess. :ist tey haLve killed ucthe x'uttxvtsec- tioncuu rî' Vtithyi. The ct t-nLtc gasbL Ir across l ie rcuaci Ircu iii I3eaver Lnîuuîheu t t icocal rcsideîî t c I'i a gciud Essu> statili abcout La veLumagcî. l'iise people iii the Whitliy Mail AssîciLatiomn and thîe cat- rate gas baur sLly il is LigLuaist tiîcir pclicy tri pcut tipocsters. Tlicy dtni't sceciltri have Lt pclicy agaiuîst pmttiglogIccal FLirsiiss mîen uîit c-il ueir Ici- cLationls or undcrcnîîtiîîIg tlîeir priccs tcî force tie littie gruy cr11 of' business. These people expeci ltie people cf tuie '[cîxrîrît' Whiîby te suppcmrt thcuii iniitîcir vLîni- cas businecss veitares. unrt cmii't cx pect iniuît ciiicli) uttr iii ii iîcîhckey pi cgrainiby Lad- vert isin uîtiir gauies. Douigilis J. Wcziles "ite Fditr "iec' tbjectixvcs tut'ail dccli- cLied niilieistifC cutuuiCil, andc tif' staff', siîtinld betici uftciuiutgit '1al aLlLl cLl ii tuai- itut.alit iucupLte alui f bcihluis prio utîr Ii liîir cuteîce anîd 1ntxesx'i xie (ostlve lucsc pro bleuis x'lca cLu1 citpI il Ili tue last eleci tin i cLuiii paLigued uhiuuly c(uilte îhcîî le reliexele tula\pLyei s et tag xaltiou liv gel t fitginî clcsîrî.il lJx revenueas. Oui Sept. i 2 7? i 1 xas îuteid i the 'hiuies -New'îindstiu\ iuix iii Novx 72 iniie ic Iiîs xxe icLid -"flue "uvu siidusti l- ci uu uici ii Lssssiieitît31 per ccittas tif Oct. 31> is sadl mycîi t of baîlance xvilî ttue rsdeuitLul Lsscssiicutit ((67.7 per ccint). Plataî uîsî lie cou- ec ted.- Sci xve niîîust srive ici ge t theî de îîc iccnudtist rial t ax rev- cnue Ici hLve uniiareiia, Ici hLve ani ali-xx'a itiin sxinîuiîîg potl, tu i e tain aLu iid iiLIge thle nu - nilcipa bru ilinîgListhie aru il- tecc iniiterîccci. tri iave Lt uexv libra y bldinug f'tin xii f nioiîey blas becut aireLd lcout- cLtdtcd Iipaive rtîads, as tue raeci uiav be: toluihave Ailtiiis aisci xitfî thc aid tif' xiiiter Don COUNCULLOR No»rth -L 0IEl 0C ..O - xvcrks lCuids. "u T(tve al iii is li oeRegitiuai (icvcriiieii ceuies. Wc u1IIîtSIhcreLIte Luailnd liLlik: Stop) Iue lancd specufa- torls; give tlli enuant s Lt faim de ai Mcîve t(,i uciieve tliciLix- pes cît te edcucLticuuai tLux. fIl is imupotan t ii xvc lusi liîcld Ille miii irLatc. And icîîcsî imuprtanLut, yotu ilut sec Ifili x'cîU haLve, miieuicaLt spcîîsîic Luid Lccuiult ale c..'uticifluil \'ic ferr iuuu 'l'lie I-du lii i haLvce t'lcd iuii LltýitlI pLulel s toni l oIcisl i ci c'tîilicii i i Illc tulîctuliiîg Aax Mlunicipal f' lct îîîî. f xxtulichlikc lui ILke uIlihcrîe of, tiiuiLl /t ii\tLic grcunad iddtLl lLiius i Lutm c -'() vers ocul anLld Lu uesicît cil' duis texvuI 1c x'r 4 x'eLrs. Mv xvýitc. (CLaroll, anud f fhave ticen niaiLnid 1'oi S ycu, rs. We haLve La ycuug dLcgter. Lynnî 1u. i ni îu tuf Lge. i1thave La Bacliîeiiut' Scieuice dc-grce iii t-ceuîtiics anîd Luui p rese iiily h ieLld oit NlLrkeliPlannuiing forLuuacimr Lgicutul r iccutîpanix. Prucui ici iiuy prescli ipoîsito 1 icaI was Lti agricututre anld resoci es cuîuîîîîeîî tatoluit i iiIllec . B.C. f bcituug t ruIlie Agr icutuiniralt f îsti ittut e cu Zljl' i it. l3cît fi iii xvit, l'anldi 1 are acl ix'e uuueîî- tbers ot u cut niir hîîîi ix'. oFOR A STRONGER VOICE ON COU NO fL oGEl FULL DOLLARS VALUE FOR VOUR TAX Tiiere ar-1-severai ima jor issuecs aliid xvicli xviii ali- tract ecîr lrixvî. 1ecisicins xviii tic rccîaired cciiîcrning thle positionii tf' Aljax witii re- giciiai gcîvcr-ii îmenîî.i \iat standcishoiie ii ttir ceciici i take 'ega rcinig 1f circ ex panîs ionîorft eccueaiiuii f'aciliis'? \Viîaî de- cîsîuuîs stiiii li e madle ii tîrder ici îiaiiîain i i-a ici i iiuciLisria/icsidcii tial i îL\ iiu- aun:ü Do' t)ex kiiexx'al]xv îîeed le kîîex :îiboturl tic d- sign i le u uexx' liisiiig suh- iuîai, OcH. vii ccîuuiuanc iuîic c\uictiic' id a ci u f atii u clull im ii iis aM piaus xi ih liii a i iur î :iix. f ji iluct Sls oruîstd I)\ aii 01g UI \0t1o xxiutuua\ ihaxeCerti a in uobjcctivex's xx'IîIIIIIIcouticii. f catilipaugul. f xxaiît Itudo>iî i iiîsl Ici seciIiîi (lie rugluicc..isius are iîade tuu i rrc(lie pie- gîcsstuf A ja\. A toxvit îuly wcirks xvei lielîîuil serves the ili ircsts cot'(lie pccople wliic live mi IL.Biîui C'. Sitirtoiui. Tue Lditcîr: Focr the pLtst i12 ycars f have scrvcd theîc Ïcîxvf, cît'Wi- hy iii cvery capacily wiîiîftie exceptuinlil'M ayor aund have cujcycd scrviig ltie pecople anîd wociud like thec cppcortaun- ity le0Cuuit iliire. Ini ihlicpasl thrce ya ns the Ptublic Utiliieis (Commuiissioni lias îîîderuîized anid rcplaced a nucuîbcr otf cld iistaiiaî(iIîs i icnlhe'iow, xe live scrviccci thue (Corridoîr xiîii xaler and have accîuiued the Hydrcî Sys- icîî inIilite forenîr tcuvisiip. uii:kiig titis the intîsîîrcîdLC- t ive pc iîd et'*tlime icoîcu1h- iîarisoni Iciaîiy cîller Iii cur fIIis uiy hel] i' tiLt xxilli gevcîîiî1îil in wi xell cluali- lied l'cuî i e-clcc t ioîLias Pruli c Ut ilities ('omimiissieuier icu face 11i, hIe ilcsi importuî'antîI li tif cifltice. Wc Lire 1icedxvi tii hIle oîîiuctfu egieuiLi gcv- erimi ueuîIt andxviii h ave tfhe i csptiihiuy cil' prctectirig thec iuîîcîest of' tue pec'ple ' Wlii1t b'. George R. Broocks. P.U.C. C'omuiiiissîiluer TUE WHrISY FRI PRESS (Voice ot the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brookiin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Pubiished every Tiîursday î'cîîîusne t' liii y frce' re'..'. hc. 2 12 Ilrock St. Sou th. \Wi titw. Mait lno\ 2016, \Vfui iy. 1>foil 068-6 f 1 i or 608-6 i112 (;eneraii Manager: W. "Bilfl-f)urkee lxdiur J Du )rkee Sport' ['dior: Dou Wae' fR i Adivertisiing-: Roi Winistinev NO. 2941f B ROCKWHITBY 668-3618 NOW PLAVING! THURS. FR.& SAT. VENINGSAT 7P M. SAT. & SUN. MAT. AT 1: 30 F. WAtT DISNEY produionslU Michael DOUGLAS M'il GEER TECHN »ntiyWH1ffAKElt JoduFOSTER AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM o HIS VIEWS WILL BE YOUR VIEWS ELECT Loyli elck c Weurd PM. (COL OR ý VANISHING PRAIRIE SUN. THRU TUES. BROUGHT BACK SARN By pOpULAR DEMA NO! TO e BUUXJACK PLUS THE LONERS COMING WED. JOE KIDD (Aduit Enit.)

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