BRUNO HARILAID PEOPLE DESERVE A VOICE IN WHITBY'S FUTURE ELECT HARILAID X MAYOR FOR FURTHUR INFORMATION 668-6700 Continued from front page how wrong and without foun- dation they really are. Un- fortunately, other people may be hurt by them. "How unfair it is that the innocent must suffer these scurrilous attacks. However, the character assassin by his very nature is a coward and one not abashed by such behavior. "But, getting back to the main issue at hand-the may- oralty-it is my firm belief that I can do a good job for all citizens of the community. "Leadership and business acumen I have ably demon- strated in the conduct of my own companies. In addition, I am thoroughly familiar with such vital adjuncts to municipal government as ten- dering, debenturing, interest rates, interpretation and pre- sentation of financial state- ments and the many other business facets required of an effective municipal leader. "Too, I am fully conver- sant with the. various new tax reform programs initiated by the provincial and federal governments and which are vital in their effect on muni- cipal governments. "But, in my view, it is my concern for the people of Whitby that drives me to- ward my goal. "I want people, all the people, to have an oppor- tunity to express their views on inatters of municipal concern. "For instance, it is ab- horrent to me that over 1,000 protestors to the municipal complex proposed by the last administration, should be la- belled as the "narrow minds of Whitby" as the present mayor described them. "I am a firm believer in two-way communication and that is why I propose the establishment of a separate downtown office where any ratepayer, or other citizen, can discuss matters of con- cern and interest with me, as mayor, or with senior de- partment heads who may be able to assist them. "Too, I am concerned that all residents in the town- whether from the core area or from Myrtle, Ashburn, Brooklin or, other removed areas-receive equal benefit and fair play for their tax dollars. "These things I pledge to follow through on as mayor. "I am also - concerned about our community's role in Regional Government. I feel we have little to offer under such a system. That is Continued on page 3 Page 2 MAN THE Forty-three years old. Married for 21 years. A self-made successful businessman with wide-ranging interests. Fully familiar with financing in ail its phases. A proven organizer, able and willing to afford the time to do the job. A world traveller. Experienced in dealing with people in ail walks of life. HIS PLATFORM To put people back into the picture. To save tax dollars by halting unrealistic, expensive proposals. To initiate two-way communication, on a personal basis, with you, the taxpayer. To provide services and feasible recreational, sporting and cultural facilities within our ability to pay. WH Y ? Because I believe our citizens are entitled to services they do not have now. Because our collective minds have been depressed and objecting citizens labelled, "narrow minds of Whitby". Because I no longer can stand to see people pushed aside and the basic principles of democracy abandoned.