Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 10

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' ' il I;» Y. VEMV1EtIS130,1972, WIIl'1Y FREF l1>RESS Role of hosp«ital to be reviewed at J.O. ine i e lc laiue Roiai thce Consume rs' Cas building on Hoplkins Street at 8 p.m., is the Cimrst at tellnpt hy a lies- pital boar'd te inake a public preseiitatien oet this type, said IHospital Administ rator R.A.C. Renlny. '"We wan t f'eedback frein the cenmluility se the coin- munity wvilI ge t the services Citizensoet Wlîtlby areci- vi ted te at tend a speciai con- 'erence b)y the I)r. J.O. Ruddy General Hlospital toîîighit te hecar reports on thîe 1future role ot thle hespital, its re- lationship te tlle coînînuniîty, and probable changes iii the hieal th care deiivery iii Ontario. The con t'emence, te be heild 1 03A OPEN THURS. & FR1. 9 A.M. TI LL 9 P.M. WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS pecopi)e wi t,"sid iM r. Retiîîyi whio lias stated lie weuild like to sec discussion deveiep bc- tween the board and the coin- ilutin îty oncll e report s te be presen ted. Renald J. McQueeni, vice- presiden t et' Agnew-Peck nain and Assciates L-td., Teren te, xviii presen t a mile si udy on the Dr. Ruddy Holspital, pre- pared I)y hîs conîpany a t the request et the iieslitai 's beard et'geveriiors twe mn its age. The hespital board callcd fer the stuidy . said Mri. Renny, because Wtîit by Planning Di- recter, Dr. Mot'eed Michael, hiat- said t he rc wiii be con- siderabie grewt h in Wh itby which i nay' require expanl- sion e't tehe ospital carlier than predicted by the On- tarieoIHospi tai Ser-vices (Cmi- mission. SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS ELECT ANDY MILLER w The independent study, te bc presenlted bly Mr. McQueei, will eLittine whiat is required feor the iiesîital withiîî the next l'ive, 10 andi 20-year perieds, usiîîg dcveiopepnt prejects planned and under way as ai basis fer the st udy. A Second address, on the gen era i h espit a i's role iln toet ai heai th care dcl ivery to the coiniiluîity, wiii tbc dciivcrcd by l)r. Jolin1iti ltiigS, lautiier of' "Thle (einnînity 1[lcaith CentIre in Canaida," a rcport Ie a coii 'eence et, Canlada's provinciau hiealtii niin isters iast July. D)r. I ast ings' ircport was subininied to e loil. John Mon re, t'edcral minister et' Heal th and Wei fare, t'Ollowiiig the cont'erence. Dr. Hastings wili speak on the new structure cf* the pro- vincial inîstry ocf heal th which is now being organized. Under this reorganizatien, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be repiaced by a systcm cof deputy mini- sters, with reginal district health planning counicils as part cf this systemi. '"We nîust try and Lise change l'or ourseives, rather than let change uIse US," saiÎd Mr. Renny. "YOU cari sit back and let chanige change you, you cao resist il, or you can corne eut and accept the cli- mate oet change and inake Sure thle Changes that are geing te eccrr ae beSi SUited l'or us." l'lie cou terence chiairmia xvill bec .E. Lof*IhouIse, chair- inan ut' i lie t)r. Rnddy lies- putai Beard, ind Mayor Des- mond Newiman will extend a welcerne frein tlle Town et Whitby. Officiais f'roem the ewnl ceuncil, planing staff, secial services departimen t, d.istrict Il.lthl unit and a.genicies rc- Iated te heal 1h services ini the CemmufILility Ihave beeni ivlted te attend thle cenfoence. A queOstion)I and answCr period wiII fellew the specehes. Brooklin hortuculturists win annual awards 'llime Brook]lin I1er01 ticLIî1 tLIra-II SeCicly Aîînui IIAwa rds dinner was lieid Nov. 22 withi ap- proximiLteiy 70) mcîbers and gtîcsts prescmit. Rcprecnting tuie lrOwn cr i'htby were Assistan t Recreatiou i)irccter, Fred Bcckett and îîorthi ward Ceunicilior, Geraid Enmin. Presemitat ion oet the "An- iiual Awards" was a hiighilighit cf' thie evening. Miss Alice Dodd accuinulated the hiigh- est numnber cf poinits in fiowcr shocws thiroughout the year and Mrs. Cecil Joncsliîad the hiigliest nunîiber cf prize win- nling Peints. Bcth werec cigratufatcd for tlicir fine efforts but were ne t cligibie lfor thie top prizes thiis year because cf' previeus year winmîîngs. Mrs. Audîecy Ycun1g WOII t11e gif't deîiated by Eatons by bcing t iîe first higli poin t xvîiîer. Mrs. Mar-garei Wick weon ilie gif't denaied by Simnp- selfs 1w beimîg i ie seccend hîghi- est pomnt winner. M rs. liclin 13aidwin woii tle gilft I'er thie t h irt igiiest îî oniber e t pom 15 . Otiier presentatielîs werc OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR D One of theC*shawagrouP "Big enough to Save YOU MOneY, 8mai! enougb te know your name8 PR[ CHRISIMAS SALE OFFER EXPIRES ON DECEM1BER -1 L10% 04\IY N 1TEMI S3 ROLL BAGS OF 100E7I BOXED __ RISTMASý' BOWS 3f STRAND-rTINSEL EU F WRAP 25 Bows per pack CCEDw ALND STRAUSS (P.Q. 31) AM RADIO Battery or Electric k: I KODAK 155-X INSTAMATIC CAMERA, 1688 *IOP EARLY USE DUR CON VENIENT LAYAUAY PLAN Complote assortment of Christmas Wrap and Trim-A-Treo items. Safety deposit boxes from $51 Yeuir valuabie decumen ts- certiticates, mortgages, deeds ail the papers you wvamt te protect trom any eyes and hands except yeu r e)wn -put theml in yeîîî Victoria and Grey safc't y deposit box costing as litile as Cive dollars a year. Safe as only steel and rcintorced concrete can make it, your Victoria and Grey safety depesit box stands between your valuables and the hiazards cf fire, theft and loss. Cet yeurs today . . . at Vic- toria and Grey. GREYi TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY 668-9324 Ruddy meeting as f'oilews: "The Best Iris" 1972 award: Mrs. Bernice Gardner; "Thle Best Rose" 19712 award: Mr-S. ALudrcy Younig; "Thie Besi Novice Ar- rangelliint"; M rs. Margaret Davis. Art Drysdale, Directer oet the Civic Garden Centre in Toron te and noted radio per- sonaiity was guest speaker l'or thic evening. He gave a mcst interesting iliustrated talk on the gardens cf Japan, Hong Kong and Hawaii.- A short business session foiicwed and a new siate cf' oft'icers for 1973 were pre- sented and ciccted. They are as follows: Past President, Cyril G. Wick; Presi- dent, Gordon Wick; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. Margaret Davis; Secretary. N4rs. Grace Ccc: Treasurer. M rs. Ferni Monos. Directors l'or ene year: Mrs. 1-ieien Bladwin. Mrs. Ruby Bryant, Cecii Jones, Mrs. S. Lockyer, Br-Lcc Reid. Directors 1eor twe years: Mrs. Aldine Wick, Nirs. Doris Marlow, M rs. Alice Coatcs, Ni-S. lalenle Cm awt'ord, MirS. Florence i\shtoin. In 1973 I1le society \vîlh celebra te ils (1001 ann iver-sariy anîd plans are be ing nmade t e make tdie yea r a meinirable elle. 668-3261 TRUSTEE EXPERIENCE lIME FOR THE JOB COUNTY 0F ONTARIO BOARD 0F EDUCAT ION SJUMBO ROLL -GIFT WRAP 25 Foot Paper ~> or 8 Foot Foil l'At 11 %Pff 1 1 ID TI. iong à wiae 899

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