PAG, 8,iitiORSIAY, NOVhiM13IZ 23, 1972, WtttTIiY 1,i '-RtI >11S' Air Canada direct to Germany Air Caniada wvill miark flie twenltieth Iiiiivlsarity of' ser- vice to Germiany oii Novein- ber 5. On that dlaie ini 1012 the airli,îe extenided its Mon- t roi- Lon doni service on to Dusseidorf. Usîing 40-passeii- ger North Star aircraf*t, bulit hii Canada., the aliuîc pro- Apathy Athougli the situation ap- pears more encouraging now, candidate for election ini the Centre Ward, Jimi Gartshore, says lie lad been concerned earlier ini the canmpain with an indication of public apathy. "Il is vital in ibis particular year, witlî the spectre of re- gional goverumiient loomiing. thiat Wlitby tic adiiniistered by strong mien who cari back up thieir convictionîs with study," Gartshore said. 'Thiese stroîîg voices are required on council ini order to be of assistance to the vided the (ernman city with oncc-a-week service. Two years lai er, Air (aa da introduced the 71 passen- ger Lockheed Super Constel- lation on the [)usscldorf roule and ini 1960 begant jet ser-vice with the I 33-passenger 1)oug- las DC-8. cited inayor whoevcr she or fie niay bc. Perhiaps in the past. too mniany of ou r coutncif lors have allowed a one-niiani operation for Wlitby. "'As a candidate in tItis clec lion. I encourage evelrv concerlned t axpaver ini ou r town 10o gel oui and Vote for the candidates of' ilîcir choice. "I1 wou id add t bat uIleoffly wvay to overconie (ie apathy is talk, talk , talk for- tIis year mîust prove one of' the nîust vital ini our towvn ,s history. Ili 1966, Air' CanaIIda unoved I(ron 1)usseldlor f to rnfit (c)1o zikcltit thie operai ion of, flon-stop f liglul s between ('aui- ad ýanud C'einauîty zind tIo iiî- prove ser-vice lor pa-sseuIgers wit h on ward con nec i ion s. Franitki'trî , onte of' "irop)e's maizjor a-i r ternifiii is, is (lie cr-ossroad"(s l'or the nîany air- hiles serving Geirunanty , the l'est of Euirope otlîcr parts ,of tle world. Ini 1953, the firsi fuitl year of operaitions, tie iirlitne car- ried 786 passengers mnd 22,- 000 potunds of* air freiglit in aind ou t oft' 1usseldorf'. [ast yeair, 53,6506 ssrieraznd 11,41 2,000 poutics of' air I'reighî were pî'ocessed tihrougli Fi-aniki*fort, and List sLuiiier, Ai r Caniadai operated rif'iceni passenger anrd ciglit cairgo fliglits weekiy hetweeni points in CCanada and Frank- Iti-t. J No SMOKINGI Th'le oiginaýl Fîve-I)aiy Plan f0 assisi jpeople to stop sinok- i nig is sla (cd (or an appea rance iii Whitby. Spon sored bY (1Onnufui ty Conscience of' Whîîby, the cliîiic wiIl ho held at H-enry Si. Sclîool from Decemnber 4 to Dec. 8 al 8 pan, cadli evcing. It, will bc under the direc- lion of* Dr. A.E. King, of' Oshawa, who wiII bc assistcd by a tearn of cxperienced persoiil trilIy f'aniliar with flic problemns faced by those wislîig 1< stop smoking. The programi has bcen operated iii Oshawa for nearly I2 ycars anid is rated as very suiccessfu I1. Rcgisî ration may becnmade through Conîmuniiiity Con- science by tclcphoning 668-5040 any day betwecn 9 a.nî. and 6 pin. HARRY A. COCKBURN f or .WHITBY PM% Uin Cn WHITBY pu un Ca MAY 1 INTRODUCE MYSELF- " EUCATEO IN W*1 ,8V o MARRIED - WITH YOUNG FAM.ILY oPR ESI DENT AND GE NERAL MANAGER OF A WHITBY BUSINESS o ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY PROJECTS AN AiXIOUST10PARTI CIPATE IN THE MUNI CI PAL ACT IVITIES AND ASSUME MY SHARE 0F ITS RESPONSIBILITIES ON MONDAY DEC. 4 -- VOTE I COCKBURN, HARRY A.j1 X FROM THE COMMITTEE TO ELECI HARRY COCKBURN Il,'DRAPERI ES NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC (&"o.r 10 yv fena xlusive designers service) BEAUTIFULLY CUSTOM îji MADE SHEERS - DRALONS- SATINS, ETC. M FREE HOME SERVICE LATEST SAMPLES & ESTIMATES (DRAPERY MANUFACTURER) 777 WARDEN AVE.' SCARBORO UNIT4 751-6994-5 In Oshawa cali: 728-4601 ASSC.MEMEAINTflOROESIGN3ERF UNTor- owrol SITE Nomey on Di PremavBaty Fuel O09 46a3341 * I I POPTRAITS CANDIOS SLIDES MOV lES MURRAY WHITE PHOTOGRAPHy WEODING & BAR MITZVAH SP'ECIALIST 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX. ONTARIO 1-942-4519 1 TE1,L0 ' I-0 K.N r MICHELIN 11170-2-14 steelubelted radial Attersley Tire Service -668- ELECT D» n COUNCILLOR No»rth Weurd A>l