Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 5

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Post Office problems Much like alphabet soup 'WViec xolild you scîîula lctcr addrcsscd te ARlPA1 UIT 10 SZAM'? TIia t's cxact ly thelic nd'oft prohlciiî laciuîg Caniada Posi Of'fice sorters cvcry day l'or nmail goinig ovcrsecas. Morc tlîan 200,000 such lcttcrs lbamlcd alnially at thic Mo t rcai Poîst OI'Iicc 's ai r miail anid f'eigii surfIacc sec- tionli lad i iidcciplicra bic or iiîcomplctc Addrcsses. Thec biggcstlilcadaculî l'or- sortcrs is Mien Illc writiîîg is dil'ficul t or impossible te dc- ciplier. Ou1 soîîîc lcttcrs the address is typcd or wrîticuî in a I'ereigîî iauguagc. Ofteithule naine et' the city or, couintry is lcft o ut. Tlicse lctcrs arc scrccncd hy a group oet postaI cxpcrts, lmt tî'y te dctcrimic lî ll corrcct addrcss lcI'r Itr- xardiuîg ecdilc te1r oui teils dcstiniationi or, ifL' nsucccss- lui, rcturiiing it to Illc sciidcr (previd iuîg, oetcourse, tlicrc is a rctuu'n addrcss). rFic preblciiî is soectiuîcs solvcd by lca 'ing thlrtîuglî tiiree vol uîics toft tliclInter- national Lisi t o'Post Of'ficcs. Lachi volumeiclias moetliau 700 pagcs.' 'Fli list canic i vcry liandy wlieli a lcttcr was reccivcd ini Moîtrcal xilîtflic lasi linc tif' thec addrcss rcadiiîg simîply Cebu City". A checck oteuîc ofth tlcVtluiuleis rcveaîcuî tli (Cbu('i ty ks a Post ()lT*icc in thlicliiipinces. Other limes expcricncc liclps. Occasieuial ly a flîint as te the dcsintation pt a lct tcr is previded treni t h ,c local ity iii xhiclh il vas pesi cd. "'T'lîcprohlin of'Linde- ci li ri)icor iCometip cicad- di-csses is i nc rcasing ai thei tim mcccauisc umorc and moire peplc arc' arriving I'ein Etur- oec te rcsidc ini ('auîadii,' said L.W. Lewis, programmeî adiniistraierof*t hc Post Of'- ficc's National Opcra tiens Branclh. "l is at thc stagc [low wherc ili is cest ing a leot of* meoncy te liandlc," lic said. l'lcePost OfTicc is îrying soectiiing ncxv(o hip )allc- viatc tlhe prein. Quite sinup- iy, local J)estimastcrs arc hcing asked te t ry te cen tact tlhe scndcr ine, dci te corrcct tlîcsc Ici crs bcl'Oe llcy arc sent on t lici r xay. "Tlii 15 ay tlie c ali pest- miaster is lielpilig boi t htle cnIsteuîcr anid thlic Po>s t OIl'icc," Mr. Lcwis said. t ievr. iIl a local pt>st' imaster canliot contact the sentier. ic ie eici is tili e1(i - v-irdci ed t liceîîeau est oeri- sCIN iiaii q\Cllaligc ('il ,i'Îce PICKERING- A tlircc-way battie for ilie rccvcshîip et Pickerinîg Village is sîiapimig uîp iliite a t orid Iiglîiti in i lus coiliunuu miity. West et Wlîi t 1". WlîcienI'rericrrcvc Ress Murison iniîtica ted lie wen id miel cemi tst tIllc race iii is vealr. tvo Village CLiniciîlou s anid a îîexvcrhiiîc r auii i ced thiey xvotld vie 1er i-lle pesm. t)cpuiîv-Recve VCo )ig lcy is ni kimig a bitl amîd soi s W1liiii ictLeam a lceuiicihîtir l'or tIllie v st heouir.\ea is. t)ing' ley lias beemi depuiî\-iceve ft i Ilie ast t WL)vea vs. AIse iiicon ieîî t ieni s iew- cOlieî \.J. "3111- taxidsmi. Oshawa & Area's Largest Toro Dealer Full Parts & Service al timîatcial conisuiltanit. As a rcsuîlt et'Itle sxitcli in li minîg p lanus,('ouimici Ile r George Martini wiII take ivei as dcpi ty-r-ecve b1wacclaliiia l in i île lia s beemu n tmîcilici silice 1909. A\ total ol' six are ruiiingi t'om- tiîre seat s oniictuicil. Iliese imuitcne JoLiimiPaîîei. D)avid N'ecli, Joli Mc iî i)li . Richiard Aaeui l- Lini WXilltui.ks ai T L)i (alo .\tc Ila i ln llt t\% selP oC nI tlic îuibl cý ics colifiiiiii. e to tLi~ hiiiî it Illie titi lii Weil i t'-. wv. Mon. - Weds. - Sat 9 - 6 Thurs. & Frî. 9 -9 tlcrc arc tcn iii Canada) whcer 1c Is ecxai mcd wi tlh tlic liclp o' et icIntcrniational Lis[ (if l>st Of'ficcs, (Jvcrscas nmailI cxclî angc ofi- liccs arc leca icd iii pest eO'- iiccs ini Vanceuvcr, (Calgary, FEdiuîonton, iRcginia, Saskzi- tooln ,\illlnil)cg, Toontoi, Mnluilrcalii'a, anîd Si. Johln's, Ncvw'lkîuîîdlandcl "Thec îîcw systcinwil spccd Luîp thc proccssiiig of this typ)cet' imail,' M r. Lcwis said, "and 1allcVia Itc bui-- dcl iih lîicfl tii new l'cle jus( onc pest otlîicc ( N'onit rcal ). "Tlîc big ,.dviinitagc l'or t lic cuistoiucr i s tlia t his c ttc r wîi't gCî mliXCd Lip Witih Ic thLîosaiîds et' 0ethcr SuIcIle t- tcrs in I lic Mont rcal olHicc. "Il' wc can cducatc tlic puie idbout thc importan1ce et- propcr addrcssing," Mr. Lewis addcd, ~it will lpl iiet only thlicPost OI'l*icc, bu t custoîîîcrs as wcll, by spccd- iîîg hf) tthe dclivcry et' thcsc let tecrS." YOeu woLld prebahly stili bc t ryiig tofigurc ou(t wiîat te do xitlî ARPAD UT 10 SZAM. - I lPRT IRLN SU I Few things in life work'as weII as, WillIIY II RI,,SS.'*lut RSI)AY, NOVI- \IliBI R 23. 1972. PAI'\, Ajax election BattUe is Ioined (tîcsilss fr1e i lîrc top positions o o tiAax('ncil xviii likcly lie livcly. xvll-centcstcd evenîs accord ing I>tetam obscrvers on Illic Ajax political scelle. lilIlic rumîîiîîg forîi'ilyer, a Jli)vacatcd by iictinibenit Bill LeGros, arec (ounciller Clark Maset iand l'uriner îiawyer Ilirry Suuillî. Ftir thli reevcshl,i n cui' bcuîî Rcevc i)ave Trcbilcock is 1agailliliiitheîc ruluîuin)g huit iS tipp)tsed by conmiciller Phiil Lecvy, prcseuitly a iliiiier et' cenUICil. I)cpuîy-Revc Mary Rcid xviilis aIehave Lopposiltinin thcuc pel et*(Carel Jauîîcs, ail Ajax litiuscwit'c. But iilî C acc l'or cOuîuîCil scats tic watcr rcally i)cconics iniuky. A totaultof' 10 coiu- tcsîauîts hîavc dcclarcd. Ouîly t wo prescîît ctîuîmîcil uîîcn- bcrs arc scckiuîg rc-cleccîien Tlîcy arc HI.M. "Jiuii" Suiîlî and Colîin Mackic. Two for- miîici îîbcrs, Brucc O'Briceî anîd Kenî Howarî h d id uitlfilc nom1)inîation 11palicrs. l'lieceigîîî add i t it)al cton- iest antis seek img c lcct itum are Briai St urgeoin 1] ugli Il-ville, J imîî Baies. (crry Noemian. Oweni Ashiley, Juni Forbcs anid Je.--ei)d Nelson. Beilb scats oi i lie public iitiiities Comiioneill CI acclamatîîion. Noiniîîa cd anîd acciaillncd as Ajax rcprcscîî la- tive on tlle Onîtario ('onu ll Ronîanîaî('t hoic Se parat e Schlooi Beard. Henry Poiak. inctinhbent trustcc on the On tar-it) (ou n- ty Board of' Eduication. is bigchalicngcd by Robert Wiiiows, a vice-pr-îicipi xvilth tlle North York Boa rd et Eduicat ion. a Volkswagen. 'Maximum suggested rotai? price for Basic Beette F.O.B., P.O.E. Provincial taxes and shipping charges extra. 0o WITBY CrO SHAWA___ 142 5 Dundas St. IL WHITBîr, Ontarlo iV.W.c 668-9383 668-93S& S -WOC Pickering vote Buy a IRDRO You can't buv better. Self-propeled. Exclusive psvoting scraper blade eliminates bumping and snagging. Separate wheel clutches for power turning and effortless handling. Adjustable chute. 5 h.p. and 7 h.p., both with a 26" swath. 8 h.p. wth a 32"smath. Loy away your snowblowe r NOW with a small deposit or use our Due to tremnendous response our FREE ELECTRIC START for 5, 7 & 8 h.p. wiII continiue while the supply Iasts. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St E. 7 5 6 5 OSHAWA 2mSl The 1973 Volkswagen is only$21981 Ac bagin us abargain.

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