I>A(;Il:4, TIILJRSI)AY, NOVIEMI3R 23, 1972, WIfYl'Y RH- I> RILSS Heure 0fb tE,. d.g..uh..ceut Irathes fthere (lie uawoimin or cliId VV1() i t i Illnle(litely elltr.-nce(i when i(hey vicw i proud (lognana#jevSt j cnt or .. cu(ly kitten or l)iIlpy'? 0f course, t here are sonie who, thriotigl a quirk of natuhre, do not-ilot e.vCii a lit tic bit--like animtais of any kiîîd. i'hsc arc' in thle 1minority ando l atS.0agood Tibis week's p)hoto page is de- voted t> dogs. cats, i rahbbit andl a gtiliea j )ig--y<)u'il have to look close to spo0t thn4 ouie- ail ini- mates of thie animal shlter on Thiickson Rd. lEach of themn is iooking for a home and each deserves onie. A quick trip to the shielter may find your ideal pet ready and waiting. Pets make wonderful Christmas gifts but, a word of caution. Be- fore you decide to suit action to to the word make very, very sure it is what you reaiiy want to do. A pet, once boughit or adopted, beconies a nemiber of' the fainiiy in a very reai sense of the word. You must be wiiiing to accept this fact and aet Laccord ingiy. Your pet mLJst be cared for. Hc nust be fed. kept dean, trIlined I)rop1eriy. uiinistere(l b whien ili and, above ill cisc, bc ioved. If, afier considcring azill this, youi stili want a pet, then perhazps on1e of thiese shown (on tthis p)age xviii fi tde bill. If 1101.th le shiter Ilias many more to choose front Photos by Murray White 4 -, V 6 1 Il- à -* 16 0 $.,, 9 & ý Wý . e x .10 * 9 le IL a a a a & la a * a * * b & A A, . & 6 à , & ý * * * îk i,