Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 3

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Wl I I'1'1ý FIY 'i RISS, 'l'11i )RSI)A Y. NOVIM IýliI-'R23. I1972. A te* s e B 'Ac ý p* s sWH TO Es, s %.HN IN yM N TsCU CL EO't rea*de.rs ro The Editor: 1 wan t lu stress thlai 1 seck t0 gain a seat in Coulncil withi- ouît a neced to ride on tlic backlashi that will con lion t Ilhe incumiben t counilflors. If-, as it lias been stated, hIe re- corId will be fice key Io te- electin, Ille sainie is only good for archives and molli- balîs. 1 intend tb present fthe electors wiîlî articulated poli- cies. Io inîipleiulenî . solve. short and long terni policies. The prublcis of' a nIew arelia utfa sdI isl'aci ury ieC building ifor ilie library. uIl municipal buildiîig. a swinu- ingq pool. a low cosl lieuts- Hn0 proleci of' 135-150 un ils wvill be solved wviinj a uion ih uIle ne\v counicil will lbe iii- sialled. Tlîev %ill be locýaied ini Illiedo\viîi own l.These niail- tels \vil ble solved. suie Sole- ly ly Illic î*reeillîialicial rcesou rices of, Illie i own . i]CO- L>periation l\i i -i vce Clubs1) wVlie i eve i leasi ble. 'T'ie ccou n - cil 1 %vai io be par t ' s i gloiîîg io cup l)ouiiiis omni lo suIve i hese ou [i tiiing pro bleiis. t liese UC 1111a is oft hIe pasi nilisniaîîaged adiîîii- S1 ra i io&)n. ('oulicil will lhave 10 be able lu -d irec i and show ani ouiptit. wol'i jusIlile a reci- pie t of* deiiiaîd s. but i-ake Ille lead, especially I o iii- prove d raiiatically Ille in- dusi rial lax revenues. so i hai (lie raiepayers wilI nul be -asked f'Or a heamier tax hur- dJ"rklue lieavy as il is. 1 ani sure wve cai accoiîplisli (lie goal out rejulveiliingIllie downiîown . for il will have Iu be agaili [lie lieari ut oui towvi, licre iiidividuals will lnid a pl1ace luor rec rea i it >1 l'Or shouppinig, lu live ii. I1dam sure aIso iliat l)efuie voliiig d1iy I cal) piesliit I lie vuiers wiliîa wviiîiîîg aller iîaIive, ail alternaitive ihai spelîs g&xils i liai are ilioseout Illie iidivi- dual voiC ter 'Ie ceilire ward. P.S. Allis, wili l ei uf o mîinîe, dated Sept. I12. tu uIll Timies* H ilor i lai giiued a lîead linc of' "Ne\v ndusiri uiily S011,1i0i 1*0 for l\'lib Town- andd an cd ioi ai cil I lie Tmes. ()il Nov.1). i liai ends -Illie io\vî's iiîîdustrial- commîîercial assessiîîuîi (32 3 ecn as of' Oct . 31 ) is sadly Oo' I)u blace itllIilile resîdenlial assessiiieuii (ý7.7 percent). ThI t u ibe COr- rocîed ,"give îîîe iîuclî more ment. If we have learned any- thing froin recent experience, il is that thie very survival ut' or riglits as raiepayers is aI sitake. Il is in I lls connlecl ionj that I ani suiîcîiig your sup- portilfor îiayuî inii ie frh -write - You nîay îiol agree wi tli eveî'ything I say or stand for. Wlîa t WC ca n agree un, h ow- ever, is flic absolu te necessity for a strouîg, vibrant niayor who will nul abdicate lus respotîsibilities if' gruener, more lucra tive poli tical oppor- lunities arise. 1 arn your viable alterna- tive ini tfis respect. We cati a Iso agree tduat Wlii tbty needs a iiiayor whio wi Il listenlu aIl111orflthe peuple aiid pay heced ais tie si tual ion re t i re s. 1 arn your viable alterna- tive ini tfis respect. 1 xvill endeavour tb provide ail cil i/Cils \V i hant >pîiorý- luîîily Ilu have a voice iii (lie esi a bI isli iii cii t o t' p nion lies luor thie adetîuaic anîd Iiaiicial ly leia)l sibctevelo.pieîîituff>0 i iIiillo u 11Io (O1)ia coi 111i- ily' ul iem eoved lfroutficiu pressuresut Tuxiii l I. xvîic e ail cil i/cils w aîîl flrol)- clii omi iewpo)i iii cati iii cci Ill lace lu laZce. aliîvi niie. ialk sIraiglît Iruin li e sîou 1- dci aîid l'ind out flicle v' atid liuw. Pliîs wili alsu bie ilic case xvi 1h seîî ir depa n - metiie ueds xvhenîrequi red. As your ilayor. I wvilI wurk ioward i lic day xlîii we utnce mtore halve ou r oxvîi fll-service P-ost Ol'l1ce, adetîua le Areîîa 1tc i lit ies.aiid a Bell Telepliotie uf'tice. lit addîi ou . 1 support (lie îîeed fo0r sucli ainîilies as ai Iiîai te. art gallery and mîu- sic ccli re \wliîcli mill grea Ilv sI iliffltaic Ilie cuit ural Lippe- îiîcs ut' ()Lur cilitetîs anîdcii- iaice Illie tîual i îy utou r I ives. Ilwill zalso bcuIly' itieil- he lionlai wlieii tiiese additionî- i lI'cilîl ies are available. j Iiiiitii-Iiis or sitîiflaîrîii ut1 of i aip wuxill bc provided i o ciisure i liai a lIlcil izetis caiti etijuy illii Iolu[lic tullesI 1no iiîa lier xvhere t lîey Iiiay bc foîtid iiiOUr, cutIillîiitiy. As yo&ur iwIayor I xvill isist ilial youu. Iceiaxpayer. kiiew xliere ail y'our IaN tiollars arc goîîîg. I1 pul 1 I1aStl)p lounî- iîecessaiy s51ciiiig iii Ille lori i of' nîli alisiic plaiiig aid lions lfot sel t îsli gaiiî. PARENTS - Your Son or Daughter cari EARN BETTER SCHOOL GRADES h ask you te uise yout' vote wisely un Deceriber 41li. 1leilp eleet tue tiiayor apid put peopl e back irîto the picture- withî a voice iin your Coin- tîîunity anîd fuîture. Siîcercely, BrLiiio Hariîaid (Canîdidate fo r Mayor Decern ber 4) TPic Editur: Il is a pleasant suirprise lu learui ilia t Don Love hock is go ing lu ru i i n thelieupc<o>niiîîg murnicipal electiuiî. Thie Northî Wau'd tîecds soiniene thiat is wiîliuîg to listen, and is also capable of' placiiîg belore Counceil, in a ct)iistr*uctive niantier, thie ur- genît ueeds of' the peuple wlîo live iii Northi Whitby. Doni Lovelock is a good mîan with a deep ceuicerri l'or cotnnîunity probierris and ii my estimnation cxtrenîely capable of' dealing wiîlî our muinicipalh ueeds. He is liol a social climîber anîd I would be very suirprised iflie woLîid appruve of* spend- ing oLir tax dollars on sonie tktncy yacht club oun the lake- f'runt. Very f'ew ut' us cati afoda d ingy, imch Iess be ED able to hîob-nob wi 1h thie yachting set. Thue Lovelocks suffer from the excessive tax burden we ail have tu put up with and I wouîd uuut bc surprised if this is otue of thue mîain reasons tluat lue lias consented to rui iui tluis election. Soneone îîîust try te gel our Council f'roiui looking northwards ev- ery liuue il is tiecessary 10 raise nmore mii)iC for somle of' tîeir fancy ideas. In tluc oîd days, the saying was "'Go West Younug Matn Go West", is lias beeuî clainged tu "Go Stuthî Youiîg Mati Go lu SoutIh Whitby". My advice is tu stay iii the Soutii be- CAUCHI cause you will, Iauni sure, IeI the people inii lie Norîhu Ward support you f'or 111e resl(if* your hife iii luxurious coin- fort-yachit clubs and ail. Concerned HA VE A COFFE W4I TH BR UNO 13 7BROCK ST Souîth FOR A GOOD VOICE AND A SOUND REPRESENTATION ON THE TOWN COUNCIL' FOR THE EAST WARD, VOTE TO E LECT 1. Whitby resident for over 20 years 2. Fifteen years on the Oshawa and District Labour Council (The Iast three as an executive member>. 3. Member of the Board of Directors of the Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital as a Labour Representative for the hast two years. 4. Appointed by the Mayor to assist on the Whitby Storm Damage Fund Committee. 5. Eighteen years as an executive member of the Local Union, the Iast ten on the negotiations committee. 6. For a positive voice and a concerned speaker for the EAST WARD, Eîect ED CAUCHI for council on Dec. 4th. ART DESJARDIN is a ve 'teratu haviilg served with the Royal Canadiatu Navy for 5 vears. He joined the Canadian Tire organization inî 1945 and lias been witlu tlemi ever silice. He opeiîed his owni Caniadioil Tire store in Milton, O'ntario in 1I954 and operated it until 1 958. During that period hie was 011 council for two years and then served as Reeve. Art went to Toronto in 1960 and opened a Caniadiani Tire store at Kinston Rd. and St. Clair Ave. He sold this operation in 1I970 and mioved to Whitby wlhere lie operates lus own store for the organization. Art is widely known ini the sportinig fraternity and lias sponsored teatuis ini hockey, basebaîl and soccer. He currenthy is the sponsor of the Whitby Jr. B. hockey club. Vote to eîect Art Desjardin as Councillor for the West VVard on December 4th. increased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking SkihIs. Phone or write for complete details. Die1 728-0052

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