Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 2

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i>A.i , IIURSDYNOVEIMBER 23, 1972, WilIiTBY FREIEi PRESS .Apathetic? In a weckend teiephone survey, the FREE PRESS iearnied there is somne discouragenient ini the taxpayers' minds regarding the comning muitnicipal election. Out of 100 telephone contacts, in which Whitby residents wcre asked: "Do you have as mnuch interest in the corning niicipa,.l election as you had inthec recen t iederaI clection'?", tou, many indicated thcy lhad no interest al all and would not be voting municipaiiy this year. "Newman will get his own way again and l'Il have no part of it," ap- pcared to be the crux of their philosophy. Had these telephone calis been made to the 700 people on file rcgistcring opposition 10 thc proposed towfl hall on Rossland Road, the apathy, thougli just as frighi ten- ing, would have been more underst and able. The catis, however, were made ai randomi froin the telephone book. Although perhaps inadverten îly, this administration lias given the impression thai taxpayers have no right bo ob- ject to things whichi closely relate 10 thenm. Somne local politicians have even gone so far as to dig int their label bins, tagginig our taxpayers 'tlhe narrow- mîinds' (Newman in what appears to be those who opposed the town hall) and incomibent counciilor of the north ward, Gerry Emin, with his impression of the Myrtle Station 4'activists'. (His opponent, Don Lovelock led 98% of' the hamilet of Myrtie Station lun a petition against the proposed Myrtle sausage kitchen). This country lias paid weli for certain Canadian free- doms, one of tiîem being fredom t speech whichi in- directly covers 'objecting'. And, althoughi brighit mcen sucli as Des Newman mnay leave the impression that objectionisis are activisis, other mceii lîke retiring Onitario Municipal Board Chairrnan, George Kennedy hold the opposite vicw, that il is essentiai 10 our coontry s demnocracy the fact of being indeed able to objecf*without guilt righît here -ai the municipal level. We assumne that Newman, for ail of' his polishied nannerisms and rhetoric, is rio match tor the understanding and experienice of M r. Kennedy. We don't believe that apathy will kilI Whiby's chance at the polis Decemnber 4. There are good mcen offering thecir services in boîli the old and the new. Besides, if there is anything we've learned over our pasi year and a hiaîf flighit withsome of the prescrnt administration, it's that the people of Whitby, Brooklij, Ashburn and Myrtle care-and care a great deal-about the future of the County Town. Ou Decemiber 4 nobody cati take away your freedomi to vole. Vote for anyone you wish-but do get out and vote. And if a word t0 the discouraged is necessary at ibis timne simpiy bear in mnd - 'A no-vote is a Newman vote'. STOPIN A TBR UNO S FOR COFFEE, 137 BROCK ST. SOUTH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT BS Y3~ Snco.579-1774 Street North R ES readers wri«te To The Editor: Sirice it lias been rcporîcd ini the media thlai the teachers of' Ontario o uuty are plan- ning bu be active in thic dcc- lion campaign for the Couîî y Board of Education, it is iin- cunibeîî upoti us to miake public ou r initentions at this tie. Tlîc policy of' the Second- ary Sclîool Teachers' Federa- tion is as follows: ( 1) District 17 of tic 055. TF wiii not eridorse tic cati- didacy of' auy persuru runiiig for the Board of' Educatiotu. Thîis ducs îlot îiean that inidividual teachers who are ratepayers in tie Cuunty %ill not actively support the can- didate of thecir clîoice. What this dues mecan is that' the District Executive, as thie policy-niakiiig body of* the Federatioui, will mîaîîîtaitu a non-partisan statice wiîlî respect to the candidates. (2) Tlhe basic objectives of' the teacie rs of Ontario Coti- îy is lu define anîd lu iîelp claritfy the issues relating to educational policy f'or the clectorate. Pursuant lu tiiose state- nients of' policy, the OSSTF wili subînil lu cadi canîdidate t'or tlhe position of Trustee a questionnîaire, soiicittig iheir vicws un gerîcral policy mat- lers. By tlîis meaîîs, sonie couiion criteria will exist for coinparing the var-ionLs ean- diates. WVC ope iluat those whu are ru nuing l'or [lie posi tion of Truste wil i co-operate with the teachiers iii ihis pub- lic service. H-ershcel Rosen, Ontario Sccondary Scliooi 'Vcaclîers' 1Fcderatiouî. Dear Editor: Upon niy recent returui fronu Frankfuri witii ue of' the daily Air Canada Iligits, i noticcd tihat Frankfurt nul long agu bias conîîected ils ncw lIternational Airpori wiîlî Unionî Station ( Haupt- balînliof) ini the ciiy, s0 tuai the passeniger only nceds tu use ilie gliding stalirs down to thîe Airlpurî-Railr-oad-Suhlway station, as îndicaicd on' the pik4ure, wlîere trains arc dc- partîn iigvcry lrcqueuiiiy ini t h rc miain direct ions. Arriv- ing ai oneC of' ie lictîreceter minais thle t ravei Ici lias a If areas surrouiiig grealer Franikfuri and fuirilier away (thic Rhineland. IHeidelberg, Hanover, Bavaria etc.) ati lus lfîîgcri Ps. If SUClI a layoni tcoLIld bc inauiguratcd for Mal touiTer- mîinais Onîe anîd Twvo, the goudby anîd wclcoîîîc cere- mon1iC escou id be shiftcd Io thie big hiall of Union Sta tion anîd utber point s fccding iî fruîîî Fast, VWest anîd Northu, eniahling ic two tocriiiiiia Is ut wlîîcii Nu. two is nul bLisy ulsually analyU, u excIlusive- iy serve uIce ravclicr anîd Su avuiding conlgestîoin'or îîany ycars t10 conic. Belore any utlier pur-pose is fm oundtfor thie Union Sia tîin building ihis shl d bc con- sidcedfirst. because auîyone kuîows tlaît the congestion ai Maiton is cauised iîiîly by onilookers and wcll wislbers. Thjis surely is îîot tic firsi lime thlai sucli a suggestion is made lu pianners o f anui ler airpori . las there ever bccîî a reaction t thîe thliugh t thlai a greai , i f nul t lie grea t est IlLuuI be r u'ofpeC could be divericd fromn Mai. ion tbis way, mîakiîig thec boardiîig forinalit ies for itie flyiîîg public nîuch snîooiber? lilse Esciienlolîr Wl i tby, 0OnI. TII WohIST FIE[PRESS 4 Voice e*te.County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday 2 12 IBrock St. Sout h. Wîîv Mail Bu\ 206, VIi tby. I>iotie 668-6 111 or 668-6 1 I12 (;ecrai VVge: . -Bill-i)urkee 1IAitor: Jmdv Iurkee I:diîoriaI Staff: BillWillianm% MA ILING Sport ' [di tor: i)oug %CjIle 111.\111, Advertiii: RoiWniu~ NO. 2941 A CANDIDATE WITH P.U.C. EXPERIENCE BUSINESS BACKGROUND WILLING TO SERVE'IN Ih\. THE BEST INTERESTS VO'TE DECEMBER 4, 1972 BO B CAWKER X FOR WH ITBY PUBL IC UTI LITI ES COMM ISSION *8 Vears Previous Experience on P.1U.C. *20 Vears Whithy Businessman (Whitby Hardware- Bob Cawker Rentais>. *Active in Community Projects ISSUES ? WHAT ISSUES ? Baono and egos taste botter SUNDAY-SIDE UP! There's something very special about brunch on Sundays. No fuss, and no rush. Time to sit back, relax and enjoy a Ieisureîy meal. Pure pleasure. And that's why the Georgian Motor Hotel is now providing FAMILY PAN: CAKE BRUNCH each Sunday from il a. m. to 2 p. m. Take the legwork out of mealtime. Corne in sit down and relax, the Georgian does the rest. Choose from an A La.Carte Men u of Breakfast specials. Pancakes, Bacon, Ham and eggs, Hamburger for the kids, French Fries or home fries, and it's especialîy nice for Mother. Woultin't you enjoy a relaxingbrunch this Sunday ? Corne on down and enjoy your bacon and eggs Sunday-side Up. MOTOR HOTEL Tbornton S. & Chiamplain 723»4693 And on the same program O.C.S. at 7:00 pm ""LAWMAN" with Burt Lancaster Sun. thru Wed. Nv26 - 29 Fmounte Mafler01 Shoékeef restriL ted 10 persons Adeadlynew twit ro Over 18 the original Hitchcock. 2nd FEATURE COMPANY 0F KILLERS Van Johnson - Ray Msiland CHI LDREN'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. THE NIGI-T 0F THE GRIZZLY

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