Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 19

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WFIITBY 1-RI-LPRI.ýSS, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1972, PAGE' 19 Growlng Amaryllis A plant you nîigi fiîd irallier interesting to tîy is the anmaryllis. Thtese bulbs are mat ive to Sou th Africa and easily forced and rcquire veîy lit tic cave. licre arc two cottries tlîat cxporf aaraîyllis bulbs, Hollaîîd anîd Southi Af'rica. The Souîth Af'rican bulbs ai-c superior for- Christmnas foî-ciiîg, ais thiey hiave alrcady hiad thecir dornnant period, and in nmany cases tibeir hrîds are alrcaîdy slîowing. Amnaryllis arc différenît frorn mosi bulbs iin thia the bulb produces a long, sfraighit, Ibollow, green llowcr stalk; wicie lowers. Several wecks laici- fle bulb produces ifs sfrap-like leaives. If yoti arc fortunate enoughi, you will have flic bulb producing two flowcr sfalks. Eaclî stalk will rîstîally hiave two f0 four large bloomis. --You will find tlhc cost pcr bulb f0 be approxirnatcly fwo to threc dollars, btit thiese bultis cani bc forced tuie following ycar if sorne care and prepaaion is taken. Whien sclcciîîg your amnaryllis bulb check if over careitîlly for- soit spofts and signs of dccay. Only a firm lîca1l thy bulb wvill grow and produce the dcsircd effect. Place sorne broken pot tcry ini a five or six inch clay pot. Use a liglît, rich. hfibrous sou miiix. Place the bulb s0 ai lcast fwo-thiirds of' the bulb will bc below soil level. Water wcilI and place flhc pot iii a xvartil location in your borne. After flhc lowcr stalk beinigs Io clongafe, niove flhc pot t fu111 Iiglitf bu ruiing if d aily. Tbis wilI en sure a. straighf sfalk. Aiter bhec aniaryll is lias fiîîisbied flowcrigtise a sharp knife and ctît the stalk flush aithtle btîlb. Be careful you doni't cul flic Icaves off. Thiese leaves are îîîanufacburing food t'or the btîlb and next vear's lowcrs. As soon as tlic daîigcr of l'rosi is pasb îcx t spring. plonge tlic pot \vib ihe beulb ini il iii a seini-sliadcd area. Feed flic plan t wifb I iquid niamire. wliicli lîelps f0 increase flic se of bulb. I n carly Sepfcrn ler biing flic amaryllis iii anîd place it in th lebaseîn b Icii inig thlIaves dry tip aild. liercîbre. allowing flic bulb to rcsb. Rejuvena fC liht ilb by walering. iii Januarv or Fcbrtîary of'flic nexi vear f tor ils second bîooiîg period - Repeat thie saine procedtirc year affer y/car anîd yOIo liîd obtain flic sainîe res Ils. Tliese btilbs niake good Christmnas preset s or- slît-iiis. To iiiake sure f licy don't lower before Christmnas; if' fliey are goiîig f0 bc used as a presenit, pilace iii a r-etirigeraf(or. KEPA LIGHT FOOT! Oo~vTAxeELFRATLçuppcjvzy ON/ /C5-' 09 9MÇAOW%'9dRFAC*S. d9OA/T MM4K.E 5(1012 ___________IlVOTE Sy: Steve Hanson Muiey Management is a jobf« Exputs The first thing the average widow needs is an incomne to replace her husband's weekly pay cheque. Let me show you how to take advantage of the "Income Options"" in your present Life Insurance pol- icy to make sure that your wife wil receive what she needs-a regular guaran- teed income-and be spared investment prob- lems. For Life Insurance service, just contact: To: S.K. (Steve) Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower Oshawa Centre 'Oshawa, Ontario 728-7391 MA4nuPILife The Manufacturers Life 1 Insurance Cornpany John Town West McNutt for , - Council Ward WHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Youî X Dealer"l 211-Brock St. S. Phone:66836lO JIM BRADY For Separate School Representative to Ontario County Board of Education 4 VEARS TRUSTE E PROVEN INTEREST IN YDUTH ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE Reelect jim Brady iG6*-5"W14E LEGAL LIMIT- A b>dt/9T ~R 5PEW i97-0QI?/V/$* COND/177O$J9..- ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE li c,operatinit Wtte BP Oil limited WItJi i-êyee teui for period Nov. 26 to Dec. 2 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Hîgh Quality Invitations Your wedding de- serves the best in- vitations and an- nouincements... select from our tasteful samples. Expert Consultation WH ITay FREE PRESS 212 BRUCK. ST. SOUTH 668-6111 Canada&s number-one import car is,,here! Datsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles to the gallon.* With the kind'of per- formance that's made it Can- ada's most successful rallyà car. Buy the one that's been tested under the worst pos- sible conditions against the best possible competition. Datsun 1600. 1lt'slThe Leader. Q...1973 DATSUN NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN NICkI'S 160 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Cai728-0051 Youir nost significant day during this sevcn day period is Sunday thec 26th. On this day your insighit is very kccn and you arrive at conclusions that under normal conditions wvould have taken much longer. Obscure relationships arc revcalcd to you ini a flash of intuition. Now that your birthdlay period is drawing nea r, you cxperience a wonderful sensc of cxpectation. This is your favourite time of the ycar. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Tread cautiously during appointments with others on the 26tlh. Do flot bc late. 1-ave ail necessary mnaterials on hand for discussions. Protcct your credit and prestige on this date. This would be a good day to steer clear of those with chips on thieir shoulders. There is confusion around you frorn the 27th to the 29th. Be discreet. By Decernber 6th înany situations wvill liave cleared up. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Slighit delaysdo not warrant your being discouraged. They're onfy minor hioldups. Love becomies intense as the month ends and certainly favors you, Pisces. Guard against împulsiveness and self-svill around the 3Oth of' Novemnber and Deccember lst and 2nd. You find much sympathy for the underdog at this lime. ARIES - Marcli 21 to April 19 Your miost significant day of this perîod is Sunday thec 26thi. Your per- ceptions and intuiion %vill bc very highi, providing a deeper insighit than usual mb c veryday patternis. You can leap ahead during the corning wcek by being practical and uiot letting your natural enthusiasmi run away wîtlu you. Concen trate on thec du ties at hand. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 'llic homne base of operations k hIiglîglted during this seven day period. You desire to add to your personal possessions. 1 advise caution in this regard, as you miay be drawn to îimpractical purchases on luxury items that are beyond your budget. During thec next few wecks you may bc inluenccd to spend mnore than is wise. Your two miost significant days are Iuesday thec 28th and Wednesday the 29th when holiday plans are loreniost in niond foremost in mmiid. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 This is ain eniotional \vcek full of extremies. Strive to inaintain a delicate balance between illusion and realîty. This seven day period starts out radier calnily. Emphiasis is placed on close relatives. Property is stressed at iînid week. Your two most significant days are Thursday the 3Oth and l:riday the 1lst. Emnphasis is placed on the manner in which you perform your job. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 Health takes precedence during the first part of this interval. Colds and viruses can bc ramipant this tinie of year. Take precautions by dressing warmnly, keeping a balanced diet, and observing normal bedtimes. If your vitality is low, do flot force yourself to accept social invitations. l:urîlîer family togetherness by enîphasizing relationships with children. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 This is a double-edged week. Your insight is razor sharp. The momen- tutu generared during thec high activity period of last sveek carrnes over brilliantly info this seven day period. Significant days are Sunday the 26th and Monday the 27th. Enthusiasni runs .high when new projeets bear watching for successful culmination. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 There could bc sonie unfinÎshied business hiere, wrifing f0 do, cails to mnake or people to contact. You get imore emnotional feeling again. Use this period f'or studying along intuitive fines. Your miate, partncrs and others could be an inspiration now. Romance could blossomn on the 30t1h. Make the mnost ofiit. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Monicntum (dies clow~n soiicwhIat during this seven day span. There is more ecmphasis on actual process of' work bcing donc rather than on a broad concept. Stelp fy sfcp flhc project grows. Significant days are Wcdniesday the 22nd and Thursdlay flic 23rd wvhen intuition is hlighi. Try to încend close relationship %vitlî though tfulness and love. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 This pcriod begins on a high note. Many of the things youi've been wvork- ing for, planning tor, and envisioning should be appcaring or you can sec wvhere tlicy are going. Until the 29th concentrate planning on fi- nancial affairs, friends. advice fo others. A stroke of kick couild appear abou t tlhe 3Oth. Thîis lias to dIo with sonie service performied wvhichi could pay off financially. SAGITTARIUS - NOV. 23 to Dec. 21 Your niost sinifficant day is flc 26th of Noveniber. You should liave a deep undcrstanding of wlîat mnakes things work. Your luck is running strong at this tinie. Romiance blossonis as wvell a% social izingz and dinneri

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