Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 15

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r p Are@ hockey rounduR W I IIlTBY J11< '.I:îRI.s. 'Il[I:RSI)AY, NOVENI HI-S 23. 1972. P[1'vII5 Ti remen Appioxîîuiately 400 tIîîîs aItended tlle tirst honme gainie of HIle Br-ookliin-Wiîby Cana- dian Tire Jun1ior "BS" Tiremien in the new Brookîju Arcna on Thîur. Nov. 16, as the Tiremcîî defeatcd the visiting St. Miliacls Buzzers by a score of 6-4. Tom McLeisli scorcd the tirst goal f'or the Tiremien as lie beat Mike Brown ini the St. Miko's net at 2: 12 of' the opening period witlh a slap- shiot f'roni abouit 20 feet ou t. Don Nicholson made il 2-0 Iead at 6:37 oftHie tirst, as lie picked up hIle pLick in lus owîî en,d and broke down tlle nmiddle, lie dekcd the Buzzers det'ense and wen t iii unino- lested and boat Brown willua fl ip shot h igli in to tlhe iîueslu. Danny Djakalovic put the Buzzers back into the gaine at 9:05 ofithe opening period as lie scored during a goal- 1î1outh SC-alInble. Doug Wood gave thle Tire- moni a 2-goal lead aga in i n tlie first as lic scored ati 17:59). The first period ended wit h Wllitby holdinug a 3-1 lead. The Buzzers scored twice ini the niddle period as Johin Stornick fouiid the raiige and boa[ Whiitby nctniinder ah 8:20 on a power play and again ati 13:43. Only otlier roaf action of the second pcriod camne at thie 10:.33 mark as Bria n Cleary ot' thle visitors dccided tu give the faîis a display ut- ils 'istic ahlty as lie droppcd lis stick and gluves i o take on Doug Wood ut' tlîe Tirenieîi. Dotig Wood,- nut kiuuwn as a tiglit - er. aeccommo1da ted by d rop- pin-~ lis gloves aind stick anîd thien gave Mr. ('lcary a guud going ove r wi t lih is f'ist s. Bu t h plazyer-sircccivcd .5 imintec ia- jors 1,or-fig t inig. bu t Cîca ry speilthle firsi 4 minutes ut* h is penalty in luis d ressîing beat roli witlu an ice pack over his eye. Don Nichiolson gave tie Tiremien a 4-3 lead early iin Ie third periud as lie scored lis second goal of' Itle gaile atIltle 20 second mark. Brian Millar incrcased tIlue lead tu 5-3 as lie tired a liard shiot past Brown at 5:55. Tie Buzzers piulled lu wiltiiiii onie goal ut' t(lie Tii'e- mni at 17:31Iut' Itle final period as coacli Vic Sluce pulled h is goalie witli 3 min- utes reniainiîug anîdItle Ti re- nue ila inan short . Thlîime paid off. althouglu tlleWliitby club did conic close to scor- iîîg intu UIc enipty net. Danuîy Djakailovic scored lis seconîd goal ut' tIlle gainîe whenii/it- by failed tu clear tlle puck. The Buzzers pulled tlîeir goaliteîîder aga iii.tiiis tii nie with unily 1Iinuute i'eiiîain- Bob Mowat took a pass t'ruii Mike Perry, carried hIe puckutif o h is owii hIticligie before l'inally backliaiding (lie puck into tlle open net. Tirenien outsliot tlle Buzzers 50-40. Thec Tirenîcti are in 8 t h place iin league st aîd iigs, bu t have ptayed 7 gaiis lcss thauîi 2îîid place Marklianm lutu have 7 po inits more Ilian I llc Tire- ilieli' Markhîanii î ~illprovide I lic opposit ion on Tîu rsday in Ilhe BroukliiiA reima ait 7:45 P.111. Milliers of tllie upei ig gaine draw ývlueld lw tllue 'ire- moen wvc: Donina Mut lleiîî 1108 ByrinSt. S., golt clubs. cart anîd bzig amnd Wilnua Wei - ry. 1 19 Centre St. N.. Ski- duo sUit aind accessoies. builu oft \Vlutb)y. 11 la iliiuIi liiiigaie playcd inIitliel3rook liii Arciîa on Nov. 18, t(lic M acDonaId 's 6m4 Restau ran t Minor Ban tauîîs skated to thecir il'tlî straiglîf* win by dcfcating the visîiiîg Bownaiiville bantains by a score of 5-I1. Barr-y Livingston gave the visitors an early tirst period lead, as hie beat goaltender Robert Plillips with a power play goal. Deanî Seymiour scored the tirst ut' two goals in thîe seconîd pcriod to tic the score, tlieu Marty Gallas scorcd wha t provcd tIo bc thle winncr bct'orc the secoind pcriod cndcd. Going iiito the tIîird period witlî a slini one goal iîargin, the powerful Big Mac's camîe back withî tlîrcegoals iiithe finial period. Deani Seymiour scored luis second goal of' the gaine, bc- tuorc teainiite Dave William- sou addcd his two goals to round out tie scoring. Lloyd Coiînor pickcd up tlirec assists iii thîe gaine, while Tcrry Whlye, At MacDonîald aind Dave Wulliaîîison cadi got(0one assis t. Bill Morrisoui and Robert Plilips botlu played exîreine- ly well InIlletluc ies Iu lîclp tuie Big Mac's tu vîctory. M M Give TAX on Dec. Vote: DON Play was a littie rough arourid the net as it usually iswhen the Ajax Knob Hill Farms hockey club meets the Vaughan Nationals. The action depicted was caught during Sunday's game in which the Farmers won tfleî- a-i-un- ro -, "wn 7ng"te-Nats--.- . - iiicyvrieriiga W/muer of' the I0-specd bike drawn by Barry Living- ston of' the Bownianville Ban- tainîs was Nester Pidwerbirki of Oshîawa. The bike was pre- scntcd to Mr. Pidwerbirki by Dan Kemnp of the Big Mac's. The Brooklîi-Wliitby mîa- jor inidgets played four gaines ini tlrec days, winîîing three anîd tying mne. Kenu Clarke led is teami with four goals and tlurec assists as tlîey skated Io ail casy 1 1 -0 wiîî over Port Hope. Oucîlette recorded the sh u t-ou t. Thue seconid win for the Cauîadiai Coiîsolidated Build- iîug mîajor îîidgcts vas a 4-2 win over the Oshiawa Kiwanis mîidge ts. In an exhibitioni elcounter playcd ini Canniiîgîoîiagaiîust thîe Barrie Co-op mîîdgets, the gets also resulted ini a tie, as tlie Canniuigton teani pullcd tlîeir goalie iin the last minlute of play and tîed the gaine ah 5-5. Eddie Szczur was the! tearn leader in their thiird gaine, as he once again flred two goals while leading his teamimates to a 6-0 win over Bay Ridges. Other Brooklin- Whitby goal scorers were Bryce Jordaîî, Timi Brown, Dave Allen and Jerry Huin- ink. Whitby club hîad to seule for a 2-2 tic. The fourth gaine was an 8-1I romup over the Oslîawa Kiuîsmen. Mike Rowley, Terry Harper, Harry Forbes and Paul MacLellan aIl scored two goals ecd for the Whitby clu b. _______ Aftcr lcadiuîg by a score of 3-0, the Brooklin-Whiby nîinur îuidgets had ho settle for a 3-3 tic with Ajax. Tuie Ajax club scored three goals i a span of two mninu tes aîîd thîirty sec:onds to earn the tic. The second gaine for tlîe ~Your comfort is our concern"7 APAkTMENT Geared to your budget NORTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH 728-3139> - Evenings - 728-5297 Qý)a I"<n1 J)rpeolq yourselif a BREAK 4 READ Deputym-Reeve Don Read PAST COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE o Member Whitby Centennial Committee (Restored old County Court House) o Past Board Memnber Whitby Community Centres Board o Past Director Whitby Family YMCA o Past Secretary UAW Recreation Committee o Past Executive Member Oshawa & District Labour Council o Member of Whitby Harbour Committee o Past Chairman Sùpervisory Committee Auto Workers Credit Union o Vice Chairman Auto Workers Credit Union Credit Committee s Buzzers ANNUAL MEETING Brooklin Redmen Sr. A Lacrosse Team Tuesday, November 28th. 8:00 Pm Brooklin Legion Hall EVERYONE WELCOME SKTqDOO You'll ivontder w.h.ere the yellow ivent .For the f irst timne ever,, "the machine that chonged winter has changed". Ski-Doo snowmobiles feature colours other thon thegjraditional yeliow and block trim. Three new '73 1f"T n mdels in metallic silver accented by blaick and a new golden bronze Nordîc 640ER with taon seat and brown-black. trim of fer on expanded JVALLANCE EQUIPMENT IBROOKLIN 655-329.1 m their fith in a row, downing the Nats 7-5. -Murrav White Phntnnr;;nhv (contînued on page 16) ý579-1626 m 576-6956

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