Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 14

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IlA(G : 14, TI1IUR S DAY, NO0V1 M Il R 2 3, 19 72, W11I'IITY 11 -l1 - PIZ S S MOTORING wîith Miko Burgess The in fortunate part about livinig iii the 'sticks' (as some Toron tonians referto1 ouir area) is that we soinC imies are 1lorgotten (or ignoredi) by proii1otioil compl)atîes pro- mnoting products, or news ol' na t jouai in tercst. I guess tlîcy mutst iiiink tlîat the whole population I ives in Toronto0 ai our readership of 40,000 (approx.) ail rcad, listen to, or watch Toronto media. Nevertlieless, 1 crashiet a Toronto pr-ess conference one afternoon last week organizeti by Fiat Auto Club of Canada 10 annouince thieir 1 973 Raîiy awar-ds programi. In onie of my coiutmns about a year ago, 1 announceti that Fiat would have the besî poinit noney awards l'or the '73 National Rally seasori, ani they did! But for Fiat driving rallyists, the '73 season wiIl be better than ever. Fiat Auto Cluib (A C.A.S.C. mienîber club) is putting tîp colti, lard cash ranging fromn $ 1 ,000 10 $50 in ail of the upcoming I12 Canatiai National Rally Championship events. The awards are contfingent on uisitig Fiat cars and mernbersbip ini Fiat Auto Club. (You have tb belonig t C.A.S.C. club tu compete in a national even t anyway). Eacbi Fiat willi-ar $1.000 for a victory. $500 f'or a seconid place, S350 for a thirti, aid on down Io $50 l'or a tenîli place. A possible total of $2,775 is uip for grabs in each even t. '1 So with tliese awards on top of' cadi raily purse. it should prove to be a fiercely competitive seasori. As a mnalter of fact, the lasi 'Licorne 500' National r-ally paiti $3 100. . . . now if 1 qufit xvorking, andtimaniage to place in a few rallies.... FAC also announceti racing awards l'or nexi seasOn. The club will pay ils members SIOOGoi- c aclb regional chanîpîonsbip victory. In addition., S300 will go to a cualified d river wiviing a Caniadiani National class clîampioinship determineti a( an annual runoit ol the class champiiiionis ineacb region1 The Mosport Bulova series f'or -1.5 litre sedanîs will bc paiti S 100 f'or rirst place, S75 for)i second, ai S25 for tîtird. lncîticrtally, Monitrea-,lers Jean-Paul Perusse anti Lec Bartholemnew will be couîpeting i a factory-sponisored Fiat i28 ini the '73 series, anti will tiot bc eligible f'or the club awards. Wb icli is a goodti ling, as Pertîsse anti Burtliniew hiave twice won t[lie Cýatiatian Winter Rally in Fiat I128's anti last season wt)n lfoui-r of* bhe iglît nat ittilal rallies tlîey ciiteretl, neyer f'inishing worse than f'otîrthi. And thr-ough all those tliousantis of ii les t)lliard drivinig neyer even scratclied the paintwt)rk on t lie ir Fiat I128. Locýally , antber iieetiiîg Iast week brougli t up the ptissibility o)' Oshbawa Motor- Sport Cltib organiziiig anti ruii ig a local Slalom series ini '73. Word lias itIl thIis series, consistiîîg of' appr)1oxinta tely six even ts is intder seriotîs ctisidera tititi for sponsorsitil) by a ia titnita coticet i. 1 wouîld yen ture to say t ha t thle cilîan1,ýes tif*t lls serijes t'cotiting off' are very gooti ai lltugli i t's uinikely t liat any events will be fieldi iii the towuî of'Wliit by. O.M.S.C. lias une On tarit) Clailipionshli evetut inil s fiftcett year, which tlîis year was lielti aIt te Whitby Mail. Un forlunatcly froin what 1 gather, tlîey have beeîî ativiseti bythe Wliitby police tha t local residen ts (I lwy. No. 2 anti Thickson Rd.) have coniplaineti about tlle noise at. this evetit, making fututre usage of' the Wooicuî Mail (a beau tifi loca tioni) unativisabie. TItis iiîeaiis tlia t despile te busiiness brougli t inlui titis area by the uîaiiy cuiitest an ts, andtihie blessiiîgs tof' hie Woolco Mail any future eveuts iii Whitby would wind uip witlî O.M.S.C. payiiig fines iii court. Persotialiy. I woiîder Iiow anyoiie cati puit up witli thle conîtiniual nise ou*thte tafciii luis area, ant ienlîcturit arounti and coniplaiti about onie legal car e itig driven arutinti a lot wiiicii is evetu l'urtîîer away l'romi residcîît s thlan îthle h ighway! Butt it seeins tt nme we lîcard the sainie tli g a whl u back wbicti an en terprisiiîg f*airily iii Brooklini wati ed lu bijiltia tiragstrip iiia valley uni tîteir fariun iit(le iuîiudle of' towliere! Well AIl1 cati say is bliat niow thte vuîtig zge lias tiroppe t tî1i8 a lot tmotre progressive vuters are avai lubie tii itake decisiotis. uandiwiieii yeu're deal inig xvitIi thic secetîti la rgest cruxvtd-i-i wliig sport iii Nor tii Aiierica . . -lIte ciitii usias s \Vontihe lie ItI hck f*or lonig. Asa a tater ut' fact wiîli îliîîkiîîg likeiis, i woulnlt be su ipriseti il' we sec st)i te citantges iii ouir iii tiiiictipal ugvermiint lit a uv case. i 'd lIike lu tetii titi ttîtliat if' voith ave any cqutestl toit.s Mor cttiiîs jlease l t lrcc to xvritîle ia hiotme ( iî\ uîuickeri tuai wav f R.. Nu. 4 Oshiawa, ut catI tme ah wotk 723-79)7ti.___________ p J the WopkL.. -7 STORE HOUAS EFFECTIVE, MONDAY NO V 20Oth MON.- FRI.- 9:3Oam -9:3Opm SAT. - 9:,3Oam - 6:OOpm EXCEPT SAT., DEC. l6th.-9:3Oam - 9:3Opm VISIT SANTA AT HIS NEW HOME nfa f ié a qx&? A!.l oshawa~4 shop ping centre vKn ~ ,I v St.W ý n' P A R K .N G F O 4 00WC R S AT KING AND STEVEN SONR. OH W Fali roses Plantlng know how" la,,iîtinig roses in late October or carly Novettiber can be Suîcccssf'Ul ii i1an'ly harts Of' soLttlieru Otitario, says D.B. MeNcili, huorticutîtutral specialist , On tarito M iîistry uf' Agriculture andi Foodi. Plaiîbing prucedutres are (lbc saie as in tlle sprnig. Wlîen thie buII)sitesre reccOiVeL, 1tîn1tck andt statiii mi ter. Cituose a wel -protecteti location iii the gardeit andt tiig a lit)le decep Cuieîgli ti aluw thc rots toi spread ouit na t ura Ily . Thte SWOl CIi a 0raunIlle StCuîi sb oLtId bcset about 1 intch beluw Illie suil sirfaIce. Pack soil finit ly aroundith le ruots andt soak tlt1orotglly. The planits sîtoui d also be ItIOutIdeti witli seil tu uluw f*an set t Iiug. -.l Ilie cuider parts t)f'Onitario, i t îiay be best Io plat in the spring. But if t' LIwauIIt bubuy Itle bLisiies uîow. tlîey cati be everwiiitercd successl'ully by "lice1itig-in. " Tu bicd-m, souk the rmots iii water anti dig a tretîchin i a weiI-d raiuiet locat iton. Set thte buslies close togetiier iin thle t retîclu utid cuver thle plant s cuiipletely wi tii suîiî. or at least uial I way uip the stemts. Titis technîîiqute wil I kcep the platts iii guti cutîditiOti uttîtil pliaîtiiig liîîîe iii tlle Spnlilig. No1ual ter' wlei yeUîdecide lu1i plaît tyoutr rtîOSe huISIIes. guetI cLItiuîral practices arecîîecessary Ito grow tlle lest ruses. Air Canada offors Waikiki adventuro Becach -littngry Catiadiatîs. liikerntg ftOr thle xvarin breezes tif' te i awaiiui Is- landtis. tiow xvill lie able t e take aulvantalge ut"Waik ik i Ativeti luire," a package tour lu tIlic Paci tic hcitig o Itereti by Air ('utuadu. 'llie air-lîie lias jutitet i ilt I>attlitînerîicaui \Vuid ltl Aiuvs anttiSITA \Vurld 'Fiavel Iluic iti effetIlite eiglîit-duy andt lttteeui-day i luwiiaî.i vacaltiti prtigrauits. xvitîi teparlutres every Saîutrctay . A specWi b o- tu it itwo ex t ta days 1t0t-tIlte îiuIipi og utît ai uno extra cusi is olleret i lltose \01ou HEARb'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio rzguipped & Direct Lîne at Amofd's Market, 115 Brook St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Oerr Str»t Whltby ALL NEW- 1973 f7 k SUPER CHROMACOLOUR Th. qualily goes in before the nom. goes on@ HIGHEST TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD SET Most Models same day d.Iivery at FALCON T.V. 426 Simco. St. Sie Oshawa 723-0011 are able to depart on Tlburs- days. Thîe package incîtides re- tut ru econ o ily c Iass l'are viai Air Caniada to Los Angeles aund P>aniAine r ica n tt10 ltmt- lu Iti anti 1rovides a stopover i n Los Angelcs, in ii er di- rcltion, ai no additioiîal cost. Also ic I t it n i itlie eli t - day packagc is lwin or doloIe i) ouIaCC()ntll(iatiîoii at thbe ncw\ \Vaik iki Ir avelutige. con- tiiiectal bck s.rounttrip h tsc .belwvet i otii antI liotel andi a louir ul 1 lutlti wîl tIll tl-iviccs ut a tour h >st . Thi e 1IS-cI v pck eoit- fers siiniili culitluOtIs \Vit i acciiiiiuai ona Illec Reel, To)wcts I lutel ait Waik ik i Vi kitîchenette and tuttI coOkitîgl laci Iiiles. As an atiti ia iiIbetie lit Pani Am îpi vides a huokicut ul, (11,e1 lîa e wlîîcli wilt atit lustr c l it\, ttur ts vacatiti . 'l'ie lluuk lIci ini- cîtîdes shoupping ~vuuiclicis. passcs 1lu)sever-al out tle hi eaîlitakiiig guil' courses (un ilie Islandts atiti hivi taltilis lu solliicu Ilaiofenwt I-lie ciglît or ten -day loli- tlay heg ilis a t S'44 froi t Tornto t. S380 frin tu Ottawa and tl ýS l'l7in o ii nlu trcal. your property nOw Yur lîrtpert1y is a Primte itîvestutctt huit titily if' il is weIi carcul for. Chieck over youî r property iîow ant i-rauîge Iirepa ir atîd renitvate as utietio. Get thle est iliates l'romu .ytîur uîîp SI-Pie-coî t ractuir. Gel thle îuuuîîy f rouinV anti G. Getlte sat isf act ioni thl comies f'rtumîîkutwiuig you have eiituicedIlite Wvort h otif'yîr itîvest uetîcî iii youir property. VICTORan ÎEGREY rRusr COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST.ý W. WHITBY -668-9324 E-. -v.- m .- - - -e

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