Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 12

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PAGE 12, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBLER 23, 1972, WIIITBY 1,RI..-I) RE.-SS a c rosse Garrard group Thli Garrard Rmad Mitior Lacrosse Association hield ils animual Geîe ra ii c1b-sh1ip mleeting ai si. Paui1s Sehlool, Garrard Roxd. Whitby. 'liemeting eiected a new execuitive for i1972-73. They are: President; Bill Holding, Vice Presidenit; Dick Waiker, Secretary; Sally Littîle, Treas- Foruthe bef oveClto c "CRO$FCNN 3 e mor N Isly-85 Op n Wed. hr'in pm bold elections urer; Frank Moloncy, Pasi Presiden t; T'om Fairn an,* Registrar; Stan Ta.ylor.-" Directors ( 16) - Murriy Hliiiay, .1 miB rady , AIf' Minaret, Irenie Fleming, Rog- er Dezan, Vic Shefficid, Barb Keriiohian, Bud Kernolian, NorniaFlialiiday, uiPeebles, Joanl Gangemi, Mike Worona, W/ai t Vervynick, lony J1acobs. Greta FHope, AI Kiveil. 'l'ie new execuitive met brielly following thlie meetinig to aIppo iIIt a steering coml- nit tee from amongithei r inicubers. The coninîiutee wili be charged with the responisibili- ty of *investigating the future of minor lacrosse in the area and making recommendations to encourage the growth of' Canada's national gamie. 1-W lt's official. Christmas is just around the corner. And ta prove it joîly aid St. Nick arrived right an timne in Ajax. A lively parade marched past hundreds of children and parents lining Harwood Ave, on Saturday and bring up the rear was Santa Claus and his reindeer. -Mra ht htgah General Motors puy increase OSHAWA--Genleral Motors of Canada lias annnLmnced ii- creases in pay l'or somîe 21],- 000 hiourly-ra ted enîployees effective Novemiber -10 under the conditionsoni hue I1970 niaster agrceen contraci Ajax cierk reaclîed witli the United Auto Workers Union on Decenîber 16, 1970. Tie iicreases will be paid ici GM emîployees ini Oshiawa, St. Ca tluariuîes, Wind- sor, Londoni, Scarborougli ,iid Ste. Thierese, Quebec, plants. Beauchamp calis it quits AJAX -M. B. Beauclîaiîp. clerk-treasurer of' tic tnwinof Aýjax 1tor ifte pasi 1 I years lias subiiîed lus resignation to counicil. Thîe resignatiion xvas ac- cepted but "ýregretf'uily." M r. Beauclianp said lie inade the unove becatise lie waits nmore tinie ici speuid KAMPING Unlimited SALES - RENTALS - STORAGE R.R. 2 Towline Road North Polaris Star engine/Hydraulic disc brakes/all-ahuminum Torque-O-Matic drive/Equaliberator slide suspension/15," rubber and polyester cord track with tempered steel cleats/handie-bar mounted cut-off and hi-ho headlight dimmer switch/regulated electrical system/ful-width non-flicker brake lights/powerful sealed beam headight/tempered steel skis wtih extra-Iength sure-turn skags/improved Polaratone muffler. .'i I ~ ' la Neyer has leadership been so evident Oshawa ore n0w -et Sheridan Mal Pickering 728-9942 xvi ii h is famîîi ly clainîing lic lias net beeui able to spend sudl timie ini the past because o!' a 'fill-tiinîe comiuitnîcuit 10 uic job.", lHc said t lia t lie lias cei- joyed lus 30-y'ear sîiuîî hi tie public service but f-cils lie shionid noxv look elsewliere t-or enîpinynien t nf' a type less demîand ing tlian cale ring ici the mîeds of a busy conuicil anîd a ilîriving coniiunîty sucli as Ajax. Mr. Beaucliamip explaîiued Ibis resignation will take effeci oni April 30. Th~e geuicral increase wilI range f rom i 11ici 2 i cen ts an hour depending on job cale- gory for ail hîourly-rated cmi- pînyces 0on November 20, 1972. A car assembler ai GM oi' Cauiada wiii be inicre.tsed to S4.51i an hour on Nov. 20, 1972. Ai (lieIiîiglîer cnd of' ithe GM xvage scale. a tool and die-mai.ker xviii lie iuîcreased te S5 .97 unlinur on Nov. 20, 1972. Ini addition, ecdi GM liouriy-ra ted eihye re- ceives, ai no cosi, itie benîe- litls of îlîree comipauiy-paid progranis. Tlîese are an iii- surauice prograuit lia i pro- vides life insurance anîd ini- couic lrotect ion during pari- ods of disabiliîy, iuicludiuig louig-ierm disabiliîy; a sup- pleuîîen tal unempinynient beuiefit plan vhicli provides of' lay-of f frouîî work anîd a penisionî plai xvlicli gives h f'e- t une bele fitis afier rel ireniecut. John McNutt candidate for youfh Whlby's youuiger voters xvill hiave tlheir omvn cancld,ite ini tlle up)cIiing mun icipali Aictioni. lie is Jolin McNut i. a 23- year-old Registered Nu rsing Assistant at W/hiliby Psycla- 1trlc I ospi ta1. I laviîig iived n Whi(iby lfor over thire ycars, lie is tIlie youîigest cani- d ida te l'or coutici i and i s ru ni- nîing ini (lie west ward. McNutt believes Hhat hîs caîîdidacy "is especialiy sig- n iffican t iii I igli t of* the grea t nLlnber of' yourng people lbe- tweeni 18 and 23 wlio are eligible to vote for tlle f irst tile iii a mlunlicipal elcct ioni. "T'liat's whiy I decided to runi," said MeNuit. "Wlîitby people iii my age group de- serve a voice on coLinicil." Mr. McNLutt fre-ely admîits (liai lie i s a polit icai n ovice and "not t00 tUnied in Io sonie of* tle liard core muni- cipal issueCs." Neveri lîeless lie believes firmily t bat lie cati contribute greatly iite area of' youîh activît ies. recrea- ti nna I and social ser-vices. "Botli my age and mîy ex- perience ait uIlePsych iatric Hospital put nme iri a position îo understanid and con tr-ibu ie inii ese ai-eas. Mr. McNutt speîîds 11IuCII o' bis tinlie xvork- inlg xvihtl Oiiig peOple ai Itle Psychîiat ric Hosp it al and is ('liai rnian of'i lic standing coiîiitiee of' IllcOntario Registered Nurses Association ofi O Oitarin. Mr. McNutt is very serions ahotu t \viiuiiiný' a seat on11Coun11- cil. lie dlainms iliat '"ilie pre- vioLIS COuIicil xvas so Pr- nccupied wiîlî building pro- granmmies i lia ttiey inst t ouchi wiili soie onIlltec nore basic nleeds 0f' Ille people. especial- ly iliose oni youiig îColC.* "Tliere are several fkciliîies tua i xve ueed Lrîrgeilly . Yet stilii don it have , sucli as a swiiiinig pool, proper arelia space and a youi ti liostel." Like aniy ollier candidate lor council, Mr. McNUti lias a persoriai goal tha i lie wouid like tIo accompiisli if' elected. Fite is deeply coiîcêrned abot the siatts of' thîe Psyclîiaîric Hospital' as lpart ni'ithe coin- ilii iity o I W/hii by. The luospit al i. viicli Mr. MVCll1vso n on panel Dr. Chiarles Melîveen., Osti- awa MPP, xviii hcad a panel discussion atiflic final sessîin of flic On tario Conîférenîce of Local Goverimiemit. being lield ai Durhîamî College Novemiber 28 ai 8 p.î Topic for Ilie panel wil bc Local Governiîeuît and You and will bc followed by a wrap up of resulîs of ses- sions lîcld prcviously duriuîg the conférence under a geul- oral thienii Provincial respon- sibiiity Io local goveriiiient. ORDER NOW!. f rom OSHAWA QUALITY FUELS 728-0762 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m

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