WiII'B1Y I RRiliý PRI:SS. 'Il UIRSDAY. OI'M1I 13.972. I>P.' l Whitby's Eust W.urd N eeds apersuasive "%voice on council", Bill Durkee is that voice Whitb Y needs: 1. An administration with consideration for what the taxpayer wants. 2. An administration composed of men who have the time to listen and carry out the wishes of the majority of the Whitby taxpayers. 3. An administrator who understands the complexities of demands made upon council from ail segments of the el ectorate -regard less of age or personal interest. Bill Durkee understands these requirements steward sh ip as Your voice in the East Ward. On' December 4th VOTE: WILLIAM DURKEEx Councillor East Ward- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 668-6111 668-6112 668-3993 I and of fers his