PAGE 8, T'IIURS1)AY, NOVI-MBER 16, 1972, WIIITIIY I"REE PRESS BIRD'S EVYE VIEW by Jim Quaîl- 40 beady eyes That's the pliglît of niany of' our teachiers. Flow would you like to stand in front of a class anîd face forty beady littie eyes? It liappens to mie twice a week. And you kîîow tîey're ail just sitting tliere waiting tor you to miake a nîiistake so Ai the hot water yu needfast at Iowest Ècost. Natu rai Gas is today's best water heating buy. Naturau Gas prov 'ides the wonderful ,Certainty that you'lI auways have hot water at your fingertips. You can take care of uaundry, dishwashing, showers and baths-aII at the samne time-with puenty of hot water to spare. Naturau Gas economy means you pay onuy for the gas you use plus $1.95 for monthly rentau of the Gufstream water heater. There are no hidden costs-installation, mainte- nance and service are free. Get the happiness that happens with gas water heating today. 101 Consumers Drive Whitby 689341 tliey ean junîp) yoiî. Althougli teacýtliimg scuba diving înight be considered a lÎttle less rigorous (hian teaching in a high school, îiistakes cari be more costly for the students. You can't go stridiîîg in t thie class on the firsi day, swinging a big stick and bellowing to put the fear of the Lord in theni. ln soie cases (lie studen ts arec<lder ltan 1 arn and in a lot of' cases they're biggcr 100. So 1 try to lake the ratloîtal approach. Tlîey're hiere to learn and 1 ani willing tu teach tflieni. Agrecd. So we get 0on with thie lessoîis and 1i meticulously explain how tuis or tuai should be donc. 1 impress uponi thein tha t it lias to lbe doue a specific way, rio ifs, ands, or buts, soutier or later there's always sortie dunimy wlio stands up and asks why. Tiîat's Mien thie students figure tlîey've got yuui. No mnalter how complex or simple thie procedlure îs, one always lias to be prepared to tell thern wlîy. Somne of iny favorite replies are; "just because," or "because 1 said so," or "thiat's wlîat it says in thie book. " If 1 f'eel nasty 1 point 10 soine poor individual in the class anîd say. "you telilinîi why Whipplesnap." Of' course, Wlippleýsnainimiediately dies on the spot and does a lovely, nîuînbling imitatlion of' the guy at the bus station wlîo aîînouinces bus destinations. Once we're f'inîshied wiî tute classroonî tlieory i t's tinme 10 Iead f'or the pool wlîicli gives tlhc studeîîîs a chance lu get even with thc teachier. Soniîe of their favorite tricks are to pretend to be liaving probleîiis with tlîr scuiba gear su Iliat Mien 1 go over to hielp them thcy muntiter "oops" aiid drop a 44-pound scuba tank on miy bare foot. Anotlier t rick is to blow thie snorkel tube just as il passes benecath tthe îeaclîer's face. 1 remienîber mne well endowed girl linîy class wlîo uised to wear a swimi suit wvitîî no liiug. lni sure shie realized liow it luoked and she could always successfully break up onie of' my poolside lectures by.just walkinig up) to mie and volunteering lu be the 'niiodel.' The first f'ew weeks of scuba training arce employed in gettng the students physically fît aîîd there arciany tinies Mien students cati be heard shouting 'sadist' or ' rotten &*&$4!' as tlîey slip under the water. Somelîow they feel that 1 enjoy watchiîîg theiii swimi 16 leuigthis of' the pool and then die on the pool deck. Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EADQUARTERS AITERSLEYT TIRE SERYKCE 103 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-33S6 Basicalty, we get aloîîg vcry well but there was one occasion when the students feit generous and decided to take the otiier instructor and me to the hotel after scuba and buy us beer. It seems they underestinîated the capa- city of both of' us and it cost tliemn just a littie more than thcy had countcd 0on spcnding. Next wcek thcy told us to buy our own becr. Ail in al, scuba can be a lot of fun even if the first fcw weeks secm hard. By the end of the course most students arc looking forward to passing and 1 must admit 1 seldoin fail anybody. On oneC occasion, a few students decided to take out thecir frustrations on a fcllow student. While tlîis student was busy pracuising a particular exercise his fellow students snuck up on hlmn, whipp)ed off his bathiing suit, and took off, with it. 1 was busy ini one corner of die pool with a girl who liad been having a few problemis withi her mask wheni noticed the commotion. The girl asked nie what was going 011 because slie couldn't sec to() well withiout lier glasses. 1 suggested Iliat shie probably wouldn't be interested but 1 told lier whiat was happening anyway. Suce alinost shattered mny eardrums as she yelled, "Hey Jack, give nie my glasses quick!" Legal aga inst The flrrn, Hunmplîrcys, Boy-* chyn and Hlilîniian lias regi- stered its opposition tout*tle $10 charges for legal inquia:ies submitted to thîe Whitby Pub- lic Works Department, with respect ho building and zou- ing bylaws. The charge was authorized by a bylaw passed lu June, 1 972 and thie purpose of the byiaw is to liîlp defray ex- penses incurred by the town public works deparinient for tiîuîe spent lu obtaîing iiifor- nation lu answer inquiries. Before these inquiries caTi be answered, the departruen t miust determine thie date of' buildinig pernmit and useC of' property, examine theie 0 vc if submitted aîid ensure thait it Comiplies wi thIille ion ing by la ws luI the casc of older bu ild- complaint $10. f.. iîîgs, the assessient records mîust be clîecked to determine what use th.- building had prior to the passing of certain bylaws, and for whiat purpose thie building permit was issued. Tuie deparîmient mnust also review former inquiries on thie property and review Coni- uîittee of Adjustnîent and Planning Board decisions. lu 1969 the town received 74 sucli inquiries, lu 1970, 85 luquiries, 98 inquiries were received lu 197 1 and to date the town lias received 203 iniioIries. Tiie increase luthie nunîber of luiquiries is iuicat ive of the addîîional work ioad iliat tie increase lu buiilding per- nilt s lias limposed ou tuie Pu[b- lic Works Departuicut. Couîîcîl lias received no comîplaints fruni otlîer legal irmns inîtg tie service and it Wvas rcriiei t liai itie ex isting pliiicv lie niain îained du ring i ts regu lar session tiîs Moîîday nigiîî. E LECTION ,DAY DEC 4 V OT E Bonus i nterest on your savmngs Savinlgs you mlove ho Victoria and Grey in tlîe pieriod Novenliber I ho Novem ber I15 will receive fuil inîterest froi Novemibt:i-1. Tlîis iieýans that tlhe sivias accounit you open bfore Noveillber -15 eaiîrns fll interest for as nîutcli as two weeks bjfoie you open the accotant! So, whether it*s a 4% chequing account beairînînterest on a minimum seiî-innual balance or a 'fast growing 51 i non-c hequiing a.ccoutit %onî at minfimum inîoîîthly balance, bring it to Victoria it»d Grey noiir and get bonus interest. *GRCEY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W WHITBY 668-9324