Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 7

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Record set at GM WIIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVLMBEIR 16, 1972, PAGE 7 E mploy..s cg'ive $268,OOO- 051 IAWA Tlo taýil cntrb t ions and plcdges tr'tirî cn erai Mot ors of' Cariadla and ils petople te the Oshawa- Whitby Ujni ted Appeal cain- paigil have reachcd $268,000, suiti Dotuglas Yoting. Chair- 1mari oet' t i caulpuigri 's cor- perate section. 'lhle G NI total ic I tded plcdges et' $201,.000 f'rein GMI people anti a S07,000 gi tI fr oru fliecorîpanly lre- seri ed lasi veek by Joebri 1). School - BY ILSE ESCHENLOHR Aniderson C(olle,,ite anid 'VocationialhInstitute hldis I 2th Ani (ounlneeen on November 10. The evenit \vas et'ficieuîtly erg.nîLed se that tfeip re.sen t at ion oft*tflic Seconidary ScFIooI Graduia tioni Diplimas as weil as Il1le- Otir Graduia tion l)îplomias \VenItswiftly and i ilIeuîl delay. At'ter greet ings troruflic 01n1I1a-no (ou n tyBoarid of' Edu]cationi coinveyed by' Mrs. NI. Mcmlyre. Ilhe prinicipal. NI. Peleschak was flie speaker. He enîphasizcd flwc progress inl cd uca ition dur ingtflic Last Ovears. clmna ig Illt e n sint all endaice t rgu res ru h ighi sclîoels, an d t ha t equal i y of' race. backgrlOunid anid sex nîakes it really poessible te adnîiiisterir st rtctîin te everybedy accerd ing te his personal nieeds anid irîteresîs. Frozen treats Makîing lida\ cakes anid ceekies ahecad et' limie wiiI case thic Christ mas rush. NIosi et, thiese festive t reats eali be itoieri L.sirlg ifoist ure or va- pinigs %vîll pay olîin ir'(ied Ilîil keeps long(er alid bcteicr. say food spc i l eficw On t arioFood Cou uci I. NIi i- sI ry et Agrl- t tire auid Food. Sonie packagig mate riais are oinlv partîally moistu re- anid valpoer-p rootf, buL t ai e sa1i iS- t'ac tory te r a sh or t îwriod tft Snuie. 1For exarupie. wl uIcl va vp per lis imy'valtnable tises iii suer t-terinu pre serval n m oft too)(d, il is îlot satistac tory t'Or wrappirîg toods le be frozen. Alurinuni tol. polyetlly- lene bags, freezerî film iwraps. plastic atd rue tai con t amiers are ail coiisîdered saîisfacîery. Alil ceriainiers or wrappirigs should be easy to scal. \vaicr- preef (se îhey will îlot leak), ard durable al. low tempera- turcs se thecy do neot pulc- lur re bhcomc bril le anid crack. High Quality Invitations Your wedding de- serves the "best in- vitationîs and an- nounicements... Baker', tresiden t tt .h eto' the anitin n 1t s wIS a record con- tributiori troni ils sour-ce, Mr., Yourîg .an hOulnced. "Plhis is t Yp)ical tif'itie treiierdotis surjport givei year a t'ter year by GM and ils peCotîle," Mr. Yournîg said. "Il iSstupport îlot iily in tdollar s but ini unteld mian heurs inivestedI." S"'lle corîpanly's 1isonriel st att prepa red antI presen ted special training coturses lîigh- activi ties Diîîlerîus ve..e prescrîied to e lic tt\%ilig st udentis: Seeondary Sehiool Graduation: Jutlv Agar, Jante Arnîitagc. PhIyllis Baniks, Patricia Bell. Secoîidary Sehool Honotir Graduation: Debmrali Bagg. Donald Bai Icy Teni v Ban ks, [)oug ianinonl. Miss Vicky Wilde, Wlitî riw attendsluniîversit\ tlrtiîi gave thec Valedîcîery addrcss ini wîîicli slîcwauîv hankcd thle teacliers l'or a lonrg ieiod Ot I -3 vears ofet duca tion and instruîctijon, r calizing and ap- rceia tu g thlicet in t ineus il) t - mual etftort. Slic mnititired sorue li-i ruerons eveilts dtrring thlits( l'ive yca rs, mjk iîg lier h gih seheol y cars appear riost cri- joy~ale. iliss Wilde was aIse le ofthe icruany seholars. ne- ceivirîg awards tfor acadernie excellence anîd preficiericy' ii teciiical su.bjects. l'lie pri/es w'erc tIouatcd by local iii- dutsries. and local service clu bs. MIis.,XWidc \Vas Ilie iccpi- ent ofthtIe Naytîr's Medal. pre- seitcd bv thlictluntui. ISr iDes New'uîarî. whloe\pressed deliglît ai hciîîg prcscrî i u strel a wor1h wh ile iocca sion. liglin irî e cili n paigu 's vari - ous agencies to tlle more t hanl 600 GM people wli() rade thie aciîal day-antI-n iglit eau- vass ini plants and ot'l'ices. ln addition iuany hiundreds of GMI pîeplte tinîeribers etf tîteil' tainuilics jiarticipate inii tlie doolr-t t-dooir canivass." Ladiles at the "y"f 'Flic Wlilt)lv Falîîîly YMCA is again e'ciiga rcw 'Lad- ies 'Fake A Breaik' prograrui, as a resuti i t et avcry sutc- cessl'1ttrllîsessiton. 'IThis pro- OK1a11 is epe ruted irofi th rcc are-as ir Whlby: St. Mar-k's ('h n rch . Westrii stelr (h icI rl and the lroeki nUriltd ('lînrch tfor six weeks. The ladies irucet once a week to do exer-cises. AIse deruon- st rat ionis and gtîcst speakers arc part of Ithe prograniî. A\ pre-sclîooi nurser y rurîs iin cach et tlhe sessiens Mlile I lic iiiecrs do tle i r owrî tiuing! This cour se is ideal t'Or Wlnitibv ucwcerîîcrs le ilîelt leiglli betîrs. Cake l)ecoraî ing anîd Cani- die M ak ing Dcnîîonsîrutions arc ton I lle schcedtilc. Gties[ specake rs suceli as Roger Gernas Coui I art an d tîp ics stcih as -Thîe Riglt h iiiLive"arc aIt a pari tif ihlis se ries. Thbis Course r tins tor siX weeks for S3.00 plus Y basic ini bersh il). lii additiont, iuor Ilhe lady \vlîo wvants te kecep trirri, a hlucs clsshegitîs eiu0c 'liese Classes wîlt t'eai ire c\cî ciscs te Conrdi tion ani t orci le Ic bodv a nd i n crea se tlexibilitvy. balanice. spccd. cri- dur ance anîd gerîcral bîody' ce- Karen Hackney, service department, and D.V. Rait of the personnel department, who was campaign chairman for General Motors, post the record amount. -G.M. Photo tor id iliat1i(il. warii tîp Sessions will be- g~in cadli class anîd active Sport s stîcli as vol Icybaîl, bas- kethatl anti badmîinîton wilI he included ini the prograru. 'l'lieckclsses are heid ai literirv Sireet I iigh Sebhool gyrunasinfrouri 7:15 le plni. Take the gA right to the door ROYAL WINTER FAIR NOVEMBER 10-18 Hourty train service to Exhibition Station ist train arrives Exhibition 8.48 arn. (Sunday, 12.48 p.m.ý) Connectrng bus service f rom Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax Transit Information: 942-2000 ALL NEW 1973 i I "*1 ~ SUPER CHROMACOLOUR The qualifr goes in before the name goes on®5 HIGHEST TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD SET Most Models same day deIivery at FALCONT.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 1 1

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