Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 5

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Eloction forums plannsd Thrce inficipai electîin forumîs have been schieduled by the Whiiby Chamrber of Commerce t10 enable towil residents t10 hear the cari- didates ini the Dec. 4 election speak on the iSSUleS. The tîrst of these Iorunis xiii tc l'or t he EasîWard i 8 pin. Nov. 16 a.i Dr. Robert Thorion School. The second forum, for- the North Ward, xiii be ai 8 p.m. Nov. 21 it the Brooklin Coin- mlunlit; CCilt . Wrd vi The third forumn, for the be at 8 pli. Nov. 23 in the -Sr Jolii A. Macdonald The- atlOIre in the Cente,înlial Building. Ail persons iii erested in hearing the candidates and asking questions are invited 10 attend. No siate from study qroup In ain interviewx' xith Jinîi Gartshore oni the Ciitby(ii- zen s Siudy Croup. the 1FREý-l- PRESS îodav xvas zadxised that Ille study grOUP iS110ît licldiÎîw a slate (A' candidaites in thle Decenîiber 4 election. Mvr. Gartshore sîated the Liroup neyer in tended Io be- conie a mîunicipal polit ical pariy' or to enter a siate ol' candidates, but a ninmber ol' the study group mnembers are running 'or varicus otflices. These candfidates. because of t1he interesi they have ini their coninunity, and because of' the education. experience and knlowledge they have gained through aitendance ai study group meetings and inany couincil meetings during the past year. feel îhey can contribute to elected posi- tions. OS$9TF to neqotlate The Secoindary Schoni '[ea- chers of On tari j ('oun r y voted ()Verxvliciniigiy on)i'Thursday. Novemiber (), i e have thte Pro- VinIciaiI Lctive etf OSST F t ake ove r tneg()tliai ion s in Onl- t arl~(, oun ty. TheIehCc t ive Neget atien icaîn is ai iciapi)- ing to set Lup Ja meetinlg date vi t i represen t ai ives ofIltlie On Itarin('nit iy(Bafi , n Ed Garbaqe hassie il'lic staft Ioet tie Wl ITIBY i'RL RESS rcccivcd scvcî-ai cails last xveck fronoira te Lix- payc rs xvh I ad i lic il-ga rhagc iclti in i*Irnut oet icirIliiues ast Friday, Rettihi ance Day. Nalny ci tizels 1tel t the tnwn sliîeld advcrtisc uls ii icn ion il* t hcy wcre not going 1() have garbage pickLip on1 (ili oliday. An ad did appear iii ithe OSHIAWA TIMES on behiaîf of' the toiuwnpublic works departiment, but miany cf those whu îteiephoned the Whitby Free Press with coin- plaints said they did nol sub- scribe to the Oshawa Timnes. "They have a point thiere," said Public Wurks Director Walter Evans. Evans said il was the policy cf his de- partient to advcrtise iin the Oshawa daily but suggested that the Erce Press could per- haps advise the public works departnment iii future. Thot oId army game WI1ITBY FRE E PREiSS, TIIURSi)AY, NOVUEMi3ER' 16, 1972, PAGE 5 stili gioos on [t was a standing jake in the service durirmg bath world wars that, when men were idle, a goad way ta keep them out of trouble was to put a squad ta work dîgging haies anîd another following behind ta fi11 themn in again. An enterprising FREE PRESS photagrapher, however, believes he spotted a new wrinkle ta the aid game. At the western approach ta the tawn he saw the scene depicted ini these phatagraphs. A mechanical shovel was being emplayed ta dig a trench. Diri removed was placed ino a dump truck. When full, the truck traveled less than 100 feet ta the ather end of the ditch where the laad was dumped back int the excavation and tamped miat place by another man operating a tamping machine. The photagrapher swears no other operation took place. No pipe was laid and no purpose for the aperation could be discerned by hîm. Maybe t's a 'mnake work' project embarked an by the contractor while waiting for the snow to fly and compietely fouI up the highway enîrance to Whitby. -Murray White Photography One ofthe Qham group "Big onougb to Save YOD money SmaII onougb to know your nam8 OI 6 ROLIA SCHRISTMAS TOTH AST ,'WRAP PAPER 'SOTMET OR FOIL crtukdls mi: KENT BRAND ONE DAILY VITAMINS 250's 'c. KNT BRAND, Chewable KENT SACCHARIN i65 VITAMIN C 14r 00S12g.10' * TABLETS 38 ¼gr10's/2g.10s I100 mg. 50's1 391491 OFFER EXPIRES NO V 21ST - LIMITED QUANTITY ONALL ITEMS ~zzzzr3 b4aNT C HEWA BLE VITAMIN c 1A i 1I I., Itl ' 10où mCI vite A Iws tqq.,.O~JiS or NolBampoc oinc-ECy SACCHMARIN TAOIETS Bp c GRIN RE E E ~p ISCOUNT STORES 121 Brock Street South WHITBY, ONT. fil il :Jaml

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