Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 3

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IIIITV 2V122 D iiTU T Vl V (WI2IfI2 i1,i '7 P10 ' W HA I IL TBAiY~.,AAJ~.L.F ,I~JVLiVIA.~LE . Cur arme l Iminishes Aquaria Litfe shuts doors A new trend is mnaking itself clear in downtown Whit- by says Terry Sirns, former proprietor of Aquaria Life Pet & Poodie Supplies which closed ils doors in downtown Witby last week following 16 months in business. "Stores whicli are more in a service line ratier than in rotait are slowly taking over the core area of the tuwn," hie said. Aquaria Life is one of several recent store closings in the core. No une, including the Town of WhitIby Planning Deparînient, sems to know exactly wvhat nunmber of busi- nesses hiave corne and gone in the cure over the past year, but the pet shup. could bo sa fely considered oncouf nany' "*Wlhen ve lirst opened the sliop it appeared to bc building uip, Mr. Sîmis tuld thie-FREE PRESS, '"despite thie fact the road works pro- ject was being undertaken at that ie." "Froin a profitable Christ- mias xve went thruugh the usual summner sales lotI. But the sunîmier luilcontinued and last week xve decided it wvas nuo longer econurnically feasible Iu continue." The Bruck Street norîh store carried sixîy tanks of fisli oft ail kînds. dogs. cals, birds. monkeys and ruden îs. along wi th a complote stock ut pet tuuds and accessuries. 'It wvas 1roalk a nuni zo lor the kids." said lus wi 'e. Ani. Whv vas AqiariLit'e un- able tu continue In business'?' '1lere simnplv are n't enougLI(li thi ngs lu d r.mpeuple lt the cure.- says .11- er y. Ajax sourg openings Tuie Oshawa anld Ajax ('an- ada N'anpower (Centres lhore îssuied thie 'ollowing report Ibis woek: The Ajax area confinues lu ho a source ut' lîigh ciii- ploynient opportun ily. Open- ings now exist l'or tout and die nuakers, a welder fit 1er, ani oit humner service repairnuan, a sandblaster, abuminumi and stain boss steel siders, femaboe shift workers, and elecîronic assemiblers for day shift work. Qîher upportuniîies include a factory main tenance man, a plaster of paris castor, and injection mouuding machine tender. Area rnanufacturinig coin- panies have upenings in the folluwing trades: arc welders, furniture finishiers, auto nech- anics, a shoot metal worker, fibreglass lay-up mon, and auto body repairnien. Station- ary engineers 3rd and 4îhu class are also requircc4. The services induslry con- tinues f0 be the mosb active field uf employnient oppur- tunities. Current vacancies are listed for waitresses, an exe- "Most activity in the cure now originates from service type outiets which don't rely on walk-în brade to the sanie degree as do the retail outlets. "This trend that is beginning bu, nake itself clear-just think about it; we have in the cure: bake shops, dry cleaners, baniks and a craft shop. How many retail businesses are Ieft? Tliere aren't enougli retail outiets and subsequentlty whiaî reasun lhas the shupper to corne lhere?" While in business at Aquaria Life, Terry was nul an active miember ufthie Rotait Merchiants Association anîd didn'î follow tie progress ou' tlie Down tuon Action Coi- mil tee othor îîarui ini t ho uews- papor. About thietormer, lie said. '1"iluly weiv ontl ue mneeting and gave up. Jue Otienbriîe xvurks very liard for the association anid pus- sibly Bob Cattun. As f'or theo rost, îhey duni't show miuclu on thuLsiasin. Tlîoy cru icize but tlioir cit icisin is nul of a positive nature and gels liiern nowliere. As a nowcorncr lu Wiby's cure area, Terry says hl Ounîd coupera lion frum luovn ad- niniisî ration "soiuelling eIsc". Thiere were su mianv îhings wh icli we lb nrîd %ve h ad t o du aller geîting our licence, lie expliuîed. Thero vas a luot of rcd tape whîiclui eft us %vonder- îng wlieihîor tow!i st afflas wOrk ing for or -ag;îînst thle siall biîsiîîessmin. \e kepi u1ýLi-illî-g- 111)IICV il) t o brin)g Il buidig 111 wpar wî l'esti icIlois. Soîîîe outheîn sceeied rad ier i-idiculm is Ml [lie View t lia t \e liLid t comnplv v tIi thli n becan lse ce f or job ulîtîVe chefort ut îoîLînshor t ordor cooks, dlaywvorket-s, live- in IIOLIsekeepers. babysitters. and regisîerod iîîursiio assis- tants. Ari experienccd dairy farnu liand is requircd aI $300 $-400 per nuonîli plus ac- c011uîudation. An exporienced îroo climiber ai .S3.85 isalsu needed. Ini an effort tu roduce Hie oufedts of winter on uneni- ploynî and lu provide funids for expanided cunînîunLiîiy ser- vices and activities, the l'odorat goverrnnîen t lias intIroduced the Local Initiatives programi. Projects thiat are approved will receive financial aid l'romi in- we were newcomers as up- posed tu an established busi- ness which doesn't have to comply by virlue of nul being new to the town. Some of the restrictions endorsed by the town fire departnîent seemed particubarly weird; a rire ex- tinguishier for instance when we liad gallons of water avail- able in our fishi taniks. [le also recalled a recon expense iin lhavinig a duor reversed su that il woiild luisitu. "We jusl fiîîishied it as a malter of tact," tie clîuckled ruetùlly. The Sim's moved int Aslî- burn t'rom Scarborough be- fore moving downtown Whit- by. Why? I owned a farmn once in my life su 1 wanted a house on lantd as distinct fromn a house in a subdivi- sion," hie said in support of life in a relatively small town. During their 16 months in business they saw many stores corne and go. "Everytimie a store opens in Whitby now it is of the service type. Recent- Iy wo had cable tv and a craft workshop move in. Since these are strictly service they don't-and can't be ýexpected -Lu prornole retailing. As one solution for a more That's a Volkswagen? Thot's a Volkswagen. The 1973 Volkswagen 412. Our luxury farnily sedan. With more roorn and comfort and power and-yes, more cfoors (four) thon our little Beetie.* But more thon just being the most sophisticated Volks- wagen ever huilt, our new VW 412 is one of the most sophisticated motor cars i ts class, ever buit. Because it's the only car in the world bujît with all these features as standard equipment: Starting with a fuel-inlected engine, the 412 quickly stands apart from nearly every other car. For, only a few prestigious European cars have elec- tronic fuel injection. Whîch is an ingenious system that measures precisely the amount of fuel the engine needs at all imes. And not even Europe's thoroughbreds have the 412's timed preheating system. Just turn a knob on the dlash and the 412's interior is warmed up for you in winter. {Without you running the engin e.) Equally astonishing is the way the 412 rides. With the quickness of a sports car. And the smoothness of a big car. You see, each wheel is independently suspended, with pro- gressive action coi) springs and telescoping shock absorbers. viable retail situation ho féecs the entire cure area of Whitby should be converted into a closed in shopping mail with diagonal parking. "This is found in su many American smnall towns," he said. "The town should then encourage retail outlets and flot make life more miserable for thuse who want tu relocate into the core from elsewhere." There just isn't enough incentive for shoppers to corne to downtown Whîtby, and nu une seems bu care enough tu do something about it. 1 believe it i5 up tu the sitting council tu take the initiative. After their closing out sale al] the Simis' hope tu have lefb of their stock after their 16 mionth sojourn in the cure, are, a monkey called Freddy .and a boxer dog called Brandy. "It was an experience," Terry reflects without bitter- ness. It's too b2d though be- cause I'm convinced every time a retail goes out it's harder on the few remaining. What dues he intend to do now? Go intu a service type business from the same loca- tion, of -course. For pictures of interest in the îuwn cure see photo spread page three. And the reair suspension features something usually found only iW very expensive sports cars: a trailing wishbone double-jointed rear axie. Instead of ordinary bias piy tires, the 412 rides on steel-belted radia) tires. Insteaid of ordinary bucket seats, you'Il ride on re- clining, form fitting bucket seaits. Instead of ordinary undercoating, the Voikswagen 412 has factory.-bonded PVC undercoating. Of course, if you reailly want to see how beautifuiiy the 412 rides, drive the 412. You)Il find the magnesium a))oy engine responsive. And economica). The front-disc brakes very sure. But one of the best recomimendations for the 412 is that it s a Vo)kswagen. Which mieans it's bui)t with a)) the qua)ify and ai) the precision of a Voikswagen. And covered by the longest warranty this side of a Rolls Royce: 24 months 24,000 miles.** Sa you see, when we ask more money for a Volkswagen, il's for a good reason: We give you more Volkswagen for the money. *Maximum suggested retail pr-e FOB. East and West P.O E. Pr-erinca es and 5rrrprg chargcs erra. "*Ail of the terms of thi warronty are cieorly defined in the cwre,"s "aruail ard wili be expane j ry utrczed Vilkswage'r dealerrin Canraa. * WHITBY ~OSHAWA OW C «W HWY 2 E 142 5 Dunlda St. IL WHlTBî, ont~ai.h ooc Whywe're asking $3750 for a Volkswagen. EIect William Durkee Councillor EAST WARD 'A MAN WHlO CAN THINK FOR HIMSELF' L WIIITIIY F'RFVý,PRFÇÇ T1411R.VnÀY NJOVVMltF'ýR 16 1()79ý PAGP 1 .

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