Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 1

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Consultants Consultants Totten, Sirns, Hlubicki & Associates will pro- ceed wiîlî preliminary report s, designis and cosi estiinates ror- a single pad arena on the 47 acre site ai Victoria and Hlenry Streets it wvas decided at a, special Ileeting of the counceil lield Wednesday, Novemlber 8. Thie preliminary report will aise include provision for a twin pad witb a seating capa- city et I1,500 spectaters anid standing rooem tor an addi- tional 500 speclaters and the necessary services related te iL asked A rush lias been indicated onIlie report se tliat any imateriail will be' conipiled by the consultants as soouî as possible ini order l'or thie town te be aile te take advantage of* any tortliceuuîng inler Works progranms. Couincilor Verni MacCarl, whose motion recommnended the report told thîe FREE PRESS Tuesday niglit thie plan hiad notbing te do with the arena proîect being promoted by Whitby Recrealion Facililies Association, the group wlîiclî bas been f or plans, mneting wiîh the executive nenmbers of town services and organi/atiens, and wliich bas aIse been surveying the publlic regarding ils wislhes onl pri- on lies f'or recrea tional f'acili- tics l'or thie town. "il is rny personal point ut' view that thie group appeýarcd as if' Iley'd neyer gel ilîcir plans of'f the gro(,und," said MacCarl. "Now thecy will have the opporlunity to add and expand te Ithe site once the arena lias been comipleîed." "Did they expect us Io erect an arena and the sports costs facilities overnigh t?", asked a spokesinat li rWlhil y Recrea- t ion Facilit ies Association. "My hiope now is Iliat the lown is careful, because fi lie planning stages ae' carried eut in a suita,.ble imanner we inay end up witli another 1lfeydenisliore Plavilion . Il is the spokesinîan's opinion [lia counicil liad relied on goverii- nient funding tor the con- str'uction ocf 1-Iydensliore whicli was neyer realized. "Our group was basically concerned witiî wlia t the people of Wlhitby want riot wliat tlie coulncil( wanit, Il Conli' was Tom McEwen the Coli was bec, a conicer nim ly i ncI would Il a swvinîi fiacîities ter detcý lation ar expenise ports W( VOL. 2, NO. 46 THURSIJAV, NOVEMBER 16, 1972 10 cents per cop Contest f or ail soats assured A record number cf Wliit- by citizens filed nomination papers with the clcrk last week and by deadline, 5 parn. Monday evening, 51 noinees qualified for public offices as mayor, reeve, depu ty reeve, councillors, public anîd sep- ara te school trustees and pub- lic utilities ccrnnîissioners. Twenlty-f'our heurs later six hiad declined. Wbiitby businuessmnan Bruno Harilaid and a widow, Mrs. Muriel Marks will forni part of a tbiree-wav race f-or the nuayor's seat wiîhî Des New- Miia. Gord Hanria who .)opposed Newman in I1969 will coin- pete for thie positîio f'reeve witli Toiî Edwards wbc was accliiined lfor dia position in I1969. T\ve nonuinees. (1M reject tecli n ician Dou Read aîid Lawyer BillI Irwin placed tlieilr liainles on thie boarmd lor thle position of deputy reeve wilich nIow belongs te John Goodwin. I mwî n aIlowed h is naine te stand tor ceuincillor of' iie cenitre ward wlicre lie will' couipete witb labourer Vic Perroni. C(ouîcillor Gemry ('ex. a GM suuervis<>r, and St udy G ro~up ('liirnan J un Gar îshore. One vacanicy \VaslIit by' ('ounticillor Jim i Nsselina i in th le asi wvaid and i i Iliglit Ed ('auclii, liousewit'e Joy Thionpsun. lawyer Bill Livinîg- stoine, govemnuinent c(>it rac- 1er Bob Gibbs aiîd Erec Press pLibisliir Bill1Dumkee will jein Cou icillor Bob Wlîi te wlie is back inii te race te epresenît Whtby's corridor area. In Ward 2 in flie west, a vacancy has been left by e- tiring Ceuncillor Bob Atters- Iey. Councillor Dr. K.C. Hobbs wilI fight te retain bis seat along witli first timers Whitby Canadian Tire owner, Art Desjardin, well known study group spekesman, Raîpli Stratfor.d, an acrenau- tical engineer, registered nqrs- ing assistant John McNutt, study group secretary, George Carr, and Insurance Inspecter, Blair Johinson, Councillor Vernon MacCari, who repre- sented the Centre Ward ever the past term opted for the west within the 214-heur with- drawal period. In the north ward, con- fidenltial clerk, Don Lovelock, of Myrîle Station and Con- sultant-planner, Edward Mac- Donald will vie wiîh Couin- cillors Gerry Emin and Bob H-eron te represent Brooklin on council. For the four openings with the PUC, electrician, Earl 'Jake' Bryant. niercliant Bob Cawker, realtor Harry A. Cockburn, contracter Albert Randaîl arnd Dunlop safeéty officer. Harry lnkpen, will compe te. Elcieînnary scliool prinici- pal Martiii Martens, farinier Morgan O'('onuîor. -' Iigli scl)ool teaclier, ('huck Rochie, sales represeniative. AiJ. Mil- ler and superviser. Jamnes P. B3rady arc in the runimg. Retired school teaclier. MarJorie Mcliitlyre, now a puLblie school trustee. Rev. R.1-1. James, and salesunan and fariner, Hlarvey Hlogani, vi Il appear on tlie bal lot as Board of Eduicatiouu public scilool Itrustees. Bet'ore wiîhîd rawals a total et' 51 nomînees filed Ie towvu hall te represent 20 availahle public positions. Speciulatieîîs oui Illeie muui- ci pal elec tion a t Ibiis finmie appears lively. lu s expecied iliai a larger liaii usual i nmn- mit wîll vole aI thewhluiy p)olis onil)eceînhcr 4. Pie appearauîce oft tIi rc knownviliuninibers of' die Wliit- by ('itizeius Sitidy Greup lias crealed local jiteresi. AI- thiougli Ilbcy daim iebcm-in- ning on nd ivid ual plat femnîs as opposed 10 a study group sia te, it is conîiîiouî kîow- ledge iliat their syînpathuzcrs are lioping te gel Iheuru elected in order te keep a tighiter reign on Whitby Mayor Des Newunan, sliould lie succeed. There is aise interest being dernonstrated in the West Ward where two sitting menm- bers of counicil, Hobbs and MacCari, who moved in from the centre ward, will cern- pete with two cf Itie sludy group members in the race, witli the addition cf the very popular Art Desjardin of Can- adian Tire who is highly re- spected in sporîing circles in tewn. Vý à thr b-7 This is the stuff cartoons are made of. This huge truss on the back of a flaibed truck was traveling jauntily along Dundas St. E. last week bound for who knows where. The journey was interrupted, however, when the driver spied the railroad overpass. You guessed it. The load was too high ta pass beneath the bridge. Despite ail drivers being issued with booklets listing overhead height limitations on provincial highways, every now and then someone goofs. The harassed driver was forced ta rely on local police to supervise his backing up to a point where he could turn around and seek an alternate route. -Murray White Photography A REMINDIR A public forum at which can- didates for election ta council seats representing the East Ward of Whitby, will be held tonight, November 16, at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School, Scott and Hazelwood Dr. Ratepayers are remninded that with so much at stake in the election this year it is a civic duty of citizens ta take an in- terest and attend if possible. There is only one way ta choose the representatives who wiII govern the town for the next two years-hear what they say, pay attention to their platforms then Vote for the man of your choice. INSIDE WE'RE COMIN' UP EMPTV See photo spread page 4 EDITORIAL, LETTERS TO EDITOR See page 2 LOCAL SPORTS Start on page il on nw arena oit thc Town of Wliîby rcnt revenue lic saîd. li s:aid. At prescrnt tinlc there was iicling witli this view sonie question as to wliether ýwn Trcasurer Forbes thie presenit couilcil hiad thec ri wlio said the reason righit to endorse sucli a nio- isultants wcrc callcd thon in liglit of' theeLpcorning ýause tie town desircd municipal election. ptual plan of wlat an Thc only restriction on a projeci f'or facilities mIunlicipal coLHnCil ini this re- lude. Tiien lie said, it spect is iliat it shall not after ivc some idea where thie poili is lield for tie election' ming pool and other of a new counicil pass any swould be placcd af- bylaw excepi wlien it lias rrining sewer instal- been approved by the Ontario [nd service costs. The Municipal Board. The con- Sfor consultation re- sultation fee cani not be côn ould corne froni cor- sidered a capital expense. 1

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