Miss Ja4nice Shiaw, Whitby, receîved the Robert Graham Memorial lrophy at the 1972 Agricultural Winter Fair. Dr. J.C. Bennie, University of Guelph, presented the award. The trophy is given to the contestant under 26 Vears of age who made the highest marks in judging two classes of heavy horses and two classes of ight horses. Miss Shaw, who attends Humber College, scored 348 points out of a possible 400 points. BIGGEST BARGAUN IN TOWN 15 WORDS FOR $T IN ADVANCE sENO riTN OR BRING IT ITOOUR OFFICE AT-301 BYRON SI.SAND WE WlLL RU N VOUR WANT-AD 'UNTII. SOIR or maximtum of 5 weeks. PtlEAS! PRMta WAOD i.> <2.) <3.) no comm<wci wri .#*t MAIL TO; WH ITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHITBY Acknowi.dgsm.ents Or receiPts aWe not Sent ini respel to choque or money orders. cash sent ithough the mail is et the advertis.i's risk. NAME ADDRESS P.O........ L PHONE NO ................ ANNUAL MEETING Brooklin Redmen Sr. A Lacrosse Teami Tuesday, November 28th. 8:00 Pm Brooklin Legion Hall EVERYGNE WELCOME Durham -Lords lose a pair Tlie Durlian Lords College hockey ican.i los Iihci r irst two gpilles or thle seasoli last we ek., On Thiirsdlay, Durliani plaý.yed welI against the stîroiig- ly favoiired C'eiiîeiî,il Colts ini Scarborougli. A goal on a penalty silo i by (Cntiii i iai proved 10 be I lle t urn ing point iin the gaine as tIlle Colts wven i to Min 8-5. Sa t ni rd ay even iiig. itle Lords liosted Shieiii (Col- lege wlîicli sctieaýked oui a 3-2 v icîory. Durliaînii's play wvas l'ar bclow tic style tliey played against C('cielîlilIas îhcy laIckecd good posi tional play anîd werc weaik arounid te She ridan net. 111 thle ('Cliit Clii il I ga me B3arry Meier, . Lic IHow..ard, Johin Good win. Eddie Clarke, a nd Launrie G ay score d Voir 1)nriainî Iii Satrîrday's gaine Lanrie Gay anîd Goodwiîî lired thle Lord's goails. Bo»wlingj 10 PIN V\SIW.\Y BAN-\NI\S îii;îiG BOY. iRII>iLS: Scott 4 crc b23 t(i141. B riant iI ikii s 3-I4i4 <i' 1. , Jc't' 1 i or loit 3-t i il 3-4t. [Dirrc'ticî(c Il2(»1 1iiGi l Ii<i S' 1 IMAiil.iS: Chetr\ i i cittarci -4 10 t154-1). Sharonitt( "c'r- kv 3477 124 . i)c'îîc'Gilbcrt 3-45 1b 130), A\îîî1iritel 340It il231). 'l 1\\i Si -ND\NI G S : i ii itc'ai i>t'iC231-. G & G1 iicI.inîts2 1. iltcis.' \it'i. c 1 t ickc Onc i iîî'rs imtiirc 17. NreMo-' li.Stîcris \il.14'.stiit les CIJ .cint fi c'iit n 1 \S \ W' J'U11NIORS & SI M ORS BO YS. li ilIi icrrîs 6-44I(1235), .MaLrk lBr.al)iitS11()120)1. BobtiRo,.,s 1IR i S: . i vRiti k 4 51(1 7 8 il eýrri 'ironec 4 4 4154 3i a i i. ltct i u'îiti:ir43%-7 1 '7 ( )"'tIi 1 \ c 1' Si1iîiî'î 1 1 \pI;S:ttîerb 'uN ' r ititit. .iiiit.. 1 i.\', Sc'rs îcc' i8 11i'. \ .W Stiicoe .'SI. \N. 1il,7, 1us. i\\ t i 11it i i rc1 i 6 i ,, \Vaîlc'î l 'o 1Il1itit' i(if i s. j1 & .1 S'il ,5 1is VruI~ iaritii'14 iLr n s't'. \'irtîl- i nicdt tliici.'ct tCut'r' & hCar W iit1-4 '.\Hii's- le\ il iire 4 tii-. "u i l lic \ tcc" 5 PI N .SI. lOiIN W1 l ii i' \ iiuS i hi()Wi \ 1 G 1 -i i tGi Scoirc's i tît \i.'.iicri I1, 1)7 2. 7 3~ -. l1.til 1i ilctdlt h U miîho 'I. i. (i- \1i tit 1 1 i',t "i,-i i "- 1', tuti i 1 c'îci Sc0 1 \ei' . S. tr1 - j 1 \ itc \ >'iItî I ý-' s.iet.t cm i 1) tc, r58 IIIGhIISINGI I S: NcciKc'iinclc 2.43, i1'iîi) iîîcrc' 3-4. 2111 kiî'.c' Sckîi 22S, Yvettc'(liassi 223. i' c'îiî'etiie222, Nid' s-i P>Lir i21 8, i. Au.i i c iii 117, 2013, SoilijaLi itii1c'sIl 4. ;c'î la \icin 2019. N 0\V. i i 21 117 i-1, t0),(iris ituchi20(1 il1I 130). Kulis'Nic('iîs' 451 1 1)iII, M i) hic*11rc t 1 N icli 1sui"ml _ .)_ 13.19». SC() ît itwr ,-,1 100 -,1 t.1 ) . c n \îîicc'mmîîîî i (10 13.1 t. i d 'Siî e\ a l i 2 1 ,~t1 1 1 1 1 i1 il \1. i 1 \11, ic') 1 'N( Si i -i 1 '. 4 'lichlu'.3, B(IItIic's 3.Staîrs i3. L AN1)1 R - Si ARK ('*LA SSI1tS il OP> iLKiTi: Ilerîtaît irakkei 6î65 (240,1.220, 20). W-ait Scott 0301<2h1S. 2i1(). 205). os.ave (,(-t( 17. 2013), George iLawsrece 58-1. bdîGatrdiaLnti581i 12231. Rucdy eriîîms578 t(220,.22),1 1 r.uîkSoiitl 577 (2018), Bob Ici- e.i r 57-3 t2i15. 210)1. Il ANI STA\\NINS: 'iicat'. 79, ('nb-s 75. MtsLns75,Laigies 74, .\riî-s62, llatliter,'. 2('ras6i ('hîîlet',,5 2. WiiiBY N NM illI WVlDi)'iSl)NN' III(Al 'i RIPIA i: N. \'Lîîd'c'îclc 91%) 339) . i)uncaiii 76& 3M, G . iiiittgliaitcb700, 2ic.K.(".- landc 7.39 .11304,G. Wccctk737, 28A. Il(;ii SlNGii. l:P. \'aîli:nt 293, i. iopi 282, . 1klcîs cr 281. iL Rc'ctl276.1., .RcclIr . 2 75. SI t i ON WINNI R: i)îtlt's1ii". tue Servicce. jute, Sci.'5c' 2 i1. Don"i'sSputiSeriv5icec 20?. li &- R latsttii19 1)A. si 1uc 8. Nitîtîtti i .'LIt No. i(1 i i 9. \\ liii Nici t'". i ha h.' c ir j c' W dLt r scijiti' < Sut lu'l 2. t i il.' lits li~s t i i i ('I - 'S' iii' h' ~1 WIIIY F'REE'1PRE SS, TIIURSDAY, NOVLMBI R 16, 1972, PAGE. 15 WIth J'oycs0 0 a for period Novemlber 1'9 to 25 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 T'his is a Stim iiating w~eek an d you w il]ii i imeir C l relax a fte r las t sveek's hiectic ilace. Sigîîif'icant days of'te week are Suinday flitc i9thi and Nionclay the 20tl . If' you areciguily oft viewing yooir partner or t'riend as ail of)'ject inisteaci ot' a pc rsQii. take immiiediate s teps to re- estabi)is a dloser rela t ionshîip. Yoti w il bcgiadI you ciid. AQUARIUS -.Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 'l'lic tariiii Ile iportait tissue f'roiti fieic 9 ti flic 2<)tii. You i plans involve diistant i iatters all er te 23 rd. Social al'lairs begin tc corne 10 ail end soon. giîng you aniniiterlude of peace anîd q uiet by tlic end of'thelit ontii. Au thon lies anid career interests arc major issues ot coiicerî it hie beginin t uthie week. Your prot'essioiîai lit'e hegins 10 cxxi nd irougli flii uence of' importanti men. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Littlie îiay tbc accoiipiisiied clitil at'ter i)ecciber 6thi. )oîî'i ciashi \vith au thurity anid don't let lhome probliîns interfère wvilh carcer Ire- sponsitii lies. (o t tiirouigit red lape by coîninicatling sw'mlh phone catis wliere possible, as deiays are noted i'i ail stîcli tlîings. At luis timte îîîaîîy letters, records and miessages gel losi. Double chceck whcereven possible. ARIES - Mardi 21 to April 19 You nov have mture lanle tais: suppot lianin iisoute nion th s, an d you sliouid read tavourahiy to thie chaniges ihat have taken place cluring thie last lew \veeks. Periîaps nio\ youi caoi detecl soie reason beliind flite neccîtt chaos. U'se Suîîday, flite i9tli, lu pursue a special drearn in- volingyuur personi l e. Tisi' long avvaitcd even t seemns lu bc s.i thîi your r ra'.p. TAURUS - AIpril 20 to May 20 T'his. Seveni day period starts ou t on a conftidenti note. You are in toi) b«ri and bee-in te %eek \vii l a boîrst of cniergy. Moîiday tite 20th and 't ulescias-the 2 ist îs15 our test dav of' lte non tlii bachiieve imortan t recognitîin. Yotir persoitality anidciisposition are particuiariy winiig. Yoit chariti personls ss'io ii neyer bel'ure have been ipressed \vitli your talents'. GEMINI - May 21 to Julie20 Tis is t'.hie best Seveni day period of* titeninontlh for you. Reach yuur po- îeîîtil tii'week iiy hriîîung ncan îtltuilproecîs lu attentiinu't' huse iin cuîiiuîaîd. X\lien you oss an ofT'er is outhe1wbest calibre. act with calîmi sirnipiiciiy'. Sigtiicanii day-s anc Wedoiesday lite 2211d and Tiiursday te 23rd. CANCER - Jtiune 2 1 to July 22 fllic lice is s'.'.it*i and '.oiîewvlîat tuirlient but is lte \week progresses. ti'iis case con-sderabis'. Voun social life im proves. a ro inct of artie ., oion lu i ll itîleet new.'.peop lefIroina di stance. 'lite mîeeting niayv ?(Won tUp ne'.'.dors con nec ted s'. lit otir work . Significaiîid as-s of fle s'. ek arcei ridas lte 24 lb and Sa torday flie 251h. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 \surge iW *ictg is e\picitdectl upon uccupationali rit ters. Yoti shake off lte dolciru ni'. anid t'ei ucdeniy alive. capable of' lackliigcuittro- ver-sial questionis. Yoît arc able îo accuitplisît a great ceai by a lelephione cali. a short ici 1er or a'it offiliaîîd rein ark lit strikes hume. F riendsltips deepen du ringilini dcile ut' the vweek. Learn lu relegatelu lies 10 tetlcrs iin'.tead ut' ioitg everyiliing yuurseit'. VIRGO -Atug. 23 to Sept. 22 'lie l'u il iooii occu rs.on lite 2Olit iii tlitat area of 'our citari representing pI)Iiio'.ol)hiciou t look . neiigicîus icleas. lonîg trips. andclte *'s'.iat arni1 doiitg lic re ame' ay ice'l t ie. 1hhsateaintis one olflthe intsiglit t tinocts u' ii c liles'. Wiîli Venu'. iii Sc'crpio uitli Leceinber i Sth our couici brinî-g doilîîiuhe r icca.inio a s'.ork abie lforîi. 'theiic taswo rk ou i l'Or seur (m5. i lioilettc'ii iîs.i'icandcip1lcasýur-e.bu t at-se tiey iitlia lie prI'c'lica.l LandcicOli Illtc' iIl. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 sîceaciicr pace. Stit i icait tcia\-,aire thelnec -ile 2 211 ncdTcilursclas lite 23rci s'.ltcit iii ituîlicuiî'.arc lîi. \'italiîv iîav tic' ower tli t sual ai s'.eek's cend. ('oipisc),tric s'.iiire tînt ianci\,ou s'.iii look aI lthe s'.orici s'wit kitîiee'.cs. SCORPIO- Oct. 23 tg Nov. 22- i[1 ti 'ul Iii iooi of'thle 211 i i iis y'et r e ei s ,a I a Io\\ cbb l'or a c'oup le et' ci i\'s. Ti iii5i sait act ive pc'rieci ait ci sh ou Icic'ena te lu ilif' soiien ctc elc'i'c i .t'. utIlle iii. so to e c'ak , 'or as'. iti ic'. L ovc ' li r'. andcip le asti es are' aise avi'a t:ccc'tlcc. ()it Ilei.'2-tit\encts cîttc'rs Scorpi îttil ID' ceiii bcr 1(SiI. l)Liî lt tti. prtc\'I CýIII clm orc' c'larniîite at(Icsociable. Y oit sIieci lt l id 1i1i 0 er op le lis teliiiii. te O ito it11(1\\'. oil ter t orh.' cl 'osec dÀ'.sîi'it'sw aili ibtc'tlie icpttLi lt thi imîe. SAGITTAR1IUS -~ Nov. 23 to I)ec. 21 Ide $26690 Arlie Sales Li The Mazda 808 Coupe 'zIDundas St. W. Whitby 668-939