Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 13

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WHt TI3Y FREE PRESS, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBEft 16, 1972, PAGE 13 &y: Steve Hanson IT'S TIME TO TAKE INVENITORIY How long is it since you stopped to consider your pres- ent Lite Insurance in relation to your family protection and retirement income needs? Family and business circum- stances change every year. A Life Insurance program set up fiv e years ago may be quite inadequate today. The Manufacturers Lite Financial Planning Service MiI show you how far your pres- ent Lite Insurance and other assets wil go in meeting these needs. To: S.K. (Steve) Hanson .I I Suite 501, Bell Tower Oshawa Centre Oshawa, Ontario 728-7391 The Manufacturers Lite [nsurce Company Oa r d en n y ELECT William lDurkee COUNCI LLOR EAST WARD 'A MAN WHO CAN THINK FOR HIMSELF' 20% BI DISCOUNT DIRECT TO VOU Aors &m.t 9p..Mon-Fri 6 -6 0 Sat.98.mto'p.m. 6 8 6 0 Ice show sche duled On Sa t nrday . Ncwcnîbei 25 an ice skating spectacular callcd "Parade et Stais" will u:îke place aithtie Oshrawa ('ivic Aurd itoriuinm.Do)n Jack - son. ('irajdiatirfigure ska ring chamurpion i-aicidliving lerzend in r lic ktt .e d h e La iicd star; unît be c utri b ( fnb. qptmsoringr, [lie ce cri I 1 stec ng eioe r t/ecroups, a special pi ice (et1,S 1 00 fi tihe _,, î1) .111. ratinie e tfirri alice. "ibe Wlri t Ibv le cre a t ici r t)ept. is proviinig bus t rans- portation fer senior citi/ens te t bis event froin the B3rook- lin Coin nun ity FiaI i and thie Wliiîby Cen tennial Building. Many Seniors signed up f'or "~Parade etf Stars" at the recent Fun Nighit, and all ethiers interested iin going are asked to cal] Mrs. Crawferd ut 668-5803, ext. 64 any Monday, Wednesday or Fni- day nîornîng. Brooklin Senior Citizen Club menîbers should notify tîreir. club secretary. S,01,>IA,.1 1l'/UR('1\ S' 137 BROC K ST. SOUTH MIDWAY DATrSUN formé rly ZOLTAN & NICKS Now Located at PRODUCT 0F NUISN DAHLIAS By Sid Morris Yee nîiiglit bc wende ring biow you î re geîÎg te store your dahlia tubers over wintcr. Now since the dahflia tops have been cut dlown by tlle trust, yen sioid l i tIlle tube vs. 1)en 't wai t te luavc thre grouind ficeze as this iniit cdamage theni. 'lie best place te store vouer dalia it uhers is on an carihen fleur ini a cool, tresiproot' cellair. Tihis type of' storage is LisLally ou t in our ncw. modern homes. Any place, examiple f'ruit cellar, wlrere the temiperature is bc- twecn 35 and 501) F, is idc:rl. tin our hieated cellars wliere the air is dry. cuver the tubers withi peat meoss, sand, ashies, or vermniculite; or wrap themi in newspapcrs te prevent the tubers t'renî shrivelling. Cet breken tubers cleanly across aind dust ait surfaces with flowers cf suiphur. Examne your tubers occasionally white tbey arc being stored. Toward the end cf' January or the flirst of' Febreary give themi a lighit sprinkling of* water. Gladioltis You will find a sîmiilar situation exists with thie gladi- oIns corin. After the tirst killing frost, the cormn should be lifted. If' placed in a dry location it is a simple miat ter te re- mnove the soit and stem et' tire gladielus. The stems shuuld be cnt oft' ,½ inch or se above the cormis. Whien il seitlulis been remioved and the stenms cnt cdown, tIhe cornîs are stered in boxes or paper bags iin a cool dry, f'rost-t*ree locati on feor the winter. To hielp preven t this. ai pest that aittacks glad io- luts, sprinkle the cornîs itl Fels Nap)tlia Flakes. Tis will hielp rid the cornîs Le'thue pest. Barry ('oleirran, a furmier D)u nlop Chiamnpion ( played third in I1969Ifer lfermner Werld (Chanrp, RouiNonrti- cout). conîbined experience \VitliItle bi eaks Io Win îhree gaines and quali'y lfer Ille mn i evcirt i 1iral (ilonDecen- be r 2. 111 irus epeir ing garnie,('o le- tian defca.ied Bob Nianrmuof' l)ixie 8 tir 5. Manin liad a 'ree driv floi2 poinîts aird a coin- tîraidirièglcad iinirtrc eightiî end. istcad. NManntiraiscd La (liraiguaid ui t Irle louit f ctc ircleIC'oIemiilair ciunted a point ranrd tevet looked ha ck.In ( "(leiitriar's seconid i ~îîrîe agaiîrst hu i I ii of, Aiila.Marri iel;d ail d îîpci ir :kc-(îîîi tilic tlirrc will titi ofci llits teck:,lînt cd (Mt Ilrclent-btciîclc. Mi- un :îcdîî:l h.rippecd(Cole- riai iuck (otite) lits i.i fcavitg (Clcemanil a 'rec' diaw l .oi twe points te tic Ilre gaine. Coleuilarr \Ve ntron t(e wiiî 10 te lnue scetorng Iwo point s i Irle teni hend. Ini Iris Iîîird gaine, Coemnu def*eated Gord ('avaungîr of Aveu lea nire te eigîr t in ail extra end. Tire Iead iii trat gamne clranged hiands four ties. Menîbers of Colenran's îeanm are Tomn Cushing, Mu rray Arrrîstrong anrd Murray Gregga. 1970 Provincial Champion, P)aul Savage, was neyer in treuble as Iris rink easily de- tèated Dennis Henson of Thornhill eigh t te tour, [Hugli Spencer of' Guelph six te fou r and Ralphl) onovan oft \Veston Il te threce. Playing witlî Saivage were Bob Thenîp- son, Ed Xerenicli aind Ron Green. T\we pre-draw faven rites did net reacli the finals. Ross Pecarce etfIHunmber IHighland wascliniinated lo Je Gerew- ka of' Dix ie ini the t"ursî round and t lien I)onevan elim ina ted DRAW-SAT., NOV. 18, 1972 8:30 a.m. Bill Kent vs Clair Peacock Montreai Oshawa CC Paul Weiland vs Bob Conîter Leaside Toronto Cricket Reg Smith Oshawa Bob Harris Unionville 1 U Bill Creber Avon lea Adams Hanover Alex Leslie Hamilton G lendale Walmsley London vs Harry Slreldon Unionville vs Bob Woods Royals 30 a.m. vs Ait Phillips, Jr. Toronto Granite vs Tom Steen Oshawa vs Bob Lawrie Unionville vs Bruce Munro St. George's Gurowka ini the second round. The draw for teams trying te qualify Saturday, Novenm- ber 18 is attaclied. Teams are competing in thIs, the seventh annual Dunlop Invitational Bonspiel, fer alinost SI 0,000 in cash. i -g Canada's number-one import car is here! Datsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles to the gauuon. With the kind of per- formance that's made it Can- ada's most successfuu raluy car. Buy the one that's been1 tested under the worst pos- sibue conditions against the best possible competition. Datsun 1600. utsThe Leader. autw am1973 DATS UN NOW ON DIS PLAY ZOLTAN on' 160 Sinneoe Si. Sou fth osînawa Cali 728-00.51 ,-,A#.- Action in the Dunlop 1Invitational Bonspiel, currently in progress at the Whitby Curling Club is featuring many close matches. Here a referee measures two rocks to determine point winner. -Photo by Stannett Colemnan Ieuds uink to 3 wins Il WHUITBY 668-361 8 BRO(K NOW PLAVING! .HUTE ADULT cNTERIAINMENT CHARlLTON HESTON YVEF[E MIMIEUX ,'SKYIJACKEDe AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM "CAT LOW"' WITH YUL BRYNNER (ADULI ENTERTAINMENT> CHILDREN'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. "GODZILLA VS. THE THING!" 1300 Dundas East Whitby, Ont,, 668-m6828 16 1

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