Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 12

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A(I12,'IIlJRStDAY, NOVIMER 16, 1972, WIIITI3Y ERFE1 PRESS y'TH E OUTDOORSMAN' WUTH PAUL WlCHER Few days Ieft Tlîer iare jus( 1Il days Ieftîailtelimhte titis article is beiitg\Writ ten l'or thle uiuîîred ii puursuue piteasan t iii Zoute Six b1nît iug areaI. 'itis itutl'ortuuiate ly ircidles whîitby. A niîit t is a sht ri sset îr lite axerage workitu niaiit te it thiis i reasîired birdi nd uless vouit e ie te e tîte lucky ocitilesia t go ta lewiutsiti Ii)icenc l'routt it aieaI xx'ith a heonger oleeutSeaIseut pleIasauIftS lioi tItis veau a ie ah- uttist exer 1a)ddolete xitli. tUtlIess of ol*CUI'Se un icuxe idis- cee rei ieserx C lee tiiiý. t, ti)ti lite. xxci"rex [0t0ekeu ilt1tIli"it\ pc ofIltmit11 bcatiuse e!' tte muisietAîellt tua11i tîtere jpsti xx as uto luîtuî i in iuîx oi)ved, jîîsîsoutle rathei ecisv siîeuitmutg. tami. uîoxvci a i beliexer iii tule pi eseixe liîuîtmutg.ý ,1t hil 1uiî ciii! d uîet tLa 'ci stecIdvd ilof,îI it. ildîe to ix inicessatnt desire te see xlîit is ever ilie ulexît iilI. My pi e- sreshoot ng iacs beeuî resi rie ted te t lie XX'Iiîte Rimte Gai [ciruti.siniply, becausectî t iiti mîe. t canu1(ttiîîuk ol' aneothier plcace tiîct conld et'ter motîre inilte waiiiof')hiecîscutt slîiîiting aud xxlbeeseîe îiiiterest b\'thîe utticîMoeiien t ili utc hlimiter. Possibty soeiacre bettet cand sonie îîît as good, bitt 1 hîave net îried tîîeru yet. Whîe Riung is li)caled somte 10 miles ecîsit' Peter- boroughî and îhree unîtes soutîlioet No. 7 Hligîîwcy on thie Asphodel-Otionabee Lirîe. The oxvner is Ronald Janmes who is an îrtvalid hînnter and dog tramner and his easy goirîg niatiner soon puts alny doubts to rest tial youur bunt xvilh be a mrie, uwo, thîrce affair. Plan on spending niost of the day thiere because tite birds don't comtritt suticide as some people xviii have hunted on preserves led nie 10 believe. The last tume 1 was tibere "Reiger" put up tweive birds of wbich six were brougltdcown betxveeuî îwo fairiy cempetent sheoters. The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23PRIN e bST. a725-9183aOSHAWA I BISG ANO BOLO THE NEW "73 EXCITUNG, RUGGED, TOP-PERFORMANCE, DEPENDABLE. EIGHT EXCITING MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. '4?"'. - - i~ là See Boa-Sk-i's new instrumentation pnl deep padded seat, wide stance skis and exciting stylings. j There's more to Boa-Ski. man's best friend in ÇWe snow OSHAWA DISCOU 1916 Dundas St. East, NI HOUSE Whitby 725-1343 Il always secms tliat lucre is a good ovcrstock of biî'ds iiilte fields and bush, whiclî gives onîe te féelitîg Hluit lie will gel bbc arnouîîî of' birds hoe ordercd released, and there is absolutîeiy 110 way tat you wiil kîîew wiîere lte birds will ho, siuice Ron sure won't teit yen. The shootîiîg preservo is opened Septenither I st, antd closes March 31t, but itunling is soniebimies rallier re- sbricîod due bo sîîow iin Jaîîuary ýandFecbriary. It's perfecbtly legii t hu1.t11ta proserve on Stîtîlay but il is best lu cati for reservat ioîîs as oniy 20 hit iniîs aire ailowed iin at any one tinte anid, l'or al loîter i ike fite, litalîs jiiSt great. I iuîîtiîîg loses a lobtni' ils tiavor iiitlicial si- rnîLI1idiligS Wiiht gattgs OfnCi' îîeît rîîiîug Ihilliter attîl yonî you'Ii Itîst tiever fiid tlitis ab Wite RintgGaine F[ani. Roll is aiso a limit1er so ie unîierstaitds. ['ýorge t ail i tle ie nîtse i se yen i iglit hiave he a rîtao preserve hirds beiîtg 'li Te. h'lere is tue sucît tiîg as aI taille piteasatlitnioftout i' a peit "ite oiiiy tling is, 1tuaIlini a)eu, you cat iappreacianîl catch ltebirit becatise ofi'lit îiiy sica I barrie r, mie lioott ou t ofiItiis bar rie r aindIlitei-i di s wilîi. Tîtere are no lècîers itere, ofly thic Var1iîtS gr'ais and llitLtîlil huaIstiuît have heeli iaitteiitii keep Itlebiiis l'it andî haippy iniilite wilît. "ite lirds you wilI iîc ltuitting are trei ilte saute stoîck t liai Roi i uses 10t su pp ly aIlltes t evo ry l'ýieIlî trial lub'iîî nutOitlar iiaind tlie v ii flot standil'loi "tailte irîtcs." A t rainled ilîg is absuliutely necessarly il you ituipe tii get anly st))tn.Il'yoîi doui'i have mie, doiti xvrm. as gulides ;111(1ilogs aie ax'aiiabie ai a uîîîiliuai ce. Pueseive siuoumtL cxe 'oua chance to xvuik yvi r ilog uvei a iuuig seasout xx ixvll cei iaîll lelp uiiuiî/i e Ile a11itioi i i atler i diuli nilseasut duilliss uituîstkeep il) i l'voit\Va111t t(I keel, vour unuiiutt mii' uutcltiue cii leui. xxw comes thle pai t lutil iiist il us ci miLice cIi. x01,11 ihîest ui \\el ilut tss'aloi les,, 1ilt 1a( ila ilautvoit htave il' a Siît ili iC~uîI tCýtuII iiitisIt sîttiluug uu p. xxheue \,oiu ilust pci for Itile )iixilege l1< sltuîmIlme caie blut iiiîuit get lii keep i. andilalel less ulianut itusiuguu.i<.sils îlecîws. îlîtck bOatti .miipel uti-xlte-iietriuick amuî finiue 1)11'xxik te0lise titeutu. il \îar lti(L-ilmrg înSt, IISO IUstiaionIliIllue totatl athiat pi bajbly takes thte iaigest clbunuk ti fat tui Less tait 20 dolilairs will gixe vuî a gicat Saiiia l SUnlday buLn t.jpluts il xviii give voit alt iasti threineals of' plieasattt. To mîy way et'thtink iîg t lia t's nt bai lwiten i con- sider the artiein t onftiies I 'vegplte "up iortit"antd caume back withl .i acoid. Preserve lhurtting altise usures a lîappv itomie lite as tibere is neoxvay yout xviii be gone allxveekeuud. i'astes vary, su bet'îre you tUtrn up youîr nise, give Whitie Rintg(;alie Fari. or aruv of' lite ntlîer oreserves.a try anîd thîcît uiake youtr decisieui. Thtere is a gron'tg nuuiber et' tiese establishmntts in Ont ario anid thîcir grexvtl is oliKii epts eagovn nleed. Thte day ni ay ho in siglitt xvhteu thtis is thee olvy place xve wiil hiave to iînît as il Is iii Europe. But ini tlîe rîlean- lime. whty net gel t te best nf' bot hi woIid s? Amoid's Market, 115 Brook.St. N. For Your Convenience 150 P0"ryStrfft Whltby WïHITBY-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED I'Your x co Dealer"9 2 11 Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO SPECIALS FROM RED SNOWI4OBILE HELMETS' fteg $25 fw$X( kg.$20 frr $16,050 HIP WADEKSR4 g.$14 fe $1 0.50 Bgest Sale Ever of BAUER SKATES RED'S CYCLE & SPORT TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU AJAX PLAZA BLAIR PARK PLAZA 942-8941 668-8471 n.xt to 1 hr. Martlnlzins MOTORING wîfh Miko Burgess If you lhaven't checkcd your anti-freeze yet I'd iec>iiiteidyou lihusile down Io your frienidly garage and gel ilien t 10dip t iteir lîydronctcr m theficradiator. Chances are yt will prohahly hc safe for a while yet, but flot kniowiiîg <air inrdiîh weaîlîcr cond itions5, Id luatete gîîaraicte iliali il's îlot going t0 gel cold cnough for your coolant! lu freeze aind crack yor b lock. Bu t bel ore you drain (or 1LInSh1) yoUr COOling systeni and d aitt -Veee il migh t bc a gond idca to check the rutbber lioses ( rad anid lhater) tor deterioration. Thec is no Secîise lit spenld inlg yoîr Iard-earnied mînvy on anti-Ireeze, anid i lien Iîaving a hose break Liter on. Vveiti if a connec tion doesni't look 't no bad'; or if in doUit , repflace il! YOUW iii Wi Sh yon Fuîd n't t ried 10 save a coulpie o f dollars il' yoLI( or flie lit île wenin) gel stiuck on the lîîgliway iii thie middle of the winter. At te sainietinme do, or have, done,an engîîîe lne-up witlî special attlent ion l)eiilg paid toe dcirical comiections cicaji bai îeîy lîInai111S etc.). Chcck the uerai ion of ite chioke.if stuck, a caul ni 1penctraliluiîg il xvil Ireetup jiisi :ibl)(nmythiing. Anid wa-t suie lIti tue chke 'liai)' (Il' attoinatic) is coîiî- lp1ic1 ch cosed when thle engine is cold. (Moest coild weather staiig u)rublinîsare aI n ihutable 10 cîther joer electrical ceuîtetieusor l'aulty choike nîeclîaiiisns). Speciai liglitxveiglît Millter euîgîlie oil s îlot Lusudlly uceaill noui ai'ea, 1prov\ided everytii ng ecis sxvrking 1 pmi.BLit i assu nii iuî(J Vyen are Cpr'eent ly îîSiîîg a Siligl we igli t oil II Zch s '40'ii lsîead etf a 1ni n hi-we ig t o il sLICIas '0%V-3 0', tîten ilf YOu WJ 11t o 1ren1ln v itlh a silIgle \veigb t fo-er ilie Wter yi>i will have te chanige t) a No. 10 or '0. Mly 1ersonal p)ref'erenice is 10 a nilti-weighit ail-season oil snch as 20-,40 or 20-50. I have founld thlait te thin end (20) is plenty Iighit eneugbi for our average wiîîter. And ilie onlv timie voit îeed a tliioul is wlieii the engille is cold first thing ini the nîoriiiîg. W'ben the elîgilie reaches operat- inig teiîperature YOu îîeed soniething more subsiantiat (like 30 or 40) which also beips to give you a litile m~ore oil pressure. Wliile 011 'oil' and 'cold weatber startinig' ....doîî't sîart your car on a cold nîorniiîg aîîd stari revving die en- gite ! You would n't thiîîk ot' runing your car wi thout oil would you? Si) keep inii n iha t when you firsi start your car al'ter il lias been su t iîg ail nighflicHi oit bias draiîîed mbt thie crauîkase and il caîî take a nMiinte or two before te nil pressure is buili up aîd lte engifie is properly Iubricated. A genieral luhricatioii (grease job) of'all nîoving parts îs aiso a good idea. I f yoî have ever lîad an eiiier-gencey brake cabie freeze on yen (vh ile il was on ) yoii know how iiportaîîî ibhis is. Aiollber 'nio-île' ik mixiiîg rid ial-p)ly tires xvithi bias- I)l' tires. As a miatîc of' tact, a Car eqLipped wvith a inix- liii Of etsUcII tiires cou i ravenles tIlle1Il igiwaviralHic Acti Iin i lic r wnids. It WOLii I n'ipa ss a sale iv check'! But, aiside luoniitat . ital k dilngli oustmiiix rad ials witi otlîerirtes hecause te laimdliuîg chiaractet istics areceon- pileiei\ dillerent. Il ' ymi stîll liisisi on dîuiîgtItis yi i vill 1111(l (ml'e uiis'l rxiea p wiv eiril ltauîdliiuîzcar. iThis xviirI 'd like to ii d some tinte lieiiîig to JitSWe ci anV fhi bleut ii rqiiesti s VOUit uv lhave xilî re- gaid i eMîoiiî. Il 'iiii xxani te itake xeiii eau î astr iiarc liîaviliîe sitiR' rOOhiitS i iOUile SI1ii)oiimi. 01nUi iti1 hveC C111IIîîeuî10i ituake. drop ic a m le au RR No. 4 (Oshtawa, oru tel Irec w cIii me i 723-70-170.Litiîless rciîîmstedl etlîerxisc. all et ters. antid imop 1S\l V anSwcisIill hbe Iattirecillut tiis cOtiiuuîtt) 'I il itexi xxeek, I iappv Nitring! THREEl PECIAS FROMWHT _1DODG mission on the floor. Colour- Plum Crazy. Licence 66570A PR ICE $1688. 1 Balance of New Car V on These Vehicles 20 UD- T Varranty 668m6881

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