Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1972, p. 11

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Area hockey roundup WilIriTY JR I,EIilRUlISS, TIIURISDAY, NOVIiMBER 16,1972, PAGE 1l Tiremen m l'lie Biooklii-Wliitby Cao- Brool aîdiaiî Tiire J i."B"Ttrenîîen Consoliu went to the Lift Lock City Midgets Nov. 12, anîd played to a 5-5 iii Bowuî tic with Peterborough Lionis. ýand woi It was the type of hockey scoriîîgi thiat kept the fans on their. Caro feet for a fulli 60 minuttes. Clarke Peterboroughi opeuîed the for the scoring aI 4:30 of the first DarI St per-iod, bu.t Itie Tirenien caine Dave S back wîvi goals froîîî Dave Sandfor, Per-ry anîd DoLig Wood bu end lI ti thie first period witli a 2-1I scored lead. Dave Perry fired tlîree aind 0o goals for thie Tireiîîcu, one in Caîîiazz( eachi of tlîe periods. Dave P The Lions scored at the goal. E 2:25 miark ofiithle seconid put I liei pei'>d IL) lie the score aI 2-2, LuiZssistý îlîeu Dave Pcriry fired bis got tie second go>al bo put thie Wliitb)V byui cIltib alieaLl. Tuie t lii rd goal b1w Peterbor-mogh \as a hîcart 1Broo br-eaker, as Wlitby goal e Kini aId Rest Ci-oLcl i îade a ii ice save oui a played siiot froîi iusidc the bloc uniie. Markhiai but the ptick bouinced off* lis Gangen: pads, lut Jack Scriver- of Peter- iead th( borougli iii the ribs and vic Iory. bouuîced iuto thie nit. Peter- Teirq boroughi went ahead 4-3 on1e moLir, îinuîie and iuîie seconîds lalter. Coîinor: Paiîl Evants scored a power ail adde( play goal with i Mke Flarper Big b of' thue Tireineîî sil ting ouit a of thie gý ninior penîalty for Irippiuîg. face-off. Thie second period ended 4-3 the Bigj for thue Lions. Dave Perry scored li s third Broou goal of tlhe gaine as tlie resuilt alds Re of a beauti fuI blree way pass- baris p ing play. Tiremien Captain gaine in Keiîh Jolinston picked up Oshawa thue puck iniiils owvn end anîd In a carried il lu centre ice wlîere f'inal wh ie passed 10 Jlini Sedgley ouI on wvhîo took the pock mbt the mnade o Peterborouighu end wîîere ie to win il passed to Perry at side of tîîe play. Lions net. Perry pulled die Osli a pLick fr'.in ii ls le f' to lis vi th 50 rigb t, tliei slid a back-Iiainden coma d ni into thie îet . NIo r r Kiuîî CroLîclu stopped Bob sia 1red g( Wawson on a cicar--cLit break- iiour g'. away, af'cr Wawsoii picked ip Willîaums a ioosc puick a thie Whîtby Terry W~ bîtue lhue as tw'.>Wlitbv play- gol siîgl crs collided. Crouchi plaved thie shuot îerfectly. coinpicîc- Brool Iy frustrating Wawson. About Steccers a minute later. Wawson cameî played1 roaring back anîd pubthue \Vofl bot puck beliîinîd thue sprawiing lI t Wliitby uietiider. Thiis pLit plaYed I the Lioîns ahecad 5-4, aînd set thenii 2 the stage f'or Don Nicliolsoui's Jolîui Bu tying goal aI i13:25 of thec inen fo fîîal period. Godf rcy The gaine was exciting inauivihke jor Midgets. lui îh Paul Job nstoii opcriing tlie Ajax il scoring f'or the B.W.C.C.B. un- Wliitby. assistcd iii tie first period. goals ('r( Harry Forbes scorcd in thie Naguiic seccond on a pass froun l)avc added si: Panisu. Doug Taylor froun Jeff lIl>t Roy scorcd for Becker Miik. 3-h 0v'. Nick Fiore on a play froiin agnire, Kevinî larrick anîd Jef'f Roy 0'('oniuni lied il up for heckcr's. Carlo ery EAec Caiuîazzola unassisîcd put tlie B..(.(.1.ahîead 3-2. Nick Bob I-iore scored f'or StouffI'vilc uîment N tiuiassisied 10 lie il agaiiî. Kenî fwo exl (irihe2'the ic vuuic, imi- aLgailisi t asvt d. îîdgivc ..(.'.. LNhIL t thie wssii 1>hpier. 0Lions klin W'hitby Cariadian klated Buildinig Major iplayed a league gamie nanville Saturday nighit n 5-1I. There mis no in tlhe firsi period. o('anazzola and Ken set up Flarry Forbes first for B.W.C.C.B. aley on a pass froin Sorichietti anid Steve rd put theni ahead 2-0. ,ie third, Keii Clarke lrL)iii Steve Sa,îdford il the play o)f Carlo ola and Hlarry Forbes, 'arish got the loLurti Bowiiiaivilcs Dener mii Loi the score boa rd ced. ('arlo Cainauzola f ilial goal o11 a play Bramn . )kliii WliiIb1w NlacDoiî- atraritMiiiorHautialis iii M arkhani aga iî st [11 Mînor Ban tanîis. JoeI i scored thireegoa),ls to l3 ig Mac's to a 8-0 y Whyte, Deaii Sey- Johni Jordoii. Lloyd 'S and Dave Williamnson d sinigles. M4ac's were iii conitrol aine frouî tlhe openifig r.Robert Phillips hiad Mac's shîut out. klin Whitby MacDon- estaLirant Mîrior Ban- laycd ail exhibition n Canningtori against iRed Barri. see-saw battle to the îisîle. Big mac*s Camie itop 5-4. Big Mac's )pportunlities pay off n last few minuntes of wa pLilled their goalie )seconds 10 play but ot get the eLlualiier. isonl anid l>lllîps 7 al tcîîdinig. D)eani Se\- ot t \Vo goals and Dave soliie )iand 2asss /lîv te aîîd Dan Kemîp leS. kliîî Whiitby Lasco Major Pee Wces two leagLie ganies and th. lie f-irst gaine they Bowîiaiivillc aîîd beat 1-1 Paul B3rown aînd jisnîaii wcrc the mîarks- r thîe Steelers. Brad ygot the loule Bow- egoal. lie iirst gaine agaiiist was 6-3 fOr Brookli n- Liui Porter witil Iwo egGibson two, Roîîîie Sand Brock Nuciian ngles. ci second gaie it was er Uxbridgc. Roîinic Iani Porter anîd I odd or got credit oI'm Vick- tric goals. I Fo arinll tîp vkajoi Novices plaYerI Aliiiitioi giiics. ( )îe lt )hac ('ana1ýdLaîtS akng a4-3losll >cîein 'n tie Todd Cotton go(l sinîglcs. In the second gaine against thîe Oshawa Wlieels bhecy lost by a 3-1I score, Todcl Connor getting flic oîly Bob l-leron goal. Brooklin Wliitby McCor- nîack Blades Major Bantamns played two league gaines. Wil- soni gettiîîg the shuLi-out. On1 thîe goal scoring enîd il was Barry Miliier, Todd Casey, Mark Millar and Wadc Roberts. lIle seconid gante, against Marklîaîînii Stotiffvillc, il was a 9-2 \vin lfor thie Blades. Glen Jolînston gLit thc liat trick; l Richiard ligeaLi scored two inîd singles went tb Mark Millar-, Jo~e llowe, Wade Rob- er ts an d B riail \a rd. k bliii Barnes piayed w~eii and canie LiI) witlî Couir assists. \Vilson an d \Vo if sh ared goal îeîî i n dL utics. Br-ooklin Whitby Minor No- vice played a gaine ini Siou fi- ville agaiîist Markhiani witlî Brooklin Whlitby winniuîg 3-I1 Goal scorers werc B3illy Lyres, iJohit FLsco anîd Ron MLlligani. Lone scerer f'or Markhain was Caîii Stewart. Brooklin Whitby Mitchell Luiner Minior Pee Wees played at the Art Thoîîpsoîî Arena Friday agaiîist Ajax de- fealiîîg theîîî 7-0. Gil Nicu- wendyk scorcd thiree and Wayne Middleton, two. Sin- gles went 10 Eddie Ilaydeîi and Keitlî Wilson. Gordie Brownî and ('huck Hfetlicringtoii shared thui st- ou t for Mlitchell Luniîber. KNOB HILL BEATS SENECA (mal t eîder Waynîe Cor- diîîglev of ilîe Ajax Jr. *"A's" reco)rdcd lus second slit-oLIt ol'thile 72/73 scasoîl as lis tea iîl a tes sc0 red 4 g7oals a îîd liied I cli oid thle Fiyeris ioff thie score sliiet. It \Vas the thîird str aiglît victory for thîe Ajax club. ]-le in îiîoved the [iiiiers inito sole posses- moi ofn foLir th place iii thle Provinîcial Jr, "A" L-eaigue st and iings. BuckV Uroucfl Kent ivcCari JLinior >!"B" lhockey lbas rettirle mc o thlic oWni f, Wliitbv for thîe 72/73 seasoîî. lhIns year's Club, sponisorerl iiy thîe local ('aiadiaîî lire Store lias seven boys f roi Whitby in thie liiie-Lip. TFlicy a re: Goaltciiders , Bruce ( BLîck) anîd Kiî'iiLiroci, IDe- feétiseinan Kent (Verni) Mac- Carl, Centres Mike Harper and Briaii Millar, Righîu Wiîîg- cr-s-- Bob (Boulder) Mowat and l)oLg Wood. OthIer teai niernbers arc Doîîn Nichiolson and Toni Mc- L.eish froi('auiiingîon , noxv living in Whitby and attending Hlenry St. 1ligli School. Richi Brîîkiey inoved to Wliiîby receîîtly, but travels tu Oshia- wa 10 attend higlî schîool. The Tirernîeî have anotlier brother act, in the Perry sportori aI- DOUG WEALES 1 understand that inior hockey registration is low this year. Alinost everyone 1 talk tosaysthcy are flot going to drive hack and forth to Brooklini Arena just so their son can play inior hockey. Is four miles thaï far? What about the people froîn Brooklin area that drove their sons 10 Whiitby for hockey the past year or so? They always secnîied to bc aithte ganues. People don't seein intierestcd iii goirng out of their way fOr their childreii if' the kids are playing house leaglie. Bu t pLIt thiese boys iii AI I-Star hockey and the parents think nloth iig of- drivinig 40 or 50 miles t scec their Ail-Star go through i s paces. IhoLîsand s oi! parerits, ail aicross Canada, drive tlîir kids a lot fariie r Io play hockey. soineif' l)i tciii a t 5:30 a.ni. We are foi tuiîît e cii ough tlo have ou i-i i or hockey piayed ini the evenînigs durinig the weck. If* yLi cami t or don 't wari t to drive tour or l'ive miles onice a week, \vhiy iiot gel togetiier witli other inor hockey parents and se t LII) a car pool so thiat you only dr-ive o)nce a nîioîîtlî. Don 't deprive yoLir son of h ockey for the sake of two lio)Lrs o! your spare limle cachi weck. We.rd rK I L 0:-E ùCK DON. brothers Mike and Dave froîn Don Milis. Aîîotlier Don Milis addi- tionb th le teani is John Sedgley. Defensemien Les Spanger and Alan Potts corne frorn Pickering Beachi and West Rouge respectively. Teami Captain Keith John ston is a Pickering resident. "Buck" Crouch, Mike Har- per, Doug Wood and Keith Johinson are hioldovers from last year's Whitby Jr. "C" club. The Jr. "B" executive has put a lot of work into this club, and kil continue to do so in order to bring good hockey to Whitby, but the teani needs the support of the local residents. Soccer nomes of ficers During the Mih Annual Meeting, lîeld Noveîîîber Il, at the Whitby Munîicipal Build- ing, a îîew 7-rnan Executive Connittec was elected for tlîe 1973 s.ason. Tlîe follow- iîîg wiIl forîîî tie new executive:ý President, W.F. Vander- kolff, Past President, C. Varies- seni, Vice President, R. Long- rnuir, Secretary, J. Hendriks, Treasurer, M. Doleweerd, Registrar & Matchi Secrelary, D. E. Cane, Convenor, J. Pat rick. Junior ""Season -Starts ELECT DoCn Lovlo c COUNCILLOR No»rth

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