P>AGE: 8, T'IIURISI)AY, NOVi:MI3IR 9, 1972, WIIITDlY IRFE;PRi:SS BIRD'S EYE WIEW by Jim Quoil Cats CAN b. trained Trained for what?, you may well ask. Well in my case rny cat is trained like a dog. It is only the second one 1 have ever befriended. The first one 1 saved from starvation in nîy wood pile when a kitten, and the one t have now carne out of thé woods one day and said, "Ail righit, who's in charge here? 1 want to be taken immediately to a nice, warmn home and 1 want to be fed." And that's how it was. The Duchess has been with me ever since. 1 called her Duchess because once her fur is cleaned up she looks rather regal and her tail once stood up tail and straight. But it doesn't any more. Now it rises straight except for the last inch which is curled over and points downi. The Duchess does this on purpose because whenever she struts by with her tait up t can't resist giving the top of' her taîl a lit tic tweak WHITBY-HARRISON FUELS LIMITEID "Your TEX Deler 211. Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO Few ~for declared Because it was always the last inchi of tail that got lwcaked' the IDuchess now kecps at curlcd down out ofharrn's way.. As for lier being Rie a dog, about thec only things shic doesn't do are chase sticks and bark. 1 think that somehow she senses 1 have always been a dog mani so just like a dog she greets mne at the door and makcs Za fuss wlhcn I corne homec. Shie even cats dog food. One day thicy had a bargain at the superrnarket on a broken package of kibbled dog food so 1 bought it for the Duchcss. Shc flot onily liked it but ignored lier regular cat food until the dog food was ail gone. Like any animal slie is constantly underfoot wile a meal is being prepared. 1 don't feed her rnuch in thc way of table scraps becausc 1 don'îtlîhink her stomach is as well con- ditioned as mine. That 15, of course, assumiing shie would be stupid enough to eat some of iny leftovers. One thing I do appreciate about the Duchess as opposed to a dog is that 1 cati leave a great pile of food to do hier for a couple of days while 1 arn away and shec will only eat il as she needs it and not as soon as I get out the door in one great gulp like most dogs do. To further her training as a dog 1 trained Ducliess to be walked on a leash and 10 be put outside on nice days on a chain. 1 can't say she is crazy about the idea but she tolerates it. If she's on a leash tiien she isn't out catching mice and getting a belly full of worms which seeîns to me to be a worse problern with cats than with dogs. Atiother advantage is that she has indoor plumibing so I don't have to get up at night and let her out. 1 must admit the litter box does gel a little rank now and then 50 I1nîay try to toile t train her. Why flot? If a cal is smnart enougli to distinguish the sound of a cani opener above the blare of the tv and the sound of the kitchien exliaust fan then she is smiart enough to be toilet trained. It neyer ceases to aniaze me how thie Duchess cati hear that can opener froni anywtîere in the house, no natter whiat other noises are louder. If t cail lier and slue won'î corne I just whip oul the cani opener and give il a couple of turmîs and whio do you suppose cornes skidding to a stop in thie kitchen within seconds? And like any respectable dog the Duchess cxpects to be played wiîh and she also enjoys gel ting the dickens scared righît out of ber. She will run part way up the stairs b Ithe bedrooms and waiî for me to corne along and scare her. You then have le chase her just like a d.og whereupon she wilI charge down the stairs, four at a time, witil grandiose ieaps and after two controlied skîd turns shie will make a final death defying leap onto thie top of the couch whîch is agreed by both parties to be safe ground. For a r:at I really think the Duchess is more like a dog thani any cat I've ever seen. And slue sccrns proud of it! Now if 1 could only break her of weîting on niy jrnbcaps. AJAX-As nomination day draws near for Ajax council aspirants, speculalioîî mounts as uaies are being bandied about as possible mayorality candidates foiiowing Mayor Bill LeGros' decision nol 10 run again. One candidate lias an- nounced his intentions. Coun- cillor Clark Mason lias offi- cially thrown lus hat int the ring and says ho believes luis record during eiglut years as a councillor entities himi to serious conside ration. Others who are rumored to be considering the possi- biliiy of running for mayor include Harry Smith, former mnayor, who held the 1p0s1 for f'ive years following two years as a councillor and one year as deputy reeve and one year as reeve. Smith says he has not yet dccidcd whether he will run or not but added 1i will have to mnake up nuy mind pretty soon." Another potential candi- date is rumored to be Bihl Joncs, Ajax Industrial Cein- missioner. He is the former operator of radio station CHOO and now acts as a busi- ness consultant Io a Toronto firmi. Council aspirants are hid- ing their intent ions welI. Thrce sitting miembers of' council, Ken Howarth, Bruce O'Brien and Phil Lcvy have indicated ttîcy wilI nul stand for re-ciecuion thcrehy assur- seats ing Ajax voters cf a nuni ber of niew faces in tile Deccm ber 4 balotiîîg. The tenure of office for nuembers is also in doubt at the moment. Many council- lors helieve that regional gov- errnient will becorne effec- tive on January 1, 1 974. If so, then bluose elected mnay bc limited 10 only a one-year termi of office. Officiais at Qucen's Park have given no clear indication as 10 when regional goverfi- nient wiIl take effect but have slaicd Ihat it is definitely on the way. AJAX. WILL VOTE ON STATUS AJAX A re*iccodtiri askimug voters tIo del'ine icîr vic\vs 011 b sthSa lUS o' Ithe 1muni- cîî)Ii ty uinder îcgionîa I gev- eronien t wi Il bc presco ted dur- inlg t11e IIllnicipaZil lciion o01 I)cccmibcr 4. Ajax coLitcil dccided t bat tllecect t)is sliotld he given anl opport iity to sîgnify iîhci,. vicevs and Ille 1Iohlwing ues tion wiII appear on Il ballet: "'Are yeu inii tavor ot' Ajax r-eltiail) n nu 111 ic ipa I siaiLus and idenit iy as preesc d bythll ('oulicil o eftue ewnd fAjax Miecn Regienai Ge(vero iiinent is est abhIislued inlb is aica'?" A reselution te beld Itle iehibscite %was IMnde 1W coL1n- cil ait a speckl meetIi ng I ast wveeck. ('otuncîliliscl t' lecls thatIlle town l silud r[ami ls iden- lily. A ia jetity et residenîs cent acted alIsete tlia t way. The plehiscite is e.\pccted to in.iIkO ilt1011d Jnd cilarbUt jilsI \vlîat goedil\villdo îe- minns lte eseen. Ne decisieon )lvhen R.e- u!jenal (ievernilnenl wil take cttcc t bas heemi an 114)tllnccd 1)(t Ille bel tiîug is Ibat il wvîll OCLIFMl1 J 1urv -19'74. Bonus i nterest on your savi ngs Sav in oigs iu ove te Victoria anîd Grey îinthie period Nov ember 1 le Novenmber 15 wiil receive fil ilnîcrest froml Nov enîîber 1I This meails dtea the savinias accomint yoLi open before Novemlber 15 earuîs 1kilt interest for as mutcli as two weeks hefo,'e you Open thie accoti! Se, wliether it*s a 40ý< clîeing fllYaccoti beaini îerest On a mimiiitmnî seinim-ailil halanîce 0or a fast growi ngy 50,; nioln-Ccitqlint7 accolint Ml1 al îiniiii inontihly balanice, bring it to Victoî-ia anud G rey noir andîc get bonuis interest. VICTORIMA GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W WHITBY 668-9324 Aloa x