Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 6

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PAGE~ 6. l'IIURSI)AY, NOVEMI3LR 9, 1972, WIIITBY FRIE PREiSS Retired Detali 0MB Cha irman Decis ions Joseph A. Kennedy, recently retireci as chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board chats with local MPP, Bill Newman and Gordon Hanna, a directer of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kennedy was guest speaker at a general meeting of the Whitby Chamber late last week. NOMINATIONS AJAX-Nomiina tions for can- didates iii the Ajax municipal elections will be acccpted ah town hall 9-10-I11-13. This was made known Iast week by a published notice by mu- nicipal rehurning off'mcer M.B. Beauchamp. Candidates are sought for the offices of mayor, reeve, dcputy-reeve, councillors, lIy- dro electric coniissioners, trustee for the On tarie Court- hy Board of Education and trustee for tie Corubined Separate Sclîool Board. Six counicillors will be eîccted and two hydre coin- missioners will wiri seats. There wiII be orily one truste HEARD'S TAXI 668"732 brc n Radio Equlpped &DrctLa at Arnold's Mar ket, 115 Brock St. N. For Vour Convenience 50P.rry Stoet Whitby D'o I Sec Boa-Sk i's îiew instrumentation panel, deep padded seat, wide stance skis and exciting stylings. There's more to Boa-Ski. ID A' 9T0 13 elected te caclh et'ithe public and separate schocl boards. Election day is Deceniber 4 but an Advance poil will he lîeld oii hoth Novenîher 27 and December 2. In Ajax, polis 1-2-3-4 will be located iin Lord Elgin Schocl, Ontario St.; polis 5- 6-7-8-9- 10 ini Parkside School, King's ('rescen t; polis 11 -12- 13- 14-I15- 16 in Lord Durliani Scliecl, Burclier Rd. and polis 17-18-19-20-21-22 ini Southi- wccd Park Selîcol, Laîîbard Crescen t. WIIIBY--i>ublication et a se- ries of reports on decisions eof thie Ontario Municipal Board wlîile lie was chaîrman was pronmised last week by iosepli A. Kennedy, whio retîred fromn that post on October 3 I. Mr. Kennedy revealcd Iliat lie is arranging publication cf tlie reports with Attornecy- General Dalton Bales, aI a general meceting of' the Wlîitby (laniber of Commerce lîeld Novemiber 1 ai H-eydenshore Pavilion. His address b UHic Whitby Chianiber, celiing jus( one day after is retiremiemî, was Ilie 1-irst ot' nmany public ap. pearances Mr. Kennedy lias imdicated lie will be making durinig the nex t tew montlîs. Long a coin reversial figure, Kennedy iii h is role oA' chair- mnan)of'thie 0MB, was known Ibrouglout thie provinice as a defenider of the lit île man and a stuinbling block inithie paîli otoveri.eal(>us politîcians wlîo sonietirnes got carried away with tlîcir own imiportance. ln lus coiien Is liere, Keîî- nedy, wlio lias heen round ly criîîcized because tlhe Board lias tîirned down developicnt planls approvcd by inuicipali- ties, said lie would like Io sec iiîuch of' tie Board's power transferred hack leIolie local level. lFor instance, lie stiggested thie 0MB should îlot bc te- quired 1<) aîiîive /emimg by. laws to wichu no objections are muade wiîtiin a reasonable tili.c 'lli1is Wt>Uldl nîcaii boa rd zap- proval et*' only a quarter etfall municipal bylaws, cuttligthie Board's imperwork by 75 per THE FRIENDLY. FLEA MARKET 'O-WG bu y*nd sc.anythlng" 23 PRINCB ST 725-9783 OSA' tno.0.4steelubelted radial Alfersley Tire Service 682 CANADIANA SNOW BLOWERS Also Law. Mower and Roto-tiller Attachments if desired 70 12 MONTH WARRANTY EASY TERMS 5 H.P. $389e90 8H.P. $449090 Sian's Slirpening Service 4Rtson Rd*Se 7 25-m865 cent," lie said. Mr. Kennîedy said bis sug- gestion shou Id hot becConi- sidered a "deaîh bed repent. anice" because lie onîy wanted inlipleilnelitations of)t sections of* flie Planning Ac t t ha tla ve been (oilt(lic book s for l'ive y e ars. Ili rel'crence b capil)tal ex- penditures Kennedy said (lie Boa rd 's sole juLiri sd ic t io i slîould bce b con sider wlietlîer tliey are witlinii lie tlinanicial collîpe tence of' tllie muun icipal- ity and wlîetlîer thie rates ho be charged will cause an un- due bu rden on thosc whio will be obliged tb pay. Ilui respect to Ille Board rulings dispensing wî(it hlavote et* electors wlien requesîed by counicils, Mr. Kennedy said auîy sucli prejects sliould not even conie bet'ore flic Board il' there arc ne serieus ob- jections raised. Sucli prejects wouîd in- cîide read.wideiuîig, scwage .and waîer supply systeun con- st ruction and 1HIC couist met jil e nluIunic ipiil bu iId iuîgS. Kcennedy said (lie lBoard shiould net assess cosis agaimîst iîîdividuals or greups whoocb - ject ho a project because "Iiis could scare eI'l legitimiîate conlliplnts." [-le said lie did îlot see the îîeed for liree legal aid te pro- test iug groups. "'I know of' mie Case Wlîere a -atepayer-s' gr-OUp lias lacked prol'cssional repue- seittioti,' lie said. "LJsuaIly, exîlenses arec spread over a large nuuiber of' people su Iliat n10oIIuî CeeSls au uuîdue Whitby Man Held Fol owing tPl(KlFRING A 24-year-old Whitby miaun, Romiald Roy Rooke. liaruiiouy Rd. N., RR 2 Brookl imi is iii cusi ody auid cliarged withi robbery tetI1(vv- ing a liolduji ai a Mac's Milk store im it>ckcriîg last week. Pickerîg lTo\vusli ip Police sa id a mlanmile red t lie store, locaied oui the Base Litie. mîeau Ille Ajax liuîîiîs ai 8:35 p.n., Nov. 2", and demiîaided ni HC ii I lfo i e cie rk. Thîey said licliîeld onc liamîd iii lis pockeî as thloLuglu lie lîad a guin and wvas giveuî S218 [»roin ilie cash îegister. li-e reportedly iit leledcst on thie Base Line ini a car. Sevcu aI hours lamer Rooke was aruested as lie ciercd Iim driveway oi lus lhoumeciii Bro&îkliîî Arr-estîiîg ollicer-s weme Sgu. (.Iluttcliisouî and I)ei.R. B3rownui. boli hoUl* hi >cke ring 1<uwvmshiil> olice l)ejarmuîemît. Holdup, No date lias yet hecin sel lor a Iriai PLANT TO EX PAN O WilIT'BY A large expansion ['or Sitokely.Van ('amnp was announced Nlonday by \VIi t- by Developinent (Commlission- e-cr W\intel s. ('0H51 F*luetionl lias coninuieuiced ()ilJa50,000 sq. fi. plant additioni 10 Ilîcir pi esenit \liîhy operailouis 0on Brock Sîr-ei Northi. The con- trici was awardcd Io Mr. Bill WÎiu île r o Win val ley ('o, IîRu c- lion Lii ted. l'or com pIe tion by nexl Fbr a n d is val- Lied al inore tliai] S.00.000. Mr. M.K. [eslîer. Preosideii of* Stokely-Vailn ('amp <1 ' adai Lîd. advised (lie 50.000 sqJ. [t. bI)Ïldinig %vould he u.sed Onlly foi- WarIello(Sinlg Pl-- potses aind vilt iniprove Illie liiîclî>ns ot Ilie hlîby plat. to AJAX SET TO RUN Nove BIGAN THE NEW '73 EXCITING, RUGGED, TOP-PERFORMANCE, DEPENDABLE. EIGHT EXCITUNG MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. j DRAPERIES j NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC after 10 yeos of exclusive designers service> I.t2 ~ BEAUTIFULLY CUSTOM 'j- MADE SHEERS - DRALONS SATIN S, ETC. -, FREE HOME SERVICE LATEST SAM PIES & ESTIMATES uwiii e.Eàokd4&4 V«a6c:ýe4 (DRAPERY MANUFACTURER) 777 WARDEN AVE. SCARBORO UNIT4- 751-6994-5 In Oshawa cali: 728-4601 ASSOC. ME MUER INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0F UNTARIO ON T A R10 ASSESSMVENT REVIEW COURT NOTICE 0F HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the f irst sitting of the Assess- ment Reviewv Court for the year 1972 to hear complaints against assessment for taxation in 1973 in The Town of Whitby in the County of'Ontario wilI be held at Municipal Building, Council Cham- bers, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario commencing at 9:30 a.m. on December l3th, 1972. Appellants will be notified by mail of the date and time at which their complaint will be heard. M. Harbin son,.M.1. M.A., Regional Registrar man's best friend in tjîe snow q OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE S1911&*Utluidas St: East,*' 'Wlitb)y 725-1343

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