Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 2

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I>(I .TIURSI)AY, NOVVIi R 9, 1972, WillI'i Y tRI' I PRUSS guest ed itorial BUDDY CAN YOU SPARE THE TIME? - Ralphi Stratford, Whitby. The underlying principle ut'local govemmient is that each segmienitofthie cuvnmunity electsoune out its uwn luoact as ils representative. You choose t'rom unle close by, one dIhat you can rely on, a buddy. If was neyer intended thlichoice shuould be liitcd to a few classes uof people suchi as local businessmnen, prot'essiuîîal men, gentlemen (or ladies) iii retiremient etc. No, the chioice should be wide openi-thie guy who shares your car pool- the housewit'e across tlie sîreet-the new guy in the offlice with su many brighit ideas. Thie law certainly does flot imîpose tis sort ut* re- striction, but does the systemi? Dues thie mannrer in whiicbl couticil operates dernand su much timie, thiat few will give it a gIO? How often lias die une you felt could really represent you said, "Sure, 1 thiink 1 could do as well as flic Jouhnniies we have, but there is nuo way that 1 could f-ind sufficient timie.*?" No une cliooses tu accept any assigumiient and tîten [ccl lie lias dune a lîalf-baked job, due to lack of' linie. And by al accouîits there is ver i mucib mu0re lu beîng zacouni- cillur, reeve, or iayur tIlin It îiîg ini a steady stinl evcry Moîiday evening. But Whitby lias a tfull coîîîplement of ' lîgl paid. and probably eîîîirely cumipeten t bads ut' departiienlt stL g- out thei adnminist rat ion. Ye t il 15 nut l enutglilu P MY za goodL manii a guod salar-Y and expecct ii lu be conitenlt in apost al tlîis level. By tic tînmiue lias nîceri ted sncbi a posit ion. b1e lias also earîcd îtîc riglil lu be eilîîrnstedl witli ruiiîîig bus departîmen t compelen îly. alid lu cunsciOn t iunsly watcb oe the town's interests inifile aiea t'o wlî icli lie is rcspoîîsiblc. What- lie requires fri council are clei and tiiieîly directives whicli, once given, stay unchanigcd170rrthie dui ion) of the task; and tflic knuowledge thiat suienei cou îîcillor lials the departineîîts activities as biis particular conicerni. P'ie de- partniet t had Shuu.d îlot t'ccl individnailly responsible directly lu Ithe niayor, but t lucouncil as a hody. di rutigli Ille councillor assigîîed tu biis dcp)arînienit's zctivities. Il is easy (o sec liow 1-)'.utoftbe peuple wlio iiglî t entertain blougbits ut' ioiîmina t ion tor nîayor wcre t mc enu t a niajor tactor-could feel thiat if il nîcant also beinigilie direct overseer uof tie wbule aidiinisî raition. tlbeiî certai,îlx îhey were nultlîe "buddy wbu could sparethe tinme.- readers Tu l'liceliditor: i)ear Sir oir M adaie: I would like luis lu bc an, open lel1cr tluflic Royal Canla- diaîî Legioiî. As tilis tile ut'year il îes arotind wc gel cluse lu Re- nieuînbrance Day wlbciuîi are broughit back nIle sad limes wlîeîî îmen aind woiuîen weiît tu l'iglit an cîîeîny wlîo would have waiî ed lu t ake ou r 'ree- dom t'roiiî us. The only part ut' the war I rcally reiîîenber was inî I945 wlîcn we celebrated your wiî,. nling itl'or0- us anîd îrturer cîîsîring our Irecdoiîonce agamni. As il wou Id t ake tuu long lu pcrsunally tbiauk yuu ail I t'elî 1 cuuld du itil îroîîgliîlîîs le lier. I kioxvalso thîlîilialny of' yt)u i tudd ies anîd coli rades did iîot iîakc il back anîdsmille werc iiuiiied Clifhe. Canada Cali icver Icepay 11me dcb t owcd lu tllie mies wliu lin itIlie i r lives un Illc hile foi us 1but %vîll Vuiti please acccp)t 111lie-ati t eltl ianlk \tt. Bccauise ut, yon 1 il]îiine.Bectinse ot, yoti I caii ibe prowd out îîiv Couruily. 1 kîîuw i liere arec a icari tleýss tew wilîu w'tuld wal lu odu îwa\il b Reiieilibi alice l)abut Isav . îîevc ,i nvei let tliis liapp)1eii. Mav \ve Iway s ie- mendiî er ouir preciuus trcoî WVC dt>i't hacve îu i ciiieliibei Ille glories oit war i lt dicte Nwcic aiiv )jtsi eileiiibc wiliy we ari 1lice. Let us îîray ilaial îbc c ili ilevei lic auiotîei %var but Ilt there cvcier ,îîay v w e ie brave as ý ou vvCrc aiid Illie unswlîu gave tbei iliiosî write pi'i/.etlpossessions lis, tlîeîives. Once agaili îbank youu lroiiî a grea tll Caîadiarî loi' givilig us a grceat gil't back- ouir licee- doîi. As God lpcd us iii Ille last twu greal waîs may î-le ai su bel p us in iever i. bviîig aîîuîber omie. Tlîaîîk yoLi. Note to the Edilor: I ;aiîput- t ing nîly naine biere but il is îîut îecessary lu use it as I would nul vantIo lugain any recognition 'or this IcI teî tior tu distract l'roîîî ils nmessage iii anly way. I1, is sinîply liuw 1 t'eel about hIle subjeci anid aîîy glory mnust go tuotIlie nieîi wio t'ouglîil and d ied. Tlîaîks agaili. Mr. Reg Willianiîs. Wiîby, 0O11. OPEN LETTER TO ALL CONSTITUENTS 0F ONTARIO RIDING I wislî îu exiind îiibaîîks and a ppîec ia tioni aIl 11i ose wliu su p purtedIlle Ii Iltlie [cédcî ai dec tiui o' Uc tube i I. WIi. VliIe I %vas ltSi sc- cessîi. I1 bel ieve we did suic- cecdI1lii creatig ail awai cîicss on Illie piartoi Ilie peuple ut rlîis ar-ea als luIoie kiiîd ot pri itf iies ltaI We as aoi cly sbou Id ex 1icct 1 olmil VniI d- e, aI (',tîVerliîiîcîl t. I aliîcolu- t' idceii1t t liai (lic coiîcciiis voiccd by Ille New l)eiio' c, alîc Pairty anîd iii> sed dii n [lus etectiouî caliigit ', will coiiipcl Illiew gV ovc;tîîiiit t o Itiove iii a directi on iwlli cli 'wiIl %;il îsty tlIese colicclilus. 1lil t lus i se i tlicctore. Ilie- Ileve WC lia',c bcciî l ces I I %alil lu ,îssie oit illi t will cuill ilitie .10 press foi. I lese Inew ploitisti ,ul evcry aVeIILIe peiîlu Ie. anm conflidenut alIso, t lia t y ou wi Il evelit uaýl ly place Your trust iii t(lic New Demiocla tic Party. Sîincerecly. Aiban Ward BE LUS ANSWER TO WI-ITBY Dcar Custorncr: First of' ail, thank yu ,for passing along your opin- tion, by mneans of petition, on our decision tu discon- tinue providing a payment location in Whitby. I assure you, expressions of' this sort arc useful in assessiîîg our position. We rcally don't like niak- ing decisions of tlîis sort whîich appear lu take away froîîî some ut' our tradition- ai ways uof doing business. but[ soîîîctinies WCe 1ISi .i.t particularly ini tuday's econ- oîîîy. Our expetises arc ris- ing far t'aster tlîaîîour reveit- ue and wMcen soniething lias lu givc we lry toluoo>k foi- the leasi ut' several evils. The substaîîtial savings dcrivcd froîni closing pay- nient agencies cati bc uscd lu pruvide and maintain ba- sic telephie service. . . our first obligation lu our cu is- tuîîîers. Thank you again for ex- pressing your concerun. Huw- ever, in view uft'hîe abuve cunsideratioîîs, we do nul plani lu re-upcîî the Wlitby paynient location. Yours lruly, Mrs. D. Veater MANAGER BELL CANADA THE WNITBY FIEE PRESIS <Voice ot the. County Town) and Ashburn; servîng Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thlursday Mtail Bon\ 200, u bv Iloll' e 1 11 o(il -<8-l1 12 I ~ ~ ~ ~ A LINrGlI Iurc I liir.I lShit[: D llI \\ llî cN îxtI i .It iseiii,.: Rtoun 'I;uL' \ ( > 294 t R<ick \lains)ui - 4 $1 I 311fore Jurnduroareffousing Presents WE ARE FULLY STOCKED 1I1I BUY NOW m SAVE 25 il m-40%O/ with values from KILGOUR KROFHI FR PHILIPS VICTORIA VILLE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTROHOME VOEL BEVERLEY PICKERINGS LARGEST FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 980 BROCK RD. S.,PUCKERUNG 839-4461 (']1i[.111:OI'S MON1 o :1 9,30-9 SIE 9-6- OPENI 24 Ii1-5 orI rXE E millui6m vu malbous w mur m Wumau.

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