Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 1

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FAMI LY RESTAURANTS' EVZH OA 10. cents per copy Thursday, November 9, 1972 rn-m *~m w wm e WHITBY-Whitby mlayor Desmiond Newman appears hieaded for a stiff battle for re-election rather tlian an zacclamiation, wilïi many thohiglit possible just a few weeks ago. As election dav nears--it is less than three weeks away-lt appears there will be several candidates for the mayor's chair. Latest to indicate lus intention of running for the top post in the December 4 balloting is Bruno Harilaid. well known ýý hitbv businessmlan. NIr. liarilaid tdd ti> I PRFSS lie ducs îlot swaiii lie iiayo i s p>o t i lie decided liv aIcclataIonu. "hlure aie ruiuirurs utulîc i;uiiu tuI o u ' lic saîd . "tit1t1 lit onie tIo mi kli%, edceluias del'iiutclydecided ltdcau. 1ltwcvr. uc 11 1 -I PRESS lia> lear i ed i lieue us, ani excel lent icliamice iiiJ tiusîîîcssiîuaiu ('lairles Rc I svill alstu Challcenge layoi. 'Nemw iliaiu atI lle 1itlls. Ilie uiuu 1,0u . ls liait. lias aîî eady declai cd lis Mi- tenîtiolu ut rv îuug :ua ini- i tlle C'lief Mu\<ik!stules josu' t irul i liougblu le lias reccuntly becîi 11 anid iii litupital . Say- ton Newuiauii said lie lias liad uno ciamie tuf, Il iouglît iii lis pîiu tu om111agadiui.le said lie lias icai d ut s'evel ailit >5 sible coipct i oi sbot decl iiîed tr u inie auy tut tieîui, savîig lie prcfcrd to wui t oitIII thîe appropriate t iîîe. Witlî the fedleri eleet ioui now a thling tuf the past, iii- tI-CuSi M ithec mumuimucipaýl cM111- piaigictui lC i tu slo Iiiotli t aid specrilatiumi srifîe fmor ill Reev e Ti nu dwand s lias Iudicated lie wihlli un 1fon thîut otfice onuce muole. Gorîdonm hl:iiii.i. a Ittn mici-i ceve uand det'eated b\ NIa\ ou Newinuii fon thleiu ms postilii a suli- SCLeili en lectt nu. ,is lîîg witlîItlîe idea of rtîiîiing :iga iii. lHe is contside ring cou test - itug cil lier lîc Icreveshu qî or Ilie deotyeecl i ut vil flo>t iliake ip h11iS miiiiid outil îîriuimuî tnu qemi tuday. tri- uuîurrtuw, and Nltndav. 'l'luerace t,01 crunincil scu ts aippeai s to be a \vîde-opeui wtar~itilua umoilier of, iii- cul o eurs anud uewcoiiuers signifiliig tIley will lie nIllie race. On ly t wo couucil lors have saldidtlîey %vill flot' be rn in iuî ga iii. bey arneJi ii Musselmnnund Bob Atterslcy. Ainong rulie ns wlio have nd icated al wil igness to con- test tor a coincil sea t is Raîplu StrutffOrd. vice-chair- main oft' thle \Vlitby ('i tizen 's St udy (;i-up. vhiicli lias con- ducted a rmiîning batt le %vitli tlie su t îug couincul over plans tu iuove the îîuiicipul build- inîg lo a Rossland Road site. Also bel icvcd Io l)e iii the i nîniiig aie FA('aliclî. heten outi the i lust clect ion. ioy TIi oi lpstni, wil kilow n Ioi. lier vowtlî wOrk, Vic Peuroni anid b)onî ead. Touihbattle Tlîe batîle tlor [lic muýyo)r's potst is shiapinuip ilittu a tougli si nugglc \vithIl tlie uSîty of' Mr . lIariiluîd Ilittu(lie coitest. II appei[s Io be a cruntlii of divergent vievs Mayor Newmnan figlinrg to retauni tlhe stutus quo and M r. Hari- laid opti ig fo r a complet e reversaI of* couîiicîl's prcseîit niielod tut operathuli. Ile believes il i.s îecessary toi a Whi il ty inavori tu spend imolue tMile ini îuîîc er- rltoruV rallier tlîuilbectunie tutu iuvtlved iiin to îiaîîy ullîc i liîgs wîîîch l duui JielrIai î dii livt o thle towil. admiiruble ini ibis regard.,- said I larilaid. '-but I1lbel- ieve the tuxpuyeus would preter Io sec i t channelled t(uwurd home." HiA RILA ID Clears Decks Foir WYHlTBY -Bruno FHarilaid coîîfirned it betore counicil Monduy iîglut. le infornied nuembers lie will be in the mayoralty race this year. Mr. Harilaid appeared be- fi, ~ À P(licy Decîstouis "Tbiie arc couilpetent and well-paid mneîîbers of' tic mu- nicipial stalff wlîo cai do cvery-duy clires," lie said, "anud couîicil should bc ini a positiotumo ulet staff îieîiubers wturk ah iliese clîrres withîout interlerence onrce policy deci- siotus arec made." lu tlie nuatter of' tlicpro- posed iove of' t lie WlIi tby Mu riic ipal Ot'fices ho a Rtoss- laund Road site, Mn.Fliarilaid iîîdicated lie is ruot uucessaily opptsed to thec site citice. "I]owever," lie said, "I do believe i is a chioice that sliould becîmade by the tax- payers of' tlîis couîînîitiy anid nirt a rbit rarily decided fo)r thîerî hy cotiucil." Mn. I arilaid is also critical of' whla lie teruîued "road- hllrcks" placed inItlic puthi tf* siiall iuîdust ry sisliiîg tr Io- cube wilhii town iiits. '"[luis is [lot jtist a penstuial opinîion,"'lic su id. 'hot tuile slîared lîy reul eshate peorupe and (ut iers wlio are ini a position- to kiow." Suds on Wheels Bobbie Brown, waiter at the Royal Hotel, is a fast man on his feet but customers thougit lie could do better with wheels. They bought him roller skates. Free Press Photo Action fore counicil as a one-man de- pLuhation ho ask that a tender bid froni lhis firm bc dropped froin consideration because of a possible confliet of interest. He* th *en d ropped the bornbshell: "I iritend ho run for mnayor this ycar." To say the miayor and miembers of counicil were sur- prised is putting it mildly. In fact the announcemient was gneeted with dead silence and followed by a hurricd ly-cal led recess. 1I1 explaining his reason for miakig the aninounicemient ho council, Mr. Harilaid said lie wvas ahteîmphing ho avoid any charge of confliet of in- terest should his tender for developiient of the site of the Whitby Anena be acccp ted. Well known as a local businessmnaîu. Mr. Harilaid lhad proposed that up ho 30 low rentaI housing units be consttiched on the site. He hiad indicuhed lie felt thene was a real need for Iow ren- taI hiousing ini the coninmunity and lie was prepared to work with the town in ahtemiphing ho f111 this need. Mr. Harilaid felt that any arrangemien ts concluded with the hown ah this time might be miisconshrued as conflict of interest in the event hie is successful iin the Deceniber 4 election. Mayor Desrnond Newman said lic did not think such a declaration was necessary on the part of a candidate but added "h' s flot up ho me to confirm this." WHITBY-Mayor Desmond Newman chose alrnost the eeof nominationi day, ho unleashi a scathing ahtack on the WHITBY FREE PRESS. The mayor, speaking in Counicil Chamibers, claîimed lie lias been oppressed and barnboozled by this news- paper and will not hesitate ho point ouit our shonhoi- ings and uîufairncss ho imi- self ho aIll who will lishen between now and election day. Not fazed by the nîayon's unseeuîlly conimientis nuthe least. lSditor Judy Durkce answers thie criticismi i tlis issuIe on Page 4. Murder S uspects Robbed' m Whi'tbyï Trio Charg.d WH I'3Y, Two yothls are Suspects: two yoths coînphainied tIo Phicrson, whio is iinvcstiga tîing Wayne Kennctît Wilson, Carl 'ucîing non-capital mnu rder ()PP ollicials said tlhe chai- po lice tlîey lîad been heu ten thie New Liskeurd killing, ques- Wilson ýand Gary huimes Peter- chu rmes uand thlre Whit by ges are a sequel th le deat h and iobbed of, $000. t ioned the rohber'y victiim -s Son, -ll of' Wlîit by.' you tlis ar-e chu rged Nvit i1ho- of G(oldenî Brownî, 70, whiose 1'l'lie yot lis told police thley whio made t licir original coin- Peterson was arrcsted in bing t lieni I*ol lowving .111iin- body was toutid at tllie foot of' îmd heen d rinking wit h fou r plain t on Septemibcr 5 and Vancouver and rCtLlrncd ht( vest igat ion bv On t ario Pro- his cellur stiris ini New Lis- ot lier YOu t liS and thiat tlîcy thîcu laid charges against thein. Torontho last Friday, vinc jal Police. keurd ea nly iii Sep teniner. tlhen d îove Io a sideroad necar Chargcd arc Kevin Grant Police declined ho nuin A f ourt h Wliit by you th is Brown kept iiîoiîcy iii bis lrouglianî , nort h o f Pickering Lang, 16, and a I 5-year-old tlle tourItl Whitby you th StilI being sougl t in western Canla- home and police bel ieve lie wlhere tie assault and robbery boy, both of' New Liskcard. beill îig ugt il] the west but da ini con nlect ion with tIllie vus robbed of ahotit $ 1 .000. took place. Fcing charges of' robbing indicatcd that an early arrest robbery ot, tlle two monuider Investigat ion started Mien OPIP Inspector Johin Mc- tlle two mnurder suspects are is possible. VOL. 20 No. 45 Nominations open today Wl]ITBY Nomîina tions f'or Whitby's municipal elect ion arc hcing reccived by Town Clerk William Wallace today, to- morrow and Moud ay. The systemn .cliaiged tIiis yeur lfromn the nomimat ion meeting style in ettect until ibis year, now requires can- dMiates ho i*le nomFina tion papeirs wi tii the crk on any one of* the thrce days. Nomimat ions are being acceptcd hy the clerk f'or the positions of*I1ayon. reeve, deputy-rceve, council, public o tility comm issionens, two trustees or* the On tario ('ouinty School Division Bourd of' Education, one trustee of* the Ontario 'oun ty Schiool Division to bc clected hy separate school supporters uand two trustees of* the Ontario ('ouîîty ('oîbinied Sepuru te Sclio >1 lioaird t o be elected by separate scliuol suplporters (At ilie T1ownî (>1Wlîitby and thîe Townshîip* of- Lust Whii tby. The Alction wîIll be t'r a t wo-yeur ternu but tIiis is SuIbtct lu change il and Miîen Regional Governilient is appm'ovcd f (>1theaiea. Ni usi ubservei s ltee t bis îay t ake placc us eui ly as Januarv 1 . 1974. lee cci 1<>1i st-i t svili be lield on l)ec. 4. t><)l IN lbe open ii rni 1 I a.111. tu 8S1.111 An advance poil wîll belielcld on Noveîîîber 27 aund oni Sa t o dav . I ec . 2 i thle niuniicipalI cotin cil ch unibers. Ad - VunCe PA ol-lIlbe o iDCifrI J'0I1I1 a .1n. aîîd 8 xi n -

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