Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 16

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MOTORING with Mike Burgess Now tliat we're into the wintry weathier and die las( Cari-Ai race has been run, 1i hiiîk a brîci' wrap-up of' the international and Northi Anierican raciîîg season is in order. Californian George Folner was perhiaps tie lhardest 'liard-chiarger' in thie Nortli Arnenican scene. Follimer pulled out ail stops after taking over from injured Mark Donohuc to drive thie L&M Porschie 917- 10 for Roger Penske. Altlîoughi nliîssîig the flirst race of tTié -Cùnt-Ani series, the Labbat t's Blue at Mosport on Junc i1, he cane on stroîîg to win five of the eighît reîiaining races, including the finale at Riverside. Thirty-eight year old Foflinier rinishied the series with I130 points, twice tlhat of Denis Hulme and Miut Mfitter, ticd for second withi 65, and ended the Teain McClaren domination. After recuperating from fhis accident, at Road Atlanta, Mark Doniohue returned to win ie Edmionton Cail-Amn, giving tie The snowmiobile that went to the Arctic to prove its dependabilityl...a JOHNSON SKEE-HORSE FORMERLY SNOW-CRUISER s799 endSdR 14p 942-3571 2e4-0765 '1644 BAYLY ST., FICK LRNG L&M Penske Tcai six victories oui( of' Ile ic races. l)riving a Roy Woods prepared AMX Javelin, Follîtier al,,so won Illie Tat-r eaniîapionislî ip. George fin islied wvit h 95 points foilowed again by Miil Millier ini a Firehlird with 60. Internaliionally, anoilier ýalmosi unknown , 25-ycar-old Enmerson Fitipa),,ldi stormied to victory in l'ive Grand Prix races to becomne tlhe yotmgest driver in hIistory Io wiI1 the World Driving (limpionsît ip. The prcvious worl d cham pion, Jackie Stewart, was knockcd ouil of the Can-Ani series (ini whiclî lic had hen schcdffled to drive a Teai McClaren car) by a duiodenal uilcer and was also forced to miss a Grand Prix race. Specuilatîin by miost observers is thiat Jackic ini '72 (eaniy part) was 1101 the mari lie was in '71I.>Whlen Stewart's liealtlî returnied (possibly wit he Uiclelp of a ncw, more c(>npctitive TyreIl), lie dominatcd the final two races of' the- season, easify winning the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix at Mosport on Sept. 2141h and, two wccks later, leading thte U.S. Grand Prix ai Watkins Glen from tIle green to the checkered flag. J ackie's fan cluib nmembers niain taiji that if lie ha:d n 'I bad t liv uilcer ai îack lie wouild havc hield the G.P. i)riving crown for yet atitler year, as il was, lie won fouir G.l>.'s to Fitt ipaldi's five wins. buit who knows'? InIllhe L&M' Con tinen taI 5000 Clîamlpionsh ip. anl early fead hy New Zealandler G ralianl McRae hipcd Ih mi amadss a fitltotal oft -0 pointis ini tdie series, fol)lowed hy Ane rican Saiîî Posey' with 69. ('offeeting 47 points.,'aadiaî ppie \Vie îles t'itiislieîc fii in tlle Forimîtla 500(0 series. ('foser 10 homec. Qitawas i3riaii Robert soit diove h is Býrabhaiiî-lEord in aa fîghit tu le finai race 10 cliîîclî lte PIavel-,s (,fi ale nge Selries for tlic (aitadi i niiig I( i ian it- Slîip). Briali 1 fuishled witit 160 Points f'oiiowed by ('raig 1Hill ofNîssissauca x\ ,îlt 141. T llie action utpackcd Bu lova (it ai up )on suip t a t Ni sp r t was aitoItlrce lb tle ývIîc (or sitid I say ",johIecltcck- ci cd tlajg).- Aiîway. t bis Forula Ford sc rlicss \%"()wIl 1w i uke de Sadeicciof on ot ((,)lit.) iii aIl awkc 1)1 ?. Loîcal dhivers who desci vc alit itoiorar.v litîilit. wlto llicd liarbtidiî't ta swell. arc: Ray\ G îa - i ut Us oiI:i)oiiî Jcvcs - Vega.: and Robin \'iî lue - VLoi utuLa Vec. Uiitlor 1iuat eiy . Itt\ ioior menitiont woîl lte o el ilr \\re:ked caîs bhack togetlieri .otiy Ittiimole}\ 1i d iti --1 iniemi >eek, Ilp~ Moiorilitg! Mi xed Bag Most lititers are aiso tlle ultiîta con sumners of thc gaîie wlîicli Iltey bag. and lîardiy aîîy of'ris whio partake of tlle sport tiiink twice abouit discardiîîg of skiîî, fur anîd featîmer as a inormtali wasie of' luiiit ing. I owcvcr, tue re is a uise for itese b)ypro-dtuc is aîîd a l'el iititat cmies whnltcîising tlîcmn tIitule siaiiî crecature Iis beci t tc 10full use. \Vings of' aiiy gaîie bird arc invaltiahle iin dog trainîing antd sliouid bc savcd for titis purprvse y'or neyer secînti 1 have cîtougit. Aiso Ilte f*eiiow wvlto tics flics and who doesn 'i h uit tcaît i\aýys LuseIle %vinîgs and tiany of' Ilebody 1fea- r lers. lucreie areC very few ily tic iîg supply btouses ilti l I itutl accept air drîcd [cail iers f'or t rade or cash. My wvîfe lias ntc saviîtg all tle If'ca utc rs wiiiclit doîî 't sec nîy i inîg vise f'or 'italter pilows. aîtd graîîîeld il will take iawhiic b gel citighi bt Vltos iii a iturryv? Il on are toi otuiale eciiogit lugel Ia deer itis ycar.ý N'oi caît hauve Itle itide t aîIled aîîdittaIwde itlito any utie outa iliîidied d1it fercîtt iteîîs.lic esaineC ltîIgpplies 10u utouse. ;înd ( if y on doiî' a l le idIe aI il, t'iîîd a ulv lier. attd itd iciîî t> ouwill find -aiver\- appi ecial Iive teiio v wito viii be otl('t)e lapîw 10 gel ilîiîaids (onliliese goodies. 'l'ie lowei legs utam lutIlielie big gaîaitiit cati lc ic ttde iîioitat a iactive gtiî ra1,1ck by a taxiderîtîisî .nid )ioîe Is tlîe wîseî as t l xltlier- il wais a dfoe oi-a buck tlii vou goI. Thiey can also nitke a guîid coat rajck f'or Ilite coaeoi utn lite ouitr-oontl. kabbîi Iirluî it\uiet K1iitd1fui-ltamIilmatier. caît bie ised agalihýIllte l1\ t ici aid caiIserive 'asaIvaIluable h itii aid t,0n iilri h i iug pulls 1k lIle ix pe ut gainle 1tut-vicli you xx ili lie ii,îîig îî k i t iti c e beau î\ (tib is ix pC tii il aimm i 1i,~ Ilil i il eL it"11)tue wli tl ie JO 2 i., siiii lo 011: i(tla x 'ii i1i 11ili te ek , i . t ii l ic ua:,se t if er lilivil x lI t li1s,ît ii - e t s i .Sk u f i iia itKue[tt()e iiip se aeIo i'Oîd'lt iieÏiî, 01 ELEC TION DAY DEC.4 VOTE Sy: Steve Hanson MRoney Management is a job for Experts lThe first thîing the average widow needs is an itîcomne to replace ber husband's weekly pay chequie. Let me show youi how to take Advantage of the »"Income options" in your present Life Insurance pol- icy to miake sure tliat your wife wiil receive wbat she needs-a regular gtuaraîi- teed incomne-and be spared investmnent prob- lems. For Life Insurance service, just contact, To: S.K. (Steve) Hansoît Suiite 501, Bell Tower Oshawa Cetntre Oshawa, Onîtario 728-7391 ManuALife TeMauiufauc*jAWLfee DUNLOP INVITATIONAL CURLING BONSPIEL FOR CLUB MEMBERS AND GLJESTS ONLY NOV, il UNTI L DEC. 2, 1972 We are looking forward to seeîng you and your friends. I CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? On Friday, November lOth one of our representatives Mr. D. R. Merçer will be at Lucien Motel WH ITBY In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically ail types of businesses including Agriculture e Tourist and Reereational Businesses é Construction- e Professional Services * Transportation e Wholesale and Retail Trades, as weil as Manufacturing have obtained loans from the 1DB to acquire land, buildings, and rnachinery, to inerease working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that 1DB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment wvith the IDB representative by telephoning RECEPTION DESK AT 668-6879 or in advance by writing to À~INOUISTRIAL IJEVELCPMENT BANK MID-ONTARI,0 BRANCH 250 UNI VERSITY AVE'., TORON'ITO 110-368-1145 1 PAGE, 16, TIILIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1972, WIIITHY

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