Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 14

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l14,T'IIU RSIAY, NOVIN1 BIR 9, 1972, WiIIFIIY l« RFEî PRE;SS HOME OPENER - NOVEMBER 16 Tire een win Brookli-whlîfby ('aîad ian Tire vFi rcniei wcn t tb St. Nliclîael's Arenai Nov. 5 and dctcaiced St. MIicliiicl's Buuters Il vas ail 1t(i gaî"1110 ie.wîh Iîcavy lîîfiiîg n glît troitfle upii iug tac-ottf. Wli it b oo t on flicscore- i)tai d tirsf . as Briaîî NI illar f100k a MS (-011roîIi1og Wood iîd 1)1ast Cd a liard sl ioti jasf \likc lBrown niitflicBuuters ic f. [lie TireiliCeli leld a iwo- muan Advanîtage ail the lime. Grq eg evCs ot fli Buzzers ticd fhe score ai 14: 01 of- lie tirsf period as lie beat Wlîiîby îîcîîuinder Kiîni Crouch wvIiIe tlhe Tirenien were a man short. Less ilian iWO MnUîfS laier. Ricli Briîîkley of tlhc Tiremen put the pLîck ijîto ticeinet t0 prît Whitby ahead 2-I. The first pcriod ended wiîlî Whitby OLIISlîooiing flic Buzzers 19-1,4. Whiitby Ourt sco red t le B uz- zers 4-1I in tlic second perîod, white outsiooîîiig îhcii14-8. Whi C-y ieam captain, Keiih Johnson starîcd flic scoring parade ini ile second as lie beart te ButtZer.s' goal- tender ai tie 4: 29 mark. The Tirenmen also gui sccond period goals t roi NI ikc liai- per. Doug Wood and Don Nicholson be forc Sain Tag- gart was able to bcai Croucli iii the Wlîiibvîîcts ai 19:2(). Dtni Nichuolson's goal %vas a OflC-Oii-t ti ifOji 1H, wi i itte Tircnieîi anii)Aiort liui iiei f iiiicli T ie Mel 1(- 1 u1 tIsh lle iruc pcrittd. w lîl ouisctîriîig ilîcîti l-2. l ccic Ilit liat flic f liiid Pcriud was thlimfeitiCi 1111 the penialtîy box, as lic called jusi a1bou)t every'fhîng ini the book as wilI as a l'ev thai aren'f in tlhe book. Grec, Cruke beat Crorîch ai 3:11 of' the tlîird on a power play effort. John Stor- nick put the Buzzers back mbt the ganme fcîîporarily, as lie prit flc puck mbt the Wliîby net at 4:38- Crouch had stopped the initial drive, but failed to clear the re- bound and Stornick picked the corner. Tom McLeish put Whitby ahead 7-4 at 6:23 as he took a pass froîn Rich Brinkley. The Buzzcrs narrowed the gai) witll-a goal hy Greg Reeves bet'ore RZicli liîîiklcy ot f lic Tirenîcîî scored tun- assistCd aft 11): 0 - inf t ll clipty\neC. 'ill ie Ciliil totik 1 I i- ili irpenialiesc.one C majt ior or fIifîw anîd 'l fel) iîintfC îuîscuîîduct peîîalIto 0 Kenît 1,01-il [ir"sîiiiilug,"a I lie i C teree a1terC i tle' 0f ticial f hrea f CHCd fo ru n liîli igi g ()lit l[Ilie building. '[lieTrC illil out siof fthe Bu/Czrs 49- '.ý iiili C ile C NCxfiC torI fliCle ire- meni is Nov. 12 whin f ey t! avCl to ftliCLi fi Lock ('iy to play thli rîideteafCd Peter- borougli Lions. IireIiiCiiwiII opCen af loillC oH Nov. 10 again sî fie Butte rs, KNOB HILL BEATS RICHMOND HILL Ajax Knobh [liiF:arîins en- f ry inIlleh Proviniical J r. "ý League ripsCi Richmuond idIll by a score of'i-'-0 on Nov. 5 ai Ajax Arciîa. Wayne c ('u)rdînigley rIC- cordCd Ile slImi-Ouii. WllilC Ill lic ani rs- gu) fgoal s trouiî Jolli i e ilcl ig fila e lit i e tipCli ihg pcr-itd, aind flleiCl)- stIlJiliCC 0011o al le iC oftf Ille stic:kof* Rici. K rauc ii dw a MITCHELL PEE-WEES WIN li Ck>\in -IC\SCCKibýii.l Il îc tii 'i e k tI twoc Sîuiif tle ee- lii -lc1ce i 1wk k.î e lu am- (o ai cî stit Uc il - chll rc\ i ncs I lle 'l c,,tiis p'ine vvCJC Nick Ntîstîwcîku LdcI leydcî c tlîî i u anid Gilbert Nc~cdk 'llie gainîe agains'tlPort 1-lopC sawv Keifli Wilson out Bro-okliiî-Wliitlby sctore tlircC goals, while Wayne Middlefon scored tw() and Paul H unf and icI]' Dînsmore fi rcd singles. MITES WIN ONE, 105E ONE Bro.oklini-Wiîby Vickery Electric Mites werc defeêated 3-1 by flhc Oshawa Mite AILl Stars. Paul Ricli was the only Brooklîi-Wîiiby player to I ~ IPLIIMBINC DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPUES 701 Brock d. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Houri: 9 a.m. to 9 p.mn. Mon-Fri Sat. a.m. to 5p.rn. OPENING 668m6601 bea itflicOshiawa rie tmîii der. In it heir seconîd gaule,flic Vickery Miles îravellcd 1to hUxbridge anîd dcfcéatcd flie loical sqîrad .3-0 wit h Mark [.cc plav'iîig slîif-ou t hockcy ltoi Bitîokliii-Wli f i. Allait 'aluiad-('liai lic Nlastîiî :îiidlauit Porter wcic Ilic gualsctmris Iim \i lifb. HERON NOVICES Brtîtakliii-Wliif bv Btob Ici- on FariîLqIii . ii jol iinice fCai ii 1laycri fWtt ga îî cs IIii ftue week-enid, wiîiig onîe anid losing oîîe. iiey lost 312 to Pourf I -lopC. anîd beii Oshîa- wa Red Wiiigs 4- 1 . Art Johnîî- stule scored bof h goals for Brtoklii-Wli ,inf kmy iiiteir 3-2 b ss. Jocy Vauîderliuîdc cd flic a f ack 'inl Ice4-1I winîovC r Ilie Rýed Wiîîgs. sco)i-iîig f wîce wliîlc singles wei f fo IDavid BIacicîre anud Bill (.uylls. MINOR MIOGETS WIN 4-0 lBitîukliui - Vilîlb\ uîîiiîuîr1 iii dgcîs otiot î.tPot i ipc iîîidgcts 3.3-- ii au f50ti ug flîehuî-1-0. Pail Radvai ý aand lick Gti- uic:k s'iadIe fIleiC iel iliiidiui- lis club. I)ave Allei, 11111 lii V. î, Iîtii Csev andiîl \ a uc Romîian wYe Ilie ho ok-. i STEELERS WIN 4-3 tiri ýca lme iii i 1 lli i lic I s t Steleis. licted lit, ilie \%cCk endi l vas aài. lusC gaile aIl Illie w-\i 1h i lic Sucelei's c0uiiîîg tilMift 101. Stcelci < ual ksmui M Iiflie gainec \vcPetercicr îai. joii BLrîs1l iai Dialc Sawve M iîd Jtohni \addell. MINOR BANTAMS WIN 1-0 AI thlorgli BrotikI iu-Whlîfby Mac[)onaids "Big Mac-" wcre ou tskafed anid ou iplaycd - (hîey cameiUp Wilf i ajI-0 wiiî over Port Perry buiiîais. 'Ferry Whîite scorcd Big Mac's goal, wif i fui';fealin a iîai short. Bill \lui:i ison re- ct)rded flic sliutrf. MAJOR BANTAMS BEAT LINDSAY Mark Mîllair scorcî litrec I NOV. 2 Maple Leaf Billards 124 Brock Street South *FREE POOL ON OPENING DAY* Harry's Place Opening Thursday, November 2 (uille ii md Iii ' gl îtîi's m-dîider theî- N w Maimugeuient i t t Auîr Saiaiski. i Goalmouth action An Ajax player gets behind Richmond Hill Ram players only to be thwarted by goalie Gary Carr in Sunday's game at Ajax. Knob Hill Farms won 2-0O b hand the Rams their second loss. Murray White Photography sportori alI [JOUG WLALL[-S Thie season is st i l you ng, and so are Ifli major if y if 0-11-.A. o[ticiaIs Ilhave scen liÎs y'ai . Wlicr are fliceîîîiîll agcd ( 3() tî 40-vcam tol) Ii ticia Is? Ii ai cciigaie iniflic et i . .-1- 1cagtic. tlche [c r ece. wvlutu îî1Iknitw qtf cwc il wa s abtout .'0 vc r-s ()Id aîlandIs ;a btift iwot cai s 0.11 A-c piuc e-Filie I iuesîîîeuîini pîtîblv lii lus ci ,lv i.Cîfics oui wv. CCqluifeettuiileilit 'llic iCfCi Ce xvill iin aIl 1)1itbabl)liif\' e a i 7ttu)LItuiebol. i y s lue asigicl ua lu. -13-amiei elie isstilIlcaiîe.unnuW\lîat isý witivili siIlîui iliese telkm-v.s tl aIil Ie . -ou lujiý **IY lcvel aII eut ingig lîeîîî v.tik iliei uv opt? We lltaav m iiiilibeitfc.mip1)tltîtii lsml eaia bol1 tIlle\- aie OAI .1. \ u tcoluld aie Iis1mas)eii~ tt (îld t l \, lu L ifiîî( îl . ad Ilie letet ce ImII Illie caile In Si itf le tS o t lle \\e lîtil s. \\Iiili\ ) f tht 101 mtutut i l Ii îlle loîi clilliel îeaiîltist.iîcttIis,s li[alot u si l.)t2\iîtlic ptîitti Iî. îli Ie li , i w lt i0Ih > o House league 'l'lie tpeli iiig ot Ille bok itb- liin Aieiia iP, sel tloi NuSýcIliLiCi 13. Onî Illiaidalc e H ) ic itut- Wîiiiby Miiiui I Iuckc -\st ciatiuuu, IlItiuse I eaglîe l)ivi- sîtîon, svil l e sta i iuîg ils sC:ist ti. Ili tUtîv iîgilie selie- doles aie uclev:îuîî o ilie Itliuse Calec eaumîs ttuorfIc cîîtire scastîi iit lfaiiis arc ollîeuwîse itmtltiedLi y ctich o tr iîiani gcr. Mtniday : 5:00 - 7: 30)pîî Miiior Pee Wee - six feaiîs. 7:40 - 10:15 p.-iiî. - Pcc Wec six teains. 1,(l h . - Nsi :î. ' ). 5:1)1.- Nsi\-C sixlSis0 \Vcdîîcsîly 'S :3) - 10.-30(1).111. Nliîîîî laîifIii - fîtuieanIis. Sc1uii- -six Ica his ut boys agd5. 6, 7 as ot iaiirary 1/72. ilîcv will bciein a pro- giaini siiîilif1()a IHotckey (liiîic uiilr flue udirecftion of, Johnîi('liisc/uewski. Sruiday: 7:00 - 9:3W a.ii. - Mite - six icaîîîs. 9:40 - 1 0: I15 a.iii. - Mitior Novice - six feaiîis. Lor d's schedule OiSH AWA Di)oîlîaîîî (ollege Loîrdls sîll open iflcir 1I ()72. 73 litckey seasouî on Saitt r- ilay wvitl a gaine aga inhi ShecridaniColiulge. Al litaomue g-a ine s ti- thle Loriids svill lie pflayed at Northi (siu aA uchia. TThe comiplo te littfieaill :wavSCI)lel0tti i~ ~ ~ ~ [ýi lu )ha.aî:îîsa:s lîi.- s: -Lords af Hoiiîe" 1 'S ro. Geoigîaiii l)cc. 2- S pi. S [. 3)c t-Nxii ctg:i (++) G a mii e. F)Cîiîtfes Ilxlîibuî itîîî Lords Awav" Nov, 9 - 3:30W.î.Ciieiîa N ov. '25 Fe b. 0 -8 pm. Humrîîber 8 p.îî. Georgiaii Jan. 16 -8 .iii. Shieridan FeLi. 8- 8 pliî. Seuicea Fecb. 24 Fcb. 27 -8 p.in. Humibcr -8 p.îî. Secca 4 8 5 THURSDAY m

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