Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 12

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-.1, C M M 6 w m t a l Sl fà ff mq R A Y M I L L A N O SAM ELLIOTTà JOAN VAN ARK ..ADAM ROARKE AND ON THE SAME PROG RAM Af THE RETURN 0F COUNT YORGA STARTING SUN. THRU TUE. 7 P.M. "TWO 0F THE FIJNNIEST FILMS IN VEARSI" THE TWELVE CHAIRS Ron Moody - Dom Deluise - Frank Langella and HOVV TO COMMIT MARRIAGE Bob Hope - Jackie Gleason (AOULT ENTERTAINMENT> CHILDREN'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. THE BANDITS 0F SHERWOOD FOR EST l>AGI' 12, TlIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1972, WiJlI'iTY IFREE' PREISS B ROCKWH ITBY 668-3618 NOW PLAVINO! Thru Saturday ai 7 pani.1 Gardon mg For ced By Sid Morris ANT iNItITAiNENT Wh it by îlîeîî . as t was use I I sl bulbs You mîay want to force a t'ew bulbs for winter bloomn- ing indoors. The rnost popular bulbs f'or forcing are paper- wvhite narcissus, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. You might want to try crocus, grape hyacinths, iris reticulata, or scilia but you shouid grow themi in a cool rooîn of about 550 F. The bulbs you buy should be plunip, solid and free of blemishes. The largest size is usualiy the best. You should choose a container with a drainage hole at the bottom. You should select a container that is twice as high as the bulb. This will aliow adequate root development. When you are using new dlay pots, soak them for at least one day before putting up your bulbs. By soaking the new pot you remove any injurtous cheinicals present in the new one. You should use a loose, crunîbly soil for best results. A good potting mixture would be one part soil, one part peat- moss and one part sand or vermiculite. Soul straight from the garden is usually too compact without you mixing somne of the above additives mbt the soul. Once you have the container and soul ready, the first step is to place pieces-of broken pottery or small stone over the drainage hole to prevent clogging and* to keep the soul froîn flowing out. Next, partially fiI the pot with the sou] mixture. Place enough soul in the pot so that when the bulb is placed on top, the top will reach the cdge of the container. Bulbs should be gently pressed into the sou]. Do not force themi down as it may daniage the base of the bulbs. The bulbs should be placcd so they alrnost touchi one another, Fi the pot with as many of thli as possible for a fuller effect when in flower. This is especialiy truc Mien smnallcr bulbs sucli as crocus and grape hyacinthis are used. When you have the builbs in place, filtde container with soi], fillering it down bctwvcen th)e bnilbs. When iny wi fc and I ai rive(l ihi Wlîi thly iniMardi ( i1 3 1> 3 stepped nil'ilie iri-i to bc greeted by Ile-ard' stage Coach.i.'lie stage coacl MIS a éi 0înî1on spectacle il e u 1 e le For one thing, there's a lot more inside, inside. We're giving you plenty of Iegroom up front. And fan. fastic headroom. We've also done a nice thing for your nase. Our new windshield is pushed way forward, and curved. Ifs actually 42%o larger. For comfort, the seats, f00, are curved. Ancd for safety, inertia type seatbelts buckle up as standard equipment. The padded dlash is completely redesigned. To be read in a flash. Getting in and ouf of the bock seat of the Bug is now pretty easy even for non-athletic types. And we've had sonne very fresh ideas about air. And how to circulate if. Our remarkajble improved venti- lation system even de-fogs the side windows. Altogether, the intenior cf the 1973 Super Beetie is so radically cifferent, you'd have a bard timie'knowing t was a Beetle, except for the steering wheel insignia. There remain, however, certain things that will give you the dlue that you're driving o VW. Econorny. Dependiability. Our good oId never-give-up character. The beauty of the new inside Smay be ifs beauty. But the fact that it cornes in the car if does, -, is the mosf beautiful part of ail. Few things in life work as weII as a Volkswagen. Corne in and see our beauty Oh à WHITBY *Cr OSHAWA W HWY2 1.42 5 Dundis St. E. WHlTBi(4 Ontario WOC iWhitby By Alfred Bruce, Wlîitby. in At tia t lim1e t here wcre s Ii-re f ac t o ries ilitowîî, hI mie weeklv pmper. THEI il Wl IFBY GAZL-TTF. al uli- d bei- yard and place wlîere Ii ey Lised «) grind peas lor- pig tèed. There were Ilirce doctors ini Imvil.a nd 1 especial ly re- cal I)Doc tor- Wa rien whio lîad a Io)veîy iotise and grouiîd s rigli t wlie re i lley have tlhe 1bo)Vl iîîg aI iey ilow. \Vlien Illc 000~d doci or d ,ed it was tlhe lîje (uI' iîiîy Itll te t0\Vii \vmoild buy lus pIiaîd îîîake a nîce Ilitlti park inii lie' cen Ire ()t Ille towîî. l'herc \'ce i w ralw stations.*: Ille (PR in 'act was Itîst blîig bu iii. iere \Vas ai su a 51 rec t rallroad lbeîi,î bu ut t o ruin IroliiiF()Toloni() iw Bowviiîîanville anîd (lie t rack s wverc beiîîg laid. Tliere were six clitîrclies Ii t.iîî and aIl ol' tlieni tîsed Io haýve qa île large Co)lugregat îoiîs eveiî aliiglit . Soiuie pronlin- cil viihilly Ctii 11ie s even l uai Illie l i r wn eWS. Lday ot couirse 1la 11111 es woti d lfind nio need (t)ft liaI, as youi are nearly snure tw liid a vacant pew aîl im 11e ym o w'o1 chunrclu. Xh'ltby ini 19)13 lîad tu fil uc ot els. t lie \li by Flouse, R'oyal,. Qteen 's and Windsor.* -li c Vre just pull ing Ille scwVelrS lilh *li tIllie ii a ilii o) ll li tn, aiid a lit île later on iliI tlle twcn lies, wMieni 'v wvere pttt ing sewe rs on1 Mary St rce t Easit wo bliocks tioni Brock, ail old lady caime ont anîd said, "'Boys, it's not uat- ora-ýl 1te ha 1tile t iii yonrI liouise." i woîîder wlia t Ie o)ld lady would tinîk Io sec ail the labour saviîîg devices tilley have 'rounid Illie louse today! Ili those days youi did îlot gel any week's hioliday wîtli pay. istead yoIî got a day or two off 'witi pay for iolidays. The voiie n h ad ail tlhe work ilîey could iîaidle ai honme. Ili fact you cou Id couji AIll te wonenIî liat left Iicir homîes to work by day oni(tie tingers oh oiie Iland. Tliere were about six lod- gcs ini Wlitby at the time and Ilucre was s(iiiethiig goiîg 0on îîearly cvery niglît. box so- cials etc. The idea was yoti lîad it niake vour -OWI U ilb anîd people did so. A lot Of tllie siree 15 buil t up t odav1 were just green lai c s. The cree ks h ad a lot 10 transport peo>ple down- Covcr the bulbs within a liait inch of' (ie toi) of thc container. Tips of the'bulbs should protrude abovc the soil. Whien filled, the containers miust be thorouglily wat- cred. The casiest way is to plonge theri in a pan of waler, about klf way up, and let il soak until the top surface of the soui ooks- -and féecs nîoist. Label each container, noting the date planted, the vani- eity and color. You should give your plan ted bulbs at least 12 weeks of 'cold.' Most tulips and daffodils need 14 weeks of cold treatînent. This 'cold' trcatmnent can be provided by placing the containers in an outdoor rooting bed or indoors in a cold area. Containers kcpt indoors must be watered regularly, This is most important to achieve good resuits. In indoor rooling the containers should be kept in a dark spot, which can be accomplished by covening the containers. You can dig a pit outside and bury the pots of buibs. Set the pots as close together as possible and cover with 1 or 2"V of sand. On top of the blanket of sand add a layer of about 6" of soi]. As soon as coid weather sets in, cover the bed with a protective blanket of straw or leaves. This will prevent any deep frost daniage. IAnecdote s . 1 20 Os i r relived

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