Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1972, p. 10

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PAGE 10, TIIURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 9,1972, WIIITlBY FREE PRESS lDon't doc!a knock it We can understand Newiiuan's frust-atîin xitih litcrar1y l'reedoîu' of' expression. Wben flnot self' origîinaîcd il appieaýrs: t0 mnove lus worship 10 bheated anigc-. Undersi and ing why Cotîncilior Doclor Kenneth I loblîs knocked Kruschev fa,«slioni on the table lollowing thie nayor's tirade on 'oppression' by the WI-IITBY FRIT PRZESS caîlls f'or a liii le more sophisticated undersi andling. If' you nmade a public motion aIt own hlall to have the miunicipal i y re frain f'romn ail advert ising in thie towii pap)er shortly after you were called "'a municipal bigwig and nol a very good one ai tha t" and failed to succeed, anti bad been checked tor being quoted i council liy the press as con- stan tly sayîing you "don't give a damu wba t the t axpaye us in tlîis town think" so close to election...... And worse stitl, if you were attacked edihorially, broke your aniki , soon afterward and (lien hiad to ststain the playtul leasing ot your coutncil mates saying you really broke il trying to escape froni thc WHIITBY FREE PRESS why you rnighit acî like Kruschev 100! Back yard "If you don't like our grading, you can seli and gel out," seerns to be tlîe Cana- dian Building Corporation's solution to what is proving to be a very frustrating situ- ationi for Paul Johinson, a new homneowner au 16 Glen- mount Court in the West- lynde subdivision. The seil and get out atti- tude, which Mr. Johnson dlaims was projecîed by CBC engineers, is the culmination of what appears 10 be Mr. Johnson's rather unpleasant introduction to life in a Whit- by subdivision. After furnishing his new home, Mr. Johinson, wlio re- loca ted froiiî Scarborotîgl, grew conceruîed whien a fouîr- and-a-half foot drop aI the enîd of his property rthhniîg mbt a catchibasin was ack- nowledged but- takeri iigliuiy by CBC. The drop xvhich dredges righrt down 10 the catchbasiiî is qu ite severe. One ehîild play- ing in ihe area lias fallen înt the drop, anîd bis iii- surance company xviii 00 iii- sure the drop uîîless it is covered adequaîely. According to Dîrector of Public Works Walter Evans, Works solve The Town of Wbiitlby nay gel ilts ncw aic-ci bu t loi niecessariiily of hIe type de- sired. And til's ail, accord ing 10 Mr-S. Sylva Schultzx of' Trenît Si. West, Wlitby, con- tinîgen t tipontIle toxvn's pub- lic xvorks depatn nen t. "iîe works depa rIinen t it wou Id scein, las been very tiusy over hIle past few weeks installing a culvert on hIe south side of Trenît St. West cuossing o nder K ing St. to rectif'y a drainage probleiîî ot, 00e of, MirS. Scb nItz's nieig h 10U r 5. "Lias the Whitby Works Departnment consulted tlîir legal sta ff'?", she asked, add- ing t ha t she xvas o nder Itle Po lit ic s grading ai t the subldivisioni does îlot cotiforni wilî cri- leria se t outi lor thle townî Cotîrîciiior D[)tcr Keni- îîemiî Hobbs xvas sympathic to Mn. iolinsoni's situation for a mîeetinîg between Johin- soni and luis solicitor, anîd CB(' re pre serita ti vt? 5 But Mn. Johnrsoniînali- tains bie xas toid by CBC engîneers oîîtside thîe council clianîber ton Monday niglir, îlîev wouid do noîb iîîg t rectîfy the situation. Inithie nîcari tinie lie bias g<)ie back for advice froîi luis solicitor. Departm.nt may arena problem impiiressiton Iliaf <one 15 îîtî allowcd Io re-direci waler drainage oiîio 5omcoîie else's landi. Lasti xiiite- I lie aiea adj a- cent Io us on the wesl , and biali ol, ou r )rol)erly was a nalural skaiting rink due Io poor drainage. The relfbre, ibis win 1er I expec t We shah bhave an area of ice su flic ient tIo serve al [ibe cb ildreîî of Wiiit- l)y as a skating r-îink ,"sle explainietl. "Pcrlaps we could pu i a doine mn it andît Wli itlby woo Id have ils newae Mus. Schîultz eîîclosed iwo moltre questions inî lier lel ier: "To reiiburse us for the damnage, inconveîîience and danger, wt)Lld thie town like t) reduce ou r taxes? Would (lie works departmneiît main- t a ii ouor skaliinîîg nk?" Slîe als() addied t be query. "I wonder wlîere itie waier Woîîlld drain if' I plugged uji Ibis eind nof'tlie ecil vet-n? "I ftue t uiwn xv u tpply m1e wiîb ibe pipe, i have nîy oxvi shuvel . and i love tu dig h oIes. I1xvou Id be wili iîg h(o coint inue ibis p roJect duwn t> Hlenry St. wlîere il sbould be goiiig in theic fi siplace.- i hiave giveli you t wo Sol ut ions to tliiis pro bleiîî .aînd 1I fiîd il dif'ficui to bel ieve thi it is mecessary ho creahe a larger problemi hiecause of* a so puor- y plaîîieti lbanti wi thout conce rîîl'Or oh lier t axpa.yens," slîe saiti. l'lie oniîeîu s Auxil iary oh' the WVIit by Buatichi of' thle Navy Lecague tof Caniada wil be lholdinig a danice ai Itle Cen teiîîiai Btildinig Nov. i18 10 raise 1funds Ifor itue hraîîcli's iwo cadet corpls. Tickets are ,2 per pcusoiî anid dttîn prizes are beirîg oh- fe red by local nuemcliaîî ts. Persoiis xishiig tickets or table rcservatiioiis f'Ou large gnoups are asked t o cail h ris Coilis aI 608-4880. Tickets are available f'or o iy 75 Couples. l'lie dance xviii 1e f'roiiî > 1i. tu i a.111., xvili bau priviieges. Provinci Meibers of, fie Royal ('anadiami Sea ('adet (Corps Whlby assisted tue Royal ('aîîad ian Legio inim ils Poppv Day drive Satourdajy Nov. 5. Along xvith Navy Leaguie ('ade i Corps Brook lin, t(lie sea cadets ttook paitIli a chu uch parade aîîd Renieni- lrailce ser-vice at St. Jobhn tue FEvangeliisî ii î cliSunîd ay Bol h catiet corps have lîemu iîivîed ho pairticîphe ii tue Reîiienîhraiice iiay service aJt hlie ('eiiotapli Nov. I1i1. (apt. ioe Frnl-' uoC),coin- niîand img o fficer o f' R(S('( Whiithy will lay a xreatii on behuallf tf thle Navy League. e won t Seniors fun night "We expect 10 have on1e of' the Anîcrican ast ronatits5 visiting Senior Citizen Fun Nigli t on Novcm ber I 3tli,'ý' reportis Mr. Loyal Pogue who will stage takc-oif's on somne ofil the a ilil ia r te levisio n guessiîîg progranîis, osing Vol- uinteers roitflie auidience as iîîn bers ot tthe panel . Al suICCessful nl ICStS xiii ne- ceive an Apollo Il medallion, and 011c locky ticket bolder will rucceive a door prize do- iliated by Mr. Pogne. Thelfil-si Wîi tlby Recrea- [ion liepati nien t sponsored Fun Niglît will begin at 7:30 1).111. in tilie tlîea Ire ut tflie (Centeniaiýl Buiîldinig on Nov. i 3 ii. The re is no0 admission charge aiid Sen iors tlhrouLgbl- Mit tflie ioxvn are imvi ted lu comle lIor anleven ing of' l'n and enjoynîient. Anyone need ing t ranspor- tat ioni for tiiis prtgra îu is asked to caîl Mrs. ('rawf'ord ai 608-5803, extenlsionî 64 any Munday. Wednesday or Friday nîorn ing. The f irsi parnt)oftIble evenl- ing will f*eattîre coILtred slides showiî by Mr. Len l3eckley. Mr. Beckley. xillî is camn- era. is a f'aniil ian sigb t around town calcliig pic!tires of par- ades and simnilar local events. N/ls. B3elli Rult er xvill play seve ralI 11III b)ers on Ileuic a- cord ian. The Kiwvaiis ('ltotf'Wlit- I3y will add a x'ery 1)erst)l t Ouch l to lic even ing xlienl one of' thle i r neilnhers xviii presenit hi oneers and cor- saiges b ail petople in th1e audience wbu aire celel3rai ing a 1irlidaiyduring Itle inîoni ot* Noveinber. query town ('barles MacNauigiîtoiî., Tueastirer of (Omtariom.lbas iii- ltîrmied Jîîîî Gai ishome of tlle Vv'lity (iti/elîs SIîL\ (;vou13 Ilîcre x iI e unoprovinicial îimijtiiilitt11()juestins îaiset l)y Ilus group l. oioitf(ilig Itue munilicipl)aicollmiplex issuie. complex -Menlii îs o<il 1v sat ii- tuimed îiîîî ilie p imusiaiseti imn v'tii meceml ic ie ICi m- ce minmg Illec htîxx n tif Wliitbbu t I îîiîd niîtmliiui. x h warîlixviiaîîl mîtcivelttiî b [lie mu tîîii» lic mldi- caied in lîs ietu iii et [ir VALLANCE EQUIPMENT IBROOKLUN 655-3291 issue '1 teel illiat tIlie issues imn qluestionl aie local inmnature, a1ittýi ao esi 13e soived at Ilie si3ecmi tîidelrstIid Iliat('otîin- cil hîad disilniltited iio ma )I lou ttî ratpavcs. amnd lias met wilt \,omi r emoui. amnd otlîici. iii lenesi cd ratellpa Cr S. SCLIaitlites dii tliîsc imat- ic .lic said. at1111su i-Ce \-oi xi iifîd t1lia1 Coiicîi is wiît to have diSCulSs anIv 3points siI Caus- t îtti h la ei iîe ims simînse toi, futmurmelect imîgs be- txvemî coilmc il and I lie st udy gnou p as [ihe t reasu ren's let ter precedles Iliefillmi sale of' Illie 0l xmiall toItlîe libramy iboard b'y i10 tays aiid I)mcedes 11011 ii mia t ionî s fur co mi cil by just six days. Tiiere is also soie quesi ion simice the let 1er xvas read ot by Clerk Williimî Wallace Momiday îîiglît . as io uiow Wltby Mayor Des Newiam ecivcd a copy of' hie IcIter oMie day befon)ie Juni Gart- shiore tu x mIluitlie Protvinîcial Treastirer xvas respomidiîig silice tle re x'as mno iml ica t iuî oin copies rcicased ht> UIc miedia or on Gant siiure's copy [i ah cariîoi copies lîad beciî sel]ît bY lus office. R emb ranc e S e rvi c e - Citize i oîstf Wliiî, I3y vaie re- Day Scrvice' xxi ake place ai tîte iiudas St reelt('eiîoiapli. I S ajt îîrday.ý N o v. I t L Navy Cadets wiII benef it from Auxiliary dance SKIJboDOO *.You'il wvonder whlerete yelloivment For the f irst timne ever, "the machine that chaniged winter hcis changed". Ski-Doo snowmobiles feature colours other thon the traditional yellow and black trim. Three new '73 T'NT models in nietallic silver accented by black and a new golden bronze Nordîc 640ER with ton seat and brown-blacký trim offer an expanded ~ X\ colour selection. 1

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