Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1972, p. 8

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PAGE8, I'IURSANOVlEMBER 2, I1972, WIIITBY i"REJE PR IOSS orders f1i rentai huse scatterd WI]îTBY---Town ,stff'will pre- pare a clause sctting polîey, that fuiture subdivisions will' require a mixture of iow ren- tai housing on a scattered, basis, it lias been decided by ceunfcil. The resolu tion followed discussion ot' a report n~L Iy couincil's administration commnit tee xvhich in troduced a report by the Ontario Hous- ing Corporation. 01K' said it hiad been offered up to 32 duplexes on bothi sides of' I larris St . and thlec ast side ef, Cochrane St . in connect ion with out standing famiilv uni t recluiremients. Ontario IFeousîîîg Corporaî- tion lias been advised by Cen- tral Mortgage and ilousing Corporation it would be pre- pareil to support a boan appli- cation if- the province and the tewn decide to go ahicad with this project. The conîittce reported the director of planning xvas of' the opinion that -Ï2 units, in thîs area would be toc concentrated and toc isolated. They advised, however, tlîat the director is prepared te recomnmend eighit units ini the area on the basis of not more than two units in everv I O5 Por Iow rentai housing on Harris St. The cornniee supported the planning director's sug- gestion. Thuis heing tIlic fi rsi thile 1 iit- wcl'ings bave IbCen con-. side red ffoi liii ly (use, Ol-IC is askilg for an expression fri 01the imunticÎility regard- ing tile suitability of concept and locationî, The coiîîîiit tee report deal- ing witihl ew cost iieusing coincides xith a report niade by Social Ser-vices Director George Tliwai tes wliî reiated severai instances during re- ccint weeks of, faniiiiiîes 'being, practically on tiil street." Tliese iniclude backgrounîds oif, itiier iluabiiity teo îaV liiglî ren ta i dclla nilor re t tsa i v landiords te acccpttfamîibies xvitl YOIIh yiigchîidu-eîî -or sn1 ly beca use ne liîousiîîg ac- conliniodation is availabie Cit i g soiîîe of' thle cases. xitlî wbîcli lie is conini alv con froiîted, lie ci ted thle case of a mother with ciglît de- pendeîîts recenitly evicted froni temporauy accommoinda- tion <property lield by ewner on speculatiori), wlio founid it necessary te nieve in to a lieuse and pay $225 a niontb plus heat and hydre eut o0f'a mot her's-a lowaîricc of $405. "I1t is quite obviotus very little incorne relîlains ini lier' case for food, clothîig, and transporta tion," lie said. According te Uic director there are rîany tailies ini sinîilar&cLUnistarîces citiier 1recêivilig provincial or 11Litiiicipal aisdslsaice or enîpleyed but receîvîîîg ani nciie îlot collpat- ibie t t) ligh cli e c< sis. The old township hall uscd until 1899 was locatcd directly to die riglit of tibis church. If you can identif'y tie church by iLs naine, cail us bctwecn 9 and Il Friday morning at 668-6111 for a ticket for use anytinic -at dic WIiITBY BROCK THEATRE. (LUnit one ticket per houseliold). Answer te 'Where is this Houise' run two weeks ago: 301 Centre Street South. No Iights need ed at a intersection Transportationî & ('niniurîii- cal ions lias iniftîriîed counici I tliat il docs lot iîitend Io instail a t raf tic ligli t signal or an overlîcad tlaslîînig beacon al t(tlie inite rsect ion toft I igli- ways 7 aiîd 12- in Brook lin. The depari nien t wais re- sptiiîiing t) a icitel sent ont Iw tewîîci k 1Bill Wvallace atter twt) coliisons al tlie ifitersecti ofi mi JLl\' 1) tlis 'llîe tact ltua ixo coili- sins occui reilw iiî Orle bii of, eci otiîcî î niome tnon i lia r bis bP, ai~îîoi intcsccîon wîoc il .(jla- WHITBY-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your EAODealer" 211 B rock St. S. -Phone:668-3610 I. Arli. Sales Ltd. The Mazda 808 Coupe $2669. 'ZO9lDundos St. W. -Whitby 668m93971 M son,. Tu a flic (Cenritai EIgin eer f'or tire depar tnmii i 'FlicStop) sigli or tilie west approacli te tflie initersection is visible t'romi a corisideraý.lile distance back l'ur>mi tlie stop) bar aund slîould not bc îissed by a driver on tlîis apprtacbi. lie said. AIS(,,tflecsighît dis- lanlce te tllie soit hli fon(lie Stol1) lii on1Illit' approaCtî is e,\cel1lent 1. *Wecaoý1. lîîti ssujne t liai theiie Iwt~xo coihlsi lW'e Ilte iestili ')I' iiiattnc l iive divi- 1u 1 n iio t lit' ailoe Ilie a- bîîtinidd ii \te'ind aoti lle'! le.- sut f Iflte piliysical chiaracter- isi icstof tllie intersect ion Agreeing xitilPolice iic Piikigtoîî's coiieit thtjj h affic sigia isxveu id rcd uce t lus type of' collision occuru- ing. lie aîdd tbIat tle lnui- ber tof' reaurind celiiojnîs,, xviii cli woni Id icc ur i f signais xveîe inisiied , xvtuil aiso ii- ci calse. Il tis (ietiît ciel's opîI)Iloli ini Cowisidei ui an overi l coul.i Nîti ecoî il 1loi tle întt'isec- [<>11. ~wul a iI'cheîl\\tnt Seniors seek dancers 'ilie St'iloi ( il i/t'n tla dance 'groîîp x< lirueet on Tliu sdy evnins iesper' ,tl' iic îed t,'nin Mr. Rorabet'k. t lie cilci - lias a biaril tfmie gt t îg t[lie Couples ini lus sets soritei l) as t t xviîî is t lîe mati and \vlio is the lady. Itlxvould îîake t[leeeveji- g , 1 IiLI t.h1 111 )1n t'eCfil(jt ) le il1 t liercxi %e Iîîen so ;III' a open I livitltimi 10 a I Nwilt wvtitlt like t) help tîîîs situa- tin J11..ust ct)iie [o (tie Regai Roiiî. (elieîniai Buildiing at 7:3() p.ni. on TI'iîsday eveni- ing. \Ve'll ah cenjey a cuijiof' tea and lhope ittItle aIle- niarîde leflts go in (tlie prtopeir dirctio ALBERT HOSMAR, C.A., FORMERLY 0F 47 PRINCE STREET, OSHAWA Town Tîiei (wiii he an Anntiver- s-ary Tca anid Bazaar at the S-.ilvalti,îAiniy, 1 22 Ken t St., Wliit !)y on November 4ilh f'îen 2 te 4 pmn. The Salvij- ti(>fl Ariny is cc.-buati-ng i s 9Otli ye.-r iii Canala. Yv1s. ( apt. iei King froni tlic Rive rdale Corps ini Tor. oiit() Wiil bc puesenit Io opel' tlie Tea witli Sonigsler Doue- t lly Stt ubbinlgs of Osblawa as gucst soloist . Tiiere xviii be tm eiîs ica t uredoni clii dren s' kii i-ti-r iîd iousclioîd liin- etils 1<) Iys, îîu)Vclieicsad ('lîrism ias Itcems. 'Flic h ke tahblc wi Il be iadcîi \viti h1ll boiihkiig. Of' Course everyolne caIl cnjoy a CLIPoe, tea a nd soineîle liciotîs good- ies. Ticke [s 10.ler c 'Tca" tables arc 50 ccii Is. ARARTM ENTS FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. ONE A'\ID TWO B EDROCOM APARTM ENTS IN 'SOUNDPROOF' BUI LDINGS. FREE PARKING, HYDRO %CALL 668-6767. SPRINTING 2602 OCT'72 M.P. 34 ANNOUNCES THE MERGER 0F HIS PRACTICEI WITH HiOPKI NS, ~3iiWS'~IY&lI~lIl i4116 Sitic<oe Str'ee t Notht, Oslîavaî EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1972 I THE FRIEN DLY - FLEA MARKET--- "lWe buy. end >seLi anythingîs f23 PRINCE ST 725-9783 OSHAWA High Quality Invitations Your wedding vitations and an- nouncements .-.- select frorn our tasteful samiples. Expert Consultation WHi T BY FREE PRESS 212 BRUC;K ST. SO;T-H- 668-6111 de- SALLY ANN PLANNIN G PORTRAITS CANDIOS MURRAY WHITE BLIDES PHOTOGRAPHY MO VIES WEOOING & BAR MITZVAH GPECIA^LIlST 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX. ONTARIO 1-942-4519 zzteve H.anson Mon.y management ns a Job for Experts flic first thing the average widow ieeds iz an incomce to replace lier busband's wcekiy pay cheque. Lt me show you how to take udvatageofthe "Inone Options" in your prcsent Lif. Insuraiice policy to make S' Methat yOUrv,.uif wil reçeave whatadm actually me&.s ~-a regular guarantced incom.e-' nd' besparedivstoecnt prob-' )mms FM'Lifc .Insurazàc s=vice# -S contact; S. K. (Steve) Hiittonî suite 501, Be Tower, i shawaCentre OSflawa, On)teo ~A.nufactume u mnce Cosupen; IRO LA NilA I O N TO'(WN 0F 'Wîiîmv1. TAKE NOTICE that by resolution of the Town CouncIl the period of November 4th ta Novem- ber 111th, 19Y12 has been proclaimed as "Rememn- brance Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. DATED AT WHITBY, this 3Oth day of October, 1972. WM. H. WALLACE, A.M.C.T., Clerk. .L. L- : il don 1 1 a wotnot

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