Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1972, p. 6

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PAU'~6,'I ItRS)AYNOVEIBER 2, 1972, WIT1BY FRmu:î: ý PRESS $23#OOO Cost of Town move Such tliings as mail deli- very, transter of nioflcy e- ceived l'or building and pluib- ing permnits, zoning bylaws and delivery of' reports for council agendas which have to be transferred alrnost daily,, would be the responsibility of the courier. This additional person could also assist in filing for both the public works and planning departrqients, sug- gests Town Clerk Bill Wallace. S alary for the new em- ployee would likely be in the $ 5,000. range, plus mile- age or the supply of a vehîcle. It is estiniated on the basis of three to four trips per day that mileage costs would be approxirnately $1,000. per year. Estirnates on moving costs fo r both departments to Brooklin are $480 by United Van Lines, and $300-$350 by Mackies. Operating eost estimate is based on costs incurred by the board of education and include salary for a caretaker, heat and lights at approxi. mately $4,500. Discussions have also been held regarding telephone ser- vice to the building. Bell Canada has advised that it is possible to provide service frorn the existing switchboard in the municipal building to Brooklin using the samne nurnber as at pres. BAZAAR The ladies of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Coch- rane St., Whitby-are holding a Mfini-Bazaar and Luncheon on Saturday, November 4th from 1 1:00 a.mn. to 4:00 p.m. The hot luncheon consists of: Beef Stew, Hot Biscuits and homne made tarts for dessert. A Home Bake Table and somne Bazaar items wilI also be featured. Bonus i nterest on your savungs Savings you îiiove to Victoria and Grey in the period Novemnber 1 to Noveniber 15 will receive fuît interest froni Noveiliber 1. This mieans that the savings account you open before Noveniber 15 earns ful interest for as miuch as two weeks before you open the account! So, whether it's a 4% chequing account bearing interest on a minimium seni-annual balance or a fast growing 5 % non-chequing account on a mliinimum nionthly balance, bring it to Victoria arnd Grey'nom,' and get bonus interest. ~GREY RUTCOMPANY SINCE 1889 soeK~UOAsST. W M~9324 oml(t 'li '[ho ditioll,î lcharge is $44. per nmonth 1'orI-each of ,Seveli locals. If' seven locals are used, the extra mon t hly charge would ho $308. or $3,700. per yeýar. If a separate numi- ber is uised on t ho Brooklin exohange, the normal busi- ness rate is $13. 15 per month., As wcll, there would be a $300. installation charge. The board of education wheln il t useodIlhoeIormieli li-ooklii adniniisî ru lion hiîjild- ing fouind il mîcessa ry Io i- si-aIl seveni i-coid i tiolîe rs, and thiese woiîld co(s approxi- tmaîely $250. per unit, Dr. M ichtacîs, director of' planing lias alsu rcquestcd that a nmiller of waîls bc vo- mnoved ini tlie lowver floor. An approxiluate cost of' $5 ,000. wilI b)c needed tu carry ouLt, (lhe work. But Ille cîcrk point - cd ouît tlha tt llî figure is nlot hased on amn accu rate ostimwate. Ami addit ional $1, 500. would allow for various nmis- cellancous costs suchi as in- stillimi ot f corkboard for walls, chairs f'or waiting rons. partit ioris and shiclving. Hallowe' en Hijinks A rather bizarre Hallowe'en incident occurred ini Brooklin Tuesday night when for no apparent reason, an ECHO '(Eiergency Comimunication rs 1-eip Organîzanion) car assisting Whitby police during routine street checks, had its windshicld and side window pelted out with stones. Although the'windshield of the vehicle was com*- pletely shattered, the driver and his passenger escaped without being harnied. 20-year-old «Michael William Kehoe of 91 Baldwin Street was apprehended and will appear in court charged with damage to private property on November 14. Whitby police also report that during Hallowe'en pranks, the sides of Dundas Street Sehool were sprayed with obscenities by means of spray paint. ' Otherwise, Whitby police report a fairly quiet IIallowe'en '72 for the Whitby area. <Voiceoot the Coursty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby. Brookini, Myrtle and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published cvery Thursday Publistied by %Whith»y Frec Pres, imc. Manager: W. Ii" )trke Office 212 Brock St South. Mail box 206, Witby. Phone 668-611 1, 668-0)112. ,NIAI LING PE RMIIT NO. 2941 Publistier W. "Bill" Durkec. Editor Judy Durkee. 7ditorial Staff: Judy Du)trkt-o & Bll W iliarjs Sports I:ditor I)oug . ae Advertisîng Ron Winstanley. BISG ANO DOLO, THE NEW '73 EXCITING, RUGGED, TOP-PERFORMANCE, DEPENDABLE. EIGHT EXCITING MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. Speci«al events for seniors Senior ('il izenis Thore arc tw'o I)ig evon t 5, spomsored by t ho 'Wliit hyRecrecaltion l)ept. coumlîig op -mark (lho dates on yuur calemîla rs anid ho suie I o. comnie! l'lie frsI "Senior ('ilizen, Fun Nighit' will ho hield oni Monday , Nov. . I3 h, a i 7:.30 1).111. in tllie '[heuIre of1.Ithe W4hitby (emtenn ial lBuilding. l3veryotie is invited, Ihere is TOWN [i1) C"Idmnissi 1)11Charmgoe Mr. [cmn Bock loy wiIl show colourod slidesof'ut'Irips, par- a1dos, lIl and winitcr sceuies, etc. thadt lie lias taken wilih is own camiera. Several pic- turcs woro takon on thie Sen- iol- Cil iz.en t(Iriplast Julie b ('elie Island. lFollowîîg (lhe slides, Mr. Loyal l>(gue will host a "'[Ie- vision TkeOr'willh nien- bers of' (hoeaudiemnce volmm- toering lo ho pamilisîs. There w'ilI lc a cloor pri/e domîated by Mr. Plogtie. l'lie evomîimg is desigmîcd lu 1)0 one of' casual l'un and en- tert ainminenit usfing ftlho any resources of'Soenior ('ilizens. Omn Momîday, Decolinhel 1I St here wilI ho a (Christ mas Ligit 1Tour anmd party. af'tcr- wards ut lHcydensliore Pavi- lion, given by thle Rotary C Lm b. of WHITBY 1912 PRELIMINARY LIST 0F ELECTORS Last Date for Filing an Appeal - November 7th, 1972 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 have complied with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1972 and that 1 have posted up at my office in the Town Hall, 405 Dundas Street West, on the 26th day of October, 1972, the list of ail persons entitled to vote in the said municîpality at Municipal Elections and Elections to School Boards, and that such list re- mains there for inspection. AND 1 hereby cati upon ail voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 7th day of November, 1972. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk, Town of Whitby NOTE: Copies of the Preliminary List of Electors may be examined at the Town Hall, 405 Dundas Street West; the Post Offices, Community Centres and the Fîre Halls. A copy of the list for each polling subdivision is posted in a conspicuous place in the polling subdivision for which it is prepared. IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR PLACE 0F RESIDENCE since Septem- ber Sth, you should telephone the Clerk's Office, 668-5803, on or before Tuesday, November 7th and the Preliminary List will be checked. To qualify to vote at Municipal Elections and Elections to School Boards, you must be 18 years of age or over; a British Subject or Canadian Citizen; and be a resident of the Town of Whitby or the owner or tenant of land in the Town, or the spouse of such an owner or tenant during the period September 5th, 1972 to October lOth, 1972. NOMINATIONS Nominations for the of fices of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and Council lors, Public Utilities Commissioners, 2 trustees of the Ontario County School Division Board of Education to be elected by the Public School Supporters :of the Town of Whitby, 1 trustee of the Ontario County School Division Board of Education to be elected by the Separate School Supporters of the County of Ontario, and 2 trustees of the Ontario County Combined Separate School Board to be eiected by the Separate School Supporters of the Town of Whitby and the Township of East Whitby, for the years 1973 and 1974 wiIl commence on Thursday November 9th, 1972 at 9:00 a.m. and end on Monday, November 13th, 1972 at 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturday and Sunday. The nomination papers shahl be obtained at the Clerk's Office, com- rnencing October 3lst, 1972. NOTE: There wili not be a Nomination Meeting as in previous years. The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to file a bona f ide nomination paper so do not wait until the last minute to file a nomination paper as it may not be vaiid and would have to be rej ected. E LECTIONS The Municipal Elections and Election of the members to School Boards will take place on Monday, December 4th, 1972. Poils wiiI open at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon and close at 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLLS Advance Poils wili be held on Monday, November 27th, 1972 and on Satur- day, December 2nd, 1972 in the Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West. The Poili wili open at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon and close at 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Persons wishing to vote at the Advance Poilis shahl be required to make de- claration that he or she expects to be absent from the Town on December 4th, 1972. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk and Returning Officer MIDWAY DATSUN f.rm.rly ZOLTAN H ICKS Now Locaitod ut mnum 1300 Dundas East,, Whitby, Ont. OF W fl668-6828 See Boa-Ski's new instrumentation panel, deep padded seat, wide stance skis and exciting stylings. There's more to Boa-Ski. man's best friend in the snow ~D OSHAWA DISCOUNT BOUISE I1916 Dundas St. East, Whitby 725-13431

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