PAGIE4, TI*IURSI)AY, N0VEMBESi 2, 1972, WIl"13Y j1Rî:ý, IZ I.,SS e4ditorial PeOpleC were fcd tUp-, expressivcly ,Ind irrcevocably l'cd uip to the cyebrows wihtiltue Trutdeau Govei- tuenlt. M And that is the Leauty o>f our Canadian doimecracy! I OpenEvenW ~-TueldaY a-d Tbursday IV ANIls 1«» OUNDAS $T: 9. VMY if you want to look your bt Whlmbhy MQ1666-4321 scMbm (416) 439-0241 readers i And seotoi Monday, October 30 they rallied to fthc polIs ini the highest Canadian voting tuirnouti îi ouI. country's record astounding flic casual and arrogant 'Pierre'. The thouglit of fliat -- no tuatter lîow one voted - offers a inote of* undisputablc hope in that if cati aît-nost restore otîes faith in the finicky tuasses known as the general public. Politicians ini their chosen habits, who inch our dem- ocracy away from us, the public f hey. proimsed to serve at election, can refer te the anology, 'Give a Man Enough Rope'... The federal election, of course, on a much larger scale than municipal elections, follows a more draniatic line. But detnocracy nevertheless begins af homne - hiere on the municipal level. If the fcedback crnuing to the Free Press at the local scene is as it appcars- indicative that thuc Whîtby electorate is fed up - carnies thrOuIgh until the next hour of truth on Decetuber 4th --politicis be- ware. The electorate of Whitby lias been criticited before the muedia froinfinie to time at Whitby council meetings for its lack of attendance. Do miany Wlîitby ciL izetîs regiîlarly at tend parliatiient wlhen ht is in session? Net likely. StilI, altliouigh exact percetîtages ar-c still untkneiwni, a lieavy Whitby vote lped carry Ed Breadbent te victory Monday îîiglut. Local discontent as one listens iti Wlitby is dis- lie arte ning. On Monday, Decetuber 4 the Wlîitby electorate will have the opportun ity f0, do sotiuetliing abou t tua t. Freedonu te cast flic ballo 't__of youir cheice is tlie one fhing Uic politicians can'f faniper wilî. Te The Eldîtor: Sir: 1 hope (liat yen 111ay be se -kind as to tind mie a smnall SpaCe in yotir newspaper to help rmy quest. I have (lhe verY intereshing and sentinmen- Lai hobby of Collectiîig regi- mental badges. My main in- terest is Canadian badges es- pecially the old militia and CEF badges. 1 amn very an- xious to add the 182nd CEF 'Ontario Battallion.' Bert Pike, 35 lHauterville, Sf. Pete's Post, Guernsey, Chanimel Island. Dear Sir: On behaît etft lie execut jvc anid mnibers () t ou r Associa- tiloti wîsh to pass ont a word of' sinicere thaniks te yout and yen r staff fo r awend.1u donc on1 ur [citail t(liiig (lie pasi scalsent. Youir regtîlar coltutuîs on our activies hiave becil tu uly Now there are three sedans buli li ke a Vol kswagen. If YOu ihirnk Volksvvageiis onnly corne in one hMc edari, heme arc thrcc suiprises for you. FXXTUS. & SUPPLIES'i j SDISCOUNT P..Mon-Fri 6.60 ONE-A-DAy MULTIPLE VITAM UNS ~~ PLUS IRON loo's ~ SUGG. LIST 4.75 BAND- AID BRAND PLASTIC STRIPS FAMJLY SIZE 60's ~ SUGG. LIST 1.09 FLINTSTON ES CHI LDREN'S CHEWABLE MULTIPLE SVITAMINS 100's SUGG. LIST 4.69 CLOSE- Up TOOTHPASTE & 1 MOUTHWASH IN ONE FAMILY SIZE SUGG. 79 LIST 1.39 7 CLAIROL SCOPE NICE N' EASY MOUTWASHHAIR 17oz. COLOUR SCOP T LIST 339#/Iu~ 5MOU1.89S ýj) 2501 OO * Nadr ýL"jL The 1973 Super Beetle Sedjan s rot çVtl edr y e qe has Ãun yd\vndhlL that's 42% larger and farifher awvay, il Paiapade esrr ;ja dshContIOu]recl front seats. Four-wheeî Independent Suspension, A ,e(le steul b [ott(-),i And nertria type seat beits, AIl standard. If you'd like more room you'll like The 1973 Type 3 Compact Sedan. It cornes with an ar- cooled engîne. Electronic fuel injection, Front disc brakes. Fouir-wheei independient suspension. A seaied steel bottom. Four-on-the-floor sick shtft. A double-jointed rear axie and front stabilîze bar for smoother cornering. It aiso has inertia type seat beits. Bucket seats. And two trunks. Ali-standard. If you want a big ILIXUrious Voikswagen, The 1973 412 4-Door Sedan is for you. It cornes with an ail-steel unitized body. Front disc br.akes. Electronic fuel injection. Four-wheei independent suspension. Qualîty carpets. Metallic paint. A giare-proof padded dash. Inertia type se "at beits. Reclining bucket seats. A rear window defogger. And steel-belted radial tires. Ail standard. And ail three sedans corne with something you won't find in any other sedans: Voikswagen craftsmanship. The 1973 Volkswagen sedans. Quality isn't optimnal.- apprecia ted by bot h our spon- sors and m-lerubers and it [e- carne habit to look for our Scores and standings in your tiCwspaper as ht appeýated or, on our doorstcps. W/C ope tlmt this fille co- opera tion wi Il be ni-aintaincd thriough lichecoming years and can assure you that we will do everything possible f0 make your job on our behaîf a little casier. On November I1I next at 10.00 a.rn. in the Whitby Municipal Building Council Chambers our 7th annual meeting will bc lheld at which a new executive will l)e chiosen and] planis for tlie new year dtscusscd. Since this is an openi niciieng wc hlope thla t tlle public will f id tlimne to attend. Il gues wilit t aying tîtat iienbet s etyoul, Staff wi Il he especia lly welco,îte. '0 write Wl Vaudet kuit t. Sec uetauy W.M SA. lOurs: . to p' on$t.9 a.m. tc IJMNL.II* L£ T imoPrS LU 111 IL IL dom-U WNIYS 46 Ih"huL aaul 1 1 WHITBY 668î3618 BRO(K NOW PLAVING!, Thurs. Fri. & Sat. ~OEORGE &80GT Academy Awmrd Wlnnr 'THfEHOSPITI L' t 10 2N1IfEATURE ~ Og ChIIdr.,'s Mutine. Sot. 1:30 pou Revenge of the GI&-diators C @.imgSUNI)AYÃ'IIROUGII 'IUlýSDAY Nov. 6, 7, & 8 The Hunting Party 2N0 'DOC' FIATIJRE toti tIu;ittures res jicted lu person% over 1