Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1972, p. 15

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V,entriloqui"st, 13 big hit at Ajax Johni M. Pattison, vettilultist ýai ruagician of* Toroilto, brought bhis troupe t o tlie Aja x Public Library Sa turtiay tu en- tain about 100 chiltiren. Johni, 13, and bis pals, Hal, Oscar, a lien nantiet i Iattie, a fox anti a frog. veaveti a speil of wizartiry for- about an hlour on Sa(t., Oct. 28. Oscar is a tiug wio lha tes cat s anti can sing Olti MacDonald Hati A Farni. liaI is the reai boss uft Ihe troupe anti dues the "puntch utp" on Jihîs ruutiime whien lie is not taking time out lu sitig I onie on, tlle Range or taik t thte kitis. FIat lie anti th lfotx escape eachi ot ber anti the troupe, ai al I ha t is left is a very large egg- with ceiglît siik scarves; nnie uf wich will thle fr-ogLuse WhIcnhle SnICeZcs. A vcry talenîtid perfortiier whu captutres the cliltrenl fruîîî the moment lie appears. Johnt lias ativancedi very rapitily fronm biis correspundtice course biegiinniigstIwo years ago. lie tioes ani average of a show per week atiiuring a North Amierican Venlt r-iloqutist 's conventionfil M ich igan,. placeti 'irsî ini lus ciass. John M. Pattison, venîriioquist and magician of Toronto, arîd Oscar entertaini about 100 youngsters aI the Ajax Public Library Sat. Oct. 28. Oscar's wbole family is named Oscar excepi bis mother whose name is George. Oscar sings Oid MacDonald Had A Farm and biles anyone holding him who says "cal" because he hales cats. Murray White Photography thcunk WllIl'iI k li'ils iiIy MNOVEMBEI:R2,1I972, l>A( i. 15' BIRD 'S FYF VIEW by Jîm Quail A Fur Lined Fridg.? l've neyer-seen one before but l've guI une. For liniet r-etriiger-ators,,iren'î even ofi'ereti as an option by mianut'actutrers. Ilt touk a long tiie Io cuit ivate (lie fur in mine and it isn*t rea ily fi-, it's nmouti i roni ail mny lefttvers. Couking for- miyseif isn't ail that bati but the leftovers are sonethiing else. Andtli nnutl parîicuiariy fundi of themi, SO Itey sit, and sit, and eventually go kinti uf furry. ! lave a pulicy about leftovers. 1 don't eat thiem until it s absolutely necessary andti tat stage doesn't corne until tlîey pet a gout ivbati of miouiti un thiem. Thiere are somne heautiful displays of niouiti cultures in mniy refrigerator. Il depentis un the fod as to whiat coluur muoulti I get. The whule works could be a boon to the medicai pro- fession. l'in sure sonewhere within Ithe confines of that re- frigerator there is bacteria scientists cuuld use to combat a disease. Thiey can't bc harmnful bacteriae l'or 1 would hiave perishied nionthis ago. i tend lu forge[ about leltovers but othier tines just plain ignore thiem untii t[lie position utfl ot having the in- gretiients lhantiy for a gout i meai. Thien it's leftover time. Soimetinies i go by die culour of' the mnoulti anti other linmes just close miy eyes anti grab somietIhing. Most of the time 1 conie out a luser. The first stcp is tu waslî or scrape off the mouiti. If iî's pastry scrape off theinîouiti or cut away thec fur. but if ît's meat wasii it untier the liot waler tap. There hiave been occasions Mien somiethiing dehiydrateti befure il hati a chiance lu go niouuldy so0(then ilt must soak belure 1 couk il. So u is awful doesn't ilt. Whiat the hcck, afi er a couple of drinks you hartilv notice the taste is off' a lit tle. And 1I bate wasting fod. no mnat ter how lit tic, su I usually just gril miy tecîli and eut it. Whien frientis corne to visit tlhey look ini the refrigera. tor, blanchi a lititle t hen nitumbie somielîing ýabout nul being hiungry after ail. Somietinies regular visitors will whiip open thle door anti say , *Weil whial are you growving i herc tilus weck?-, lett o the* d.t* ',o 20, wh s y.', WItIJoyce Roud CAPRICORN-Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Lnergy is hcigltelned during midweck. This is a time to offer important plans tu those in au thority. You have a great deal of support at Ibis lime. *Bumning the midnighî oit tinatty pays off. You movc wilh distinction *througîli te next few days. AQUARIUS-Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 There is a new trend in finances and carcer inleresîs coming up. Serious attention toward liard work ahead Icaves litle roomn for a carefrec life. You'rc on file verge of atlracling dynarnic people mbt your life. At present, you could mcclt thcmn socially. Business muves well on the 1IOt1 and 11 th. PISCES-Feb. 19 to Mardi 20 Move your business, bargain hiunt, buy necessities on the 101h and 111h wvill success. These arc atso excellent days for clearing up old bills, gctting rid of itemns that clutter up your life and for basic organization. *Tend lu ail detaits now connectcd witli business, legat afrairs, authorities and superiors. Whiat is flot compte ted now witt have. lu be poslponed until December 6th. ARIES-March 21 to April 19 This seven day period niay prescrnt the first breathier in some lime, but don't squander this luxury by procrastinaling about daily duties. Try 10 leave your job without laking problcmis home. Sleepless nigls devoled to cogitating uver decisions cani harttly prepare you for a briglit outlook tlic ne\l înurning. Your miost significant days of this wveck wilt be Wed- ncsday the 8ilh and Thursday flie 9thi. luce s a 'IAURUS-April 20to May 20 stw u o Thr %astighit ltow pace hswe.YuenryîIo%-btyu nul at t low yourself to cuast along on past lauirels. You should strive lu keep tolpping yourself professionally. Your twvu most signiticant .iays w lIt be 1lriday (ibe 1 thn"and Saîurday the 11 thcin vocalional ntiterests are parainuotnt. A\n eveui tuat promotion or raise in satary ma%, corne about later. resuittng roin work yupert'urm inuv. GENIINI-Nlay 21 to June 20 \l.t ters concerning hiealth and s\ ett-being takec precedence during fic tirsi part of the week. If vontefet wcarvf seek resitfut retaxation. Youi work bei 1er behlind the scenes cturng litis seven day pcriod. lnslead ot' cener- z.eticaIlt\ tnrstins y ýour career, waitfor ficebig Pustulerinhimn.h CANCEJi-Jiue 21 to JuIy 22 lake a coliufurtabte seat on tlie sidelines luis wcck. t do nul mecan Ihat you should not parlicipale in action, but perit assoelales to carry flic bull. Sornewtrat weary after rececrî events, you are contlent lu be an urîluoker. You hiardie your daily routine w~ell but your thougls arc LEO-July 23 to Aug. 22 TIherc miglt)e a sligltlcldown afler a Iligtuly charged, emnotionat wcck. You wclcome and appreciate a less hlectie kind of seliedule. Signit'icanî days arc Wcdtncsday tlhe 8ttî and Ttiursday the 9th. Your vitaliîy nuay be lowcr Ilian usual at the cnd of (lue Nveck. VIRGO-Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 For the most part, continue dcvctoping and pcrfccting developmcnts begun last weck. The new moon fails on the Sth, whvlci is your niiosl' signiticanl da>,. Thli focal point of ail Ihis is -duty, work, service. Fronu this you rcap your owvn rcward. LIBR A-Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Thlis seven day pcriod ks notable hecainse il marks a rclurn lu routine. Youir cncrgy levet is higli. Dtiring ttiis, seven day pcriod il is probably-- best 10 take care of ai long list of iinnishcd business that lias been gnawing at your cotiucielnee. Spcîîd. but spend \wiscly. Do flot buy on an impulse but do nul wzait so long in îuaking up your nuind Ihat flic'van ted iterut of apparet is gonc. S(:oRPIO-Oc*t. 23 to Nov. 22 'lie miost significat day for voit Seorpio is the Sth. Tlîc new mnoon in Scorpio faits on ltaI day and Ibis is % our "Newv Moo otf flic Year." Il ks ini sorie ways a lircview for tlue cotnuing year. Thuis ncw tnuoon picks up your traveling, higier plilosophical and retigiuus ideas, advice und con- sultations with others. w'lat. your cdueation is. If is tueinobied witlu business iniaters. standing in tIle world. professionat abiitiiefs and slalus. SAGITTARIUS-Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Purîder yuur sui.unscîtiu wetl during Ibis periud. Thlat*\ the area ini whili a new start is madIe. i doaîîg 5< you will also lie aile lou niter- stand Ilow you cati reorganize yuur relatîuuîships wal yoîîr partner or offiers. Ne\wnciss cari produtce a svorkable happy ftuietioniîig level. You dIo uieed ltose "'otliers." * * i want to thank ail those who voted for me ini the generai election on Monday. Such wide- spread support from ail sections of Oshawa and Whitby for the New Democratic Party is very gratifying. 1 want also to assure everyone in our* comn- mnunity, regardiess of w*hichever party or can- didate they supported, that i wiIi continue to work on their behaif. Many thanks, EDWARD BROADBENT, MEMBER 0F PAR LIAMENT Ovcrn igbt guest s arc amazed tit ly Ibreaik'lïust s of' coiti ptzza andi a beer or weck-old t aco sauice andi drieti letit uce. I hlave t houglit albout organ izing tours t o hcip keep up t(lic niorigage payments. The jet set have tours through tlîcir homes su wliy couiin 'tI1 have r-el'rigeia t or tours'? "On you r left lad ies andi gentlemien we hiave st rawberry a la 1ii r andi un your upper rigb t we hiave b)ef miotiali't'. I t's simply a state of* mind over miat ter. My stoniachi says, "Oh no you wu.n't ," anti my minc says, "eat it andi like it." If kids can swaliow safety pins andi marbies anti crasers andi gravel and whu knows wlîat cisc wliy shoulti a lit tic moulti buther my stoniach'? l've neyer liat i te nerve tu examine sone out tie mouiti under a microscope because that miighit put a finish to ieftovers andi 1 can't afforti to thirowilieni out. One time 1 happened to mention tu a friendti tat it wouiti be a shianie lu throw out tie fuod wwhen there werc su, many people starving in Vietnani. She causlically replied that if 1 were to senti the contents of rny refrîgerator tu Vietnanî il niight endi the war immediately.

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