Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 8

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PAGE 8, THURSDAV, OCTOBER 26, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS CANDIDATES ON THE HUSTINGS Michiael Starr, PC standard bearer in Oshawa-Whitby, is one of the mnost respected mn in i the political field this area hias ever hiad. Mike, as lie is known to thousands of' people thirouighout thie riding is a seasoned veter-an of politi- cal camipaigns at both the muiLnicipal and federal level. He was eleeted miayor of Oshawa in 1 949-a position lie leld uintil 1952- when hie was sent to Ottawa by an overwhelmling vote of thie electors in Oshawa and Ontario Counity. He suc-' cessfuilly carried the seat in a total of six eleetions and served as Minister of Labor for five of thiose years spent in Ottawa. With this background ]lis status as a front benclher in any fuiture Conservative governmient is assuired. Canada's first nimiiumn wage bill was a produet of his efforts and hie also launchied tie Technical Vocational Act which brouight about Eastdale, MeLauighlin, Vanier and Anldersonl higli sehools. In 1968 furthier acclairnl came Iiis way with his appointment as a juidge of Canada's Citizenship Couirt. Now, once more, Mike is seeking election as representative of Oslhawa-Whitby at the federal level and before hie's through his opponents will know they hiave been kn a battie. He is the ingredient that makes thie resuit of the eleetion in this riding anl eagerly anticipaý,ted event. Progressive Conservative caind.idate Michael Starr relaxes witt i îs attractive wifc, Amne, in ttheir Oshawa home. Thesc eid arc few a nd far betweeni the se days as the imomient of trulli a pl)roachces with Uthe Oc to ber 30 clection. Il' su ccessful Milecnb assured of even more liectie days aliead whcin flicFlouse resu lues. EDWARD BROADBENT Ed Broadbent, NDP memiber for Oslhawa-Wlhitby iii the Hlouse of' Commnons, is sure to draw wide support in the October 30 ellection on the basis of hiis own personal interest and ac- cornplishmiients on behiaîf of the electorate. A f'ormier university prol'essor. Ed narr-owly de- feated Mike Starr when they îocked hiornis during thîe I1)08 camipaign. But since thiat tiîne. ýas a A% a Nitting nmbller of* the lasI flouse and eon.ldent of' re-eleetion. NDP candidate Ldward Broadbent finds iîttie tirne for relaxation. Many hours arc spcnt on i.onstituecy business at his homc. result of' bis sincere and wide-raniging repre- sentations on bhiCIt f of is conlstitlettslie lias garnered a groundswell of' support thiat lias his opponents looking over tlheir shoul- ders. Examiples of' lis concern f*or the ridiuig miay be found inIi is batt le w itih the goveu- ment to liave iiîllio f' dollars ini taxpayers' mioney diverted fromi planned grants to lielp) Michielin Tire set up operatons in Nova Scotia. His argument was iliat sudl largesse woLlld seriously tlireaten jobs at the I)unlop Tire operations in Witby. Too. Ed spear- hieaded the drive to protect the 'saf*egutards' built into the U.S.-Canada autopact. By acting on a number of' fronts le persiîaded Ottawa to figlit efforts to remnove thiese Sàfeéguards. Changes would lave been to the detrimient of' auto workers in this area. Ed is a f-irii believer in communication with is eoîsttitents as evidenced by hiis regular îîewsletters fromn Ottawa and provision of a year-round coin- înunity service office in Oshawa. He insists that problems broughit by hiis constituents be deait with by lis Ottawa office within 48 hours. A tcelonle is a wveli tused e\ tension lu Ithe ari ol a l)usy canîdidate. .Mike Starr uses it conistanitly lu licel the pulse of the electorate as the voting deadlinc draws necar. [le indicates uatist'actioii wi th .result. Close perusal of' ail area tiapers ks a mustil'or thflic edeak can- didate. I t k probably the casiest way l'or a candidate to kecp abreast of devclopmcnts and Mike ks a constant reader of' theni ail. 1 d iand]Ili-, pri tty ssiii I Lii ille. ha ve. preciîou i m~ noment[s together [o.Îust b he l e ilve.. One of' these perîiods is ai break- List aind lturc llîey iiusis peronal b)usiness over orange juice ai [hiei home. Di spite (the I retltietnt separa [ions due (o PolIil ica I activity. Luc ilile i a tof*u strength [to lier bu sy liu shanul. MICHAEL STAR R

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