Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 6

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PAGE 6, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS Lib rary -Ge t s Unilessthie provin- ce's indicat ion l'or in- vestigation into thie conteiitious Whlitby towîî hall issue results iin proviîncii interven- tion, the sale of thie town hall to the lib- rary board cani be con- sideî'ed î'ubbersb uniip- ed. , hie linauiiitioii of Ile sale was ýau thioized by by law M oiiday n iglit a- long with tthe issue ot' debentures to cover the sale. The storimy coutîcil BI{OC K r~jrHATR WILL BE CLOSEI) TII URS. ON LY DUE TO VAIMILY BEIIEAVEMENrr.l WHITBY 668-3618 BO(Kw WALT DISNEY PRODUCflONS' ie9,y ft LJ ~~ TECNICGLIOR SC..Img~MON. TI-RU SAT. GEORGE C0-80 ~r~"z Academy Award Wienr 'THEHOSPUTAI (e.) 2NWFEATURE Hall CIehu ateC, onie of Ithe towns nmore long-stanid- inig oies, succecded 0v- er' thie isI hwo yeýars 0on l'irst a split. hI l two- vote ti iionity and îith le luast rounid Moniday nlight, was quarmet led pro uitL coni to bhe finale draw- ing mie more counicillor (Nluc('ai) to t lie i)ro sie. b#1 can'"t sec selling our home atid tuot liav- ing a place ho go," lie stated. '"Event after, to- niglit sontie of our owni staff will niot kniow whiere thiey are to be lîoused. 1I had lhoped thut the iibrary board wouid try a new site, perhiaps the old arena site. I also canniot sup)- port making a 1973 counicil look for a site for their niew home, and cat't go ulong with dividinig lhe whole coni- cept of our nmunicipal administration' by splih- ting our own staff." One strong speaker ini support of' the unpopu- Ian byiaw was Reeve Tom Edwards wlio asked, "Whien Oshawa cati sp)end S3.5 million fo r a single building (Oshiawa's police build- INVESTIGATION Continued froin front page miove and such an ex- peniditune is questioned by a ilui percentage of' the coilniiunity."' o '"Agreeinig to seli bhe presenlt administration buildinig ho the library board 'or S207,000.00, a figure wiîicli represents the level ot' debeniture app)roval thiat exists l'or new library i'uciliies Mien tue truc nmarket value of the building is in thue order of' twice tlîis va.luie." o "Ilnviiting tenders l'or the purchase of the site on whichl the towni arenla (now establislied as un- sal'e) stood wlîen ai- nunigements l'or its re- placemuent do îuot exist." "We hiave previously exp)ressed oun concerns abiiity of' early reactiva- tion of' tiîis issue undicer circumiistanlces wilîi mnake opposition to these expenditures ai- most impossible." Reactioni of the study, grouip ipon 'receipt of thlî letten was on e of ettutsiasi-. "We feel that if a tiiorouigliiii- vestigation is* carried out, îovin'cial interven- tion wili foliow," said Chlairiuan i i Gartslîore. Town ing) whu,,t's $900,000 wiien we couild have [a al lire' M r. idw-ard s wus ref*erring to the ori- gial plan [or1-thlec police and mnunicipaul coînplex, both ut the Rossiandl Road site. ('ounicil al- legediy lost the muni- cipal building ut the Rossland Road site wheîi it shifted priorîties 10 a conununity arena by-aI- Iocating 1'unds f7oî' con- struiction of* the arenia andt proposing to selI hie present town Wall to the library board. The original plan, Ed- wards clainied, wouul have solved A building problemns. He was in SLI- pbort "flot as a nionu- nment to Des Newman A 1ItFTON L A KE Continucd fitorn I'oni t page The Coast Guard cut- ter Spin Drif't wuis noti- l'ied and it took the crat't under tow and re- turncd it ho Whitby. An OPP uit, under the diir- ection of'onstable Wil- liiini Philiips. f'inishied the job of* returnîng thie weary passengers to shore. Steen told police the motor oni the boat quit whien th1e boat was f'ar out in the lake. Repeat- cd attcnîpts to start the motor t'ilcd and the craf*t drif'tcd lelpilessly Al nighit long. Thie passetigers told police tlîey were not in danger of' sinking but nain. wind and wavcs contributed to a muis- e_,rjble tinie. *Thie boat, Milen il linally reached shore. showed evidentce of* a severe battering and 11ad siipped water althouigh Steen indicated thisw~as miostly rainwater. Sce'- eral windows were brok- eni. 'THE FRIENDLY. FLEA MARKET "We.buy, and sell ntlg PRINCB ST 725-9783 OSHAWA PLUMBING DISCOUNT FIXTrURES & SUPPLIES1 'j ' 701 Brodc st. N. Whitby 200/o DISCOUNMT DiRECT TO YOU Hours: 9 a.m. t'O 9 P-.. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 668m6601 CHINESE- FOQD CALL TIE,$JN GT 68-7021 affl "And Let Ysur ~~ Taste lBe The iudgo" 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders Fast Take Out Serviice SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 115 OIINOAS ST. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR. Dry CI un g SPECIAL SIbs ONLY $3. AND A CHANCE TO Win FANTASTI( PRIZES 1WIN a grand trip f or2 to Hawaii WIN $29OOOa Ca'sh WIN spending spree in Europe WIN Colour TV, Stere-o Set OIT YOUR FREE ENTRY BLANK AND THE FUNEST IN DRY CLEANINC Blair.,Park Laundry LUPIN DRIVE - Plaza Mat WHITBY I~JI~ ~ ume~uu~ a~a.u o a a. ut 6uuWd~4 Mit& t *~u~ u.I' u 23* ITHE WHITBY CHAMBER 0F COMMERCEI cordially invites you to hear and honour MR. JOSEPH A. KENNEDY Chairman of the Ontarlo MAunicipal Board February 1, 1960 -October 31, 1972 at Heydenshore Pavillon, Whitby WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBIER 1, 1972 - 8:00 p.m. No admission charge, Question and answer period i m Fý ait#-jv

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