Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2, THU RSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS edi»torial 1 Library board As ane considers the library's succeeding intention ta take over tlîe town hal-despite the reactian tlîat intention lias engeiidered -anc must also coîîsider that tlîe library appears ta be just anotlîer piece of ivary ini Whitby's political clîess game. It was public belief durîîg carlier discussions on the mnîncipal building tlîis year, that the lh- brary as a portion of the tlîree-package deal alang witli tawn hall and police building, was being used as a political wlîipping boy by tawîî council. For even tiiose strenuously opposed ta a new tawn hall, àgreed just as vehiemeîitly tlîat tiiere was, and is. a definite need for a new library facility in Wlîitby. Tlîe ibrery could always strike out and buiid on its own. it appeared at the time. But somnelow over a period ai' ten years- througli tlîick and thin-it- neyer did. lndeed tlîe crarnped aid location on Dundas and Byron is not becoming ta house-the public reading niaterial of the fiast grawing caunty town. But a city block in tlîe neveu appraiséd tawn hall site ït Dunclas and Henry? It's too bad the library board hias scrapped plans for building on tlîe Reynolds Street site. Were they a little more liberal in thîcir spending, a httie less pretentioLîs ini tli choîce ai' site, tlîey mnay have perlîaps as Don Love lock of Myrtle Station said, spread it around a littie ta affer Canada's most valuable gift ta tlîe children of Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn as well, by mecans of sornetlîing tlîey caîl the bookm-obile. Perlîaps tlîe boakm-obiîe idea îsn't ecanomi- cally feasible, but we're talking about a library ta serve a population of sanie 26,000 which is spread out not just in Whitby praper but in Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. AIl the board ever lîad ta do where the pubiic's wislîes are con- cerned is ask and explore. If the present library board had not been adept enough ta put the cauincil in the ridiculous position of having ta negotiate witlî themi in using their own space, tlîey would have been just as guilty as tlîe council wlîere tlîe welt'are of tlîe public is concerned-just as asinine as tlîe politi- cians who bum bled thîcir way Lproariausly thî rougli just as shallow the tlîree-package deal, taing away a town hli wlîich was danated ta the people of the town barely a decade ago, a town hall which a portion of the people have openlly stated their desire to keep; just as wilili as those who endorsedl the the move ta take the police facility to Rossland Road because it is one politician's idea that Whitby growth miust take that trend; just as responsible for forcing a decision l'or a new town hall an the buirdenied-before-thiey-get-thiere new town couincil, and just as presunipittius for turn- ing aver a city block and a welI appointed, I1O- year-old, unal)praised building whiiclî belongs ta the people af* Wlîitby, ta a body whiichi may or mnay flot need aIl that space. No, the Iibriary board in playing the gaine w,,asîî't as asinine as the politicians since it 1h11)- penled ta end LII on tie advantageous side of thie lfénce. . . but they imay well lirove ta be every bit as greedy andcl sallow as some of' dhe 1972 pal i ticians. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice Ot the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn. * Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Office 212 Brock St. South. Mail box 206, Whitby. Phone 668-6111,668-6112. M Publisher W. "Bill" Durkee. PE Editor Judy Durkee. N SI)ortsIdîtor iDouge~ie Advertisîng iRon Winstanley. Prom otions Bob 1Burns J r. Graphic Art Consultant Ken W. Down. AILING ERMIT 0. 2941 readers Whiitby Free Press Dear Madamn: In your paper twa weeks ago you asked ali citizens lfor a naine of your awr( choice whio anc thinks rnost fit and quali 'fied for the office of Mayor of aur town in the tupcaming election in Deceîîîber.(I believe). Whien 1 read of thie foolishi way in whichi Council lias spent mon- ey on a durnb hiall at the lake and blindfolded lookecl aveu the shiape of' oLir sports facilities and indoar & outdoor pools in town 1 alimost weep. 1I may be middle-aged knit "by God!" we neecl soiihXne l' or 1leadersipl ta lielp give oLir chl- dren thiese chiances, sa we cati aIl stand togethier and say " aîn proud a1f miy counicil becauIse Witil tie lhelp offercd by ,ill the Service CIlubs in Whiitby 1 know we cain hiave oLir own Sparts Conîplex and my vole says only Couneillor Bob Attersley is awarc af' aur faitîts and is the mnan îîîost qualified l'or Mayvor. Thianking you. Gerry Brear FE1)IrI1OR$S NOTE: In liglît oh' the federai el- eîtion and the declaîr- alion of a candidate, we hiave exiendedXpub- lication)f hthe lindings write of our survey until a future date. We can say, however, that sup- port for Attersley as mayor at this tirne ap- pears very strong. To The Editor, Whitby Free Press In your paper, as well ~as ail the other local papers we se -ads by the Osliawa-Whitby P.C. Association telling us how Mike Staur is con- cernied about unernploy- ment and highi taxes. They even go so far as ta say the solution is simple. Back many moans ago when Mike Starr was Miniister of Labour (cir- ca I1968) hie must have uised somle "Simple SoIlu- t ions". We hiad in this COLntrý' something like I V/( of' aur work force oLnt af'work, \VC had in t'act the hlighiest unieuni- ploynment since the De- pression, even thoughi thie unemploymient belle- fits were only somiething like S30, the fund \vent dry. Thîe P.C.s' must be given credit for their ability ta use slogans.- such as. "Bill Davis is- doing thinigs fo r People"' and Johin Die- f'enbaker's "lI've gat a Vision." 0f' course Bill Davis sure did things f'or people in the first Continues page 19. -r&~us To ÀMY' WHI~ I~R 4cirO. sANQ FOR YOO ~ .Tc U~E/$.. '5~Z&9T ND~OU-APi m

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